Example #1
        public Player(Vector2 position, Sprite sprite, ScreenDebuger screenDebuger, ContentManager content, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Level level)
            this.content          = content;
            this.screenDebuger    = screenDebuger;
            playerSprite          = sprite;
            this.position         = position;
            playerSprite.Position = this.position;
            Spawn          = position;
            this.level     = level;
            this.platforms = level.Platforms;
            random         = new Random();
            Health         = 100;

            runningAnimation = new Animation(content.Load <Texture2D>("SpriteSheets/running"), position, 100, 100, 8, 150, 1f, true, graphicsDevice);
            currentAnimation = runningAnimation;
Example #2
        public HauntedHouse()
            // Setup the graphics device manager with some default settings
            this.graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);
            this.graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth  = 1280;
            this.graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 720;

            screenDebuger = new ScreenDebuger();

            // Allow the window to be resized (to demonstrate render target recreation)
            this.Window.AllowUserResizing = true;

            // Setup the content manager with some default settings
            this.Content.RootDirectory = "Content";

            // Create Krypton
            this.krypton      = new KryptonEngine(this, "KryptonEffect");
            this.ambiantLight = new KryptonEngine(this, "KryptonEffect");
Example #3
        public void Intialise(KryptonEngine krypton, ContentManager content, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, ScreenDebuger screenDebuger, List <Sprite> sprites)
            this.content       = content;
            this.krypton       = krypton;
            this.sprites       = sprites;
            this.screenDebuger = screenDebuger;
            placeHolder        = content.Load <Texture2D>("PlaceHolder");
            interestingLight   = content.Load <Texture2D>("player");
            platforms          = new List <Platform>();

            //Texture2D playerImage = content.Load<Texture2D>("playerDraft");
            //Sprite testSprite = new Sprite(playerImage, new Vector2(0,0), false, krypton);
            //player = new Player(new Vector2(100, 100), testSprite);

            foreach (var layer in TileLayers)
                for (int y = 0; y < layer.Height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < layer.Width; x++)
                        Tile tile = layer.Tiles[y * layer.Width + x];
                        if (tile.Exists)
                            tile.Intialise(new Vector2(x, y), content);

            foreach (var layer in EntityLayers)
                foreach (Entity entity in layer.Entities)
                    entity.Intialise(platforms, sprites, krypton, content, graphicsDevice, screenDebuger, this);

            // Create a light we can control
            torch = new Light2D()
                Texture    = LightTextureBuilder.CreatePointLight(graphicsDevice, 1024),
                X          = 0,
                Y          = 0,
                Range      = 800,
                Intensity  = 0.6f,
                Color      = Color.White,
                ShadowType = ShadowType.Illuminated,
                Fov        = MathHelper.PiOver2 * (float)(0.3)

            torchGlow = new Light2D()
                Texture    = LightTextureBuilder.CreatePointLight(graphicsDevice, 1024),
                X          = 0,
                Y          = 0,
                Range      = 700,
                Intensity  = 0.25f,
                Color      = Color.White,
                ShadowType = ShadowType.Solid,
                //Fov = MathHelper.PiOver2 * (float)(0.5)
Example #4
        public void Intialise(List <Platform> platforms, List <Sprite> sprites, KryptonEngine krypton, ContentManager content, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, ScreenDebuger screenDebuger, Level level)
            if (EntityType == "Player")
                Texture2D playerImage = content.Load <Texture2D>("player");
                Sprite    testSprite  = new Sprite(playerImage, new Vector2(0, 0), false, krypton);
                Player    aPlayer     = new Player(new Vector2(EntityBounds.X, EntityBounds.Y), testSprite, screenDebuger, content, graphicsDevice, level);

            if (EntityType == "Hazard")

            if (EntityType == "Platform")
                TileCollision tileCollision = TileCollision.Platform;
                if (Properties["CollisionType"] == "Platform")
                    tileCollision = TileCollision.Platform;
                if (Properties["CollisionType"] == "Passable")
                    tileCollision = TileCollision.Passable;
                if (Properties["CollisionType"] == "Impassable")
                    tileCollision = TileCollision.Impassable;
                Platform platform = new Platform(EntityBounds, tileCollision, Convert.ToBoolean(Properties["IsShadowCaster"]), krypton);

            if (EntityType == "Light")
                Color color = new Color();
                color.R = (byte)Convert.ToInt32(Properties["R"]);
                color.G = (byte)Convert.ToInt32(Properties["G"]);
                color.B = (byte)Convert.ToInt32(Properties["B"]);
                color.A = 255;

                 *  X = EntityBounds.X,
                 *  Y = EntityBounds.Y,
                 *  Range = (float)Convert.ToInt32(Properties["Range"]),
                 *  Intensity = (float)Convert.ToDouble(Properties["Intensity"]),
                 *  Color = color,
                 *  ShadowType = ShadowType.Illuminated,
                 *  Fov = MathHelper.PiOver2 * (float) (0.5)
                 * */

                Light2D light = new Light2D
                    Texture    = LightTextureBuilder.CreatePointLight(graphicsDevice, 1024),
                    X          = EntityBounds.X,
                    Y          = EntityBounds.Y,
                    Range      = (float)Convert.ToInt32(Properties["Range"]),
                    Intensity  = (float)Convert.ToDouble(Properties["Intensity"]),
                    Color      = color,
                    ShadowType = ShadowType.Illuminated,
                    Fov        = MathHelper.PiOver2 * (float)Convert.ToDouble(Properties["Fov"])

                //Optional Properties
                if (Properties.ContainsKey("Flicker"))
                    light.Flicker = (bool)Convert.ToBoolean(Properties["Flicker"]);
