public void Draw(WidgetDrawArgs args) { if (args.Sample) { return; } if (_props.SourceMonitor <= 0) { return; } if (_props.DestinationMonitor <= 0) { return; } var screens = new ScreenList(); if (_props.SourceMonitor > screens.Count) { return; } // Capture the source bitmap var srcScreen = screens[_props.SourceMonitor - 1]; using (var srcBmp = new Bitmap(srcScreen.Bounds.Width, srcScreen.Bounds.Height)) using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(srcBmp)) { g.CopyFromScreen(srcScreen.Bounds.Left, srcScreen.Bounds.Top, 0, 0, srcScreen.Bounds.Size); args.Graphics.DrawImage(srcBmp, args.Bounds.Left, args.Bounds.Top, args.Bounds.Width, args.Bounds.Height); } }
private void UpdateLayout() { var clientRect = ClientRectangle; clientRect.Inflate(-2, -2); if (clientRect.Width <= 0 || clientRect.Height <= 0) { return; } var screens = new ScreenList(); var totalBounds = (RectangleF)GetTotalScreenArea(screens); if (totalBounds.Width <= 0 || totalBounds.Height <= 0) { return; } var scaledBounds = totalBounds.ScaleRectWidth(clientRect.Width); if (scaledBounds.Height > clientRect.Height) { scaledBounds = scaledBounds.ScaleRectHeight(clientRect.Height); } scaledBounds = scaledBounds.CenterInside(clientRect); _displayScale = scaledBounds.Width / totalBounds.Width; _displayOffset = new PointF(scaledBounds.Left, scaledBounds.Top); foreach (var widget in _widgets) { widget.DesignBounds = ScreenToScaledClient(widget.Bounds); } }
protected override void OnInitialized() { Debuger.PrintLn("Initialising ScreenList"); //just temp screnlist screenList = ScreenListService.GetGilBTScreenList(); lng.LangChanged += StateHasChanged; }
/// <summary> /// Returns a new ROM image containing the ROM resulting from the build process, or null if there are fatal errors. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public MetroidRom BuildRom() { if (_built) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Can not call BuildRom more than once."); } _built = true; sourceRom.SerializeAllData(); this.source =; byte[] output = new byte[source.Length]; Array.Copy(source, output, source.Length); this.outputRom = new MetroidRom(new MemoryStream(output)); this.screenList = new ScreenList(outputRom); CopyScreenASM(); Assemble(); if (FatalError) { return(null); } return(outputRom); }
protected override void BuildScreenList() { screenList = new ScreenList(this, 0, new FalseFirstScreen(1), new ComputeScreen(1) ); }
public override void OnFrame(Controller controller) { Frame currentFrame = controller.Frame(); currentTime = currentFrame.Timestamp; changeTime = currentTime - prevTime; if (changeTime > 5000) { Hand hand = currentFrame.Hands[0]; FingerList fingers = hand.Fingers; Pointable pointable = currentFrame.Pointables[0]; Leap.Screen screen = controller.LocatedScreens.ClosestScreenHit(pointable); Frame prevFrame = controller.Frame(10); Hand prevhand = prevFrame.Hands[0]; FingerList prevfingers = prevhand.Fingers; Pointable prevpointable = prevFrame.Pointables[0]; ScreenList screenList = controller.LocatedScreens; Leap.Screen prevscreen = screenList.ClosestScreenHit(prevpointable); if (!fingers.IsEmpty) { float prevwidth = prevscreen.Intersect(prevpointable, true, 1.0F).x *prevscreen.WidthPixels; float prevheight = prevscreen.Intersect(prevpointable, true, 1.0F).y *prevscreen.HeightPixels; float width = screen.Intersect(pointable, true, 1.0F).x *screen.WidthPixels; float height = screen.Intersect(pointable, true, 1.0F).y *screen.HeightPixels; float tranX = currentFrame.Translation(prevFrame).x; float tranY = currentFrame.Translation(prevFrame).y; int fwidth = (int)((width * 0.2) + (prevwidth * (1.0 - 0.2))); int fheight = (int)((height * 0.2) + (prevheight * (1.0 - 0.2))); fheight = screen.HeightPixels - fheight; if (fingers.Count == 2 || fingers.Count == 3) { if (changeTime > 5000) { if (fingers.Count == 2) { mouse_event(0x0002 | 0x0004, 0, fwidth, fheight, 0); } else { mouse_event(0x0008 | 0x0010, 0, fwidth, fheight, 0); } Console.Write("Clicked At " + fwidth + " " + fheight); } } else { if (fingers.Count == 1) { Console.Write("TipPosition: " + fingers[0].TipPosition + " Width: " + width + " height: " + height + " tranX: " + tranX + " tranY: " + tranY + "\n"); SetCursorPos(fwidth, fheight); } } } prevTime = currentTime; } }
protected async override Task OnInitializedAsync() { Debuger.PrintLn("async Initialising ScreenList"); screenList = await ScreenListService.GetGilBTScreenListAsync(); await fillScreenListWithComunes(screenList); listaDoWyswietlania = screenList.Screens; user = await GetLoggedUser(); }
public Rectangle GetPreferredBounds(ScreenList screens) { var mon = _props.DestinationMonitor; if (mon > 0 && (mon - 1) < screens.Count) { return(screens[mon - 1].Bounds); } return(screens.Last().Bounds); }
public void AddScreen(Screen screen) { if (CurrentIndex < ScreenList.Count - 1 && !CompareScreen(screen, ScreenList[CurrentIndex + 1]) && ScreenList.Count - (CurrentIndex + 1) > 0) { ScreenList.RemoveRange(CurrentIndex + 1, ScreenList.Count - (CurrentIndex + 1)); } ScreenList.Add(screen); CurrentIndex++; UpdateNavigationButton(); }
public void OnBoundsChanged(WidgetBoundsChangedArgs args) { if (!args.Final) { return; } var screens = new ScreenList(); if (_props.DestinationMonitor > screens.Count) { return; } args.Bounds = screens[_props.DestinationMonitor - 1].Bounds; }
private RectangleF GetTotalScreenArea(ScreenList screens) { float width = 0.0f, height = 0.0f; foreach (var screen in screens) { if ((float)screen.Bounds.Right > width) { width = (float)screen.Bounds.Right; } if ((float)screen.Bounds.Bottom > height) { height = (float)screen.Bounds.Bottom; } } return(new RectangleF(0.0f, 0.0f, width, height)); }
async Task <ScreenList> fillScreenListWithComunes(ScreenList sl) { List <Gmina> listaWszystkichGminEver = await gs.GetGminaListAsync(); foreach (Screen s in sl.Screens) { if (s.IdGminy != 0) { Gmina gm = listaWszystkichGminEver.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == s.IdGminy); if (gm != null) { s.gmina = gm; } } } return(sl); }
private void WidgetLayoutControl_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { try { var g = e.Graphics; g.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Window, e.ClipRectangle); var matrix = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix(); matrix.Translate(_displayOffset.X, _displayOffset.Y); matrix.Scale(_displayScale, _displayScale); g.Transform = matrix; var screenList = new ScreenList(); foreach (var screen in screenList) { using (var brush = GraphicsUtil.CreateRadialGradientBrush(screen.Bounds, Color.Blue, Color.Navy)) { g.FillRectangle(brush, screen.Bounds); } } foreach (var widget in _widgets) { var args = new WidgetDrawArgs(widget.Config, widget.Bounds, g, null, true); g.SetClip(widget.Bounds); widget.Draw(args); g.ResetClip(); } foreach (var screen in screenList) { g.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.ControlDarkDark, screen.Bounds); } g.Transform = new System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix(); DrawSelectedWidgetBorder(g); } catch (Exception ex) { this.ShowError(ex); } }
