/// <summary>
    /// Displays an interstitial from the requested advertiser, if the requested advertiser is not available, another interstitial will be displayed based on your mediation settings
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="advertiser">advertiser from which ad will be displayed if available</param>
    /// <param name="InterstitialClosed">callback triggered when interstitial video is closed</param>
    public void ShowInterstitial(SupportedAdvertisers advertiser, UnityAction InterstitialClosed = null)
        //if ads are disabled by user -> do nothing
        if (CanShowAds() == false)

        Advertiser selected = GetInterstitialAdvertisers().First(cond => cond.advertiser == advertiser);

        if (selected.advertiserScript.IsInterstitialAvailable())
            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("Interstitial from " + advertiser + " is available");
                ScreenWriter.Write("Interstitial from " + advertiser + " is available");
            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("Interstitial from " + advertiser + " is NOT available");
                ScreenWriter.Write("Interstitial from " + advertiser + " is NOT available");
Example #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Receipt validation method
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="productName"></param>
    /// <param name="receipt"></param>
    /// <param name="exception"></param>
    /// <returns>true if receipt is valid</returns>
    bool ReceiptIsValid(string productName, string receipt, out IAPSecurityException exception)
        exception = null;
        bool validPurchase = true;

#if GleyUseValidation
        CrossPlatformValidator validator = new CrossPlatformValidator(GooglePlayTangle.Data(), AppleTangle.Data(), Application.identifier);

            if (debug)
                Debug.Log(this + " Receipt is valid for " + productName);
                ScreenWriter.Write(this + " Receipt is valid for " + productName);
        catch (IAPSecurityException ex)
            exception = ex;
            if (debug)
                Debug.Log(this + " Receipt is NOT valid for " + productName);
                ScreenWriter.Write(this + " Receipt is NOT valid for " + productName);
            validPurchase = false;
Example #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialize store products, Call this method once at the beginning of your game
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="InitComplete">callback method, returns a list of all store products, use this method for initializations</param>
    public void InitializeIAPManager(UnityAction <IAPOperationStatus, string, List <StoreProduct> > InitComplete)
        if (IsInitialized())

        IAPSettings settings = Resources.Load <IAPSettings>("IAPData");

        if (settings == null)
            Debug.LogError("No products available -> Go to Window->Gley->Easy IAP and define your products");
        shopProducts = settings.shopProducts;
        debug        = settings.debug;
        if (debug)
            Debug.Log(this + "Initialization Started");
            ScreenWriter.Write(this + "Initialization Started");

        if (m_StoreController == null)
            OnInitComplete = InitComplete;
    private void BannerDisplayedResult(bool succesfullyDisplayed, BannerPosition position, BannerType bannerType)
        if (succesfullyDisplayed == false)
            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("Banner failed to load -> trying another advertiser");
                ScreenWriter.Write("Banner failed to load -> trying another advertiser hideBanners=" + hideBanners);

            if (hideBanners == false)
                LoadBanner(position, bannerType, false);
                Debug.Log("Stop Loading Banners");
                ScreenWriter.Write("Stop Loading Banners");
            isBannerOnScreen = true;
            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("Banner is on screen");
                ScreenWriter.Write("Banner is on screen");
    /// <summary>
    /// Actual loading of external file
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="url">the url to the config file</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private IEnumerator LoadFile(string url)
        if (debug)
            Debug.Log("URL: " + url);
            ScreenWriter.Write("URL: " + url);

        FileLoader fileLoader = new FileLoader();

        yield return(StartCoroutine(fileLoader.LoadFile(url, debug)));

            string  result  = fileLoader.GetResult();
            AdOrder adOrder = JsonUtility.FromJson <AdOrder>(result);
            if (debug)
                Debug.LogWarning("File was not in correct format");
                ScreenWriter.Write("File was not in correct format");
    /// <summary>
    /// refreshes the settings after a config file was read
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="adOrder">settings file</param>
    private void UpdateSettings(AdOrder adOrder)
        bannerMediation       = adOrder.bannerMediation;
        interstitialMediation = adOrder.interstitialMediation;
        rewardedMediation     = adOrder.rewardedMediation;

        for (int i = 0; i < adOrder.advertisers.Count; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < allAdvertisers.Count; j++)
                if (allAdvertisers[j].mediationSettings.GetAdvertiser() == adOrder.advertisers[i].GetAdvertiser())
                    allAdvertisers[j].mediationSettings = adOrder.advertisers[i];

        if (debug)
            Debug.Log("File Config Loaded");
            ScreenWriter.Write("File Config Loaded");

