Example #1
        public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
            dollyCart = playerData as CinemachineDollyCart;
            // float finalSpeed = 0f;
            // float finalWeight = 0f;

            if (!dollyCart)


            int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount(); //get the number of all clips on this track

            for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
                float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
                ScriptPlayable <CMDollyCartBehaviour> inputPlayable = (ScriptPlayable <CMDollyCartBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
                CMDollyCartBehaviour input = inputPlayable.GetBehaviour();

                // finalWeight += inputWeight;

                // Use the above variables to process each frame of this playable.
                // finalSpeed += input.GetSpeed() * inputWeight;
                if (inputWeight == 1)
                    // var maxTime = Mathf.Min((float)inputPlayable.GetTime(), (float)inputPlayable.GetDuration());
                    dollyCart.m_Speed = 0;

                    switch (input.positionMode)
                    case CMDollyCartBehaviour.PositionMode.BaseOnOriginal:
                        dollyCart.m_Position = m_DefaultPosition + (float)(inputPlayable.GetTime() * input.speed);

                    case CMDollyCartBehaviour.PositionMode.CustomStart:
                        dollyCart.m_Position = input.customStart + (float)(inputPlayable.GetTime() * input.speed);

                    case CMDollyCartBehaviour.PositionMode.DeltaTime:
                        dollyCart.m_Position += (float)(info.deltaTime * input.speed);

            // Debug.Log(finalWeight);

            // dollyCart.m_Speed = 0;

            // if (finalWeight > 0)
            //     dollyCart.m_Position = m_DefaultPosition + (float)(playable.GetTime() * finalSpeed);
    public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
        Camera trackBinding = playerData as Camera;

        if (trackBinding == null)

        if (!DefaultFOWValue.HasValue)
            DefaultFOWValue = trackBinding.fieldOfView;

        float totalWeight = 0f;
        float blendedFOW  = 0f;

        for (int i = 0, inputCount = playable.GetInputCount(); i < inputCount; i++)
            ScriptPlayable <CameraDoTweenBehaviour> playableInput =
                (ScriptPlayable <CameraDoTweenBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);

            float weight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
            CameraDoTweenBehaviour behaviour = playableInput.GetBehaviour();

            blendedFOW  += behaviour.Evaluate(playableInput.GetTime(), Durations[i]).FOW *weight;
            totalWeight += weight;

        trackBinding.fieldOfView = blendedFOW + (1f - totalWeight) * DefaultFOWValue.Value;
    // NOTE: This function is called at runtime and edit time.  Keep that in mind when setting the values of properties.
    public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
        TextMesh trackBinding = playerData as TextMesh;

        if (!trackBinding)

        int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();

        for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
            float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);

            if (inputWeight < 1f)

            ScriptPlayable <FadeAnimationBehaviour> inputPlayable = (ScriptPlayable <FadeAnimationBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);

            FadeAnimationBehaviour input = inputPlayable.GetBehaviour();

            // Use the above variables to process each frame of this playable.
            double w = inputPlayable.GetTime() / inputPlayable.GetDuration();

            Color color = trackBinding.color;
            color.a            = input.Alpha.Evaluate((float)w);
            trackBinding.color = color;
 public void PreviewEditModePose(Playable playable, SkeletonAnimation spineComponent)
     if (!Application.isPlaying && (spineComponent != null))
         int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount <Playable>();
         int inputPort  = -1;
         for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
             if (playable.GetInputWeight <Playable>(i) >= 1f)
                 inputPort = i;
         if (inputPort != -1)
             ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour> input = (ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour>)playable.GetInput <Playable>(inputPort);
             SpineAnimationStateBehaviour behaviour = input.GetBehaviour();
             Skeleton skeleton = spineComponent.Skeleton;
             if ((behaviour.animationReference != null) && (spineComponent.SkeletonDataAsset.GetSkeletonData(true) != behaviour.animationReference.SkeletonDataAsset.GetSkeletonData(true)))
                 object[] args = new object[] { spineComponent.SkeletonDataAsset, behaviour.animationReference.SkeletonDataAsset };
                 Debug.LogWarningFormat("SpineAnimationStateMixerBehaviour tried to apply an animation for the wrong skeleton. Expected {0}. Was {1}", args);
             Spine.Animation from = null;
             float           time = 0f;
             bool            loop = false;
             if ((inputPort != 0) && (inputCount > 1))
                 ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour> playable3 = (ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour>)playable.GetInput <Playable>((inputPort - 1));
                 SpineAnimationStateBehaviour behaviour2 = playable3.GetBehaviour();
                 from = behaviour2.animationReference.Animation;
                 time = (float)playable3.GetTime <ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour> >();
                 loop = behaviour2.loop;
             Spine.Animation animation   = behaviour.animationReference.Animation;
             float           num6        = (float)input.GetTime <ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour> >();
             float           mixDuration = behaviour.mixDuration;
             if (!behaviour.customDuration && (from != null))
                 mixDuration = spineComponent.AnimationState.Data.GetMix(from, animation);
             if (((from != null) && (mixDuration > 0f)) && (num6 < mixDuration))
                 float alpha = 1f - (num6 / mixDuration);
                 alpha = (alpha <= 0.5f) ? (alpha * 2f) : 1f;
                 from.Apply(skeleton, 0f, time, loop, null, alpha, MixPose.Setup, MixDirection.Out);
                 animation.Apply(skeleton, 0f, num6, behaviour.loop, null, num6 / mixDuration, MixPose.Current, MixDirection.In);
                 animation.PoseSkeleton(skeleton, num6, behaviour.loop);
    public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
        if (cameraObj == null)
            if (playerData is GameObject)
                cameraObj = ((GameObject)playerData).GetComponent <Camera>();
            else if (playerData is Camera)
                cameraObj = playerData as Camera;
        if (cameraObj == null)

        int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();

        Vector3    blendedPosition = Vector3.zero;
        Quaternion blendedRotation = new Quaternion(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);

        for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
            ScriptPlayable <CameraEffectBehaviour> playableInput = (ScriptPlayable <CameraEffectBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
            CameraEffectBehaviour input = playableInput.GetBehaviour();

            float inputWeight    = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
            float normalisedTime = (float)(playableInput.GetTime() * input.inverseDuration);

