Example #1
        public void addTrace(Scientrace.Trace aTrace)
            List <Scientrace.Trace> inTraces  = new List <Scientrace.Trace>();
            List <Scientrace.Trace> outTraces = new List <Scientrace.Trace>();

            // No modifiers present? Add normal trace
            if (this.lightsource_modifiers.Count < 1)

            // Modifiers present! Add (only) modified traces.
            foreach (Scientrace.UniformTraceModifier aModifier in this.lightsource_modifiers)
                outTraces.AddRange(this.modifiedTraces(inTraces, aModifier));
            foreach (Scientrace.Trace tTrace in outTraces)
Example #2
        public virtual double enterReflection(Scientrace.Trace trace, Scientrace.UnitVector norm, MaterialProperties previousMaterial)
            double ti  = trace.traceline.direction.angleWith(norm.negative());
            double sti = Math.Sin(ti);
            double cti = Math.Cos(ti);
            /*debug		Console.WriteLine("reflecting prev.: "+ previousObject.GetType());	Console.WriteLine("reflecting prev. material: "+ previousObject.materialproperties.GetType());*/
            double n1 = previousMaterial.refractiveindex(trace);
            double n2 = this.refractiveindex(trace);
            //Fresnel Equations on a 50/50 distribution of parallel and perpendicular to the plane polarization
            double Rs = Math.Pow(
                ((n1 * cti) - (n2 * Math.Sqrt(1.0 - Math.Pow((n1 / n2) * sti, 2.0)))) /
                ((n1 * cti) + (n2 * Math.Sqrt(1.0 - Math.Pow((n1 / n2) * sti, 2.0))))
                , 2.0);
            double Rp = Math.Pow(
                ((n1 * Math.Sqrt(1.0 - Math.Pow((n1 / n2) * sti, 2.0))) - (n2 * cti)) /
                ((n1 * Math.Sqrt(1.0 - Math.Pow((n1 / n2) * sti, 2.0))) + (n2 * cti))
                , 2.0);
            double R = (Rs + Rp) / 2.0;

            //		Console.WriteLine("Reflection (n1/n2) = ("+n1+"/"+n2+") for angle "+ti+" is ("+Rs+"+"+Rp+")/2 ="+R);
            //		Console.WriteLine("Reflection "+trace.traceline.direction.trico()+"->"+norm.trico()+" for angle "+ti+" is ("+Rs+"+"+Rp+")/2 ="+R);
            if (!((R >= 0) && (R < 1)))
                Console.WriteLine("R==null(" + R + ", Rs:" + Rs + " Rp:" + Rp + " n1:" + n1 + " n2:" + n2 + " ti:" + ti + " rpnoem:" +
                                  ((n1 / n2) * sti) + ") where " + this.ToString() + " and " + previousMaterial.ToString());

            /*StackTrace stackTrace = new StackTrace();
             * MethodBase methodBase = stackTrace.GetFrame(1).GetMethod();
             * Console.WriteLine(methodBase.Name); // e.g. */
        public ParallelRandomSquareLightSource(ShadowScientrace.ShadowLightSource shadowObject)
            : base(shadowObject)
            int? random_seed = shadowObject.getNInt("random_seed");
            Scientrace.Location location = shadowObject.getLocation("location"); //corner
            Scientrace.UnitVector direction = shadowObject.getUnitVector("direction");
            int ray_count = shadowObject.getInt("ray_count"); //linecount,
            this.distance = shadowObject.getDouble("distance", 0);//distance,

            //This line has been moved to the LightSource parent shadowconstructor
            //Scientrace.LightSpectrum spectrum = (Scientrace.LightSpectrum)shadowObject.getObject("spectrum"); //spectrum

            Scientrace.Vector width = shadowObject.getVector("width");//urange,
            Scientrace.Vector height = shadowObject.getVector("height");//vrange,

            Random randNum;
            if (random_seed == null || random_seed== -1)
            randNum = new Random();
            randNum = new Random((int)random_seed);

