static public int ClosestNonEmptyLineTo(this ScintillaGateway document, int line) { if (document.GetLine(line).HasText()) { return(line); } int lineCount = document.GetLineCount(); for (int i = 1; i < lineCount; i++) { if (line - i >= 0) { if (document.GetLine(line - i).HasText()) { return(line - i); } } if (line + i < lineCount) { if (document.GetLine(line + i).HasText()) { return(line + i); } } } return(-1); }
public Position SelectFirstWordOfLine(ScintillaGateway scintilla) { int lineNumber = scintilla.GetCurrentLineNumber(); var lineContent = scintilla.GetLine(lineNumber); if (lineContent.StartsWith("#")) { return(null); } int endOfFirstWordOnLine = lineContent.IndexOf(' '); if (endOfFirstWordOnLine == -1) { return(null); } var positionOfLine = scintilla.PositionFromLine(lineNumber); var cursorpos = scintilla.GetCurrentPos() - positionOfLine; var cursorIsWithinFirstWord = cursorpos.Value <= endOfFirstWordOnLine; if (!cursorIsWithinFirstWord) { return(null); } var newPosition = new Position(positionOfLine.Value + endOfFirstWordOnLine); scintilla.SetAnchor(newPosition); scintilla.SetCurrentPos(positionOfLine); return(newPosition); }
/// <summary> /// Find and capitalize all Markdown Titles in the document. /// </summary> internal static void CapitalizeMDTitles() { // Get scintilla gateway. IntPtr currentScint = PluginBase.GetCurrentScintilla(); ScintillaGateway scintillaGateway = new ScintillaGateway(currentScint); string line; // Get the number of lines in the document. int numLines = scintillaGateway.GetLineCount(); // Traverse through each line. for (int i = 0; i < numLines; i++) { // Set line to the current line. line = scintillaGateway.GetLine(i); // Check each character in the line to see if it begins // with a '#'. for (int j = 0; j < line.Length; j++) { if (line[j] == '#') { // If it begins with '#', select the line and call // the CapitalizeTitle method with these parameters. scintillaGateway.GotoLine(i); scintillaGateway.SetSel(scintillaGateway.PositionFromLine(i), scintillaGateway.GetLineEndPosition(i)); CapitalizeTitle(); break; } // Support for Setext headers. else if ((line[j] == '-' || line[j] == '=') && !IsAlphaNumeric(line)) { // If it begins with '-' or '=', select the previous line and call // the CapitalizeTitle method with these parameters. scintillaGateway.GotoLine(i - 1); scintillaGateway.SetSel(scintillaGateway.PositionFromLine(i - 1), scintillaGateway.GetLineEndPosition(i - 1)); CapitalizeTitle(); break; } } } }
private static bool SearchNextSectionOrPerform(string sectionName, int offset) { var editor = new ScintillaGateway(PluginBase.GetCurrentScintilla()); using (TextToFind textToFind = new TextToFind(offset, editor.GetTextLength() - 1, sectionName)) { Position sectionPosition = editor.FindText(0, textToFind); if (sectionPosition.Value >= 0) { if (editor.GetLine(editor.LineFromPosition(sectionPosition)).StartsWith("*")) { CurrentSearchOffset = sectionPosition.Value + sectionName.Length; return(SearchNextSectionOrPerform(sectionName, CurrentSearchOffset)); } ScrollToLine(editor.LineFromPosition(sectionPosition)); CurrentSearchOffset = sectionPosition.Value + sectionName.Length; return(true); } else { return(false); } } }
public static string GetCurrentLine(this ScintillaGateway document) { return(document.GetLine(document.LineFromPosition(document.GetCurrentPos()))); }
internal static void Process(bool isScript, string script = null, Action <object> setResult = null, bool forceErrorInOutput = false) { Init(); if (!Config.Instance.KeepVariablesBetweenEvaluations) { LastVariables = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } else if (LastVariables != null) { LastVariables .ToList() .FindAll(kvp => kvp.Value is StronglyTypedVariable) .ForEach(kvp => LastVariables.Remove(kvp.Key)); } evaluator.Variables = LastVariables; evaluator.OptionForceIntegerNumbersEvaluationsAsDoubleByDefault = Config.Instance.OptionForceIntegerNumbersEvaluationsAsDoubleByDefault; evaluator.OptionCaseSensitiveEvaluationActive = Config.Instance.CaseSensitive; evaluator.OptionsSyntaxRules.MandatoryLastStatementTerminalPunctuator = false; evaluator.OptionsSyntaxRules.IsNewKeywordForAnonymousExpandoObjectOptional = true; evaluator.OptionsSyntaxRules.AllowSimplifiedCollectionSyntax = true; evaluator.OptionsSyntaxRules.SimplifiedCollectionMode = SimplifiedCollectionMode.List; evaluator.OptionsSyntaxRules.InitializerPropertyValueSeparators = new[] { "=", ":" }; evaluator.OptionsSyntaxRules.InitializerAllowStringForProperties = true; try { if (BNpp.SelectionLength <= 0) { IScintillaGateway scintilla = new ScintillaGateway(PluginBase.GetCurrentScintilla()); int line = scintilla.GetCurrentLineNumber(); int end = scintilla.GetLineEndPosition(line); int start = 0; if (isScript) { // TODO special start script tag } else { int i; for (i = line; i > 0 && scintilla.GetLine(line).TrimStart().StartsWith("."); i--) { ; } start = scintilla.PositionFromLine(i); for (i = line; i < scintilla.GetLineCount() && scintilla.GetLine(line).TrimStart().StartsWith("."); i++) { ; } end = scintilla.GetLineEndPosition(i); } if (setResult == null) { scintilla.SetSel(new Position(start), new Position(end)); } } setResult ??= Config.Instance.CurrentResultOut.SetResult; script ??= BNpp.SelectedText; Config.Instance.LastScripts.Insert(0, script); while (Config.Instance.LastScripts.Count > Config.Instance.NbrOfLastScriptToKeep) { Config.Instance.LastScripts.RemoveAt(Config.Instance.LastScripts.Count - 1); } Config.Instance.LastScripts = Config.Instance.LastScripts.Distinct().ToList(); object result = isScript ? evaluator.ScriptEvaluate(evaluator.RemoveComments(script)) : evaluator.Evaluate(evaluator.RemoveComments(script.TrimEnd(';'))); setResult(result); } catch (Exception exception) { if (Config.Instance.ShowExceptionInMessageBox && !forceErrorInOutput) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message); } if (Config.Instance.ShowExceptionInOutput || forceErrorInOutput) { setResult(exception); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomEvaluations.Print)) { setResult(CustomEvaluations.Print); } } finally { LastVariables = evaluator.Variables; Config.Instance.Save(); } }
/// <summary>Trennt die Punkte aus dem Aktuellem Text</summary> /// <param name="settings"></param> public void getMeasuresFromCurrentCADdy(Settings settings) { IScintillaGateway editor = new ScintillaGateway(PluginBase.GetCurrentScintilla()); standpunkte.Clear(); if (editor != null) { Int32 countLines = editor.GetLineCount(); ClassCADdyStandpunkt cuStandpunkt = null; for (Int32 lc = 0; lc < countLines; lc++) { String cuLine = editor.GetLine(lc); // Auch Excel Splitbar machen ;-) cuLine = cuLine.Replace('\t', ' '); // Tab durch Leerzeichen ersetzten cuLine = cuLine.Replace(',', settings.Decimalseperator[0]); // , durch . ersetzten String[] split = ClassStringTools.GetFieldsManyDelimiters(cuLine, ' ', true); if (split != null) { if ((4 >= split.Length) && (split.Length >= 3)) // Standpunkt { if (split[0].StartsWith("-")) { if (cuStandpunkt != null) { standpunkte.Add(cuStandpunkt); } cuStandpunkt = new ClassCADdyStandpunkt(); cuStandpunkt.LineNumber = lc; cuStandpunkt.Punktnummer = ClassStringTools.trimToEmpty(split[settings.PointName_Column - 1]); if (settings.PointName_ToUpper) { cuStandpunkt.Punktnummer = cuStandpunkt.Punktnummer.ToUpper(); } Double temp = Double.NaN; if (ClassConverters.StringToDouble(split[settings.Messd_I_Column - 1], out temp)) { cuStandpunkt.I = temp; // code cuStandpunkt.Code = ClassStringTools.trimToEmpty(split[settings.Messd_STPKCode_Column - 1]); if (split.Length == 4) { // code cuStandpunkt.Bemerkung = ClassStringTools.trimToEmpty(split[settings.Messd_STPKDescript_Column - 1]); } } } } if (split.Length >= 5) // = Zielpunkt { if (cuStandpunkt != null) { ClassCADdyZielung zielung = new ClassCADdyZielung(); { zielung.Zielpunkt = ClassStringTools.trimToEmpty(split[settings.PointName_Column - 1]); if (settings.PointName_ToUpper) { zielung.Zielpunkt = zielung.Zielpunkt.ToUpper(); } if (!ClassStringTools.