private void Initialise() { if (m_script != null) { return; } try { if (m_scriptConstructor == null) { m_script = m_scriptFactory.CreateScript(m_scriptString, m_scriptContext, false, false); } else { m_script = m_scriptConstructor.Create(m_scriptString, m_scriptContext); m_script.Line = m_scriptString; } } catch { if (!m_worldModel.EditMode) { throw; } m_script = new FailedScript(m_scriptString); if (m_scriptConstructor == null) { m_script = new MultiScript(m_scriptFactory.WorldModel, m_script); } } m_script.Parent = m_parent; m_scriptString = null; }
public IScript Create(string script, ScriptContext scriptContext) { string callback = Utility.GetScript(script.Substring(Keyword.Length).Trim()); IScript callbackScript = ScriptFactory.CreateScript(callback); return(new OnReadyScript(scriptContext, ScriptFactory, callbackScript)); }
public IScript Create(string script, Element proc) { string callback = Utility.GetScript(script.Substring(8).Trim()); IScript callbackScript = ScriptFactory.CreateScript(callback); return(new OnReadyScript(ScriptFactory, callbackScript)); }
public IScript Create(string script, Element proc) { // Get script after "firsttime" keyword script = script.Substring(9).Trim(); string firstTime = Utility.GetScript(script); IScript firstTimeScript = ScriptFactory.CreateScript(firstTime); return(new FirstTimeScript(firstTimeScript)); }
public IScript Create(string script, ScriptContext scriptContext) { // Get script after "firsttime" keyword script = script.Substring(9).Trim(); string firstTime = Utility.GetScript(script); IScript firstTimeScript = ScriptFactory.CreateScript(firstTime); return(new FirstTimeScript(WorldModel, ScriptFactory, firstTimeScript)); }
public IScript Create(string script, ScriptContext scriptContext) { string afterExpr; string param = Utility.GetParameter(script, out afterExpr); string loop = Utility.GetScript(afterExpr); IScript loopScript = ScriptFactory.CreateScript(loop); return(new WhileScript(scriptContext, ScriptFactory, new Expression <bool>(param, scriptContext), loopScript)); }
public IScript Create(string script, Element proc) { string afterExpr; string param = Utility.GetParameter(script, out afterExpr); string loop = Utility.GetScript(afterExpr); IScript loopScript = ScriptFactory.CreateScript(loop); return(new WhileScript(new Expression(param, GameLoader), loopScript)); }
public IScript Create(string script, Element proc) { string afterExpr; string expr = Utility.GetParameter(script, out afterExpr); string then = Utility.GetScript(afterExpr); IScript thenScript = ScriptFactory.CreateScript(then, proc); return(new IfScript(new Expression(expr, GameLoader), thenScript)); }
public void LoadCode(string code) { var newScript = (IMultiScript)ScriptFactory.CreateScript(code); var newScriptList = new List <IScript>(newScript.Scripts); if (base.UndoLog != null) { base.UndoLog.AddUndoAction(new UndoMultiScriptLoadCode(this, m_scripts, newScriptList)); } ReplaceScripts(newScriptList); }
public IScript Create(string script, ScriptContext scriptContext) { List <IFunction <object> > paramExpressions = null; string procName, afterParameter; string param = Utility.GetParameter(script, out afterParameter); IScript paramScript = null; // Handle functions of the form // SomeFunction (parameter) { script } if (afterParameter != null) { afterParameter = afterParameter.Trim(); if (afterParameter.Length > 0) { string paramScriptString = Utility.GetScript(afterParameter); paramScript = ScriptFactory.CreateScript(paramScriptString); } } if (param == null && paramScript == null) { procName = script; } else { if (param != null) { List <string> parameters = Utility.SplitParameter(param); procName = script.Substring(0, script.IndexOf('(')).Trim(); paramExpressions = new List <IFunction <object> >(); if (param.Trim().Length > 0) { foreach (string s in parameters) { paramExpressions.Add(new Expression <object>(s, scriptContext)); } } } else { procName = script.Substring(0, script.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '{', ' ' })); } } if (!WorldModel.EditMode && WorldModel.Procedure(procName) == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Function not found: '{0}'", procName)); } else { return(new FunctionCallScript(WorldModel, procName, paramExpressions, paramScript)); } }
private List <Tuple <List <IFunction>, IScript> > ProcessCases(string cases, out IScript defaultScript, Element proc) { bool finished = false; string remainingCases; string afterExpr; var result = new List <Tuple <List <IFunction>, IScript> >(); defaultScript = null; cases = Utility.RemoveSurroundingBraces(cases); while (!finished) { cases = Utility.GetScript(cases, out remainingCases); if (cases != null) { cases = cases.Trim(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cases)) { if (cases.StartsWith("case")) { string expr = Utility.GetParameter(cases, out afterExpr); string caseScript = Utility.GetScript(afterExpr); IScript script = ScriptFactory.CreateScript(caseScript, proc); var matchList = Utility.SplitParameter(expr); var expressions = matchList.Select(match => new Expression(match, GameLoader)).Cast <IFunction>().ToList(); result.Add(Tuple.Create(expressions, script)); } else if (cases.StartsWith("default")) { defaultScript = ScriptFactory.CreateScript(cases.Substring(8).Trim()); } else { throw new Exception(string.Format("Invalid inside switch block: '{0}'", cases)); } } cases = remainingCases; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cases)) { finished = true; } } return(result); }