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arg"></param>
        private static void Run(string arg)
            #region Reading
            // Read the file
            // Read a text file line by line.
            Reader     reader     = new FileReader(arg);
            PersonList personList = new PersonList(reader);

            IList <Person> persons = personList.ReadAllPeople();

            #region Sorting
            Features.Sorting.IPersonSorter <Person> Sorter = new Features.Sorting.PersonSorter(persons);
            IList <Person> sortedList = Sorter.SortByName();

            #region Output
            Writer WriteToScreen = new ScreenWriter(sortedList);
            Writer WriteToFile   = new FileWriter(sortedList);

Example #8
 /// <summary>
 /// IStoreListener event handler called when initialization fails
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="error"></param>
 public void OnInitializeFailed(InitializationFailureReason error)
     if (debug)
     OnInitComplete(IAPOperationStatus.Fail, error.ToString(), null);
Example #9
    /// <summary>
    /// IStoreListener event handler called after initialization is done
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="controller"></param>
    /// <param name="extensions"></param>
    public void OnInitialized(IStoreController controller, IExtensionProvider extensions)
        if (debug)
        m_StoreController        = controller;
        m_StoreExtensionProvider = extensions;
        for (int i = 0; i < shopProducts.Count; i++)
            Product product = m_StoreController.products.WithID(shopProducts[i].GetStoreID());

            if (debug)
                Debug.Log(this + product.metadata.localizedTitle + " is available " + product.availableToPurchase);
                ScreenWriter.Write(this + product.metadata.localizedTitle + " is available " + product.availableToPurchase);

            if (shopProducts[i].productType == ProductType.Subscription)
                if (product != null && product.hasReceipt)
                    IAPSecurityException exception;
                    if (ReceiptIsValid(shopProducts[i].productName, product.receipt, out exception))
                        shopProducts[i].active = true;
                        string introJson      = null;
                        SubscriptionManager p = new SubscriptionManager(product, introJson);
                        shopProducts[i].subscriptionInfo = p.getSubscriptionInfo();

            if (shopProducts[i].productType == ProductType.NonConsumable)
                if (product != null && product.hasReceipt)
                    IAPSecurityException exception;
                    if (ReceiptIsValid(shopProducts[i].productName, product.receipt, out exception))
                        shopProducts[i].active = true;

            if (product != null && product.availableToPurchase)
                shopProducts[i].localizedPriceString = product.metadata.localizedPriceString;
                shopProducts[i].price                = System.Decimal.ToInt32(product.metadata.localizedPrice);
                shopProducts[i].isoCurrencyCode      = product.metadata.isoCurrencyCode;
                shopProducts[i].localizedDescription = product.metadata.localizedDescription;
                shopProducts[i].localizedTitle       = product.metadata.localizedTitle;
        OnInitComplete(IAPOperationStatus.Success, "Success", shopProducts);
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads banner for display
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="position"></param>
    /// <param name="bannerType"></param>
    private void LoadBanner(BannerPosition position, BannerType bannerType, bool specificAdvertiser, SupportedAdvertisers advertiser = SupportedAdvertisers.Admob)
        if (specificAdvertiser)
            Advertiser selected = GetBannerAdvertisers().FirstOrDefault(cond => cond.advertiser == advertiser);
            if (selected != null)
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log("Specific banner loaded from " + selected);
                    ScreenWriter.Write("Specific banner loaded from " + selected);
                selected.advertiserScript.ShowBanner(position, bannerType, BannerDisplayedResult);
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log(selected + " has no banner ads");
                    ScreenWriter.Write(selected + " has no banner ads");
        ICustomAds selectedAdvertiser = null;