            // if (input.Effect == null && input.EffectType != null)
            // {
            //     Type effectype = input.EffectType;
            //     input.Effect = (MonoBehaviour)cameraObj.gameObject.AddComponent(effectype);
            // }

            if (input.Effect != null)
                if (!effectList.Contains(input.Effect))
                if (inputWeight > 0)
                    input.Effect.enabled = true;
                    input.Effect.enabled = false;
        protected override void Process(Playable playable, FrameData info, TextMeshPro component,
                                        ScriptPlayable <TextMeshProMultiWordsBehaviour> input, float weight, int inputPort)
            var clip = input.GetBehaviour().Clip;

            if (weight > maxWeight)
                maxWeight = weight;
                time      = (float)input.GetTime();
                bpm       = clip.bpm;
                words     = clip.words;
Example #7
    //Happens every frame in Edit mode.
    //Uses transform.position of the units to approximate what they would do in Play mode with the NavMeshAgent
    private void ProcessEditModeFrame(Playable playable)
        previousInputFinalPositions = defaultPositions;
        int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();
        int unitCount  = trackBinding.units.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
            float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
            ScriptPlayable <AICommandBehaviour> inputPlayable = (ScriptPlayable <AICommandBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
            AICommandBehaviour input = inputPlayable.GetBehaviour();

            //Some actionTypes have special needs
            switch (input.commandType)
            case AICommand.CommandType.Die:
            case AICommand.CommandType.Stop:
                //Do nothing if it's a Die or Stop action
                continue;                         //Will skip to the next input clip in the for loop above

            case AICommand.CommandType.AttackTarget:
                //Force the finalPosition to the attack target in case of an Attack action
                if (input.targetUnit != null)
                    input.targetPosition = input.targetUnit.transform.position;

            //Create an array of final positions for the entire Platoon
            finalPositions = trackBinding.GetFormationPositions(input.targetPosition);

            if (inputWeight > 0f)
                double progress = inputPlayable.GetTime() / inputPlayable.GetDuration();
                newPositions = new Vector3[unitCount];
                for (int j = 0; j < unitCount; j++)
                    newPositions[j] = Vector3.Lerp(previousInputFinalPositions[j], finalPositions[j], (float)progress);

                previousInputFinalPositions = finalPositions;                 //cached to act as initial position for the next input
    // NOTE: This function is called at runtime and edit time.  Keep that in mind when setting the values of properties.
    public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
        MeshRenderer trackBinding = playerData as MeshRenderer;

        if (!trackBinding)

        Material material = trackBinding.sharedMaterial;

        if (!material)

        int clipsCountOnCurrentTrack = playable.GetInputCount(); //how many clips on current track

        float currentFrameValue = 0;
        int   nameHash          = -1;
        float totalWeight       = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < clipsCountOnCurrentTrack; i++)
            float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
            totalWeight += inputWeight;
            ScriptPlayable <MaterialFloatControlBehaviour> inputPlayable = (ScriptPlayable <MaterialFloatControlBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
            MaterialFloatControlBehaviour input = inputPlayable.GetBehaviour();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.attributeName))

            nameHash = Shader.PropertyToID(input.attributeName);

            float normalisedTime = (float)(inputPlayable.GetTime() / inputPlayable.GetDuration());
            float tweenProgress  = input.currentCurve.Evaluate(normalisedTime);

            currentFrameValue += ((1 - tweenProgress) * input.initialValue + tweenProgress * input.targetValue) * inputWeight;

        if (nameHash != -1)
            float originalValue = material.GetFloat(nameHash);
            material.SetFloat(nameHash, originalValue * (1 - totalWeight) + currentFrameValue);
Example #9
        public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
            base.ProcessFrame(playable, info, playerData);

            if (MainCamera == null)

            int       activeInputs   = 0;
            ClipInfo  clipA          = new ClipInfo();
            ClipInfo  clipB          = new ClipInfo();
            Texture2D overlayTexture = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < playable.GetInputCount(); ++i)
                float weight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
                ScriptPlayable <CameraFadePlayableBehaviour> clip = (ScriptPlayable <CameraFadePlayableBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);

                CameraFadePlayableBehaviour shot = clip.GetBehaviour();
                if (shot != null &&
                    shot.IsValid &&
                    playable.GetPlayState() == PlayState.Playing &&
                    weight > 0.0001f)
                    clipA = clipB;

                    clipB.weight         = weight;
                    clipB.localTime      = clip.GetTime();
                    clipB.duration       = clip.GetDuration();
                    clipB.overlayTexture = shot.overlayTexture;

                    if (++activeInputs == 2)

            overlayTexture = (clipB.overlayTexture != null) ? clipB.overlayTexture : clipA.overlayTexture;
            float _weight = clipB.weight;

            MainCamera.SetTimelineFadeOverride(overlayTexture, _weight);
Example #10
    public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
        m_TrackBinding = playerData as UITweener;

        if (m_TrackBinding == null)

        if (!m_FirstFrameHappened)
            m_FirstFrameHappened = true;

        int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();

        float totalWeight   = 0f;
        int   currentInputs = 0;

        blendedFactor = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
            float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
            ScriptPlayable <TweenerBehaviour> inputPlayable = (ScriptPlayable <TweenerBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
            TweenerBehaviour input = inputPlayable.GetBehaviour();

            float normalisedTime = (float)(inputPlayable.GetTime() * input.inverseDuration);
            blendedFactor += normalisedTime;// * inputWeight;

            totalWeight += inputWeight;

            if (!Mathf.Approximately(inputWeight, 0f))

        blendedFactor += defaultFactor * (1f - totalWeight);

        m_TrackBinding.ProgressNormalized = blendedFactor;
Example #11
        public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
            if (m_GameObject == null)
                m_GameObject = (GameObject)playerData;
            if (m_GameObject == null)
            int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();

            for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
                float _weight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
                ScriptPlayable <SkillShotPlayable> _shotPlayable = (ScriptPlayable <SkillShotPlayable>)playable.GetInput(i);
                SkillShotPlayable _shotbehaviour = _shotPlayable.GetBehaviour();

                float normalizedTime = (float)(_shotPlayable.GetTime() / _shotPlayable.GetDuration());
Example #12
        // NOTE: This function is called at runtime and edit time.  Keep that in mind when setting the values of properties.
        public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
            LocalTimeComponet trackBinding = playerData as LocalTimeComponet;

            if (!trackBinding)

            int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();

            var maxWeight = 0f;
            var time      = 0f;
            var duration  = 0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
                var weight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
                if (Mathf.Approximately(weight, 0))

                ScriptPlayable <LocalTimeBehaviour> inputPlayable =
                    (ScriptPlayable <LocalTimeBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
                LocalTimeBehaviour input = inputPlayable.GetBehaviour();

