Example #1
        public ScriptRecord GetScriptRecord(uint i)
            ScriptRecord sr = null;

            if (i < ScriptCount)
                uint offset = m_offsetScriptListTable + (uint)FieldOffsets.ScriptRecords + i*6;
                sr = new ScriptRecord();
                sr.ScriptTag = m_bufTable.GetTag(offset);
                sr.ScriptTableOffset = m_bufTable.GetUshort(offset+4);

            return sr;
Example #2
        public ScriptRecord GetScriptRecord(uint i)
            ScriptRecord sr = null;

            if (i < ScriptCount)
                uint offset = m_offsetScriptListTable + (uint)FieldOffsets.ScriptRecords + i * 6;
                sr                   = new ScriptRecord();
                sr.ScriptTag         = m_bufTable.GetTag(offset);
                sr.ScriptTableOffset = m_bufTable.GetUshort(offset + 4);

Example #3
        public static ScriptList CreateFrom(BinaryReader reader, long beginAt)


            reader.BaseStream.Seek(beginAt, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            //ScriptList table
            //Type 	Name 	Description
            //USHORT 	ScriptCount 	Number of ScriptRecords
            //struct 	ScriptRecord
            //[ScriptCount] 	Array of ScriptRecords
            //-listed alphabetically by ScriptTag
            //Type 	Name 	Description
            //Tag 	ScriptTag 	4-byte ScriptTag identifier
            //Offset 	Script 	Offset to Script table-from beginning of ScriptList

            ScriptList scriptList = new ScriptList();
            ushort scriptCount = reader.ReadUInt16();
            ScriptRecord[] scRecords = scriptList.scriptRecords = new ScriptRecord[scriptCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < scriptCount; ++i)
                //read script record
                scRecords[i] = new ScriptRecord(
                    reader.ReadUInt32(), //tag
            ScriptTable[] scriptTables = scriptList.scriptTables = new ScriptTable[scriptCount];
            //then read each
            for (int i = 0; i < scriptCount; ++i)
                ScriptRecord scriptRecord = scRecords[i];
                //move to
                ScriptTable scriptTable = ScriptTable.CreateFrom(reader, beginAt + scriptRecord.offset);
                scriptTable.scriptTag = scriptRecord.scriptTag;
                scriptTables[i] = scriptTable;
            return scriptList;
Example #4
        public static ScriptList CreateFrom(BinaryReader reader, long beginAt)
            reader.BaseStream.Seek(beginAt, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            //ScriptList table
            //Type  Name    Description
            //USHORT    ScriptCount     Number of ScriptRecords
            //struct    ScriptRecord
            //[ScriptCount]     Array of ScriptRecords
            //-listed alphabetically by ScriptTag
            //Type  Name    Description
            //Tag   ScriptTag   4-byte ScriptTag identifier
            //Offset    Script  Offset to Script table-from beginning of ScriptList

            ScriptList scriptList  = new ScriptList();
            ushort     scriptCount = reader.ReadUInt16();

            ScriptRecord[] scRecords = new ScriptRecord[scriptCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < scriptCount; ++i)
                //read script record
                scRecords[i] = new ScriptRecord(
                    reader.ReadUInt32(), //tag
                    reader.ReadInt16()); //offset
            ScriptTable[] scriptTables = scriptList.scriptTables = new ScriptTable[scriptCount];
            //then read each
            for (int i = 0; i < scriptCount; ++i)
                ScriptRecord scriptRecord = scRecords[i];
                //move to
                ScriptTable scriptTable = ScriptTable.CreateFrom(reader, beginAt + scriptRecord.offset);
                scriptTable.scriptTag = scriptRecord.scriptTag;
                scriptTables[i]       = scriptTable;
Example #5
 public ScriptTable_val GetScriptTable_val(ScriptRecord sr)
     return new ScriptTable_val((ushort)(m_offsetScriptListTable + sr.ScriptTableOffset), m_bufTable);
Example #6
 public ScriptTable_val GetScriptTable_val(ScriptRecord sr)
     return(new ScriptTable_val((ushort)(m_offsetScriptListTable + sr.ScriptTableOffset), m_bufTable));
Example #7
        public bool Validate(Validator v, string sIdentity, OTTable table)
            bool bRet          = true;
            bool bScriptListOk = true;

            // check that ScriptRecord array doesn't extend past end of table

            if (m_offsetScriptListTable + (uint)FieldOffsets.ScriptRecords + 6 * ScriptCount > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_ScriptListTable_E_ScriptRecordArray_pastEOT, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                bScriptListOk = false;
                bRet          = false;

            // check that ScriptRecord array is in alphabetical order
            if (ScriptCount > 1)
                for (uint i = 0; i < ScriptCount - 1; i++)
                    ScriptRecord srCurr = GetScriptRecord(i);
                    ScriptRecord srNext = GetScriptRecord(i + 1);
                    if (srCurr.ScriptTag >= srNext.ScriptTag)
                        v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_ScriptListTable_E_ScriptRecordArray_order, table.m_tag, sIdentity);
                        bScriptListOk = false;
                        bRet          = false;

            // check each ScriptRecord
            for (uint i = 0; i < ScriptCount; i++)
                // check the tag
                ScriptRecord sr = GetScriptRecord(i);
                if (!sr.ScriptTag.IsValid())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_ScriptListTable_E_ScriptRecord_tag, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", ScriptRecord[" + i + "]");
                    bScriptListOk = false;
                    bRet          = false;

                // check the offset
                if (m_offsetScriptListTable + sr.ScriptTableOffset > m_bufTable.GetLength())
                    v.Error(T.T_NULL, E._OTL_ScriptListTable_E_ScriptRecord_offset, table.m_tag, sIdentity + ", ScriptRecord[" + i + "]");
                    bScriptListOk = false;
                    bRet          = false;

                // validate the ScriptTable
                ScriptTable_val st = GetScriptTable_val(sr);
                bRet &= st.Validate(v, sIdentity + ", ScriptRecord[" + i + "](" + sr.ScriptTag + "), ScriptTable", table);

            if (bScriptListOk)
                v.Pass(T.T_NULL, P._OTL_ScriptListTable_P_valid, table.m_tag, sIdentity);

Example #8
 public void Script(byte[] script)
     Write((seq, opt) => ScriptRecord.Write(seq, opt, script));
Example #9
 public virtual ScriptTable GetScriptTable(ScriptRecord sr)
     return new ScriptTable((ushort)(m_offsetScriptListTable + sr.ScriptTableOffset), m_bufTable);
Example #10
 public virtual ScriptTable GetScriptTable(ScriptRecord sr)
     return(new ScriptTable((ushort)(m_offsetScriptListTable + sr.ScriptTableOffset), m_bufTable));