static public void CopyDataToDb() { IScreenListService sls = new ScreenListMySQLService(new SqlDataAccess(null)); //ekrany List <Screen> ss = ScreenList.Load(); foreach (Screen argScreen in ss) { Debuger.PrintLn("Posting Screen {0}.", argScreen.uid); if (argScreen != null) { Screen temp = sls.GetGilBTScreenAsync(argScreen.uid).Result; if (temp != null) { Debuger.PrintLn("Already exists Uid {0}.", argScreen.uid); } else { Debuger.PrintLn("Adding screen Uid {0}.", argScreen.uid); argScreen.from_led_screen = true; sls.PostScreenAsync(argScreen); } } else { } } //usery WebServiceGilBT.Services.UserMySQLService uls = new WebServiceGilBT.Services.UserMySQLService(new SqlDataAccess(null)); foreach (WebServiceGilBT.Data.User user in UserList.users) { Console.WriteLine("adding: " + user.EmailAddress); if (user != null) { WebServiceGilBT.Data.User userindb = uls.GetUserAsync(user.UserId).Result; if (userindb == null) { uls.AddUserAsync(user).Wait(); } } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="assembledBytes"></param> /// <param name="patchSegments"></param> /// <param name="writeToImage">If true, all assembled code will be written onto the ROM image. Otherwise, ROM objects such as screen-load code will still be updated, but miscelaneous code will not be applied.</param> private void ApplyPatches(byte[] assembledBytes, IList <Romulus.PatchSegment> patchSegments, bool writeToImage) { for (int i = 0; i < patchSegments.Count; i++) { var seg = patchSegments[i]; if (seg.PatchOffset == GeneralPatchID) { if (writeToImage) { ApplyGeneralPatch(assembledBytes, seg); } else { generalCodeFileBase = (int)this.sourceRom.Format.GeneralAsmInsertionAddress - seg.Length; } _generalCodeAssembledSize = seg.Length; } else if (ScreenList.IsScreenPatch(seg)) { var screenEntry = screenList.GetAssociatedItem(seg); var extraBytes = ((IProjectBuildScreen)screenEntry.Screen); extraBytes.ExtraBytes = assembledBytes; extraBytes.ExtraBytesStart = seg.Start; extraBytes.ExtraBytesLength = seg.Length; } else { // Main file and misc patches if (writeToImage) { if (seg.PatchOffset < 0 || seg.PatchOffset + seg.Length > { _Errors.Add(new BuildError("", 0, "Patch at offset $" + seg.PatchOffset.ToString("X") + " exceeded the ROM bounds.")); FatalError = true; return; } Array.Copy(assembledBytes, seg.Start,, seg.PatchOffset, seg.Length); } } } }
protected async override Task OnInitializedAsync() { user = await GetLoggedUser(); screenList = await ScreenListService.GetGilBTScreenListAsync(); foreach (Screen s in screenList.Screens) { if (s.uid == Uid) { Screen = s; } } if (Screen == null) { Screen = new Screen(); Screen.uid = Uid; Screen.firmware_ver = "NULL"; = "NULL"; Screen.screen_type = eScreenType.unknown; } lng.LangChanged += StateHasChanged; }
public bool ChangeBoundsSafe(Rectangle newBounds, bool dragFinished) { var screens = new ScreenList(); if (newBounds.Width <= 0 || newBounds.Height <= 0) { return(false); } var envelope = screens.Select(s => s.Bounds).ToArray().GetEnvelope(); if (!envelope.Contains(newBounds.TopLeft()) && !envelope.Contains(newBounds.TopRight()) && !envelope.Contains(newBounds.BottomLeft()) && !envelope.Contains(newBounds.BottomRight())) { return(false); } var args = new WidgetBoundsChangedArgs(_config, newBounds, _bounds, new ScreenList(), dragFinished); _widget.OnBoundsChanged(args); _bounds = args.Bounds; return(true); }
public Rectangle GetPreferredBounds(ScreenList screens) { var prim = screens.Primary.Bounds; return(new Rectangle((prim.Width - k_defaultWidth) / 2 + prim.Left, (prim.Height - k_defaultHeight) / 2 + prim.Top, k_defaultWidth, k_defaultHeight)); }
public void Awake() { instance = this; }
public IQueryable <Screen> GetScreenList() { ScreenList screenList = sls.GetGilBTScreenListAsync().Result; return(screenList.Screens.AsQueryable()); }
public Rectangle GetPreferredBounds(ScreenList screens) { return(screens.Last().Bounds); }