                // Use the above variables to process each frame of this playable.
                // NOTE: gam0022 単純なブレンドが難しい値は最もウェイトが高いクリップを採用
                if (weight > maxWeight)
                    time      = (float)inputPlayable.GetTime();
                    duration  = (float)inputPlayable.GetDuration();
                    maxWeight = weight;

            trackBinding.ApplyTime(time, duration);
Example #13
    public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
        if (particleSystem == null)
            if (playerData is GameObject)
                ParticleRoot = ((GameObject)playerData).transform;
            else if (playerData is ParticleSystem)
                ParticleRoot = ((ParticleSystem)playerData).gameObject.transform;

        if (ParticleSys == null)

        int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();

        for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
            ScriptPlayable <ParticleSystemControlBehaviour> playableInput = (ScriptPlayable <ParticleSystemControlBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
            ParticleSystemControlBehaviour input = playableInput.GetBehaviour();

            float inputWeight    = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
            float normalisedTime = (float)(playableInput.GetTime() * input.inverseDuration);

            if (ParticleSys != null)
                for (int j = 0; j < ParticleSys.Length; j++)
                    ParticleSys[j].Simulate(normalisedTime, true, true);
        // NOTE: This function is called at runtime and edit time.  Keep that in mind when setting the values of properties.
        public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
            DataListener trackBinding = playerData as DataListener;

            if (trackBinding == null)
                Debug.Log("Track without Trackbinding");

            int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();

            for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
                float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
                ScriptPlayable <RecordingBehaviour> inputPlayable =
                    (ScriptPlayable <RecordingBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
                RecordingBehaviour input = inputPlayable.GetBehaviour();

                // Use the above variables to process each frame of this playable.
                if (inputWeight > 0 && input.recording != null)
                    float timeS    = (float)inputPlayable.GetTime();
                    float duration = input.recording.duration;
                    if (duration > 0)
                        timeS = timeS % duration; //loop

                    IDataFrame frame = input.recording.GetDataFrame(timeS);
                    if (frame != null)
    // NOTE: This function is called at runtime and edit time.  Keep that in mind when setting the values of properties.
    public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
        m_TrackBinding = playerData as MediaPlayer;

        if (m_TrackBinding == null)

        if (!m_FirstFrameHappened)
            m_DefaultStartTime   = 0; //m_TrackBinding.Control.GetCurrentTimeMs();
            m_FirstFrameHappened = true;

        int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();

        for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
            // use for blending between clips
            //float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);

            ScriptPlayable <AVProVideoPlayableBehaviour> playableInput = (ScriptPlayable <AVProVideoPlayableBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
            //AVProVideoPlayableBehaviour input = playableInput.GetBehaviour();

            // Use the above variables to process each frame of this playable.

            //normalizedTime = (float)(playableInput.GetTime() * input.inverseDuration);
            normalizedTime = ((float)playableInput.GetTime()) * 1000f;

            if (m_TrackBinding.Control != null)
    public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
        Text trackBinding = playerData as Text;

        if (!trackBinding)

        int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();

        for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
            float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
            ScriptPlayable <ScrollingTextBehaviour> inputPlayable = (ScriptPlayable <ScrollingTextBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
            ScrollingTextBehaviour input = inputPlayable.GetBehaviour();

            if (Mathf.Approximately(inputWeight, 1f))
                string message = input.GetMessage((float)inputPlayable.GetTime());
                trackBinding.text = message;
Example #17
        // NOTE: This function is called at runtime and edit time.  Keep that in mind when setting the values of properties.
        public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
            int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();

            for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
                ScriptPlayable <TimelineAnimatorBehaviour> inputPlayable = (ScriptPlayable <TimelineAnimatorBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
                TimelineAnimatorBehaviour input = inputPlayable.GetBehaviour();

                if (!input.target || !input.target.activeSelf)

                if (inputPlayable.GetPlayState() != PlayState.Playing)

                // Use the above variables to process each frame of this playable.
                float timeNormalized = (float)(inputPlayable.GetTime() / input.duration);
                Animate(input, timeNormalized);
    // NOTE: This function is called at runtime and edit time.  Keep that in mind when setting the values of properties.
    public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
        int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();

        bool densityFieldCleared = false;

        //check the current time of timeline

        /*       PlayableDirector director = DFMRef_.gameObject.GetComponent<PlayableDirector>();
         *     int frame = -1;
         *     if (director != null)
         *     {
         #if UNITY_PS4
         *         int frameRate = 60;
         *         int frameRate = 90;
         *         //frame = (int)(director.time * frameRate);
         *     }
         *     if (lastMixerFrame == frame)
         *         return;
         *     lastMixerFrame = frame;*/

        for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
            float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);

            if (inputWeight > 0.0f)
                ScriptPlayable <PointCloudBehaviour> inputPlayable = (ScriptPlayable <PointCloudBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
                float time = (float)inputPlayable.GetTime();
                PointCloudBehaviour input = inputPlayable.GetBehaviour();

                if (input.PointCloudDirectory != input.PointCloudDirectoryInternal)

                if (input.frameFiles.Length == 0)

                if (!densityFieldCleared)
                    densityFieldCleared = true;

                int   newFrame = (int)(time * 30.0f);
                float fraction = (time * 30.0f) - (int)(time * 30.0f);
                Shader.SetGlobalFloat("_ArtSpaces_frame_fraction", fraction);

                bool forceReload = false;
                if (newFrame - input.frameNo != 0 && newFrame - input.frameNo != 1)
                    forceReload = true;
                input.frameNo = newFrame;

                if (input.frameNo >= input.frameFiles.Length)
                    input.frameNo = input.frameFiles.Length - 1;

                int nextFrameNo = newFrame + 1;

                if (nextFrameNo >= input.frameFiles.Length)
                    nextFrameNo = input.frameFiles.Length - 1;

                SetParticleClipFrameName(input.GetHashCode(), input.frameFiles[input.frameNo], input.frameFiles[nextFrameNo], fraction, inputWeight * input.influence, DFMRef_.Resolution,
                                         input.scale.x, input.scale.y, input.scale.z, input.translate.x, input.translate.y, input.translate.z, forceReload);

                //Debug.Log("Current frame: " + input.frameNo + "   Next frame: " + nextFrameNo + " fraction: " + fraction);

        DFMRef_.numPointCloudParticles_ = GenerateDensityField(GetHashCode());
        if (DFMRef_.numPointCloudParticles_ >= 0)
            DFMRef_.particleBuffer_.SetData(particles_, 0, 0, DFMRef_.numPointCloudParticles_);
    public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
        Transform trackBinding = playerData as Transform;

        if (trackBinding == null)

        Vector3    defaultPosition = trackBinding.position;
        Quaternion defaultRotation = trackBinding.rotation;

        int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();

        float positionTotalWeight = 0f;
        float rotationTotalWeight = 0f;

