public bool containsExclude(Scientrace.Location aLocation, double excludedMargin) { if (aLocation == null) { return false; } Scientrace.Location sLoc = (aLocation-this.loc); //shifted location based on plane origin Scientrace.Location tLoc = this.trf.transform(sLoc); //transformed location based on the plane basevectors and its normal return (tLoc.z >= excludedMargin); }
//length inherited from Prism public TriangularPrism(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops, Scientrace.Location loc, Scientrace.NonzeroVector width, Scientrace.NonzeroVector height, Scientrace.NonzeroVector length) : base(parent, mprops) { this.paramInit(loc, width, height, length); }
public Scientrace.Location constructPlaneNodeLoc(Scientrace.Location planeCenter, double radius, double angle, Scientrace.NonzeroVector baseVec1, Scientrace.NonzeroVector baseVec2) { Scientrace.Vector ix = baseVec1.toVector()*radius*Math.Sin(angle); Scientrace.Vector iy = baseVec2.toVector()*radius*Math.Cos(angle); return planeCenter+ix+iy; }
public void initCreatedRefractTrace(Trace refractTrace, UnitVector surfaceNormal, Scientrace.Object3d fromObject3d, Scientrace.Object3d toObject3d) { double oldrefindex = fromObject3d.materialproperties.refractiveindex(this); double newrefindex = toObject3d.materialproperties.refractiveindex(this); //for definitions on the parameters below, check fullInternalReflects function. UnitVector incoming_trace_direction = this.traceline.direction; if (incoming_trace_direction.dotProduct(surfaceNormal) > 0) { surfaceNormal = surfaceNormal.negative(); } Scientrace.UnitVector nnorm = surfaceNormal.negative(); Scientrace.Vector incoming_normal_projection = nnorm*(incoming_trace_direction.dotProduct(nnorm)); Vector L1 = incoming_trace_direction-incoming_normal_projection; double L2 = (oldrefindex/newrefindex)*L1.length; if (incoming_trace_direction == incoming_normal_projection) { //in case of normal incident light: do not refract. refractTrace.traceline.direction = incoming_trace_direction; return; } try { refractTrace.traceline.direction = ((nnorm*Math.Sqrt(1 - Math.Pow(L2,2))) +(L1.tryToUnitVector()*L2)).tryToUnitVector(); } catch (ZeroNonzeroVectorException) { Console.WriteLine("WARNING: cannot define direction for refraction trace. Using surface normal instead. (L1: "+incoming_trace_direction.trico()+", L2:"+incoming_normal_projection.trico()+")."); refractTrace.traceline.direction = nnorm; } //end try/catch }
public PhysicalObject3d(Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties materialproperties) : base(parent, materialproperties) { this.surface_sides = new HashSet<SurfaceSide>() {Scientrace.SurfaceSide.Both}; //this.surface_sides.Add(Scientrace.SurfaceSide.Both); //this.materialproperties = materialproperties; }
public RandomCircleLightSource(Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment env, Scientrace.Location center, Scientrace.UnitVector direction, Scientrace.Plane plane, double radius, int linecount, LightSpectrum spectrum) : base(env) { //this.direction = direction; Random randNum = new Random(); Scientrace.UnitVector urange, vrange; double r1, r2; urange = plane.u.toUnitVector(); vrange = plane.v.toUnitVector(); Scientrace.Line line; for (int iline = 0; iline < linecount; iline++) { //Scientrace.Line line = new Scientrace.Line(loc+(urange*randNum.NextDouble()+(vrange*randNum.NextDouble())).toLocation(), direction); r1 = 1-randNum.NextDouble()*2; r2 = 1-randNum.NextDouble()*2; if (Math.Pow(r1,2)+Math.Pow(r2,2)<1) { line = new Scientrace.Line(center+((urange*r1*radius)+(vrange*r2*radius)).toLocation(),direction); } else { iline--; continue; } //this.traces.Add(new Scientrace.Trace(wavelength*0.6, this, line, env)); //this.traces.Add(new Scientrace.Trace(wavelength*0.8, this, line, env)); //double wavelength = wlmin+(randNum.NextDouble()*(wlmax-wlmin)); double wavelength = spectrum.wl(iline); double intensity =; Console.WriteLine("Warning: ParallelRandomCylindricalLightSource does not use modulo yet"); this.addTrace(new Scientrace.Trace(wavelength, this, line, env, intensity, intensity)); //this.traces.Add(new Scientrace.Trace(wavelength*1.2, this, line, env)); //this.traces.Add(new Scientrace.Trace(wavelength*1.4, this, line, env)); } }