        if (bannerMediation == SupportedMediation.OrderMediation)
            selectedAdvertiser = UseOrder(bannerAdvertisers, SupportedAdTypes.Banner);
            selectedAdvertiser = UsePercent(bannerAdvertisers, SupportedAdTypes.Banner);
        if (selectedAdvertiser != null)
            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("Banner loaded from " + selectedAdvertiser);
                ScreenWriter.Write("Banner loaded from " + selectedAdvertiser);
            selectedAdvertiser.ShowBanner(position, bannerType, BannerDisplayedResult);
            isBannerOnScreen = false;
            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("No Banners Available");
                ScreenWriter.Write("No Banners Available");
Example #11
    /// <summary>
    /// IStoreListener event  handler called when a purchase fails
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="product"></param>
    /// <param name="reason"></param>
    public void OnPurchaseFailed(Product product, PurchaseFailureReason reason)
        if (debug)
            Debug.Log(this + "Buy Product failed for " + product.metadata.localizedTitle + " Failed. Reason: " + reason);
            ScreenWriter.Write(this + "Buy Product failed for " + product.metadata.localizedTitle + " Failed. Reason: " + reason);

        if (OnCompleteMethod != null)
            OnCompleteMethod(IAPOperationStatus.Fail, product.metadata.localizedTitle + " Failed. Reason: " + reason, null);
    /// <summary>
    /// Hides the active banner
    /// </summary>
    public void HideBanner()
        if (debug)
            Debug.Log("Hide Banners");
            ScreenWriter.Write("Hide banners");
        hideBanners = true;

        for (int i = 0; i < allAdvertisers.Count; i++)
        isBannerOnScreen = false;
        public void Test1()
            var sr  = new ScreenWriter();
            var sut = new Mock <IScreenWriter>();

            var listOfNames = new List <string>()
                "Dwight Schrute",
                "Jim Halpert",
                "Pam Beesly",
                "Michael Scott"

            sut.Setup(s => s.WriteListOfNamesToConsole(listOfNames)).Callback(() => sr.WriteListOfNamesToConsole(listOfNames));
            sut.Verify(s => s.WriteStringToConsole(It.IsAny <string>()), Times.AtLeastOnce);
Example #14
    /// <summary>
    /// call this method to buy a product
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="productName">An enum member generated from Settings Window</param>
    /// <param name="OnCompleteMethod">callback method that returns the bought product details for initializations</param>
    public void BuyProduct(ShopProductNames productName, UnityAction <IAPOperationStatus, string, StoreProduct> OnCompleteMethod)
        if (debug)
            Debug.Log(this + "Buy Process Started for " + productName);
            ScreenWriter.Write(this + "Buy Process Started for " + productName);

        this.OnCompleteMethod = OnCompleteMethod;

        for (int i = 0; i < shopProducts.Count; i++)
            if (shopProducts[i].productName == productName.ToString())
Example #15
    /// <summary>
    /// initializes the buy product process
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="productId"></param>
    private void BuyProductID(string productId)
        if (debug)
            Debug.Log(this + "Buy product with id: " + productId);
            ScreenWriter.Write(this + "Buy product with id: " + productId);

        if (IsInitialized())
            Product product = m_StoreController.products.WithID(productId);
            if (product != null && product.availableToPurchase)
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log(this + "BuyProductID: FAIL. Not purchasing product, either is not found or is not available for purchase");
                    ScreenWriter.Write(this + "BuyProductID: FAIL. Not purchasing product, either is not found or is not available for purchase");

                if (OnCompleteMethod != null)
                    OnCompleteMethod(IAPOperationStatus.Fail, "Not purchasing product, either is not found or is not available for purchase", null);
            if (debug)
                Debug.Log(this + "BuyProductID FAIL. Store not initialized.");
                ScreenWriter.Write(this + "BuyProductID FAIL. Store not initialized.");

            if (OnCompleteMethod != null)
                OnCompleteMethod(IAPOperationStatus.Fail, "Store not initialized.", null);
    /// <summary>
    /// Displays an interstitial video based on your mediation settings
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="InterstitialClosed">callback triggered when interstitial video is closed also returns the publisher</param>
    public void ShowInterstitial(UnityAction <string> InterstitialClosed)
        //if ads are disabled by user -> do nothing
        if (CanShowAds() == false)