        Vector3    blendedPosition = Vector3.zero;
        Quaternion blendedRotation = new Quaternion(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);

        for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
            ScriptPlayable <TransformTweenBehaviour> playableInput = (ScriptPlayable <TransformTweenBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
            TransformTweenBehaviour input = playableInput.GetBehaviour();

            if (input.endLocation == null)

            float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);

            if (!m_FirstFrameHappened && !input.startLocation)
                input.startingPosition = defaultPosition;
                input.startingRotation = defaultRotation;

            float normalisedTime = (float)(playableInput.GetTime() / playableInput.GetDuration());
            float tweenProgress  = input.EvaluateCurrentCurve(normalisedTime);

            if (input.tweenPosition)
                positionTotalWeight += inputWeight;

                blendedPosition += Vector3.Lerp(input.startingPosition, input.endLocation.position, tweenProgress) * inputWeight;

            if (input.tweenRotation)
                rotationTotalWeight += inputWeight;

                Quaternion desiredRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(input.startingRotation, input.endLocation.rotation, tweenProgress);
                desiredRotation = NormalizeQuaternion(desiredRotation);

                if (Quaternion.Dot(blendedRotation, desiredRotation) < 0f)
                    desiredRotation = ScaleQuaternion(desiredRotation, -1f);

                desiredRotation = ScaleQuaternion(desiredRotation, inputWeight);

                blendedRotation = AddQuaternions(blendedRotation, desiredRotation);

        blendedPosition += defaultPosition * (1f - positionTotalWeight);
        Quaternion weightedDefaultRotation = ScaleQuaternion(defaultRotation, 1f - rotationTotalWeight);

        blendedRotation = AddQuaternions(blendedRotation, weightedDefaultRotation);

        trackBinding.position = blendedPosition;
        trackBinding.rotation = blendedRotation;

        m_FirstFrameHappened = true;
Example #20
    public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
        if (animator == null)
            if (playerData is GameObject)
                animator = ((GameObject)playerData).GetComponent <Animator>();
            else if (playerData is Animator)
                animator = playerData as Animator;

        if (animator == null)

        Vector3    defaultPosition = animator.gameObject.transform.position;
        Quaternion defaultRotation = animator.gameObject.transform.rotation;

        int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();

        if (clips.Count <= 0)
            mixer = AnimationPlayableUtilities.PlayMixer(animator, inputCount, out playableGraph);

        Vector3    blendedPosition           = Vector3.zero;
        Quaternion blendedRotation           = new Quaternion(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
        RuntimeAnimatorController controller = animator ? animator.runtimeAnimatorController as RuntimeAnimatorController : null;

        for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
            ScriptPlayable <AnimatorControlBehavior> playableInput = (ScriptPlayable <AnimatorControlBehavior>)playable.GetInput(i);
            AnimatorControlBehavior input = playableInput.GetBehaviour();

            float inputWeight    = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
            float normalisedTime = (float)(playableInput.GetTime() * input.inverseDuration);

            if (input.Clip == null || input.Clip.name != input.ClipName)
                for (int j = 0; j < controller.animationClips.Length; j++)
                    AnimationClip clip = controller.animationClips[j];

                    if (clip.name == input.ClipName)
                        input.Clip = clip;
            if (input.Clip)
                if (clips.Count <= i)
                    AnimationClipPlayable clipplay = AnimationClipPlayable.Create(playableGraph, input.Clip);
                    playableGraph.Connect(clipplay, 0, mixer, i);
                mixer.SetInputWeight(i, inputWeight);
                clips[i].SetTime((double)normalisedTime * input.Clip.length);
        if (!Application.isPlaying)
Example #21
        public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
            base.ProcessFrame(playable, info, playerData);

            if (MainCamera == null)

            int      activeInputs   = 0;
            ClipInfo clipA          = new ClipInfo();
            ClipInfo clipB          = new ClipInfo();
            float    shakeIntensity = 0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < playable.GetInputCount(); ++i)
                float weight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
                ScriptPlayable <MainCameraPlayableBehaviour> clip = (ScriptPlayable <MainCameraPlayableBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);

                MainCameraPlayableBehaviour shot = clip.GetBehaviour();

                if (shot != null)
                    callCustomEvents = shot.callCustomEvents;

                if (shot != null &&
                    shot.IsValid &&
                    playable.GetPlayState() == PlayState.Playing &&
                    weight > 0.0001f)
                    clipA = clipB;

                    clipB.camera         = shot.gameCamera;
                    clipB.weight         = weight;
                    clipB.localTime      = clip.GetTime();
                    clipB.duration       = clip.GetDuration();
                    clipB.shakeIntensity = shot.shakeIntensity;

                    if (++activeInputs == 2)
            // Figure out which clip is incoming
            bool incomingIsB = clipB.weight >= 1 || clipB.localTime < clipB.duration / 2;

            if (activeInputs == 2)
                if (clipB.localTime > clipA.localTime)
                    incomingIsB = true;
                else if (clipB.localTime < clipA.localTime)
                    incomingIsB = false;
                    incomingIsB = clipB.duration >= clipA.duration;

            shakeIntensity = incomingIsB ? clipB.shakeIntensity : clipA.shakeIntensity;

            _Camera cameraA    = incomingIsB ? clipA.camera : clipB.camera;
            _Camera cameraB    = incomingIsB ? clipB.camera : clipA.camera;
            float   camWeightB = incomingIsB ? clipB.weight : 1 - clipB.weight;

            if (cameraB == null)
                cameraB    = cameraA;
                cameraA    = null;
                camWeightB = 1f - camWeightB;

            if (incomingIsB)
                shakeIntensity = (clipA.shakeIntensity * (1f - camWeightB)) + (clipB.shakeIntensity * camWeightB);
                shakeIntensity = (clipB.shakeIntensity * (1f - camWeightB)) + (clipA.shakeIntensity * camWeightB);

            MainCamera.SetTimelineOverride(cameraA, cameraB, camWeightB, shakeIntensity);

            if (callCustomEvents)
                _Camera thisFrameCamera = (incomingIsB) ? cameraB : cameraA;
                if (thisFrameCamera != lastFrameCamera)
                    KickStarter.eventManager.Call_OnSwitchCamera(lastFrameCamera, thisFrameCamera, 0f);
                    lastFrameCamera = thisFrameCamera;
Example #22
        public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
            Transform targetTransform = playerData as Transform;

            if (targetTransform == null)

            Vector3    originalPosition    = targetTransform.position;
            Quaternion originalRotation    = targetTransform.rotation;
            Vector3    originalScale       = targetTransform.localScale;
            Vector3    originalEulerAngles = targetTransform.localEulerAngles;