public override string exportX3D(Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment env) { System.Text.StringBuilder retx3d = new System.Text.StringBuilder("<!-- SPHERE GRID start -->", 10000); Scientrace.Location tNodeLoc; Scientrace.Location tMerConnectLoc; Scientrace.Location tLatConnectLoc; Scientrace.X3DGridPoint tGridPoint; for (int ic = 0; ic <= this.x3d_circles_of_latitude; ic++) { //0-pi for (int im = 0; im < this.x3d_meridians; im++) { //0-2pi tNodeLoc = this.getNodeLoc(ic, im); tMerConnectLoc = (ic > 0 && ic < this.x3d_meridians) ? // do not connect "points" located at north and south pole this.getNodeLoc(ic, (im+1)%this.x3d_meridians) : null; tLatConnectLoc = this.getNodeLoc(ic+1, im); // a gridpoint has a location and two neighbour location to which to connect to tGridPoint = new Scientrace.X3DGridPoint(env, tNodeLoc, tMerConnectLoc, tLatConnectLoc); retx3d.AppendLine(tGridPoint.exportX3DnosphereRGBA("0.4 0.8 0 1")); }} retx3d.Append("<!-- Sphere grid end -->"); return retx3d.ToString(); }
public Intersection(bool intersects, Scientrace.Object3d object3d) { this.intersects = intersects; this.object3d = object3d; this.checkObject();//<- DEBUGGING: }
/* TO IMPLEMENT: Class="RandomToSurface" <LightSource BeamCount="N" Class="RandomToSurface" Seed="1"> <Surface Class="circle" Radius="r" /> <Center xyz="LENSXYZ" /> <Normal xyz="DIRXYZ" /> </Surface> </LightSource> */ public Scientrace.LightSource constructLightSource(XElement xel, Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment env) { /* //Special property removed at 20151021 XElement xspec = xel.Element("Spectrum"); Scientrace.LightSpectrum aSpectrum = null; if (xspec == null) { //throw new XMLException("No Spectrum element found for: "+xel.ToString()); } else { XMLSpectrumParser xsp = new XMLSpectrumParser(); aSpectrum = xsp.parseLightSpectrum(xspec); } */ //modified at 20150707 //ShadowScientrace.ShadowLightSource shadowLS = // new ShadowScientrace.ShadowLightSource(typeof(Scientrace.SpiralLightSource), env, aSpectrum); ShadowScientrace.ShadowLightSource shadowLS = new ShadowScientrace.ShadowLightSource(null, env); this.setClassInfo(xel, shadowLS); this.setLightSourceConstructorParams(shadowLS, xel); this.setLightSourceSettings(shadowLS, xel); return shadowLS.factory("no id"); }
public string exportX3D(Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment env) { Scientrace.Vector a, b, c, d; //square a = Vector.ZeroVector(); b = this.plane.u; c = this.plane.u+this.plane.v; d = this.plane.v; string colstr = "0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2"; return @"<!-- Start Parallelogram instance -->\n <Transform translation='"+this.plane.loc.trico()+@"'> <Shape> <!-- Coordinate prism sequence (matches coordIndex actually) 0 1 2 3 0 --> <LineSet vertexCount='5'> <Coordinate point=' "+a.tricon()+b.tricon()+c.tricon()+d.tricon()+a.tricon()+"'/>" + /*@"<ColorRGBA color='0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1' /> </LineSet>" + */ @"<ColorRGBA color='"+colstr +" "+colstr +" "+colstr +" "+colstr +" "+colstr +" "+colstr +" "+colstr +" "+colstr +@"' /> </LineSet>" + @" </Shape>" + @" </Transform>\n<!-- End Parallelogram instance -->"; }
public List<Scientrace.Trace> getCustomTracesListFromXData(XElement xlight, Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment env) { string traces_filename = (this.X.getXStringByName(xlight, "Filename", null)); if (traces_filename != null) if (System.IO.File.Exists(traces_filename)) { XDocument xd = XDocument.Load(traces_filename); return this.getCustomTracesListFromXData(xd.Element("LightSource"), env); } else throw new System.IO.FileNotFoundException("CustomTraces filename ("+traces_filename+") does not exist."); // If there aren't any Trace sub-Elements, you might as well stop here (return null) if (!xlight.Elements("Trace").Any()) return null; List <Scientrace.Trace> customtraces = new List<Scientrace.Trace>(); foreach (XElement xtrace in xlight.Elements("Trace")) { double wavelength = this.X.getXDouble(xtrace, "Wavelength", (this.X.getXDouble(xtrace, "m", ((this.X.getXDouble(xtrace, "nm", -1))*1E-9)) ) ); if (wavelength <= 0) { throw new XMLException("Error parsing wavelength from CustomTraces Lightsource. XML Source: \n"+ xtrace.ToString()); } double intensity = this.X.getXDouble(xtrace, "Intensity", 1); Scientrace.Location loc = this.X.getXLocation(xtrace, "Location"); Scientrace.UnitVector dir = this.X.getXNzVectorByName(xtrace, "Direction").toUnitVector(); customtraces.Add( new Scientrace.Trace(wavelength, null, new Scientrace.Line(loc, dir), env, intensity, intensity) ); } return customtraces; }