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(zielung.Zielpunkt)) { Double temp = Double.NaN; if (ClassConverters.StringToDouble(split[settings.Messd_Hz_Column - 1], out temp)) { zielung.Hz = temp; if (ClassConverters.StringToDouble(split[settings.Messd_S_Column - 1], out temp)) { zielung.S = temp; if (ClassConverters.StringToDouble(split[settings.Messd_V_Column - 1], out temp)) { zielung.V = temp; if (ClassConverters.StringToDouble(split[settings.Messd_D_Column - 1], out temp)) { zielung.D = temp; if (split.Length >= 6) { // code zielung.Code = ClassStringTools.trimToEmpty(split[settings.Messd_Code_Column - 1]); if (split.Length >= 7) { // Beschreibung zielung.Bemerkung = ClassStringTools.trimToEmpty(split[settings.Messd_Descript_Column - 1]); } } } zielung.LineNumber = lc; cuStandpunkt.Zielungen.Add(zielung); } } } } } } } } } // den letzten nicht vergessen if (cuStandpunkt != null) { standpunkte.Add(cuStandpunkt); } } hasMessdaten = standpunkte.Count > 0; }
internal static void C7GSPFunction() { //Preparing some variables var scintilla = new ScintillaGateway(PluginBase.GetCurrentScintilla()); //Starting Undo "recording". Next steps can be undo with one undo command scintilla.BeginUndoAction(); //Is there any text selected if (scintilla.GetSelText() != "") { //Calculating selections first line begin Position selStartPos = scintilla.GetSelectionStart(); int startLineNum = scintilla.LineFromPosition(selStartPos); Position startLinePos = scintilla.PositionFromLine(startLineNum); //Calculating selections last line end Position selEndPos = scintilla.GetSelectionEnd(); int endLineNum = scintilla.LineFromPosition(selEndPos); Position endLinePos = scintilla.GetLineEndPosition(endLineNum); //Setting the selection as needed scintilla.SetSel(startLinePos, endLinePos); //Preparing needed variables int ignoreMe = 0; //Gathered information string line = ""; int lineFeedLen = 0; int tt = 0, np = 0, na = 0, gtrc = 0; string ns = ""; string modifiers = ""; //Loopping through the selected lines int i = startLineNum; while (i <= endLineNum) { //Line to the memory line = scintilla.GetLine(i); if (line.Length > 2) { //Checking did we get a fresh GT line (three first chars are int (TT)) if (int.TryParse(line.Substring(0, 3), out ignoreMe)) { //Gathering the basic GT information tt = int.Parse(line.Substring(0, 3)); np = int.Parse(line.Substring(5, 2)); na = int.Parse(line.Substring(9, 3)); ns = line.Substring(14, 16).Replace(" ", string.Empty); gtrc = na = int.Parse(line.Substring(56, 3)); //Move carret to the begin of the line scintilla.SetCurrentPos(scintilla.PositionFromLine(i)); //Delete all from the line scintilla.DelLineRight(); //Add text scintilla.InsertText(scintilla.PositionFromLine(i), "C7GSI:TT=" + tt + ",NP=" + np + ",NA=" + ",NS=" + ns + ",GTRC=" + gtrc + ";"); //Checking next line if it it's not empty if (scintilla.GetLine(i + 1).Length >= 9) { //And the line will contain header which begins with MTT if (scintilla.GetLine(i + 1).Substring(9, 3) == "MTT") { //If yes then take the line under it to the variable modifiers = scintilla.GetLine(i + 2); //If linefeed is CRLF, then two extra characters in the end of line if (scintilla.GetEOLMode() == 0) { lineFeedLen = 2; } else { lineFeedLen = 1; } //Removing lines which not needed anymore scintilla.SetCurrentPos(scintilla.PositionFromLine(i + 1)); scintilla.LineDelete(); scintilla.LineDelete(); endLineNum = endLineNum - 2; //Determining which variables the modifiers line will contain if (modifiers.Length == (12 + lineFeedLen)) { //Insert command to the line scintilla.InsertText(scintilla.PositionFromLine(i + 1), "C7GSC:TT=" + tt + ",NP=" + np + ",NA=" + ",NS=" + ns + ",MTT=" + modifiers.Substring(9, 3).Replace(" ", string.Empty) + ";"); } else if (modifiers.Length == (17 + lineFeedLen)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modifiers.Substring(9, 3))) { //Insert command to the line scintilla.InsertText(scintilla.GetCurrentPos(), "C7GSC:TT=" + tt + ",NP=" + np + ",NA=" + ",NS=" + ns + ",MTT=" + modifiers.Substring(9, 3).Replace(" ", string.Empty) + ";"); //Go to end of the current line scintilla.GotoPos(scintilla.GetLineEndPosition(scintilla.LineFromPosition(scintilla.GetCurrentPos()))); //Adding new line scintilla.NewLine(); endLineNum++; } scintilla.InsertText(scintilla.GetCurrentPos(), "C7GSC:TT=" + tt + ",NP=" + np + ",NA=" + ",NS=" + ns + ",MNP=" + modifiers.Substring(14, 3).Replace(" ", string.Empty) + ";"); } else if (modifiers.Length == (22 + lineFeedLen)) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modifiers.Substring(9, 3))) { scintilla.InsertText(scintilla.GetCurrentPos(), "C7GSC:TT=" + tt + ",NP=" + np + ",NA=" + ",NS=" + ns + ",MTT=" + modifiers.Substring(9, 3).Replace(" ", string.Empty) + ";"); scintilla.GotoPos(scintilla.GetLineEndPosition(scintilla.LineFromPosition(scintilla.GetCurrentPos()))); scintilla.NewLine(); endLineNum++; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modifiers.Substring(14, 3))) { scintilla.InsertText(scintilla.GetCurrentPos(), "C7GSC:TT=" + tt + ",NP=" + np + ",NA=" + ",NS=" + ns + ",MNP=" + modifiers.Substring(14, 3).Replace(" ", string.Empty) + ";"); scintilla.GotoPos(scintilla.GetLineEndPosition(scintilla.LineFromPosition(scintilla.GetCurrentPos()))); scintilla.NewLine(); endLineNum++; } scintilla.InsertText(scintilla.GetCurrentPos(), "C7GSC:TT=" + tt + ",NP=" + np + ",NA=" + ",NS=" + ns + ",MNA=" + modifiers.Substring(19, 3).Replace(" ", string.Empty) + ";"); } else { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modifiers.Substring(9, 3))) { scintilla.InsertText(scintilla.GetCurrentPos(), "C7GSC:TT=" + tt + ",NP=" + np + ",NA=" + ",NS=" + ns + ",MTT=" + modifiers.Substring(9, 3).Replace(" ", string.Empty) + ";"); scintilla.GotoPos(scintilla.GetLineEndPosition(scintilla.LineFromPosition(scintilla.GetCurrentPos()))); scintilla.NewLine(); endLineNum++; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modifiers.Substring(14, 3))) { scintilla.InsertText(scintilla.GetCurrentPos(), "C7GSC:TT=" + tt + ",NP=" + np + ",NA=" + ",NS=" + ns + ",MNP=" + modifiers.Substring(14, 3).Replace(" ", string.Empty) + ";"); scintilla.GotoPos(scintilla.GetLineEndPosition(scintilla.LineFromPosition(scintilla.GetCurrentPos()))); scintilla.NewLine(); endLineNum++; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modifiers.Substring(19, 3))) { scintilla.InsertText(scintilla.GetCurrentPos(), "C7GSC:TT=" + tt + ",NP=" + np + ",NA=" + ",NS=" + ns + ",MNA=" + modifiers.Substring(19, 3).Replace(" ", string.Empty) + ";"); scintilla.GotoPos(scintilla.GetLineEndPosition(scintilla.LineFromPosition(scintilla.GetCurrentPos()))); scintilla.NewLine(); endLineNum++; } scintilla.InsertText(scintilla.GetCurrentPos(), "C7GSC:TT=" + tt + ",NP=" + np + ",NA=" + ",NS=" + ns + ",MNS=" + modifiers.Substring(24, (modifiers.Length - 24 - lineFeedLen)).Replace(" ", string.Empty) + ";"); } } } } } i++; } } scintilla.EndUndoAction(); }
/// <summary>Testet, um welche Datenstruktut es sich handeln könnte</summary> /// <param name="settings"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static enWhatIAm check(Settings settings) { enWhatIAm result = enWhatIAm.iDontKnown; IScintillaGateway editor = new ScintillaGateway(PluginBase.GetCurrentScintilla()); if (editor.GetLineCount() > 0) { String cuLine = editor.GetLine(0); cuLine = cuLine.Replace('\t', ' '); // Tab durch Leerzeichen ersetzten cuLine = cuLine.Replace(',', settings.Decimalseperator[0]); // , durch . ersetzten String[] split = ClassStringTools.GetFieldsManyDelimiters(cuLine, ' ', true); if (split != null) { switch (split.Length) { case 3: if (split[settings.PointName_Column - 1].StartsWith("-")) { result = enWhatIAm.CADdyMeasure; } break; case 4: if (split[settings.PointName_Column - 