            for (int iline = 0; iline < ray_count; iline++) {
            Scientrace.Line line = new Scientrace.Line(location+(width*randNum.NextDouble()+(height*randNum.NextDouble())).toLocation(), direction);
            // THIS IS BEING DONE BY THE PARENT LIGHTSOURCE CLASS ALREADY: line.startingpoint = line.startingpoint - (direction.toLocation()*distance);
            Scientrace.Trace newtrace = new Scientrace.Trace(spectrum.wl(iline), this, line, env, spectrum.it(iline), spectrum.it(iline));
            newtrace.traceid = "RS"+(random_seed==null?"r":random_seed.ToString())+"-"+iline;
            } //end for
Example #4
 public Angle(Scientrace.Trace fromTrace, Scientrace.Trace toTrace, Scientrace.Intersection intersection)
     this.fromTrace    = fromTrace;
     this.toTrace      = toTrace;
     this.radians      = fromTrace.traceline.direction.angleWith(toTrace.traceline.direction);
     this.intersection = intersection;
Example #5
 public Angle(Scientrace.Trace fromTrace, Scientrace.Trace toTrace, Scientrace.Intersection intersection)
     this.fromTrace = fromTrace;
     this.toTrace = toTrace;
     this.radians = fromTrace.traceline.direction.angleWith(toTrace.traceline.direction);
     this.intersection = intersection;
Example #6
		public Trace getReflectTrace(double offset) {
			// If the trace has ended due to total absorption, there's no reflection.
			if (this.total_absorption) return null;

			// Construct the new trace line
			Scientrace.Line reflect_line = new Scientrace.Line(this.interaction_loc + (this.dir_r.toVector()*offset), this.dir_r);

			double new_intensity = (this.intensity_after_absorption/this.intensity_in) *
						(Math.Pow(this.amp_rs,2) + Math.Pow(this.amp_rp,2));

			// Sometimes, this new intensity is to small to care about. Return null.	
			if (new_intensity <= MainClass.SIGNIFICANTLY_SMALL) {
				//Console.WriteLine("New intensity is: "+new_intensity+" is:"+this.amp_is+" ip:"+this.amp_ip+" ts:"+this.amp_ts+" tp:"+this.amp_tp);
				return null;

			Scientrace.Trace reflect_trace = 
					trace_in.fork(reflect_line, (this.dir_s.toVector()*this.amp_rs), (this.dir_rp.toVector()*this.amp_rp), 
									new_intensity, (this.total_internal_reflection?"_fr":"_r"));

			// Remain within the same object / space
			reflect_trace.currentObject = this.trace_in.currentObject;

			// Don't bother with empty traces.
			if (reflect_trace.isEmpty()) return null;

			return reflect_trace;
Example #7
/******************** INSTANCE METHODS *****************/

        public virtual double absorption(Scientrace.Trace trace, Scientrace.UnitVector norm, MaterialProperties previousMaterial)
            if (previousMaterial.dominantOnLeave)
                return(previousMaterial.enterAbsorption(trace, norm, this));
            return(this.enterAbsorption(trace, norm, previousMaterial));
Example #8
 public Scientrace.Trace fork(Scientrace.Line newLine, Vector pol_vec_1, Vector pol_vec_2, double new_intensity, string fork_tag)
     Scientrace.Trace retTrace = this.fork(fork_tag);
     retTrace.traceline = newLine;
     retTrace.intensity = new_intensity;
     retTrace.setCircularPolarisation(pol_vec_1, pol_vec_2);
Example #9
 public static Scientrace.Trace getParentRoot(Scientrace.Trace aTrace)
     Scientrace.Trace tTrace = aTrace;
     while (tTrace.parent != null)
         tTrace = tTrace.parent;
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// For this trace, which means to clone it, to increase its parents fork-counter, modify the trace-id by adding "fork_tag" to it.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fork_tag">A tag that is added to the trace-id of the created fork. The "#" char will be replaced by the this objects forkedcount value.</param>
 public Scientrace.Trace fork(string fork_tag)
     Scientrace.Trace ttrace = this.clone();
     //ttrace.traceid = ttrace.traceid+"_"+this.forkedcount.ToString();
     ttrace.traceid = ttrace.traceid + fork_tag.Replace("#", this.forkedcount.ToString());
Example #11
 public Scientrace.Trace createFullInternalReflectedTraceFork(Scientrace.Intersection intersection)
     Scientrace.Trace fullReflectTrace = this.fork("_fR");
     fullReflectTrace.traceline = fullReflectTrace.reflectAt(intersection.enter.flatshape.plane);
     fullReflectTrace.traceid   = fullReflectTrace.traceid + "r";
     fullReflectTrace.traceline.startingpoint = intersection.enter.loc;
     //Console.WriteLine("INTERNAL REFLECTION! direction = "+newtrace.traceline.direction.trico()+this.currentObject.GetType());
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Prolong the trace to the specified Object3d instance (toObject3d) at location as specified in intersection.
        /// Prolonging does NOT increase the nodecounter. Attached objects count as 1 node alltogether.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name='toObject3d'>
        /// The Object3d instance of interaction with the current Object3d at the surface.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name='intersection'>
        /// The intersection instance that describes the intersection that is calculated to occur.
        /// </param>
        public List <Scientrace.Trace> prolong(Scientrace.Object3d toObject3d, Scientrace.Intersection intersection)
            Scientrace.Trace        newtrace  = this.clone();
            List <Scientrace.Trace> newTraces = new List <Scientrace.Trace>();