            Vector3    outputPosition    = Vector3.zero;
            Quaternion outputRotation    = new Quaternion(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
            Vector3    outputScale       = Vector3.zero;
            Vector3    outputEulerAngles = Vector3.zero;

            float positionWeight = 0f;
            float rotationWeight = 0f;
            float scaleWeight    = 0f;

            int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();

            for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
                ScriptPlayable <EZTransformTweenBehaviour> inputPlayable = (ScriptPlayable <EZTransformTweenBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
                EZTransformTweenBehaviour inputBehaviour = inputPlayable.GetBehaviour();
                if (inputBehaviour.endPoint == null)

                float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
                if (!started && !inputBehaviour.startPoint)
                    inputBehaviour.startPosition = originalPosition;
                    inputBehaviour.startRotation = originalRotation;
                    inputBehaviour.startScale    = originalScale;
                float normalizedTime = (float)(inputPlayable.GetTime() / inputPlayable.GetDuration());
                float process        = inputBehaviour.curve.Evaluate(normalizedTime);

                if (inputBehaviour.tweenPosition)
                    positionWeight += inputWeight;
                    outputPosition += Vector3.Lerp(inputBehaviour.startPosition, inputBehaviour.endPoint.position, process) * inputWeight;
                if (inputBehaviour.tweenRotation)
                    rotationWeight += inputWeight;
                    Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(inputBehaviour.startRotation, inputBehaviour.endPoint.rotation, process);
#if UNITY_2018_1
                    targetRotation = targetRotation.Normalize();
                    if (Quaternion.Dot(outputRotation, targetRotation) < 0f)
                        targetRotation = targetRotation.Scale(-1f);
                    targetRotation     = targetRotation.Scale(inputWeight);
                    outputRotation     = outputRotation.Add(targetRotation);
                    outputEulerAngles += Vector3.Lerp(inputBehaviour.startEulerAngles, inputBehaviour.endEulerAngles, process) * inputWeight;
                if (inputBehaviour.tweenScale)
                    scaleWeight += inputWeight;
                    outputScale += Vector3.Lerp(inputBehaviour.startScale, inputBehaviour.endPoint.localScale, process) * inputWeight;
            targetTransform.position = outputPosition + originalPosition * (1f - positionWeight);
            if (eulerRotation)
                targetTransform.localEulerAngles = outputEulerAngles + originalEulerAngles * (1f - rotationWeight);
                targetTransform.rotation = outputRotation.Add(originalRotation.Scale(1f - rotationWeight));
            targetTransform.localScale = outputScale + originalScale * (1f - scaleWeight);
            started = true;
Example #23
        public void PreviewEditModePose(Playable playable, SkeletonAnimation trackBinding)
            if (Application.isPlaying)
            if (trackBinding == null)

            int inputCount    = playable.GetInputCount();
            int lastOneWeight = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
                float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
                if (inputWeight >= 1)
                    lastOneWeight = i;

            if (lastOneWeight != -1)
                ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour> inputPlayableClip = (ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(lastOneWeight);
                SpineAnimationStateBehaviour clipBehaviourData = inputPlayableClip.GetBehaviour();

                var skeleton     = trackBinding.Skeleton;
                var skeletonData = trackBinding.Skeleton.Data;

                ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour> fromClip;
                Animation fromAnimation = null;
                float     fromClipTime  = 0;
                bool      fromClipLoop  = false;
                if (lastOneWeight != 0 && inputCount > 1)
                    fromClip = (ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(lastOneWeight - 1);
                    var fromClipData = fromClip.GetBehaviour();
                    fromAnimation = skeletonData.FindAnimation(fromClipData.animationName);
                    fromClipTime  = (float)fromClip.GetTime();
                    fromClipLoop  = fromClipData.loop;

                Animation toAnimation = skeletonData.FindAnimation(clipBehaviourData.animationName);
                float     toClipTime  = (float)inputPlayableClip.GetTime();
                float     mixDuration = clipBehaviourData.mixDuration;
                if (!clipBehaviourData.customDuration && fromAnimation != null)
                    mixDuration = trackBinding.AnimationState.Data.GetMix(fromAnimation, toAnimation);

                // Approximate what AnimationState might do at runtime.
                if (fromAnimation != null && mixDuration > 0 && toClipTime < mixDuration)
                    float fauxFromAlpha = (1f - toClipTime / mixDuration);
                    fauxFromAlpha = fauxFromAlpha > 0.5f ? 1f : fauxFromAlpha * 2f;                                                     // fake value, but reduce dip.
                    fromAnimation.Apply(skeleton, 0, fromClipTime, fromClipLoop, null, fauxFromAlpha, MixPose.Setup, MixDirection.Out); //fromAnimation.PoseSkeleton(skeleton, fromClipTime, fromClipLoop);
                    toAnimation.Apply(skeleton, 0, toClipTime, clipBehaviourData.loop, null, toClipTime / mixDuration, MixPose.Current, MixDirection.In);
                    toAnimation.PoseSkeleton(skeleton, toClipTime, clipBehaviourData.loop);
            // Do nothing outside of the first clip and the last clip.
        // NOTE: This function is called at runtime and edit time. Keep that in mind when setting the values of properties.
        public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
            var skeletonAnimation = playerData as SkeletonAnimation;
            var skeletonGraphic   = playerData as SkeletonGraphic;

            animationStateComponent = playerData as IAnimationStateComponent;
            var skeletonComponent = playerData as ISkeletonComponent;

            if (animationStateComponent.IsNullOrDestroyed() || skeletonComponent == null)

            var skeleton = skeletonComponent.Skeleton;
            var state    = animationStateComponent.AnimationState;

            if (!Application.isPlaying)
                PreviewEditModePose(playable, skeletonComponent, animationStateComponent,
                                    skeletonAnimation, skeletonGraphic);

            int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();

            // Ensure correct buffer size.
            if (this.lastInputWeights == null || this.lastInputWeights.Length < inputCount)
                this.lastInputWeights = new float[inputCount];

                for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
                    this.lastInputWeights[i] = default(float);
            var  lastInputWeights = this.lastInputWeights;
            int  numStartingClips = 0;
            bool anyClipPlaying   = false;

