// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { _rigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); _scoreMenu = _scoreMenuUI.GetComponent <ScoreMenu>(); _scoreMenu.Hide(); _scoreMenu._score = 0; }
void startScoreCount() { ScoreMenu.SetActive(true); iTween.ValueTo(gameObject, iTween.Hash("from", 0, "to", GamePlayController.Static.ingameScoreCount, "time", 1, "easetype", iTween.EaseType.easeInOutCubic, "onupdate", "changeScoreText", "oncomplete", "startDistanceCount")); SoundController.Static.PlaySlider(); }
//Intialise all menues on start void Start() { _scoreMenu = scoreMenu.GetComponent <ScoreMenu>(); HUD.SetActive(false); scoreMenu.SetActive(false); startMenu.SetActive(true); tutorialMenu.SetActive(false); }
private void initState() { states = new GameState[Constant.STATES]; states[0] = new PrincipalMenu(); states[1] = GameManager.Instance; states[2] = new PauseMenu(); states[3] = new ScoreMenu(); states[4] = new GameRules(); states[5] = new Win(); }
private void Awake() { if (instance != null) { if (instance != this) { Destroy(this); //instance = this; //DontDestroyOnLoad(_canvas.gameObject); } } else { instance = this; //DontDestroyOnLoad(_canvas.gameObject); } }
private void ToggleScoreboard(bool InToggle) { if (InToggle) { m_ScoreBoard = GameObject.Instantiate(GameMode.m_GameMode.m_GameData.m_ScoreMenu); m_ScoreBoard.transform.SetParent(m_HUDCanvas.transform, false); ScoreMenu TempScoreMenu = m_ScoreBoard.GetComponentInChildren <ScoreMenu>(); TempScoreMenu.SetupWindow(!m_Player.m_PlayerLogic.IsAlive() ? ScoreMenuType.SMT_Lose : ScoreMenuType.SMT_Win, m_Player.m_PlayerLogic.m_Score); DestroyGameObjects(); } else if (m_ScoreBoard != null) { GameObject.Destroy(m_ScoreBoard); } }
// Instantiate the character prefab at the spawn point public void SpawnCharacter() { _character = Instantiate(characterPrefab, spawnPoint, Quaternion.identity).gameObject; // Subscribe level reload to character die event _character.GetComponent <CharacterControl>().dieEvent.AddListener(GlobalGameManager.Pause); // Show game over menu when the character dies _character.GetComponent <CharacterControl>().dieEvent.AddListener(() => { ScoreMenu scoreMenu = FindObjectOfType <ScoreMenu>(); if (scoreMenu != null) { scoreMenu.ShowMenu(); } Achievements achievements = FindObjectOfType <Achievements>(); if (achievements != null) { achievements.SaveAchievements(); } }); }
void ScoreUpdate(float Total_Score) { ScoreMenu.Update_Score(); }