            newtrace.currentObject           = toObject3d;
            newtrace.traceline.startingpoint = intersection.enter.loc;
            newtrace.traceline.direction     = this.traceline.direction;
Example #13
 /*	public SingleRaySource(Scientrace.Line ray, double[] wavelengths, Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment env) :base(env){
 this.ray = ray;
 this.wls = wavelengths;
 public void init()
     for (int n = 1; n <= linecount; n++) {
     if (spectrum.it(n)==0) {
     Scientrace.Trace ttrace = new Scientrace.Trace(spectrum.wl(n), this, this.ray, env, spectrum.it(n),  spectrum.it(n));
     ttrace.traceid = "singleray_"+n.ToString();
Example #14
        public void addRecursiveModifiedTrace(Scientrace.Trace aTrace)
            List <Scientrace.Trace> tTraces = new List <Scientrace.Trace>();


            foreach (Scientrace.UniformTraceModifier aModifier in this.lightsource_modifiers)
                tTraces = this.modifiedTraces(tTraces, aModifier);
Example #15
 public Scientrace.Intersection realIntersections(Scientrace.Trace trace, bool checkborder)
     // check whether trace goes through cborder first for performance reasons
     Scientrace.Intersection intr;
     //if (this.cborder.crosses(trace)) {
     Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[] tips = this.realIntersections(trace.traceline, checkborder);
     intr = new Scientrace.Intersection(trace, tips, this);
     //}/ else {
     //	intr = new Intersection(false, this);
Example #16
 public Scientrace.Trace shiftclone(Scientrace.Location loc)
     Scientrace.Trace rettrace = new Scientrace.Trace(this.wavelenght, this.lightsource, this.traceline + loc, this.currentObject, this.intensity, this.original_intensity);
     rettrace.nodecount = this.nodecount;
     rettrace.traceid   = this.traceid;
     rettrace.parent    = this;
     if (this.nodecount > this.lightsource.max_interactions)
         Console.WriteLine("WARNING!: " + this.nodecount.ToString() + " has reached the maximum nodecount! Should die.");
Example #17
/*	public SingleRaySource(Scientrace.Line ray, double[] wavelengths, Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment env) :base(env){
 *              this.ray = ray;
 *              this.wls = wavelengths;
 *              this.init();
 *              }*/

        public void init()
            for (int n = 1; n <= linecount; n++)
                if (spectrum.it(n) == 0)
                Scientrace.Trace ttrace = new Scientrace.Trace(spectrum.wl(n), this, this.ray, env, spectrum.it(n), spectrum.it(n));
                ttrace.traceid = "singleray_" + n.ToString();
Example #18
 public void TestIntersectionByVectorArray3()
     Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment env = new Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment(Scientrace.AirProperties.Instance, 100);
     Scientrace.Line beam = new Scientrace.Line(10, 10, 10, -1, -1, 0);
     Scientrace.LightSource light = new Scientrace.SingleRaySource(beam,
                                                                  10, new Scientrace.AM15Spectrum(1), env);
     Scientrace.Trace trace = new Scientrace.Trace(500.0E-9, light, beam, env,1,1);
     //Scientrace.Vector v = new Scientrace.Vector(10,10,10);
     Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[] ips = new Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[2];
     ips[0] = null;
     ips[1] = null;
     //Scientrace.Intersection intr = new Scientrace.Intersection(trace, ips);
 public void TestIntersectionByVectorArray3()
     Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment env = new Scientrace.Object3dEnvironment(Scientrace.AirProperties.Instance, 100);
     Scientrace.Line        beam        = new Scientrace.Line(10, 10, 10, -1, -1, 0);
     Scientrace.LightSource light       = new Scientrace.SingleRaySource(beam,
                                                                         10, new Scientrace.AM15Spectrum(1), env);
     Scientrace.Trace trace = new Scientrace.Trace(500.0E-9, light, beam, env, 1, 1);
     //Scientrace.Vector v = new Scientrace.Vector(10,10,10);
     Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[] ips = new Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[2];
     ips[0] = null;
     ips[1] = null;
     //Scientrace.Intersection intr = new Scientrace.Intersection(trace, ips);
Example #20
        }         // end func. redirect

        public List <Scientrace.Trace> partialReflectRefract(Scientrace.Object3d fromObject3d, Scientrace.Object3d toObject3d,
                                                             Scientrace.Intersection intersection, UnitVector surfaceNormal)
            /*double oldrefindex = fromObject3d.materialproperties.refractiveindex(this);
             * double newrefindex = toObject3d.materialproperties.refractiveindex(this);*/
            List <Scientrace.Trace> newTraces = new List <Trace>();

