Example #1
    void UpdateTransformParenting()
        #region Update Platform Parenting
        //Create a downward ray
        Ray        DownRay = new Ray(transform.position, new Vector3(0, -1, 0));
        RaycastHit DownHit = new RaycastHit();
        //Check what you are currently standing on
        if (Physics.Raycast(DownRay, out DownHit, (CharacterHeight / 2) + 1))
            FloorObject = DownHit.transform.gameObject;

            if (FloorObject.layer == 8)
                transform.parent = FloorObject.transform;
                transform.parent = Scr_PlayerController.inst.transform;

        #region Portal Check
        if (PreviousFloorObject != null && FloorObject != null)
            if (UnderPlayerControl)
                //If the previous floor object was not a portal
                if (PreviousFloorObject.GetComponent <Scr_Portal_Entity>() == null)
                    //And the current one is
                    if (FloorObject.GetComponent <Scr_Portal_Entity>() != null)
                        if (FloorObject.GetComponent <Scr_Portal_Entity>().GetPartnerPortal() != null)
                            if (FloorObject.GetComponent <Scr_Portal_Entity>().IsBlocked() == false)
                                //Teleport the character
                                Scr_Portal_Entity TargetPortal   = FloorObject.GetComponent <Scr_Portal_Entity>().GetPartnerPortal();
                                Vector3           TargetPosition = TargetPortal.transform.position + new Vector3(0, CharacterHeight / 2, 0);
                                transform.position = TargetPosition;

                                //Make the character independant

Example #2
    public virtual void UpdateTransformParenting()
        #region Update Platform Parenting
        //Create a downward ray
        Ray        DownRay = new Ray(transform.position + new Vector3(0, EntityCollider.bounds.extents.y, 0), new Vector3(0, -1, 0));
        RaycastHit DownHit = new RaycastHit();
        //Check what you are currently standing on
        if (Physics.Raycast(DownRay, out DownHit, EntityCollider.bounds.extents.y + 0.1f))
            FloorObject = DownHit.transform.gameObject;

            if (FloorObject.layer == 8)
                transform.parent = FloorObject.transform;
                transform.parent = Scr_PlayerController.inst.transform;

        #region Portal Check
        if (PreviousFloorObject != null && FloorObject != null)
            //If the previous floor object was not a portal
            if (PreviousFloorObject.GetComponent <Scr_Portal_Entity>() == null)
                //And the current one is
                if (FloorObject.GetComponent <Scr_Portal_Entity>() != null)
                    if (FloorObject.GetComponent <Scr_Portal_Entity>().GetPartnerPortal() != null)
                        if (FloorObject.GetComponent <Scr_Portal_Entity>().IsBlocked() == false)
                            WaitingToTeleport = true;
                            //Teleport the character
                            Scr_Portal_Entity TargetPortal   = FloorObject.GetComponent <Scr_Portal_Entity>().GetPartnerPortal();
                            Vector3           TargetPosition = TargetPortal.transform.position + new Vector3(0, -TargetPortal.EntityCollider.bounds.extents.y / 2, 0);
                            transform.position        = TargetPosition;
                            TeleportTarget            = TargetPosition;
                            TargetPortal.LatestEntity = this.gameObject;