public override void OnFrame(Controller controller) { //get screens screens = controller.CalibratedScreens; //calculate fps double fps = 1.0 * Stopwatch.Frequency / (stopWatch.ElapsedTicks - lasttime); lasttime = stopWatch.ElapsedTicks; timeaccum += 1.0 / fps; framesaccum++; if (timeaccum >= 0.5) { UpdateText(form.fps_label, "fps: " + Convert.ToString((int)(1.0 * framesaccum / timeaccum))); timeaccum -= 0.5; framesaccum = 0; } bool wasd = false; float scale, yoffset, ws, ad; bool intersect; lock (thisLock) //get access to input data { scale = (float)form.sens; yoffset = (float)form.yoffset; ws = (float)form.wsval; ad = (float)form.adval; intersect = form.intersect; wasd = form.wasd_check.Checked; } //move phase for keyboard simulation phase += par / fps * freq; if (phase > 1) { par = -1; phase = 1; } if (phase < 0) { par = 1; phase = 0; } Pointable point1 = null; bool point1_ok = false; // Get the most recent frame Frame frame = controller.Frame(); if (!frame.Tools.Empty) { //get the nearest tool int nearest = 0; double nearestval = double.MaxValue; ToolList tools = frame.Tools; for (int i = 0; i < tools.Count(); i++) { if (tools[i].TipPosition.z < nearestval) { nearest = i; nearestval = tools[i].TipPosition.z; } } point1 = tools[nearest]; point1_ok = true; } else if (!frame.Hands.Empty) { // Get the first hand Hand hand = frame.Hands[0]; // Check if the hand has any fingers FingerList fingers = hand.Fingers; if (!fingers.Empty) { //get the finger closest to the screen (smallest z) int nearest = 0; double nearestval = double.MaxValue; for (int i = 0; i < fingers.Count(); i++) { if (fingers[i].TipPosition.z < nearestval) { nearest = i; nearestval = fingers[i].TipPosition.z; } } point1 = fingers[nearest]; point1_ok = true; } } if (point1_ok) //there is finger or tool { PointConverter pc = new PointConverter(); Point pt = new Point(); //wasd not checked if (!wasd) { //interset/project on screen Vector intersection; if (intersect) { intersection = screens[0].Intersect(point1, true, 4.0f / scale); } else { intersection = screens[0].Project(point1.TipPosition, true, 4.0f / scale); } //scale and offset screen position double scx = (intersection.x - 0.5) * scale + 0.5; double scy = (1 - intersection.y - 0.5) * scale + 0.5 + yoffset; pt.X = (int)(scx * screens[0].WidthPixels); pt.Y = (int)(scy * screens[0].HeightPixels); Cursor.Position = pt; } //if wasd is checked else { string str = ""; float x = point1.TipPosition.x; float y = point1.TipPosition.y; float z = point1.TipPosition.z; var hWnd = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle; Hand hand = frame.Hands[0]; double xph = -hand.PalmNormal.Roll * ad * 8; //steering using roll double zph = (Math.Abs(hand.PalmPosition.z - 100) - ws * 200.0) / (200.0 * ws); //acceleration using z //stroke or release given keys if (xph > 0 && Math.Abs(xph) > phase) { str += "D"; if (!pD || Math.Abs(xph) > 1) { Stroke(0x20); } pD = true; } else { if (pD) { Release(0x20); } pD = false; } if (xph < 0 && Math.Abs(xph) > phase) { str += "A"; if (!pA || Math.Abs(xph) > 1) { Stroke(0x1E); } pA = true; } else { if (pA) { Release(0x1E); } pA = false; } if (z > 0 && zph > phase) { str += "S"; if (!pS || zph > 1) { Stroke(0x1F); } pS = true; } else { if (pS) { Release(0x1F); } pS = false; } if (z < 0 && zph > phase) { str += "W"; if (!pW || zph > 1) { Stroke(0x11); } pW = true; } else { if (pW) { Release(0x11); } pW = false; } UpdateText(form.debug_label, Convert.ToString(str)); } } else { if (pW) { Release(0x11); } if (pA) { Release(0x1E); } if (pS) { Release(0x1F); } if (pD) { Release(0x20); } pW = false; pA = false; pS = false; pD = false; } }