        ICustomAds selectedAdvertiser = GetInterstitialAdvertiser();

        if (selectedAdvertiser != null)
            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("Interstitial loaded from " + selectedAdvertiser);
                ScreenWriter.Write("Interstitial loaded from " + selectedAdvertiser);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ScreenWriter.Initialize(110, 52);

            var map    = MapLoader.LoadMap("Map01.txt");
            var player = new Player();


            var projectionFrame = new Frame(0, 0, 100, 50, true, WindowsConsoleEngine.ConsoleColor.Cyan);

            while (true)
                var input = Console.KeyAvailable ? Console.ReadKey() : new ConsoleKeyInfo();

                if (input.Key == ConsoleKey.DownArrow)
                else if (input.Key == ConsoleKey.UpArrow)
                else if (input.Key == ConsoleKey.LeftArrow)
                else if (input.Key == ConsoleKey.RightArrow)

                var projection = player.GeneratePlayerView(map, 100, 50);
                projectionFrame.WriteCharacterArray(0, 0, projection);
                projectionFrame.WriteString(1, 1, "PlayerX = " + player.posX, WindowsConsoleEngine.ConsoleColor.Cyan);
                projectionFrame.WriteString(1, 2, "PlayerY = " + player.posY, WindowsConsoleEngine.ConsoleColor.Cyan);
                projectionFrame.WriteString(1, 3, "PlayerA = " + player.viewingAngle, WindowsConsoleEngine.ConsoleColor.Cyan);
Example #18
    /// <summary>
    /// Restore previously bought products (Only required on iOS)
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="OnCompleteMethod">called when the restore process is done</param>
    public void RestorePurchases(UnityAction <IAPOperationStatus, string, StoreProduct> OnCompleteMethod)
        if (!IsInitialized())
            if (debug)
                Debug.Log(this + "RestorePurchases FAIL. Not initialized.");
                ScreenWriter.Write(this + "RestorePurchases FAIL. Not initialized.");

        if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer ||
            Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer)
            if (debug)
                Debug.Log(this + "RestorePurchases started ...");
                ScreenWriter.Write(this + "RestorePurchases started ...");

            this.OnCompleteMethod = OnCompleteMethod;
            var apple = m_StoreExtensionProvider.GetExtension <IAppleExtensions>();
            apple.RestoreTransactions((result) =>
                if (debug)
                    Debug.Log(this + "RestorePurchases continuing: " + result + ". If no further messages, no purchases available to restore.");
                    ScreenWriter.Write(this + "RestorePurchases continuing: " + result + ". If no further messages, no purchases available to restore.");
            if (debug)
                Debug.Log(this + "RestorePurchases FAIL. Not supported on this platform. Current = " + Application.platform);
                ScreenWriter.Write(this + "RestorePurchases FAIL. Not supported on this platform. Current = " + Application.platform);
    /// <summary>
    /// Displays a rewarded video based on your mediation settings
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="CompleteMethod">callback triggered when video reward finished - if bool param is true => video was not skipped, also the advertiser name is sent to callback method</param>
    public void ShowRewardedVideo(UnityAction <bool, string> CompleteMethod)
        ICustomAds selectedAdvertiser = null;

        if (rewardedMediation == SupportedMediation.OrderMediation)
            selectedAdvertiser = UseOrder(rewardedAdvertisers, SupportedAdTypes.Rewarded);
            selectedAdvertiser = UsePercent(rewardedAdvertisers, SupportedAdTypes.Rewarded);
        if (selectedAdvertiser != null)
            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("Rewarded video loaded from " + selectedAdvertiser);
                ScreenWriter.Write("Rewarded video loaded from " + selectedAdvertiser);
Example #20
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes Unity IAP
    /// </summary>
    private void InitializePurchasing()
        if (IsInitialized())
            OnInitComplete(IAPOperationStatus.Success, "Already initialized", null);

        builder = ConfigurationBuilder.Instance(StandardPurchasingModule.Instance());

        for (int i = 0; i < shopProducts.Count; i++)
            builder.AddProduct(shopProducts[i].GetStoreID(), shopProducts[i].GetProductType());

        if (debug)