public IScript Create(string script, Element proc) { bool isScript = false; int offset = 0; int eqPos; // hide text within string expressions string obscuredScript = Utility.ObscureStrings(script); int bracePos = obscuredScript.IndexOf('{'); if (bracePos != -1) { // only want to look for = and => before any other scripts which may // be defined on the same line, for example procedure calls of type // MyProcedureCall (5) { some other script } obscuredScript = obscuredScript.Substring(0, bracePos); } eqPos = obscuredScript.IndexOf("=>"); if (eqPos != -1) { isScript = true; offset = 1; } else { eqPos = obscuredScript.IndexOf('='); } if (eqPos != -1) { string appliesTo = script.Substring(0, eqPos); string value = script.Substring(eqPos + 1 + offset).Trim(); string variable; IFunction expr = GetAppliesTo(appliesTo, out variable); if (!isScript) { return(new SetExpressionScript(this, expr, variable, new Expression(value, GameLoader), GameLoader)); } else { return(new SetScriptScript(this, expr, variable, ScriptFactory.CreateScript(value), GameLoader)); } } return(null); }
public IScript Create(string script, ScriptContext scriptContext) { string afterExpr; string param = Utility.GetParameter(script, out afterExpr); string callback = Utility.GetScript(afterExpr); string[] parameters = Utility.SplitParameter(param).ToArray(); if (parameters.Count() != 1) { throw new Exception(string.Format("'ask' script should have 1 parameter: 'ask ({0})'", param)); } IScript callbackScript = ScriptFactory.CreateScript(callback); return(new AskScript(scriptContext, ScriptFactory, new Expression <string>(parameters[0], scriptContext), callbackScript)); }
public IScript Create(string script, ScriptContext scriptContext) { string afterExpr; string param = Utility.GetParameter(script, out afterExpr); string loop = Utility.GetScript(afterExpr); string[] parameters = Utility.SplitParameter(param).ToArray(); if (parameters.Count() != 2) { throw new Exception(string.Format("'foreach' script should have 2 parameters: 'foreach ({0})'", param)); } IScript loopScript = ScriptFactory.CreateScript(loop); return(new ForEachScript(scriptContext, parameters[0], new ExpressionGeneric(parameters[1], scriptContext), loopScript)); }
public IScript Create(string script, Element proc) { string afterExpr; string param = Utility.GetParameter(script, out afterExpr); string callback = Utility.GetScript(afterExpr); string[] parameters = Utility.SplitParameter(param).ToArray(); if (parameters.Count() != 3) { throw new Exception(string.Format("'show menu' script should have 3 parameters: 'show menu ({0})'", param)); } IScript callbackScript = ScriptFactory.CreateScript(callback); return(new ShowMenuScript(ScriptFactory, new Expression(parameters[0], GameLoader), new Expression(parameters[1], GameLoader), new Expression(parameters[2], GameLoader), callbackScript)); }
public IScript Create(string script, Element proc) { List <IFunction> paramExpressions = null; string procName, afterParameter; string param = Utility.GetParameter(script, out afterParameter); IScript paramScript = null; // Handle functions of the form // SomeFunction (parameter) { script } if (afterParameter != null) { afterParameter = afterParameter.Trim(); if (afterParameter.Length > 0) { string paramScriptString = Utility.GetScript(afterParameter); paramScript = ScriptFactory.CreateScript(paramScriptString); } } if (param == null && paramScript == null) { procName = script; } else { if (param != null) { List <string> parameters = Utility.SplitParameter(param); procName = script.Substring(0, script.IndexOf('(')).Trim(); paramExpressions = new List <IFunction>(); if (param.Trim().Length > 0) { foreach (string s in parameters) { paramExpressions.Add(new Expression(s, GameLoader)); } } } else { procName = script.Substring(0, script.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '{', ' ' })); } } return(new FunctionCallScript(GameLoader, procName, paramExpressions, paramScript)); }
public IScript Create(string script, ScriptContext scriptContext) { string afterExpr; string expr = Utility.GetParameter(script, out afterExpr); if (afterExpr.StartsWith(")")) { // We have a mismatch of brackets in the expression throw new Exception("Too many ')'"); } string then = Utility.GetScript(afterExpr); IScript thenScript = ScriptFactory.CreateScript(then, scriptContext); return(new IfScript(new Expression <bool>(expr, scriptContext), thenScript, scriptContext)); }