public Rectangle GetPreferredBounds(ScreenList screens) { var rect = screens.Primary.Bounds; return(new Rectangle(rect.Right - 600, 100, 500, 500)); }
public override void OnFrame(Controller controller) { //get screens screens = controller.CalibratedScreens; //calculate fps double fps = 1.0 * Stopwatch.Frequency / (stopWatch.ElapsedTicks - lasttime); lasttime = stopWatch.ElapsedTicks; timeaccum += 1.0 / fps; framesaccum++; if (timeaccum >= 0.5) { UpdateText(form.fps_label, "fps: " + Convert.ToString((int)(1.0 * framesaccum / timeaccum))); timeaccum -= 0.5; framesaccum = 0; } bool wasd = false; float scale, yoffset,ws,ad; bool intersect; lock (thisLock) //get access to input data { scale = (float)form.sens; yoffset = (float)form.yoffset; ws = (float)form.wsval; ad = (float)form.adval; intersect = form.intersect; wasd = form.wasd_check.Checked; } //move phase for keyboard simulation phase += par / fps * freq; if (phase > 1) { par = -1; phase = 1; } if (phase < 0) { par = 1; phase = 0; } Pointable point1 = null; bool point1_ok = false; // Get the most recent frame Frame frame = controller.Frame(); if (!frame.Tools.Empty) { //get the nearest tool int nearest = 0; double nearestval = double.MaxValue; ToolList tools = frame.Tools; for (int i = 0; i < tools.Count(); i++) { if (tools[i].TipPosition.z < nearestval) { nearest = i; nearestval = tools[i].TipPosition.z; } } point1 = tools[nearest]; point1_ok = true; } else if (!frame.Hands.Empty) { // Get the first hand Hand hand = frame.Hands[0]; // Check if the hand has any fingers FingerList fingers = hand.Fingers; if (!fingers.Empty) { //get the finger closest to the screen (smallest z) int nearest = 0; double nearestval = double.MaxValue; for (int i = 0; i < fingers.Count(); i++) { if (fingers[i].TipPosition.z < nearestval) { nearest = i; nearestval = fingers[i].TipPosition.z; } } point1 = fingers[nearest]; point1_ok = true; } } if (point1_ok) //there is finger or tool { PointConverter pc = new PointConverter(); Point pt = new Point(); //wasd not checked if (!wasd) { //interset/project on screen Vector intersection; if (intersect) intersection = screens[0].Intersect(point1, true, 4.0f / scale); else intersection = screens[0].Project(point1.TipPosition, true, 4.0f / scale); //scale and offset screen position double scx = (intersection.x - 0.5) * scale + 0.5; double scy = (1 - intersection.y - 0.5) * scale + 0.5 + yoffset; pt.X = (int)(scx * screens[0].WidthPixels); pt.Y = (int)(scy * screens[0].HeightPixels); Cursor.Position = pt; } //if wasd is checked else { string str = ""; float x = point1.TipPosition.x; float y = point1.TipPosition.y; float z = point1.TipPosition.z; var hWnd = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle; Hand hand = frame.Hands[0]; double xph = -hand.PalmNormal.Roll*ad*8; //steering using roll double zph = (Math.Abs(hand.PalmPosition.z-100) - ws * 200.0) / (200.0 * ws); //acceleration using z //stroke or release given keys if (xph > 0 && Math.Abs(xph) > phase) { str += "D"; if (!pD || Math.Abs(xph) > 1) Stroke(0x20); pD = true; } else { if (pD) Release(0x20); pD = false; } if (xph < 0 && Math.Abs(xph) > phase) { str += "A"; if (!pA || Math.Abs(xph) > 1) Stroke(0x1E); pA = true; } else { if (pA) Release(0x1E); pA = false; } if (z > 0 && zph > phase) { str += "S"; if (!pS || zph > 1) Stroke(0x1F); pS = true; } else { if (pS) Release(0x1F); pS = false; } if (z < 0 && zph > phase) { str += "W"; if (!pW || zph > 1) Stroke(0x11); pW = true; } else { if (pW) Release(0x11); pW = false; } UpdateText(form.debug_label, Convert.ToString(str)); } } else { if (pW) Release(0x11); if (pA) Release(0x1E); if (pS) Release(0x1F); if (pD) Release(0x20); pW = false; pA = false; pS = false; pD = false; } }