        UnityPurchasing.Initialize(this, builder);
    /// <summary>
    /// Displays a rewarded video based on advertiser sent as parameter, if the requested advertiser is not available selected mediation settings are used
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="advertiser">the advertiser from which you want to display the rewarded video</param>
    /// <param name="CompleteMethod">callback triggered when video reward finished - if bool param is true => video was not skipped</param>
    public void ShowRewardedVideo(SupportedAdvertisers advertiser, UnityAction <bool> CompleteMethod)
        Advertiser selected = GetRewardedAdvertisers().First(cond => cond.advertiser == advertiser);

        if (selected.advertiserScript.IsRewardVideoAvailable())
            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("Rewarded Video from " + advertiser + " is available");
                ScreenWriter.Write("Rewarded Video from " + advertiser + " is available");
            if (debug)
                Debug.Log("Rewarded Video from " + advertiser + " is NOT available");
                ScreenWriter.Write("Rewarded Video from " + advertiser + " is NOT available");
Example #22
    /// <summary>
    /// IStoreListener event handler called when a purchase is done
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public PurchaseProcessingResult ProcessPurchase(PurchaseEventArgs e)
        if (debug)
            Debug.Log(this + "Product bought " + e.purchasedProduct.definition.id);
            ScreenWriter.Write(this + "Product bought " + e.purchasedProduct.definition.id);

        for (int i = 0; i < shopProducts.Count; i++)
            if (String.Equals(e.purchasedProduct.definition.id, shopProducts[i].GetStoreID(), StringComparison.Ordinal))
                IAPSecurityException exception;
                bool validPurchase = ReceiptIsValid(shopProducts[i].productName, e.purchasedProduct.receipt, out exception);
                if (validPurchase)
                    if (shopProducts[i].productType == ProductType.Subscription || shopProducts[i].productType == ProductType.NonConsumable)
                        shopProducts[i].active = true;
                    if (OnCompleteMethod != null)
                        OnCompleteMethod(IAPOperationStatus.Success, "Purchase Successful", shopProducts[i]);
                    if (OnCompleteMethod != null)
                        OnCompleteMethod(IAPOperationStatus.Fail, "Invalid Receipt " + exception.Message + exception.Data, null);
    /// <summary>
    /// saves the new settings
    /// </summary>
    private void ApplySettings()
        if (debug)
            Debug.Log("Banner mediation type: " + bannerMediation);
            ScreenWriter.Write("Banner mediation type: " + bannerMediation);
            Debug.Log("Interstitial mediation type: " + interstitialMediation);
            ScreenWriter.Write("Interstitial mediation type: " + interstitialMediation);
            Debug.Log("Rewarded mediation type: " + rewardedMediation);
            ScreenWriter.Write("Rewarded mediation type: " + rewardedMediation);

        bannerAdvertisers       = new List <Advertiser>();
        interstitialAdvertisers = new List <Advertiser>();
        rewardedAdvertisers     = new List <Advertiser>();
        for (int i = 0; i < allAdvertisers.Count; i++)
            if (bannerMediation == SupportedMediation.OrderMediation)
                if (allAdvertisers[i].mediationSettings.bannerSettings.Order != 0)
                if (allAdvertisers[i].mediationSettings.bannerSettings.Weight != 0)
            if (interstitialMediation == SupportedMediation.OrderMediation)
                if (allAdvertisers[i].mediationSettings.interstitialSettings.Order != 0)
                if (allAdvertisers[i].mediationSettings.interstitialSettings.Weight != 0)