            Scientrace.Trace refractTrace = this.fork("_pr");

            refractTrace.currentObject           = toObject3d;
            refractTrace.traceline.startingpoint = intersection.enter.loc;

            Scientrace.UnitVector normal = intersection.enter.flatshape.plane.getNorm()
            // Evaluate absorption by toObject3d
            refractTrace.absorpByObject(toObject3d, normal, fromObject3d);
            if (refractTrace.isEmpty())

            // CHECK whether (partial) reflection occurs...
            if ((toObject3d.materialproperties.reflects) || ((intersection.leaving) && (fromObject3d.materialproperties.reflects)))
                //double refcoef = toObject3d.materialproperties.reflection(refractTrace, surfaceNormal, this.currentObject);
                double refcoef = toObject3d.materialproperties.reflection(refractTrace, surfaceNormal, fromObject3d.materialproperties);

                Scientrace.Trace reflectTrace = refractTrace.fork("_R");         //.clone();	reflectrace.nodecount++;
                reflectTrace.intensity = refractTrace.intensity * refcoef;
                //intensity shouldn't spawn nor disappear here
                refractTrace.intensity = refractTrace.intensity - reflectTrace.intensity;
                //Scientrace.Spot normspot = new Scientrace.Spot(norm.toLocation()+intersection.enter.loc, null, 1);

                //CHANGED 20131030
                //reflectrace.traceline = newtrace.reflectAt(intersection.enter.flatshape.plane);
                reflectTrace.traceline = refractTrace.reflectLineAbout(reflectTrace.traceline, surfaceNormal);

                //ADDED @ 20130122: the parial internal reflected trace should have the current object as oldobject.
                reflectTrace.currentObject = this.currentObject;         //CURRENT OBJECT DOES NOT CHANGE FOR (partial)INTERNAL REFLECTION!

            this.initCreatedRefractTrace(refractTrace, surfaceNormal, fromObject3d, toObject3d);
        }         // end func partialReflectRefract
        public RandomCircleLightSource(ShadowScientrace.ShadowLightSource shadowObject)
            : base(shadowObject)
            int? random_seed = shadowObject.getNInt("random_seed");
            Scientrace.Location location = shadowObject.getLocation("location"); //corner
            Scientrace.UnitVector direction = shadowObject.getUnitVector("direction");
            Scientrace.UnitVector normal = shadowObject.getUnitVector("normal");
            // if normal is not defined, use the beam direction as the surface normal.
            if (normal == null) normal = direction;
            int ray_count = shadowObject.getInt("ray_count"); //linecount,
            this.distance = shadowObject.getDouble("distance", 0);//distance,

            //This line has been moved to the LightSource parent shadowconstructor
            //Scientrace.LightSpectrum spectrum = (Scientrace.LightSpectrum)shadowObject.getObject("spectrum"); //spectrum

            double radius = shadowObject.getDouble("radius");//urange,

            Random randNum;
            if (random_seed == null || random_seed== -1)
            randNum = new Random();
            randNum = new Random((int)random_seed);

            Scientrace.Plane plane = Scientrace.Plane.newPlaneOrthogonalTo(location, normal);
            Scientrace.UnitVector urange, vrange;
            double r1, r2;
            urange = plane.u.toUnitVector();
            vrange = plane.v.toUnitVector();
            Scientrace.Line line;
            for (int iline = 0; iline < ray_count; iline++) {
            r1 = 1-randNum.NextDouble()*2;
            r2 = 1-randNum.NextDouble()*2;
            if (Math.Pow(r1,2)+Math.Pow(r2,2)<1) {
                line = new Scientrace.Line(location+((urange*r1*radius)+(vrange*r2*radius)).toLocation(),direction);
                // THIS IS BEING DONE BY THE PARENT LIGHTSOURCE CLASS ALREADY: line.startingpoint = line.startingpoint - (direction.toLocation()*distance);
                } else {
            double wavelength = spectrum.wl(iline);
            double intensity = spectrum.it(iline);
            Scientrace.Trace newtrace = new Scientrace.Trace(wavelength, this, line, env, intensity, intensity);
            newtrace.traceid = "RS"+(random_seed==null?"r":random_seed.ToString())+"-"+iline;
        public Scientrace.Location traceLeavesEnvironment(Scientrace.Trace trace)
            trace.currentObject = this;
            Scientrace.Line line = trace.traceline;
            UnitVector      dir  = line.direction;