            // Check all clips. If a clip that was weight 0 turned into weight 1, call SetAnimation.
            for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
                float lastInputWeight = lastInputWeights[i];
                float inputWeight     = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
                bool  clipStarted     = lastInputWeight == 0 && inputWeight > 0;
                if (inputWeight > 0)
                    anyClipPlaying = true;
                lastInputWeights[i] = inputWeight;

                if (clipStarted && numStartingClips < 2)
                    ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour> clipPlayable = (ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
                    startingClips[numStartingClips++] = clipPlayable;
            // unfortunately order of clips can be wrong when two start at the same time, we have to sort clips
            if (numStartingClips == 2)
                ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour> clipPlayable0 = startingClips[0];
                ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour> clipPlayable1 = startingClips[1];
                if (clipPlayable0.GetDuration() > clipPlayable1.GetDuration())                   // swap, clip 0 ends after clip 1
                    startingClips[0] = clipPlayable1;
                    startingClips[1] = clipPlayable0;

            for (int j = 0; j < numStartingClips; ++j)
                ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour> clipPlayable = startingClips[j];
                SpineAnimationStateBehaviour clipData = clipPlayable.GetBehaviour();
                pauseWithDirector = !clipData.dontPauseWithDirector;
                endAtClipEnd      = !clipData.dontEndWithClip;
                endMixOutDuration = clipData.endMixOutDuration;

                if (clipData.animationReference == null)
                    float mixDuration = clipData.customDuration ? GetCustomMixDuration(clipData) : state.Data.DefaultMix;
                    state.SetEmptyAnimation(trackIndex, mixDuration);
                    if (clipData.animationReference.Animation != null)
                        TrackEntry       currentEntry = state.GetCurrent(trackIndex);
                        Spine.TrackEntry trackEntry;
                        float            customMixDuration = clipData.customDuration ? GetCustomMixDuration(clipData) : 0.0f;
                        if (currentEntry == null && customMixDuration > 0)
                            state.SetEmptyAnimation(trackIndex, 0);                             // ease in requires empty animation
                            trackEntry = state.AddAnimation(trackIndex, clipData.animationReference.Animation, clipData.loop, 0);
                            trackEntry = state.SetAnimation(trackIndex, clipData.animationReference.Animation, clipData.loop);

                        trackEntry.EventThreshold      = clipData.eventThreshold;
                        trackEntry.DrawOrderThreshold  = clipData.drawOrderThreshold;
                        trackEntry.TrackTime           = (float)clipPlayable.GetTime() * (float)clipPlayable.GetSpeed();
                        trackEntry.TimeScale           = (float)clipPlayable.GetSpeed();
                        trackEntry.AttachmentThreshold = clipData.attachmentThreshold;
                        trackEntry.HoldPrevious        = clipData.holdPrevious;

                        if (clipData.customDuration)
                            trackEntry.MixDuration = customMixDuration;

                        timelineStartedTrackEntry = trackEntry;
                    //else Debug.LogWarningFormat("Animation named '{0}' not found", clipData.animationName);

                // Ensure that the first frame ends with an updated mesh.
                if (skeletonAnimation)
                else if (skeletonGraphic)
            startingClips[0] = startingClips[1] = ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour> .Null;
            if (lastAnyClipPlaying && !anyClipPlaying)
            this.lastAnyClipPlaying = anyClipPlaying;
        public void PreviewEditModePose(Playable playable,
                                        ISkeletonComponent skeletonComponent, IAnimationStateComponent animationStateComponent,
                                        SkeletonAnimation skeletonAnimation, SkeletonGraphic skeletonGraphic)
            if (Application.isPlaying)
            if (animationStateComponent.IsNullOrDestroyed() || skeletonComponent == null)

            int inputCount             = playable.GetInputCount();
            int lastNonZeroWeightTrack = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
                float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
                if (inputWeight > 0)
                    lastNonZeroWeightTrack = i;

            if (lastNonZeroWeightTrack != -1)
                ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour> inputPlayableClip =
                    (ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(lastNonZeroWeightTrack);
                SpineAnimationStateBehaviour clipData = inputPlayableClip.GetBehaviour();

                var skeleton = skeletonComponent.Skeleton;

                bool skeletonDataMismatch = clipData.animationReference != null && clipData.animationReference.SkeletonDataAsset &&
                                            skeletonComponent.SkeletonDataAsset.GetSkeletonData(true) != clipData.animationReference.SkeletonDataAsset.GetSkeletonData(true);
                if (skeletonDataMismatch)
                    Debug.LogWarningFormat("SpineAnimationStateMixerBehaviour tried to apply an animation for the wrong skeleton. Expected {0}. Was {1}",
                                           skeletonComponent.SkeletonDataAsset, clipData.animationReference.SkeletonDataAsset);

                // Getting the from-animation here because it's required to get the mix information from AnimationStateData.
                Animation fromAnimation = null;
                float     fromClipTime  = 0;
                bool      fromClipLoop  = false;
                if (lastNonZeroWeightTrack != 0 && inputCount > 1)
                    var fromClip     = (ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(lastNonZeroWeightTrack - 1);
                    var fromClipData = fromClip.GetBehaviour();
                    fromAnimation = fromClipData.animationReference != null ? fromClipData.animationReference.Animation : null;
                    fromClipTime  = (float)fromClip.GetTime() * (float)fromClip.GetSpeed();
                    fromClipLoop  = fromClipData.loop;

                Animation toAnimation = clipData.animationReference != null ? clipData.animationReference.Animation : null;
                float     toClipTime  = (float)inputPlayableClip.GetTime() * (float)inputPlayableClip.GetSpeed();
                float     mixDuration = clipData.mixDuration;

                if (!clipData.customDuration && fromAnimation != null && toAnimation != null)
                    mixDuration = animationStateComponent.AnimationState.Data.GetMix(fromAnimation, toAnimation);

                if (trackIndex == 0)

                // Approximate what AnimationState might do at runtime.
                if (fromAnimation != null && mixDuration > 0 && toClipTime < mixDuration)
                    dummyAnimationState = dummyAnimationState ?? new AnimationState(skeletonComponent.SkeletonDataAsset.GetAnimationStateData());

                    var  toEntry   = dummyAnimationState.GetCurrent(0);
                    var  fromEntry = toEntry != null ? toEntry.MixingFrom : null;
                    bool isAnimationTransitionMatch = (toEntry != null && toEntry.Animation == toAnimation && fromEntry != null && fromEntry.Animation == fromAnimation);

                    if (!isAnimationTransitionMatch)
                        fromEntry = dummyAnimationState.SetAnimation(0, fromAnimation, fromClipLoop);
                        if (toAnimation != null)
                            toEntry = dummyAnimationState.SetAnimation(0, toAnimation, clipData.loop);
                            toEntry.HoldPrevious = clipData.holdPrevious;

                    // Update track times.
                    fromEntry.TrackTime = fromClipTime;
                    if (toEntry != null)
                        toEntry.TrackTime = toClipTime;
                        toEntry.MixTime   = toClipTime;