            if (rewardedMediation == SupportedMediation.OrderMediation)
                if (allAdvertisers[i].mediationSettings.rewardedSettings.Order != 0)
                if (allAdvertisers[i].mediationSettings.rewardedSettings.Weight != 0)

        if (bannerMediation == SupportedMediation.OrderMediation)
            bannerAdvertisers = bannerAdvertisers.OrderBy(cond => cond.mediationSettings.bannerSettings.Order).ToList();
            bannerAdvertisers = bannerAdvertisers.OrderByDescending(cond => cond.mediationSettings.bannerSettings.Weight).ToList();

        if (interstitialMediation == SupportedMediation.OrderMediation)
            interstitialAdvertisers = interstitialAdvertisers.OrderBy(cond => cond.mediationSettings.interstitialSettings.Order).ToList();
            interstitialAdvertisers = interstitialAdvertisers.OrderByDescending(cond => cond.mediationSettings.interstitialSettings.Weight).ToList();

        if (rewardedMediation == SupportedMediation.OrderMediation)
            rewardedAdvertisers = rewardedAdvertisers.OrderBy(cond => cond.mediationSettings.rewardedSettings.Order).ToList();
            rewardedAdvertisers = rewardedAdvertisers.OrderByDescending(cond => cond.mediationSettings.rewardedSettings.Weight).ToList();
Example #24
    public SPW()
        graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager( this );
        Content.RootDirectory = "Content";

        this.IsMouseVisible = true;

        #region creating and adding the game component objects Controller, ScreenWriter, Logger, and Windowing
        // instantiate the Controller
        c = new Controller( this );

        // add it as a component so ITS Update()
        // function will AUTOMATICALLY be called
        // everytime this class's does.
        this.Components.Add( c );
        // OK Hoooooold on.  Did that "component"
        // stuff make any sense?

        // Looking at the definition of
        // the Controller class, notice how it says:

        //   public class Controller : GameComponent

        // This reads "public class Controller is-a GameComponent"

        // So what does that mean?

        // Well, it just means that the Controller promises
        // to have an 'Update()' method within it.

        // Remember how our XNA game rapidly does the following:


         while( true )
           Update() ;
           Draw() ;


        // When you add a GameComponent object to the Components
        // collection however, this is kind of (very roughly) what happens:

         while( true )
           Update() ;
           foreach( GameComponent component in this.Components )
         component.Update() ;

           Draw() ;


        // The Update() and Draw() functions that will get called
        // by the XNA framework, will normally only be the Update()
        // and Draw() functions of THIS class (the main game class).

        // Ok so what's this?

        // Add a few more components.
        sw = new ScreenWriter( this );
        this.Components.Add( sw );

        // Here's one that's a bit different!
        // Notice that the ScreenWriter IS-A "DRAWABLEGAMECOMPONENT"

        //    public class ScreenWriter : DrawableGameComponent

        // So this is KIND OF what happens then:
         while( true )
           Update() ;
           foreach( GameComponent component in this.Components )
         component.Update() ;

           Draw() ;
           foreach( DrawableGameComponent drawable in this.Components )
         drawable.Draw() ;


        // This obviously isn't exactly what happens but I think it
        // communicates the idea.

        // Using GameComponents and DrawableGameComponents
        // are great because they tie up ALL the code
        // to do with one "COMPONENT" of the game into one file.

        logger = new Logger( this, true );
        this.Components.Add( logger );

        // Create the Windowing object.
        // The source code for this system
        // by 'Aaron MacDougall', is on codeplex
        // http://www.codeplex.com/wsx/
        windowing = new Windowing( this );

        // Initialize the game state
        gameState = GameState.TitleScreen;  // let game start @ title screen
        netState = NetState.Disconnected;   //

        // create the world object
        world = new World();

        // set width and height of the backbuffer
        this.graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = world.ScreenHeight;
        this.graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = world.ScreenWidth;

        // Tell player about how to toggle debug
        Color tBlueViolet = Color.BlueViolet;
        tBlueViolet.A = 0;
        sw[ "more" ] = new StringItem( "Press '8' to toggle debug messages", 40, world.ScreenHeight - 40, 5.0f, Color.Red, tBlueViolet );