            Vector loc = line.startingpoint;

            /* find locations where line leaves a sphere of radius this.radius around 0,0,0
             * derivation:
             * r^2 = |l*dir + loc|^2
             * hence:
             * 0 = l^2 * |dir|^2 + 2*l*|dir.loc| + |loc|^2 - r^2    //the "." represents a dotproduct
             * Solve ABC formula for l:
             * a = |dir|^2
             * b = 2 * (loc . dir)
             * c = |loc|^2 - r^2 */
            double a            = Math.Pow(dir.x, 2) + Math.Pow(dir.y, 2) + Math.Pow(dir.z, 2);
            double b            = 2 * (loc.x * dir.x + loc.y * dir.y + loc.z * dir.z);
            double c            = Math.Pow(loc.x, 2) + Math.Pow(loc.y, 2) + Math.Pow(loc.z, 2) - (Math.Pow(this.radius, 2));
            double discriminant = Math.Pow(b, 2) - 4 * a * c;

            if (discriminant < 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Trace leaves environment from within environment. Are the boundaries of your environment perhaps smaller than your objects?\n Environment radius: " + this.radius + "\n Trace data:" + trace.ToString());
            //ABC formula
            double ans1 = (-b + Math.Sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a);
            double ans2 = (-b - Math.Sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a);
            double ans  = Math.Max(ans1, ans2);

            //Console.WriteLine("\n"+ans.ToString()+" * "+dir.trico()+"( = "+(dir*ans).trico()+") +"+loc.trico()+" = "+((dir*ans)+loc).toLocation().ToCompactString()+" is ...");
//			throw new AccessViolationException();
            //Console.WriteLine("IT ENDS HERE: "+((dir*Math.Max(ans1,ans2))+loc).toLocation().ToString());

            Scientrace.Location leavelocation = (dir * ans + loc).toLocation();

/*			Console.WriteLine("Direction: "+dir.trico()+
 *                              "ABS ANS: "+(Math.Pow(b,2) - 4* a*c)+
 *                              "Location: "+loc.trico());*/
Example #23
        public void TestRefractionAngleFromVectors()
            Scientrace.UnitVector direction_incoming_trace = new Scientrace.UnitVector(1, 0, 1);
            Scientrace.Location   loc            = new Scientrace.Location(0, 0, 0);
            Scientrace.UnitVector surface_normal = new Scientrace.UnitVector(0, 0, 1);

            Scientrace.Trace aTrace = DummyObjects.DummyTrace(600E-9);
            aTrace.traceline.direction = direction_incoming_trace;

            double refindex_from = 1;
            double refindex_to   = 1.5;

            Scientrace.DielectricSurfaceInteraction fsi = new Scientrace.DielectricSurfaceInteraction(
                aTrace, loc,
                surface_normal, refindex_from, refindex_to, null);
            //Assert.AreEqual(fsi.dir_in.ToString(), fsi.surface_normal);
            Assert.AreEqual(fsi.dir_s.angleWith(fsi.dir_ip), Math.PI / 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(Math.Abs(fsi.amp_ip), Math.Abs(fsi.amp_is), 1E-10);
Example #24
        public override Intersection intersects(Scientrace.Trace aTrace)
            Scientrace.Vector c    = this.loc;
            Scientrace.Vector o    = aTrace.traceline.startingpoint;
            Scientrace.Vector l    = aTrace.traceline.direction;
            Scientrace.Vector y    = o - c;
            double            r    = this.radius;
            double            ABCa = l.dotProduct(l);
            double            ABCb = l.dotProduct(y) * 2;
            double            ABCc = y.dotProduct(y) - (r * r);
            QuadraticEquation qe   = new QuadraticEquation(ABCa, ABCb, ABCc);

            // if the trace doesn't hit the sphere, return a "false Intersection"
            if (!qe.hasAnswers)
                return(new Intersection(false, this));
            Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[] ips = new Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[2];
            switch (qe.answerCount)
            case 2:
                Scientrace.Location      minLoc  = ((l * qe.minVal) + o).toLocation();
                Scientrace.NonzeroVector minNorm = (minLoc - c).tryToNonzeroVector();
                ips[0] = Scientrace.IntersectionPoint.locAtSurfaceNormal(minLoc, minNorm);
                Scientrace.Location      plusLoc  = ((l * qe.plusVal) + o).toLocation();
                Scientrace.NonzeroVector plusNorm = (plusLoc - c).tryToNonzeroVector();
                ips[1] = Scientrace.IntersectionPoint.locAtSurfaceNormal(plusLoc, plusNorm);
                return(new Intersection(aTrace, ips, this));