public new UnitVector orientedAgainst(Scientrace.Vector aVector) { if (aVector.dotProduct(this) > 0) { return this.negative(); } return this; }
public Scientrace.Vector formulaVector(Scientrace.Vector aVector, XElement xformula) { string f_x = "x"; string f_y = "y"; string f_z = "z"; if (xformula.Attribute("xyz") != null) { try { string xyz = xformula.Attribute("xyz").Value; char[] delimiterChars = { ';', '\t' }; string[] elements = xyz.Split(delimiterChars); if (elements.Length !=3) { throw new XMLException("Element "+xformula.ToString()+" has \""+elements.Length+ "\" != 3 valid vector elements. "); } f_x=elements[0]; f_y=elements[1]; f_z=elements[2]; } catch { throw new XMLException("Formula "+xformula.ToString()+" does not have proper parameters for {xyz} attribute (can't parse {"+xformula.Attribute("xyz").Value.ToString()+"}. Perhaps incorrect use of PreProcess variables or decimal separators?)."); } } // attribute "xyz" f_x = this.getXStringByName(xformula, "x", f_x); f_y = this.getXStringByName(xformula, "y", f_y); f_z = this.getXStringByName(xformula, "z", f_z); Dictionary<string, object> replace_vectors = new Dictionary<string, object>(){{"x", (decimal)aVector.x}, {"y", (decimal)aVector.y}, {"z", (decimal)aVector.z} }; return new Scientrace.Vector( Scientrace.MathStrings.solveString(f_x, replace_vectors), Scientrace.MathStrings.solveString(f_y, replace_vectors), Scientrace.MathStrings.solveString(f_z, replace_vectors) ); }
public Scientrace.RGBColor getColorFromHTML(string varname, Scientrace.RGBColor defval) { Scientrace.RGBColor retval; retval = Scientrace.RGBColor.FromHTML(this.getString(varname)); if (retval == null) return defval; return retval; }
public string angleToRGB(Scientrace.Spot aCasualty, PhysicalObject3d physObj) { UnitVector inAngle = aCasualty.trace.traceline.direction; Scientrace.Parallelogram pg = physObj.getDistributionSurface(); Scientrace.NonzeroVector norm = physObj.getSurfaceNormal(); UnitVector y = pg.plane.v.toUnitVector(); UnitVector x = null; try { x = norm.crossProduct(y).tryToUnitVector(); } catch { throw new ZeroNonzeroVectorException("The vertical vector (plane.v) is parallel to the unit normal."); } double dx = x.dotProduct(inAngle); double dy = y.dotProduct(inAngle); double lengthFraction = Math.Sqrt((dx*dx)+(dy*dy)); //Console.WriteLine("Length: "+lengthFraction+ " vs: "+((x*dx)+(y*dy)).length); double angle = Math.Atan2(dy, dx); return this.angleToHTML(angle, 2*Math.Asin(lengthFraction)/Math.PI); //physObj.getSurfaceNormal() //aCasualty.object3d. // throw new Exception("Not yet implemented"); }
public Angle(Scientrace.Trace fromTrace, Scientrace.Trace toTrace, Scientrace.Intersection intersection) { this.fromTrace = fromTrace; this.toTrace = toTrace; this.radians = fromTrace.traceline.direction.angleWith(toTrace.traceline.direction); this.intersection = intersection; }
public override string exportX3D(Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment env) { // prev after Transform <Viewpoint description=' LineSet cube close up' position='0 0 5'/> //TODO: try to transform to indexedlineset Scientrace.Vector a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h; a = Vector.ZeroVector(); //front square b = this.width; c = this.height+this.width; d = this.height; e = this.length; //back square f = this.length+this.width; g = this.length+this.width+this.height; h = this.length+this.height; //front square //back square //connecting squares return "<!-- Start RectangularPrism instance -->\n<Transform translation='"+this.loc.trico()+ "'>\r\n <Shape>\r\n <!-- Coordinate rectangprism sequence (matches coordIndex actually) 0 1 2 3 0, 4 5 6 7 4, 0 4, 1 5, 2 6, 3 7 -->\r\n"+ " <LineSet vertexCount='5 5 2 2 2 2'>\r\n <Coordinate point='\r\n"+ a.tricon()+b.tricon()+c.tricon()+d.tricon()+a.tricon()+e.tricon()+f.tricon()+g.tricon()+h.tricon()+e.tricon()+a.tricon()+e.tricon()+b.tricon()+f.tricon()+c.tricon()+g.tricon()+d.tricon()+h.tricon()+ "'/>\r\n"+ "<ColorRGBA color='"+string.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("0.5 0.5 0.5 1 ", 18))+"' />"+ // 18 due to 12 lines in 6 blocks produces 12+6=18, anyway this works? " </LineSet>\r\n </Shape>\r\n </Transform>\n<!-- End RectangularPrism instance -->"; // <Color color='1 0 0 1 0.5 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.8 0 0.8 0.3 0 0.3 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0.5 0 0.8 0 0.8 1 1 0 0.3 0 0.3 0 1 0 1 1 1'/> }