public IScript Create(string script, ScriptContext scriptContext) { string afterExpr; string param = Utility.GetParameter(script, out afterExpr); string loop = Utility.GetScript(afterExpr); string[] parameters = Utility.SplitParameter(param).ToArray(); IScript loopScript = ScriptFactory.CreateScript(loop); if (parameters.Count() == 3) { return(new ForScript(scriptContext, ScriptFactory, parameters[0], new Expression <int>(parameters[1], scriptContext), new Expression <int>(parameters[2], scriptContext), loopScript)); } else if (parameters.Count() == 4) { return(new ForScript(scriptContext, ScriptFactory, parameters[0], new Expression <int>(parameters[1], scriptContext), new Expression <int>(parameters[2], scriptContext), new Expression <int>(parameters[3], scriptContext), loopScript)); } else { throw new Exception(string.Format("'for' script should have 3 or 4 parameters: 'for ({0})'", param)); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length > 1) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: FiveTool [script path]"); return; } var scriptPath = args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : null; var configPath = Config.DefaultPath; var consoleMode = scriptPath == null; if (!LoadConfig(configPath)) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Failed to load configuration data from {configPath}! Using defaults."); } if (consoleMode) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; var version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; Console.WriteLine("FiveTool [{0}.{1}.{2}]", version.Major, version.Minor, version.Revision); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.WriteLine("Please submit bug reports, pull requests, and feature requests to"); Console.WriteLine("<>."); Console.WriteLine(); } if (EnsureGameRootIsSet()) { if (consoleMode) { Console.WriteLine($"Using game files in {Config.Current.GameRoot}."); Console.Write("You can use "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write("ChooseGameFolder()"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.WriteLine(" to change this folder at any time."); Console.WriteLine(); } } else { Console.Error.WriteLine("You must set a valid game folder in order to use FiveTool."); if (consoleMode) { Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit..."); Console.ReadKey(true); } return; } if (consoleMode) { Console.WriteLine("Starting interactive Lua (MoonSharp) shell."); Console.Write("Use "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write("Help()"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.Write(" for help and "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write("Exit()"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.WriteLine(" to quit."); Console.WriteLine(); } ScriptFactory.Initialize(); var script = ScriptFactory.CreateScript(); // If a script file was passed in, run it if (scriptPath != null) { try { script.DoFile(scriptPath); } catch (InterpreterException e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: " + e.DecoratedMessage); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message); } } if (!consoleMode) { return; } var done = false; script.Globals["Exit"] = (Action)(() => { done = true; }); while (!done) { try { var func = ReadFunction(script); var result = func.Function.Call(); if (result.IsNotVoid()) { // Dump without recursion to display the value in a friendly format DumpBuiltIns.Dump(script, result, 0); Console.WriteLine(); } } catch (InterpreterException e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine(e.DecoratedMessage); } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.WriteLine(); } }
/// <summary> /// Reads a script source and builds the corresponding <see cref="IScript" /> object; /// </summary> /// <param name="source">Text of the script</param> /// <returns>The corresponding <see cref="IScript" /></returns> public IScript LoadScript(string source) { return(ScriptFactory.CreateScript(ReaderFactory.MakeReader(source), DefaultScope)); }
private Dictionary <IFunctionGeneric, IScript> ProcessCases(string cases, out IScript defaultScript, ScriptContext scriptContext) { bool finished = false; string remainingCases; string afterExpr; Dictionary <IFunctionGeneric, IScript> result = new Dictionary <IFunctionGeneric, IScript>(); defaultScript = null; cases = Utility.RemoveSurroundingBraces(cases); while (!finished) { cases = Utility.GetScript(cases, out remainingCases); if (cases != null) { cases = cases.Trim(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cases)) { if (cases.StartsWith("case")) { string expr = Utility.GetParameter(cases, out afterExpr); string caseScript = Utility.GetScript(afterExpr); IScript script = ScriptFactory.CreateScript(caseScript, scriptContext); // Case expression can have multiple values separated by commas. In Edit mode, // just load this as one expression for editing. if (!scriptContext.WorldModel.EditMode) { var matchList = Utility.SplitParameter(expr); foreach (var match in matchList) { result.Add(new ExpressionGeneric(match, scriptContext), script); } } else { result.Add(new ExpressionGeneric(expr, scriptContext), script); } } else if (cases.StartsWith("default")) { defaultScript = ScriptFactory.CreateScript(cases.Substring(8).Trim()); } else { throw new Exception(string.Format("Invalid inside switch block: '{0}'", cases)); } } cases = remainingCases; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cases)) { finished = true; } } return(result); }
private IScript GetElse(string elseScript, Element proc) { elseScript = Utility.GetTextAfter(elseScript, "else"); return(ScriptFactory.CreateScript(elseScript, proc)); }
public IScript Create(string script, ScriptContext scriptContext) { bool isScript = false; int offset = 0; int eqPos; // hide text within string expressions string obscuredScript = Utility.ObscureStrings(script); int bracePos = obscuredScript.IndexOf('{'); if (bracePos != -1) { // only want to look for = and => before any other scripts which may // be defined on the same line, for example procedure calls of type // MyProcedureCall (5) { some other script } obscuredScript = obscuredScript.Substring(0, bracePos); } eqPos = obscuredScript.IndexOf("=>"); if (eqPos != -1) { isScript = true; offset = 1; } else { eqPos = obscuredScript.IndexOf('='); } if (eqPos != -1) { string appliesTo = script.Substring(0, eqPos); string value = script.Substring(eqPos + 1 + offset).Trim(); string variable; IFunction <Element> expr = GetAppliesTo(scriptContext, appliesTo, out variable); if (!WorldModel.EditMode && WorldModel.Version >= WorldModelVersion.v530) { if (!Utility.IsValidAttributeName(variable)) { string error = string.Format("Invalid {0} name '{1}' in '{2}'", expr == null ? "variable" : "attribute", variable, script); throw new Exception(error); } } if (!isScript) { return(new SetExpressionScript(this, scriptContext, expr, variable, new Expression <object>(value, scriptContext))); } else { return(new SetScriptScript(this, scriptContext, expr, variable, ScriptFactory.CreateScript(value))); } } return(null); }
private IScript GetElse(string elseScript, ScriptContext scriptContext) { elseScript = Utility.GetTextAfter(elseScript, "else"); return(ScriptFactory.CreateScript(elseScript, scriptContext)); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length > 1) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: FiveTool [script path]"); return; } var scriptPath = args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : null; if (scriptPath == null) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; var version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; Console.WriteLine("FiveTool [{0}.{1}.{2}]", version.Major, version.Minor, version.Revision); Console.WriteLine(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.WriteLine("Please submit bug reports, pull requests, and feature requests to"); Console.WriteLine("<>."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Starting interactive Lua (MoonSharp) shell."); Console.Write("Use "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write("Help()"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.Write(" for help and "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Write("Exit()"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.WriteLine(" to quit."); Console.WriteLine(); } ScriptFactory.Initialize(); var script = ScriptFactory.CreateScript(); // If a script file was passed in, run it and return if (scriptPath != null) { try { script.DoFile(scriptPath); } catch (InterpreterException e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: " + e.DecoratedMessage); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message); } return; } var done = false; script.Globals["Exit"] = (Action)(() => { done = true; }); while (!done) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGreen; Console.Write("lua> "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; var line = Console.ReadLine(); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) { continue; } try { // HACK: Stick a return statement in front of the line first, and then try without it if there's a syntax error // Otherwise users would need to manually type "return" in front of most lines DynValue result; try { result = script.DoString("return " + line); } catch (SyntaxErrorException) { result = script.DoString(line); } if (result.IsNotVoid()) { // Dump without recursion to display the value in a friendly format DumpBuiltIns.Dump(script, result, 0); Console.WriteLine(); } } catch (InterpreterException e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine(e.DecoratedMessage); } catch (Exception e) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } Console.WriteLine(); } }