            //goto case 1;	//continue to case 1
            case 1:
                Scientrace.Location      loc  = ((l * qe.plusVal) + o).toLocation();
                Scientrace.NonzeroVector norm = (loc - c).tryToNonzeroVector();
                ips[0] = Scientrace.IntersectionPoint.locAtSurfaceNormal(loc, norm);
                ips[1] = null;
                return(new Intersection(aTrace, ips, this));

                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("eq.answerCount is not allowed to be " + qe.answerCount.ToString() + "in Shpere.intersects(..)");
            }             //end switch(qe.answerCount)
Example #25
        public virtual bool directedTowardsObjectside(Scientrace.SurfaceSide side, Scientrace.Trace aTrace)
            switch (side)
            case Scientrace.SurfaceSide.Back:             // == SurfaceSide.Inside
                throw new NotImplementedException("Side " + side.ToString() + " not implemented for class" + this.GetType().ToString());

            case Scientrace.SurfaceSide.Front:
                throw new NotImplementedException("Side " + side.ToString() + " not implemented for class" + this.GetType().ToString());

            case Scientrace.SurfaceSide.Both:

                throw new NotImplementedException("Side " + side.ToString() + " not implemented");
Example #26
		public Trace getRefractTrace(double offset) {
			// If the trace has ended due to total absorption, there's no either.
			if (this.total_absorption) return null;

			// At total internel reflection, there's no refraction either (statements split up for readability purposes).
			if (this.total_internal_reflection) return null;

			Scientrace.Line refract_line = new Scientrace.Line(this.interaction_loc + (this.dir_t.toVector()*offset), this.dir_t);

			double refr_intensity = (this.intensity_after_absorption/this.intensity_in) *
						((Math.Pow(this.amp_is,2) + Math.Pow(this.amp_ip,2))-(Math.Pow(this.amp_rs,2) + Math.Pow(this.amp_rp,2)) );

			Scientrace.Trace refract_trace = 
					trace_in.fork(refract_line, (this.dir_s.toVector()*this.amp_ts), (this.dir_tp.toVector()*this.amp_tp), 
									refr_intensity, "_t");
			refract_trace.currentObject = this.object_to;

			// Don't bother with empty traces.
			if (refract_trace.isEmpty()) return null;

			return refract_trace;
        //public DoubleConvexLens(ShadowScientrace.ShadowObject3d shadowObject): base(shadowObject) {

        public override void createStartTraces()
            //Console.WriteLine("CENTER AT: "+center.trico());

            Scientrace.UnitVector urange, vrange;
            urange = this.spiral_plane.u.toUnitVector();
            vrange = this.spiral_plane.v.toUnitVector();
            if (urange.dotProduct(vrange) > 0.01)
                Console.WriteLine("**WARNING: plane vectors far from orthogonal");
            Scientrace.Line     line;
            Scientrace.Location loc;
            for (int n = 1; n <= linecount; n++)
                double phi = Math.Sqrt(((double)n - 0.5) / linecount);

                loc = this.center +
                      urange.toLocation() * (this.radius * phi *
                                             Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI * this.loops * phi)) +
                      vrange.toLocation() * (this.radius * phi *
                                             Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * this.loops * phi));

                line = new Scientrace.Line(loc, this.direction);
                // DISTANCE NOW MOVED TO ADDTRACE METHOD. line = new Scientrace.Line(loc+(this.direction.negative().toVector()*this.distance),this.direction);
                //Console.WriteLine("New line: "+line.ToString());
                if (spectrum.it(n) == 0)
                Scientrace.Trace ttrace = new Scientrace.Trace(spectrum.wl(n),
                                                               this, line, env, spectrum.it(n), spectrum.it(n));

                ttrace.traceid = "spiral_" + n.ToString();
Example #28
        public override Intersection intersects(Scientrace.Trace aTrace)
            // Finding intersectionpoints at sphere
            Scientrace.Intersection sphereIntersections = this.dummySphere.intersects(aTrace);

            /* If the PlanoConvexLens doesn't even pass the surface of the sphere, the intersection
             * of the lens does not exist. */
            if (!sphereIntersections.intersects)
                //return sphereIntersections;

            Scientrace.Location planoLoc = this.lensPlane.lineThroughPlane(aTrace.traceline);