        // Start with debug messages not being displayed on screen
        // (press '8' to toggle)
    /// <summary>
    /// Percent mediation method
    /// A random number between 0 and 100 is generated
    /// the corresponding advertiser will be displayed based on your Settings Window setup
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="advertisers">list of all advertisers</param>
    /// <param name="adType">type of advertiser that wants to be displayed</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private ICustomAds UsePercent(List <Advertiser> advertisers, SupportedAdTypes adType)
        List <Advertiser> tempList   = new List <Advertiser>();
        List <int>        thresholds = new List <int>();
        int sum = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < advertisers.Count; i++)
            switch (adType)
            case SupportedAdTypes.Banner:
                if (advertisers[i].advertiserScript.IsBannerAvailable() && !advertisers[i].advertiserScript.BannerAlreadyUsed())
                    sum += advertisers[i].mediationSettings.bannerSettings.Weight;

            case SupportedAdTypes.Interstitial:
                if (advertisers[i].advertiserScript.IsInterstitialAvailable())
                    sum += advertisers[i].mediationSettings.interstitialSettings.Weight;

            case SupportedAdTypes.Rewarded:
                if (advertisers[i].advertiserScript.IsRewardVideoAvailable())
                    sum += advertisers[i].mediationSettings.rewardedSettings.Weight;
        int index = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, sum);

        if (debug)
            for (int i = 0; i < tempList.Count; i++)
                ScreenWriter.Write(tempList[i].advertiser + " weight " + thresholds[i]);
                Debug.Log(tempList[i].advertiser + " weight " + thresholds[i]);

        for (int i = 0; i < thresholds.Count; i++)
            if (index < thresholds[i])
                if (debug)
                    ScreenWriter.Write("SHOW AD FROM: " + tempList[i].advertiser + " weight " + index);
                    Debug.Log("SHOW AD FROM: " + tempList[i].advertiser + " weight " + index);
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes all the advertisers from the plugin
    /// Should be called only once at the beginning of your app
    /// </summary>
    public void Initialize()
        if (initialized == false)
            adSettings = Resources.Load <AdSettings>("AdSettingsData");
            if (adSettings == null)
                Debug.LogError("Gley Ads Plugin is not properly configured. Go to Window->Gley->Ads to set up the plugin. See the documentation");
            bannerMediation       = adSettings.bannerMediation;
            interstitialMediation = adSettings.interstitialMediation;
            rewardedMediation     = adSettings.rewardedMediation;
            debug       = adSettings.debugMode;
            initialized = true;

            AdvertiserSettings currentAdvertiser = adSettings.advertiserSettings.FirstOrDefault(cond => cond.advertiser == SupportedAdvertisers.Admob);
            if (currentAdvertiser != null)
                if (currentAdvertiser.useSDK)
                    allAdvertisers.Add(new Advertiser(go.AddComponent <CustomAdmob>(), adSettings.GetAdvertiserSettings(SupportedAdvertisers.Admob), adSettings.GetPlaftormSettings(SupportedAdvertisers.Admob)));

            currentAdvertiser = adSettings.advertiserSettings.FirstOrDefault(cond => cond.advertiser == SupportedAdvertisers.Vungle);
            if (currentAdvertiser != null)
                if (currentAdvertiser.useSDK)
                    allAdvertisers.Add(new Advertiser(go.AddComponent <CustomVungle>(), adSettings.GetAdvertiserSettings(SupportedAdvertisers.Vungle), adSettings.GetPlaftormSettings(SupportedAdvertisers.Vungle)));

            currentAdvertiser = adSettings.advertiserSettings.FirstOrDefault(cond => cond.advertiser == SupportedAdvertisers.AdColony);
            if (currentAdvertiser != null)
                if (currentAdvertiser.useSDK)
                    allAdvertisers.Add(new Advertiser(go.AddComponent <CustomAdColony>(), adSettings.GetAdvertiserSettings(SupportedAdvertisers.AdColony), adSettings.GetPlaftormSettings(SupportedAdvertisers.AdColony)));