public void addLightSourceTag(Scientrace.LightSource anObject, XElement xel) { XAttribute tag = xel.Attribute("Tag"); if (tag != null) { anObject.tag = tag.Value; } }
public SingleRaySource(Scientrace.Line rayline, int raycount, LightSpectrum spectrum, Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment env) : base(env) { this.weighted_intensity = spectrum.total_intensity; this.spectrum = spectrum; this.linecount = raycount; this.ray = rayline; }
public InfiniteCylinderBorder(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops, Scientrace.Location loc, Scientrace.UnitVector direction, double radius) : base(parent, mprops) { this.direction = direction; this.radius = radius; this.loc = loc; }
// Constructor: plane, sphereCenterLoc, sphereRadius protected DoubleConvexLens(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops, //Scientrace.PlaneBorder lensPlane, Scientrace.Location sphere1CenterLoc, double sphere1Radius, Scientrace.Location sphere2CenterLoc, double sphere2Radius) : base(parent, mprops) { this.paramInit(sphere1CenterLoc, sphere1Radius, sphere2CenterLoc, sphere2Radius); }
public string drawCircle(Scientrace.Location center, double radius, Scientrace.NonzeroVector aboutAxis) { return this.getX3DTranslationTag(center)+ //where this.getX3DRotationTag(NonzeroVector.z1vector(), aboutAxis)+ //what direction "<Shape>"+this.emissiveColorAppearance(this.primaryRGB)+"<Circle2D radius='"+radius+"' />" + //what shape "</Shape></Transform></Transform>"; //close tags }
//length inherited from Prism public RectangularPrism(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops, Scientrace.Location loc, Scientrace.NonzeroVector width, Scientrace.NonzeroVector height, Scientrace.NonzeroVector length) : base(parent, mprops) { this.loc = loc; this.width = width; this.length = length; this.height = height; }
public bool contains(Scientrace.Location aLocation) { bool retbool = false; foreach (PlaneBorderEnclosedVolume aSubVolume in subVolumes) { retbool = retbool || aSubVolume.contains(aLocation); } return retbool; }
public FlatSurfaceObject3d(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops) : base(parent, mprops) { //this.surface_sides = new HashSet<SurfaceSide>() {Scientrace.SurfaceSide.Both, Scientrace.SurfaceSide.Front, Scientrace.SurfaceSide.Back}; //only front surface by default: this.surface_sides = new HashSet<SurfaceSide>() {Scientrace.SurfaceSide.Front}; }
public static Scientrace.SurfaceProperties NewSurfaceModifiedObject(Scientrace.Object3d anObject, List<Scientrace.UniformTraceModifier> surface_normal_modifiers) { Scientrace.SurfaceProperties retSurf = new Scientrace.SurfaceProperties(); retSurf.materialproperties = anObject.materialproperties; retSurf.addSurfaceModifiers(surface_normal_modifiers); return retSurf; }
public Sphere(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops, Scientrace.Location aLocation, double sphereRadius ) : base(parent, mprops) { this.loc = aLocation; this.radius = sphereRadius; }
//length inherited from Prism public CircularPrism(Scientrace.Object3dCollection parent, Scientrace.MaterialProperties mprops, Scientrace.Location loc, Scientrace.NonzeroVector width, Scientrace.NonzeroVector height, Scientrace.NonzeroVector length) : base(parent, mprops) { this.loc = loc; this.width = width; this.height = (height.tryToUnitVector())*width.length; this.length = length; }
public Line(Scientrace.Location startloc, Scientrace.UnitVector dir) { if (startloc == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("startloc"); if (dir == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("dir"); this.startingpoint = new Location(startloc); this.direction = new UnitVector(dir); // dir.copy(); }
public DistributionSquare getDistributionSquare(Scientrace.PhysicalObject3d anObject, int order) { Scientrace.Parallelogram surface = anObject.getDistributionSurface(); Scientrace.DistributionSquare ds = new Scientrace.DistributionSquare(0, order, surface.plane.loc, surface.plane.u, surface.plane.v); foreach(Scientrace.Spot aSpot in this.spots) { ds.addSpot(aSpot.loc); } return ds; }