                    // Apply Pose
                    if (toAnimation != null)
                        toAnimation.Apply(skeleton, 0, toClipTime, clipData.loop, null, 1f, MixBlend.Setup, MixDirection.In);

                if (skeletonAnimation)
                else if (skeletonGraphic)
            // Do nothing outside of the first clip and the last clip.
Example #26
        public void PreviewEditModePose(Playable playable, SkeletonAnimation spineComponent)
            if (Application.isPlaying)
            if (spineComponent == null)

            int inputCount    = playable.GetInputCount();
            int lastOneWeight = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
                float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
                if (inputWeight >= 1)
                    lastOneWeight = i;

            if (lastOneWeight != -1)
                ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour> inputPlayableClip = (ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(lastOneWeight);
                SpineAnimationStateBehaviour clipData = inputPlayableClip.GetBehaviour();

                var skeleton = spineComponent.Skeleton;

                bool skeletonDataMismatch = clipData.animationReference != null && spineComponent.SkeletonDataAsset.GetSkeletonData(true) != clipData.animationReference.SkeletonDataAsset.GetSkeletonData(true);
                if (skeletonDataMismatch)
                    Debug.LogWarningFormat("SpineAnimationStateMixerBehaviour tried to apply an animation for the wrong skeleton. Expected {0}. Was {1}", spineComponent.SkeletonDataAsset, clipData.animationReference.SkeletonDataAsset);

                // Getting the from-animation here because it's required to get the mix information from AnimationStateData.
                Animation fromAnimation = null;
                float     fromClipTime  = 0;
                bool      fromClipLoop  = false;
                if (lastOneWeight != 0 && inputCount > 1)
                    var fromClip     = (ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(lastOneWeight - 1);
                    var fromClipData = fromClip.GetBehaviour();
                    fromAnimation = fromClipData.animationReference.Animation;
                    fromClipTime  = (float)fromClip.GetTime();
                    fromClipLoop  = fromClipData.loop;

                Animation toAnimation = clipData.animationReference.Animation;
                float     toClipTime  = (float)inputPlayableClip.GetTime();
                float     mixDuration = clipData.mixDuration;

                if (!clipData.customDuration && fromAnimation != null)
                    mixDuration = spineComponent.AnimationState.Data.GetMix(fromAnimation, toAnimation);

                // Approximate what AnimationState might do at runtime.
                if (fromAnimation != null && mixDuration > 0 && toClipTime < mixDuration)
                    float fauxFromAlpha = (1f - toClipTime / mixDuration);
                    fauxFromAlpha = fauxFromAlpha > 0.5f ? 1f : fauxFromAlpha * 2f;                                                     // fake value, but reduce dip.
                    fromAnimation.Apply(skeleton, 0, fromClipTime, fromClipLoop, null, fauxFromAlpha, MixPose.Setup, MixDirection.Out); //fromAnimation.PoseSkeleton(skeleton, fromClipTime, fromClipLoop);
                    toAnimation.Apply(skeleton, 0, toClipTime, clipData.loop, null, toClipTime / mixDuration, MixPose.Current, MixDirection.In);
                    toAnimation.PoseSkeleton(skeleton, toClipTime, clipData.loop);
            // Do nothing outside of the first clip and the last clip.
        public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
            Transform targetTransform = playerData as Transform;

            if (targetTransform == null)

            Vector3    originalPosition = targetTransform.position;
            Quaternion originalRotation = targetTransform.rotation;
            Vector3    originalScale    = targetTransform.localScale;

            Vector3    outputPosition = Vector3.zero;
            Quaternion outputRotation = new Quaternion(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
            Vector3    outputScale    = Vector3.zero;

            float positionWeight = 0f;
            float rotationWeight = 0f;
            float scaleWeight    = 0f;

            int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();

            for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
                ScriptPlayable <EZTransformTweenBehaviour> inputPlayable = (ScriptPlayable <EZTransformTweenBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
                EZTransformTweenBehaviour inputBehaviour = inputPlayable.GetBehaviour();

                float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
                if (!started && !inputBehaviour.startPoint)
                    inputBehaviour.startPosition = originalPosition;
                    inputBehaviour.startRotation = originalRotation;
                    inputBehaviour.startScale    = originalScale;
                float normalizedTime = (float)(inputPlayable.GetTime() / inputPlayable.GetDuration());
                float process        = inputBehaviour.curve.Evaluate(normalizedTime);

                if (inputBehaviour.tweenPosition && inputBehaviour.endPoint != null)
                    positionWeight += inputWeight;
                    outputPosition += Vector3.Lerp(inputBehaviour.startPosition, inputBehaviour.endPoint.position, process) * inputWeight;
                if (inputBehaviour.tweenRotation)
                    if (inputBehaviour.endPoint != null)
                        rotationWeight += inputWeight;
                        Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(inputBehaviour.startRotation, inputBehaviour.endPoint.rotation, process);
                        outputRotation = QuaternionExt.Cumulate(outputRotation, targetRotation.Scale(inputWeight));
                if (inputBehaviour.tweenScale && inputBehaviour.endPoint != null)
                    scaleWeight += inputWeight;
                    outputScale += Vector3.Lerp(inputBehaviour.startScale, inputBehaviour.endPoint.localScale, process) * inputWeight;
            if (positionWeight > 1e-5)
                targetTransform.position = outputPosition + originalPosition * (1f - positionWeight);
            if (rotationWeight > 1e-5)
                targetTransform.rotation = QuaternionExt.Cumulate(outputRotation, originalRotation.Scale(1f - rotationWeight));
            if (scaleWeight > 1e-5)
                targetTransform.localScale = outputScale + originalScale * (1f - scaleWeight);
            started = true;
        public void PreviewEditModePose(Playable playable, SkeletonAnimation spineComponent)
            if (Application.isPlaying)
            if (spineComponent == null)

            int inputCount    = playable.GetInputCount();
            int lastOneWeight = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
                float inputWeight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
                if (inputWeight >= 1)
                    lastOneWeight = i;

            if (lastOneWeight != -1)
                ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour> inputPlayableClip = (ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(lastOneWeight);
                SpineAnimationStateBehaviour clipData = inputPlayableClip.GetBehaviour();

                var skeleton = spineComponent.Skeleton;

                bool skeletonDataMismatch = clipData.animationReference != null && spineComponent.SkeletonDataAsset.GetSkeletonData(true) != clipData.animationReference.SkeletonDataAsset.GetSkeletonData(true);
                if (skeletonDataMismatch)
                    Debug.LogWarningFormat("SpineAnimationStateMixerBehaviour tried to apply an animation for the wrong skeleton. Expected {0}. Was {1}", spineComponent.SkeletonDataAsset, clipData.animationReference.SkeletonDataAsset);

                // Getting the from-animation here because it's required to get the mix information from AnimationStateData.
                Animation fromAnimation = null;
                float     fromClipTime  = 0;
                bool      fromClipLoop  = false;
                if (lastOneWeight != 0 && inputCount > 1)
                    var fromClip     = (ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(lastOneWeight - 1);
                    var fromClipData = fromClip.GetBehaviour();
                    fromAnimation = fromClipData.animationReference != null ? fromClipData.animationReference.Animation : null;
                    fromClipTime  = (float)fromClip.GetTime();
                    fromClipLoop  = fromClipData.loop;

