public ActionResult Create(ScrimRollModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var dto = Mapper.Map <ScrimRollModel, ScrimRollDto>(model); dto.EnteredBy = CurrentUser; dto.ModifiedBy = CurrentUser; dto.DateEntered = DateTime.Now; dto.LastModified = DateTime.Now; //dto.DateReceived = date ?? DateTime.Now; using (var service = new ScrimRollService()) { service.Add(dto); } SetResponseMesssage(ActionTypeMessage.SuccessfulSave); return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = model.Id })); } else { //// ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Please enter required fields."); GetRollTypesList(); //GetUoMList(); return(View(model)); } }
public ActionResult Edit(DateTime?date, DateTime?wovendate, int id, ScrimRollModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Please enter required fields."); GetRollTypesList(); //GetUoMList(); return(View(model)); } var dto = Mapper.Map <ScrimRollModel, ScrimRollDto>(model); dto.EnteredBy = CurrentUser; dto.ModifiedBy = CurrentUser; dto.DateEntered = DateTime.Now; dto.LastModified = DateTime.Now; dto.DateReceived = date ?? DateTime.Now; dto.WovenDate = wovendate ?? DateTime.Now; //ScrimRoll bl = new ScrimRoll(); //bl.UpdateScrimRoll(model); using (var service = new ScrimRollService()) { service.Update(dto); } // TempData["ActionMessage"] = Responses.ResponseMessages["SuccessfulSave"]; //TempData["ActionMessageType"] = Responses.ResponseTypes["success"]; return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = model.Id })); }
public ActionResult Create(DateTime?date, ScrimRollModel model) { if (date == null) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "The Received Date field is required"); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { ScrimRoll bl = new ScrimRoll(); model.EnteredBy = CurrentUser; model.ModifiedBy = CurrentUser; model.DateEntered = DateTime.Now; model.LastModified = DateTime.Now; model.DateReceived = date ?? DateTime.Now; model = bl.InsertScrimRoll(model); TempData["ActionMessage"] = TPO.BL.Repositories.Message.MessageRepository.GetStringValue(MessageKeys.ResponseMessageSuccessSave); TempData["ActionMessageType"] = TPO.BL.Repositories.Message.MessageRepository.GetStringValue(MessageKeys.ResponseTypeSuccess); return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = model.ID })); //return RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = model.ID }); } else { // ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Please enter required fields."); GetRollTypesList(); GetUoMList(); return(View(model)); } }
// // GET: /ScrimRoll/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int id = 0) { if (id == 0) { ////removed to keep from initial load of scrim page from displaying error. ////TempData["ActionMessage"] = Responses.ResponseMessages["FailNoId"]; ////TempData["ActionMessageType"] = Responses.ResponseTypes["error"]; return(RedirectToAction("Details")); } GetRollTypesList(); //GetUoMList(); //ScrimRoll bl = new ScrimRoll(); //ViewBag.ScrimRoll = bl.GetScrimRollModels(); //ScrimRollModel model = bl.GetScrimRollModelByID(id); ScrimRollModel model; using (var service = new ScrimRollService()) { model = Mapper.Map <ScrimRollDto, ScrimRollModel>(service.Get(id)); } if (model == null) { model = new ScrimRollModel(); } return(View(model)); }
// // GET: /ScrimRoll/Create public ActionResult Create() { GetRollTypesList(); GetUoMList(); ScrimRollModel model = new ScrimRollModel(); return(View(model)); }
// // GET: /ScrimRoll/Create public ActionResult Create() { GetRollTypesList(); //GetUoMList(); ViewBag.LengthUoM = GetLengthUoMOptions(); ViewBag.WeightUoM = GetWeightUoMOptions(); ScrimRollModel model = new ScrimRollModel(); return(View(model)); }