            Scientrace.IntersectionPoint planoIP;
            if ((!this.dummySphere.contains(planoLoc)) || (planoLoc == null))
                planoIP = null;
                planoIP = new Scientrace.IntersectionPoint(planoLoc, this.lensPlane.planeToFlatShape2d());

            Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[] ips = new Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[3];
            ips[0] = planoIP;
            ips[1] = this.lensPlane.filterOutsideBorder(sphereIntersections.enter);
            ips[2] = this.lensPlane.filterOutsideBorder(sphereIntersections.exit);
            Scientrace.Intersection lensIntersection = new Scientrace.Intersection(aTrace, ips, this);

            // when currently inside the lens, intersection from here must mean leaving.
            lensIntersection.leaving = this.contains(aTrace.traceline.startingpoint);
            //return created new intersection
Example #29
        public ParallelRandomSquareLightSource(ShadowScientrace.ShadowLightSource shadowObject) : base(shadowObject)
            int?random_seed = shadowObject.getNInt("random_seed");

            Scientrace.Location   location  = shadowObject.getLocation("location"); //corner
            Scientrace.UnitVector direction = shadowObject.getUnitVector("direction");
            int ray_count = shadowObject.getInt("ray_count");                       //linecount,

            this.distance = shadowObject.getDouble("distance", 0);                  //distance,

            //This line has been moved to the LightSource parent shadowconstructor
            //Scientrace.LightSpectrum spectrum = (Scientrace.LightSpectrum)shadowObject.getObject("spectrum"); //spectrum

            Scientrace.Vector width  = shadowObject.getVector("width");   //urange,
            Scientrace.Vector height = shadowObject.getVector("height");  //vrange,

            Random randNum;

            if (random_seed == null || random_seed == -1)
                randNum = new Random();
                randNum = new Random((int)random_seed);

            for (int iline = 0; iline < ray_count; iline++)
                Scientrace.Line line = new Scientrace.Line(location + (width * randNum.NextDouble() + (height * randNum.NextDouble())).toLocation(), direction);
                // THIS IS BEING DONE BY THE PARENT LIGHTSOURCE CLASS ALREADY: line.startingpoint = line.startingpoint - (direction.toLocation()*distance);
                Scientrace.Trace newtrace = new Scientrace.Trace(spectrum.wl(iline), this, line, env, spectrum.it(iline), spectrum.it(iline));
                newtrace.traceid = "RS" + (random_seed == null?"r":random_seed.ToString()) + "-" + iline;
            }     //end for
        }         //end void oldParamInit
Example #30
        //public DoubleConvexLens(ShadowScientrace.ShadowObject3d shadowObject): base(shadowObject) {
        public override void createStartTraces()
            //Console.WriteLine("CENTER AT: "+center.trico());

            Scientrace.UnitVector urange, vrange;
            urange = this.spiral_plane.u.toUnitVector();
            vrange = this.spiral_plane.v.toUnitVector();
            if (urange.dotProduct(vrange)>0.01) { Console.WriteLine("**WARNING: plane vectors far from orthogonal"); }
            Scientrace.Line line;
            Scientrace.Location loc;
            for (int n = 1; n <= linecount; n++) {
            double phi = Math.Sqrt(((double)n-0.5)/linecount);

            loc = this.center +
                        Math.Sin(2*Math.PI*this.loops*phi)) +

            line = new Scientrace.Line(loc,this.direction);
            // DISTANCE NOW MOVED TO ADDTRACE METHOD. line = new Scientrace.Line(loc+(this.direction.negative().toVector()*this.distance),this.direction);
            //Console.WriteLine("New line: "+line.ToString());
            if (spectrum.it(n)==0) {
            Scientrace.Trace ttrace = new Scientrace.Trace(spectrum.wl(n),
                                            this, line, env, spectrum.it(n),  spectrum.it(n));

            ttrace.traceid = "spiral_"+n.ToString();
Example #31
 public Intersection(Scientrace.Trace trace, Scientrace.IntersectionPoint[] ips, Scientrace.Object3d object3d)
     this.initNewIntersection(trace.traceline, ips, object3d, false);
     this.checkObject();    //<- DEBUGGING:
Example #32
        public Scientrace.Intersection intersectplanesforobject(Scientrace.Object3d anObject,
                                                                List <Scientrace.FlatShape2d> pgrams)
            Scientrace.Trace       trace      = this;
            Scientrace.Location    firstloc   = null;
            Scientrace.FlatShape2d enterplane = null;
            Scientrace.Location    lastloc    = null;
            double?firstdistance = null;
            double?lastdistance  = null;