                Animation toAnimation = clipData.animationReference != null ? clipData.animationReference.Animation : null;
                float     toClipTime  = (float)inputPlayableClip.GetTime();
                float     mixDuration = clipData.mixDuration;

                if (!clipData.customDuration && fromAnimation != null && toAnimation != null)
                    mixDuration = spineComponent.AnimationState.Data.GetMix(fromAnimation, toAnimation);

                // Approximate what AnimationState might do at runtime.
                if (fromAnimation != null && mixDuration > 0 && toClipTime < mixDuration)
                    dummyAnimationState = dummyAnimationState ?? new AnimationState(spineComponent.skeletonDataAsset.GetAnimationStateData());

                    var  toTrack   = dummyAnimationState.GetCurrent(0);
                    var  fromTrack = toTrack != null ? toTrack.mixingFrom : null;
                    bool isAnimationTransitionMatch = (toTrack != null && toTrack.animation == toAnimation && fromTrack != null && fromTrack.animation == fromAnimation);

                    if (!isAnimationTransitionMatch)
                        fromTrack = dummyAnimationState.SetAnimation(0, fromAnimation, fromClipLoop);
                        if (toAnimation != null)
                            toTrack = dummyAnimationState.SetAnimation(0, toAnimation, clipData.loop);

                    // Update track times.
                    fromTrack.trackTime = fromClipTime;
                    if (toTrack != null)
                        toTrack.trackTime = toClipTime;
                        toTrack.mixTime   = toClipTime;

                    // Apply Pose
                    if (toAnimation != null)
                        toAnimation.PoseSkeleton(skeleton, toClipTime, clipData.loop);
            // Do nothing outside of the first clip and the last clip.
        // NOTE: This function is called at runtime and edit time. Keep that in mind when setting the values of properties.
        public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
            var skeletonAnimation       = playerData as SkeletonAnimation;
            var skeletonGraphic         = playerData as SkeletonGraphic;
            var animationStateComponent = playerData as IAnimationStateComponent;
            var skeletonComponent       = playerData as ISkeletonComponent;

            if (animationStateComponent == null || skeletonComponent == null)

            var skeleton = skeletonComponent.Skeleton;
            var state    = animationStateComponent.AnimationState;

            if (!Application.isPlaying)
                                #if SPINE_EDITMODEPOSE
                PreviewEditModePose(playable, skeletonComponent, animationStateComponent,
                                    skeletonAnimation, skeletonGraphic);

            int inputCount = playable.GetInputCount();

            // Ensure correct buffer size.
            if (this.lastInputWeights == null || this.lastInputWeights.Length < inputCount)
                this.lastInputWeights = new float[inputCount];

                for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
                    this.lastInputWeights[i] = default(float);
            var lastInputWeights = this.lastInputWeights;

            // Check all clips. If a clip that was weight 0 turned into weight 1, call SetAnimation.
            for (int i = 0; i < inputCount; i++)
                float lastInputWeight = lastInputWeights[i];
                float inputWeight     = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
                bool  trackStarted    = lastInputWeight == 0 && inputWeight > 0;
                lastInputWeights[i] = inputWeight;

                if (trackStarted)
                    ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour> inputPlayable = (ScriptPlayable <SpineAnimationStateBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);
                    SpineAnimationStateBehaviour clipData = inputPlayable.GetBehaviour();

                    if (clipData.animationReference == null)
                        float mixDuration = clipData.customDuration ? clipData.mixDuration : state.Data.DefaultMix;
                        state.SetEmptyAnimation(trackIndex, mixDuration);
                        if (clipData.animationReference.Animation != null)
                            Spine.TrackEntry trackEntry = state.SetAnimation(trackIndex, clipData.animationReference.Animation, clipData.loop);

                            trackEntry.EventThreshold      = clipData.eventThreshold;
                            trackEntry.DrawOrderThreshold  = clipData.drawOrderThreshold;
                            trackEntry.TrackTime           = (float)inputPlayable.GetTime() * (float)inputPlayable.GetSpeed();
                            trackEntry.TimeScale           = (float)inputPlayable.GetSpeed();
                            trackEntry.AttachmentThreshold = clipData.attachmentThreshold;
                            trackEntry.HoldPrevious        = clipData.holdPrevious;

                            if (clipData.customDuration)
                                trackEntry.MixDuration = clipData.mixDuration;
                        //else Debug.LogWarningFormat("Animation named '{0}' not found", clipData.animationName);

                    // Ensure that the first frame ends with an updated mesh.
                    if (skeletonAnimation)
                    else if (skeletonGraphic)
Example #30
        public override void ProcessFrame(Playable playable, FrameData info, object playerData)
            base.ProcessFrame(playable, info, playerData);

            if (_character == null)
                GameObject characterObject = playerData as GameObject;
                if (characterObject)
                    _character = characterObject.GetComponent <AC.Char>();

            if (_character)
                int       activeInputs   = 0;
                ClipInfo  clipA          = new ClipInfo();
                ClipInfo  clipB          = new ClipInfo();
                Transform headTurnTarget = null;
                Vector3   headTurnOffset = Vector3.zero;

                for (int i = 0; i < playable.GetInputCount(); ++i)
                    float weight = playable.GetInputWeight(i);
                    ScriptPlayable <HeadTurnPlayableBehaviour> clip = (ScriptPlayable <HeadTurnPlayableBehaviour>)playable.GetInput(i);

                    HeadTurnPlayableBehaviour shot = clip.GetBehaviour();
                    if (shot != null &&
                        shot.IsValid &&
                        playable.GetPlayState() == PlayState.Playing &&
                        weight > 0.0001f)
                        clipA = clipB;

                        clipB.weight         = weight;
                        clipB.localTime      = clip.GetTime();
                        clipB.duration       = clip.GetDuration();
                        clipB.headTurnTarget = shot.headTurnTarget;
                        clipB.headTurnOffset = shot.headTurnOffset;

                        if (++activeInputs == 2)

                headTurnTarget = (clipB.headTurnTarget) ? clipB.headTurnTarget : clipA.headTurnTarget;
                float _weight = clipB.weight;

                if (clipA.headTurnTarget)
                    headTurnOffset = (clipB.headTurnOffset * clipB.weight) + (clipA.headTurnOffset * clipA.weight);
                    headTurnOffset = clipB.headTurnOffset;

                _character.SetTimelineHeadTurnOverride(headTurnTarget, headTurnOffset, _weight);