Example #1
    void Start()
        // Scene name should be exactly the name of the level in saved scores
        levelName = name;
        ScoreType scoreForTheLevel = ScoreType.LoadLevelScore(levelName);

        if (scoreForTheLevel.Score > -1 && scoreForTheLevel.Time > -1)
            // Set score and time text
            score.text = scoreForTheLevel.Score.ToString();
            time.text  = (scoreForTheLevel.Time / 60000).ToString("D2") + ":"
                         + ((scoreForTheLevel.Time / 1000) % 60).ToString("D2") + ":"
                         + (scoreForTheLevel.Time % 1000).ToString("D3");

            // Set color of button's background to grey
            ColorBlock buttonColor = GetComponent <Button>().colors;
            buttonColor.normalColor        = new Color(.7f, .7f, .7f);
            GetComponent <Button>().colors = buttonColor;
            score.text = " - ";
            time.text  = " - ";