            Scientrace.Location tloc;
            double tdistance;

            foreach (Scientrace.FlatShape2d pgram in pgrams)
                tloc = pgram.atPath(trace.traceline);
                if (tloc == null)
                if (((tloc - trace.traceline.startingpoint).dotProduct(trace.traceline.direction)) < trace.getMinDistinctionLength())
                    continue;             //the location (even if increased with one wavelength) is "behind" the trace
                tdistance = tloc.distanceTo(trace.traceline.startingpoint);
                if (firstdistance == null)
                    //assign first and last to first item in collection
                    firstdistance = tdistance;
                    firstloc      = tloc;
                    enterplane    = pgram;
                    lastdistance  = tdistance;
                    lastloc       = tloc;
                if (tdistance < firstdistance)
                    firstdistance = tdistance;
                    firstloc      = tloc;
                    enterplane    = pgram;
                if (tdistance > lastdistance)
                    //Console.WriteLine("We have a large distance gentlemen");
                    lastdistance = tdistance;
                    lastloc      = tloc;
            }             //end of pgrams-for-loop
            if (firstdistance == null)
                //when no side of the paralellogram has been intersected
                return(new Scientrace.Intersection(false, anObject));
            if (firstdistance == lastdistance)
                lastdistance = null; lastloc = null;
            if (lastdistance == null)
                //Console.WriteLine("I have no ending");
                //Console.WriteLine("I from "+trace.currentObject.GetType()+" @ "+trace.traceline.startingpoint.trico()+" pass through an object");
            Scientrace.Intersection intrs = new Scientrace.Intersection(true, anObject, firstloc, enterplane, lastloc);
            intrs.leaving = (lastloc == null);
Example #33
 public Spot(Scientrace.Location loc, Object3d object3d, double intensity, double intensityFraction, Scientrace.Trace trace)
     this.loc      = loc;
     this.object3d = object3d;
     this.intensity         = intensity;
     this.intensityFraction = intensityFraction;
     this.trace             = trace;
Example #34
 public void recordTrace(Scientrace.Trace trace)
Example #35
 public override double enterReflection(Scientrace.Trace trace, Scientrace.UnitVector norm, Scientrace.MaterialProperties previousMaterial)
Example #36
        public RandomCircleLightSource(ShadowScientrace.ShadowLightSource shadowObject) : base(shadowObject)
            int?random_seed = shadowObject.getNInt("random_seed");

            Scientrace.Location   location  = shadowObject.getLocation("location");  //corner
            Scientrace.UnitVector direction = shadowObject.getUnitVector("direction");
            Scientrace.UnitVector normal    = shadowObject.getUnitVector("normal");
            // if normal is not defined, use the beam direction as the surface normal.
            if (normal == null)
                normal = direction;
            int ray_count = shadowObject.getInt("ray_count");      //linecount,

            this.distance = shadowObject.getDouble("distance", 0); //distance,

            //This line has been moved to the LightSource parent shadowconstructor
            //Scientrace.LightSpectrum spectrum = (Scientrace.LightSpectrum)shadowObject.getObject("spectrum"); //spectrum

            double radius = shadowObject.getDouble("radius");    //urange,

            Random randNum;

            if (random_seed == null || random_seed == -1)
                randNum = new Random();
                randNum = new Random((int)random_seed);

            Scientrace.Plane      plane = Scientrace.Plane.newPlaneOrthogonalTo(location, normal);
            Scientrace.UnitVector urange, vrange;
            double r1, r2;

            urange = plane.u.toUnitVector();
            vrange = plane.v.toUnitVector();
            Scientrace.Line line;
            for (int iline = 0; iline < ray_count; iline++)
                r1 = 1 - randNum.NextDouble() * 2;
                r2 = 1 - randNum.NextDouble() * 2;
                if (Math.Pow(r1, 2) + Math.Pow(r2, 2) < 1)
                    line = new Scientrace.Line(location + ((urange * r1 * radius) + (vrange * r2 * radius)).toLocation(), direction);
                    // THIS IS BEING DONE BY THE PARENT LIGHTSOURCE CLASS ALREADY: line.startingpoint = line.startingpoint - (direction.toLocation()*distance);
                double           wavelength = spectrum.wl(iline);
                double           intensity  = spectrum.it(iline);
                Scientrace.Trace newtrace   = new Scientrace.Trace(wavelength, this, line, env, intensity, intensity);
                newtrace.traceid = "RS" + (random_seed == null?"r":random_seed.ToString()) + "-" + iline;