1].StartsWith("-")) { result = enWhatIAm.CADdyMeasure; } else if (split[settings.Koord_RW_E_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator) || ClassStringTools.IsNumeric(split[settings.Koord_RW_E_Column - 1])) { if (split[settings.Koord_HW_N_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator) || ClassStringTools.IsNumeric(split[settings.Koord_HW_N_Column - 1])) { if (split[settings.Koord_Elev_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator) || ClassStringTools.IsNumeric(split[settings.Koord_Elev_Column - 1])) { // Koordinaten ohne Code result = enWhatIAm.CADdyCoord; } } } break; case 5: if (split[settings.Koord_RW_E_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator) || ClassStringTools.IsNumeric(split[settings.Koord_RW_E_Column - 1])) { if (split[settings.Koord_HW_N_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator) || ClassStringTools.IsNumeric(split[settings.Koord_HW_N_Column - 1])) { if (split[settings.Koord_Elev_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator) || ClassStringTools.IsNumeric(split[settings.Koord_Elev_Column - 1])) { if (!split[settings.Koord_Code_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator)) { result = enWhatIAm.CADdyCoord; } } } } if (result == enWhatIAm.iDontKnown) { if (split[settings.Messd_Hz_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator) || ClassStringTools.IsNumeric(split[settings.Messd_Hz_Column - 1])) { if (split[settings.Messd_V_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator) || ClassStringTools.IsNumeric(split[settings.Messd_V_Column - 1])) { if (split[settings.Messd_S_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator) || ClassStringTools.IsNumeric(split[settings.Messd_S_Column - 1])) { if (split[settings.Messd_D_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator) || ClassStringTools.IsNumeric(split[settings.Messd_D_Column])) { result = enWhatIAm.CADdyMeasure; } } } } } break; case 6: if (split[settings.Koord_RW_E_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator)) { if (split[settings.Koord_HW_N_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator)) { if (split[settings.Koord_Elev_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator)) { if (!split[settings.Koord_Code_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator)) { result = enWhatIAm.CADdyCoord; } } } } if (result == enWhatIAm.iDontKnown) { if (split[settings.Messd_Hz_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator) || ClassStringTools.IsNumeric(split[settings.Messd_Hz_Column - 1])) { if (split[settings.Messd_V_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator) || ClassStringTools.IsNumeric(split[settings.Messd_V_Column - 1])) { if (split[settings.Messd_S_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator) || ClassStringTools.IsNumeric(split[settings.Messd_S_Column - 1])) { if (split[settings.Messd_D_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator) || ClassStringTools.IsNumeric(split[settings.Messd_D_Column - 1])) { if (!split[settings.Messd_Code_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator)) { result = enWhatIAm.CADdyMeasure; } } } } } } break; case 7: if (split[settings.Messd_Hz_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator) || ClassStringTools.IsNumeric(split[settings.Messd_Hz_Column - 1])) { if (split[settings.Messd_V_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator) || ClassStringTools.IsNumeric(split[settings.Messd_V_Column - 1])) { if (split[settings.Messd_S_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator) || ClassStringTools.IsNumeric(split[settings.Messd_S_Column - 1])) { if (split[settings.Messd_D_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator) || ClassStringTools.IsNumeric(split[settings.Messd_D_Column - 1])) { if (!split[settings.Messd_Code_Column - 1].Contains(settings.Decimalseperator)) { result = enWhatIAm.CADdyMeasure; } } } } } break; default: break; } } } return(result); }