public ScrimRollModel InsertScrimRoll(ScrimRollModel model) { ScrimRollModel returnModel = null; using (ScrimRepository repo = new ScrimRepository()) { TPO.DL.Models.ScrimRoll entity = Bind(model, new TPO.DL.Models.ScrimRoll()); repo.InsertScrimRoll(entity); returnModel = Bind(entity, new ScrimRollModel()); } return(returnModel); }
public void UpdateScrimRoll(ScrimRollModel model) { using (ScrimRepository repo = new ScrimRepository()) { TPO.DL.Models.ScrimRoll entity = repo.GetScrimRollByID(model.ID); if (entity != null) { entity = Bind(model, entity); repo.SaveChanges(); } } }
public ScrimRollModel GetScrimRollModelByID(int id) { ScrimRollModel model = null; using (ScrimRepository repo = new ScrimRepository()) { TPO.DL.Models.ScrimRoll entity = repo.GetScrimRollByID(id); if (entity != null) { model = Bind(entity, new ScrimRollModel()); } } return(model); }
public ActionResult ScrimRollAjaxCreate(string id) { dynamic d = JObject.Parse(id); ScrimRollModel model = new ScrimRollModel(); ScrimRoll bl = new ScrimRoll(); if (d["ID"] != null) { model.ID = d["ID"]; } model.ScrimRollCode = d["ScrimRollCode"]; //required model.ScrimRollTypeID = d["ScrimRollTypeID"]; model.Length = d["Length"]; model.DateReceived = d["DateReceived"]; //required model.ReceivedLength = d["ReceivedLength"]; // TODO: set values model.WeightUnitOfMeasureID = 1; //required model.LengthUnitOfMeasureID = 1; //required //model.LotCode = string.Empty; //model.WovenLotCode = string.Empty; //model.Weight = 0; //model.TareWeight = 0; //model.ReceivedWeight = 0; //model.ReceivedTareWeight = 0; //model.LengthUsed = 0; //model.WeightUsed = 0; model.EnteredBy = CurrentUser; model.ModifiedBy = CurrentUser; model.DateEntered = DateTime.Now; model.LastModified = DateTime.Now; if (model.ID == -1) { model = bl.InsertScrimRoll(model); } else { bl.UpdateScrimRoll(model); } return(RedirectToAction("Details")); }
private static TPO.DL.Models.ScrimRoll Bind(ScrimRollModel model, TPO.DL.Models.ScrimRoll to) { to.Code = model.ScrimRollCode; //to.PlantID = model.PlantID; //TODO: Implement retrieving PlantID to.PlantID = 1; if (model.ScrimRollTypeID != ScrimRollModel.INVALID_ID) { to.TypeID = model.ScrimRollTypeID; } else { to.TypeID = null; } to.WeightUoMID = model.WeightUnitOfMeasureID; to.LengthUoMID = model.LengthUnitOfMeasureID; if (model.WovenDate != DateTime.MinValue) { to.WovenDate = model.WovenDate; } else { to.WovenDate = null; } to.DateReceived = model.DateReceived; to.Length = (double)model.Length; to.Weight = (double)model.Weight; to.TareWeight = (double)model.TareWeight; to.ReceivedLength = (double)model.ReceivedLength; to.ReceivedWeight = (double)model.ReceivedWeight; to.ReceivedTareWeight = (double)model.ReceivedTareWeight; to.LengthUsed = (double)model.LengthUsed; to.WeightUsed = (double)model.WeightUsed; to.DateEntered = (DateTime)model.DateEntered; to.EnteredBy = (string)model.EnteredBy; to.ModifiedBy = (string)model.ModifiedBy; to.LastModified = (DateTime)model.LastModified; to.WovenLotNumber = model.WovenLotCode; return(to); }
public ActionResult Edit(DateTime?date, int id, ScrimRollModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Please enter required fields."); GetRollTypesList(); GetUoMList(); return(View(model)); } model.EnteredBy = CurrentUser; model.ModifiedBy = CurrentUser; model.DateEntered = DateTime.Now; model.LastModified = DateTime.Now; model.DateReceived = date ?? DateTime.Now; ScrimRoll bl = new ScrimRoll(); bl.UpdateScrimRoll(model); TempData["ActionMessage"] = TPO.BL.Repositories.Message.MessageRepository.GetStringValue(MessageKeys.ResponseMessageSuccessSave); TempData["ActionMessageType"] = TPO.BL.Repositories.Message.MessageRepository.GetStringValue(MessageKeys.ResponseTypeSuccess); return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = model.ID })); }