            currentAdvertiser = adSettings.advertiserSettings.FirstOrDefault(cond => cond.advertiser == SupportedAdvertisers.Chartboost);
            if (currentAdvertiser != null)
                if (currentAdvertiser.useSDK)
                    allAdvertisers.Add(new Advertiser(go.AddComponent <CustomChartboost>(), adSettings.GetAdvertiserSettings(SupportedAdvertisers.Chartboost), adSettings.GetPlaftormSettings(SupportedAdvertisers.Chartboost)));

            currentAdvertiser = adSettings.advertiserSettings.FirstOrDefault(cond => cond.advertiser == SupportedAdvertisers.Unity);
            if (currentAdvertiser != null)
                if (currentAdvertiser.useSDK)
                    allAdvertisers.Add(new Advertiser(go.AddComponent <CustomUnityAds>(), adSettings.GetAdvertiserSettings(SupportedAdvertisers.Unity), adSettings.GetPlaftormSettings(SupportedAdvertisers.Unity)));

            currentAdvertiser = adSettings.advertiserSettings.FirstOrDefault(cond => cond.advertiser == SupportedAdvertisers.Heyzap);
            if (currentAdvertiser != null)
                if (currentAdvertiser.useSDK)
                    allAdvertisers.Add(new Advertiser(go.AddComponent <CustomHeyzap>(), adSettings.GetAdvertiserSettings(SupportedAdvertisers.Heyzap), adSettings.GetPlaftormSettings(SupportedAdvertisers.Heyzap)));

            currentAdvertiser = adSettings.advertiserSettings.FirstOrDefault(cond => cond.advertiser == SupportedAdvertisers.AppLovin);
            if (currentAdvertiser != null)
                if (currentAdvertiser.useSDK)
                    allAdvertisers.Add(new Advertiser(go.AddComponent <CustomAppLovin>(), adSettings.GetAdvertiserSettings(SupportedAdvertisers.AppLovin), adSettings.GetPlaftormSettings(SupportedAdvertisers.AppLovin)));

            currentAdvertiser = adSettings.advertiserSettings.FirstOrDefault(cond => cond.advertiser == SupportedAdvertisers.Facebook);
            if (currentAdvertiser != null)
                if (currentAdvertiser.useSDK)
                    allAdvertisers.Add(new Advertiser(go.AddComponent <CustomFacebook>(), adSettings.GetAdvertiserSettings(SupportedAdvertisers.Facebook), adSettings.GetPlaftormSettings(SupportedAdvertisers.Facebook)));

            currentAdvertiser = adSettings.advertiserSettings.FirstOrDefault(cond => cond.advertiser == SupportedAdvertisers.MoPub);
            if (currentAdvertiser != null)
                if (currentAdvertiser.useSDK)
                    allAdvertisers.Add(new Advertiser(go.AddComponent <CustomMoPub>(), adSettings.GetAdvertiserSettings(SupportedAdvertisers.MoPub), adSettings.GetPlaftormSettings(SupportedAdvertisers.MoPub)));

            currentAdvertiser = adSettings.advertiserSettings.FirstOrDefault(cond => cond.advertiser == SupportedAdvertisers.IronSource);
            if (currentAdvertiser != null)
                if (currentAdvertiser.useSDK)
                    allAdvertisers.Add(new Advertiser(go.AddComponent <CustomIronSource>(), adSettings.GetAdvertiserSettings(SupportedAdvertisers.IronSource), adSettings.GetPlaftormSettings(SupportedAdvertisers.IronSource)));

            if (debug)
                ScreenWriter.Write("User GDPR consent is set to: " + GetConsent(userConsent));
                ScreenWriter.Write("User CCPA consent is set to: " + GetConsent(ccpaConsent));

            for (int i = 0; i < allAdvertisers.Count; i++)
                allAdvertisers[i].advertiserScript.InitializeAds(GetConsent(userConsent), GetConsent(ccpaConsent), allAdvertisers[i].platformSettings);