// // GET: /ScrimRoll/Edit/5 public ActionResult Edit(int id = 0) { if (id == 0) { //removed to keep from initial load of scrim page from displaying error. //TempData["ActionMessage"] = TPO.BL.Constants.Responses.ResponseMessages["FailNoId"]; //TempData["ActionMessageType"] = TPO.BL.Constants.Responses.ResponseTypes["error"]; return(RedirectToAction("Details")); } GetRollTypesList(); GetUoMList(); ScrimRoll bl = new ScrimRoll(); ViewBag.ScrimRoll = bl.GetScrimRollModels(); ScrimRollModel model = bl.GetScrimRollModelByID(id); if (model == null) { model = new ScrimRollModel(); } return(View(model)); }
public JsonResult AjaxUpdateScrimRoll(ScrimRollModel model) { var dto = Mapper.Map <ScrimRollModel, ScrimRollDto>(model); dto.ModifiedBy = CurrentUser; dto.LastModified = DateTime.Now; using (ScrimRollService svc = new ScrimRollService()) { if (dto.ID > 0) { svc.Update(dto); } else { dto.EnteredBy = CurrentUser; dto.DateEntered = DateTime.Now; dto.PlantID = CurrentPlantId; dto.ID = svc.Add(dto); } } model = Mapper.Map <ScrimRollDto, ScrimRollModel>(dto); return(Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
private static ScrimRollModel Bind(TPO.DL.Models.ScrimRoll entity, ScrimRollModel to) { to.ID = entity.ID; to.ScrimRollCode = entity.Code; to.PlantID = entity.PlantID; to.ScrimRollTypeID = entity.TypeID.HasValue ? entity.TypeID.Value : ScrimRollModel.INVALID_ID; to.WeightUnitOfMeasureID = entity.WeightUoMID; to.LengthUnitOfMeasureID = entity.LengthUoMID; to.WovenDate = entity.WovenDate.HasValue ? entity.WovenDate.Value : DateTime.MinValue; to.DateReceived = entity.DateReceived; to.Length = (decimal)entity.Length; to.Weight = (decimal)entity.Weight; to.TareWeight = (decimal)entity.TareWeight; to.ReceivedLength = (decimal)entity.ReceivedLength; to.ReceivedWeight = (decimal)entity.ReceivedWeight; to.ReceivedTareWeight = (decimal)entity.ReceivedTareWeight; to.LengthUsed = (decimal)entity.LengthUsed; to.WeightUsed = (decimal)entity.WeightUsed; to.WovenLotCode = entity.WovenLotNumber; to.WovenDate = entity.WovenDate ?? DateTime.MinValue; return(to); }
public JsonResult ScrimRollAjaxCreate(string id) { TPO.Web.Core.ResponseMessage responseMessage; try { ScrimRollService srsrv = new ScrimRollService(); ScrimRollModel model = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ScrimRollModel>(id); if (model != null) { var x = srsrv.GetAll().Where(q => q.Code == model.Code).ToList(); if (!x.Any()) { ScrimRollDto dto = new ScrimRollDto(); using (ScrimRollService service = new ScrimRollService()) { Mapper.Map(model, dto); dto.WovenDate = null; dto.PlantID = CurrentPlantId; dto.LastModified = DateTime.Now; dto.ModifiedBy = CurrentUser; if (model.Id > 0) { service.Update(dto); } else { dto.DateEntered = dto.LastModified; dto.EnteredBy = CurrentUser; service.Add(dto); } } } else { ScrimRollDto dto = new ScrimRollDto(); using (ScrimRollService service = new ScrimRollService()) { Mapper.Map(model, dto); dto.WovenDate = null; dto.PlantID = CurrentPlantId; dto.LastModified = DateTime.Now; dto.ModifiedBy = CurrentUser; dto.DateEntered = DateTime.Now; dto.EnteredBy = CurrentUser; service.Update(dto); } } } responseMessage = SetResponseMesssage(ActionTypeMessage.SuccessfulSave); } catch (Exception exc) { responseMessage = SetResponseMesssage(ActionTypeMessage.FailedSave, exc.Message); } return(Json(responseMessage, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }