Example #1
        //This controller is used to retrieve classes taught by a single teacher
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of courses taught by a teacher
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns>A list of classes taught by a teacher</returns>
        public IEnumerable <Class> FindTeacherClass(int id)
            //Establishes a new connection to the database using the AccessDatabase method in the SchoolDbContext class
            MySqlConnection Conn = School.AccessDatabase();

            //Opens connection to the database
            //Creates a new MySql command that displays all columns from the class table
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //Query only requests classname from classes object since that is the only info needed in the teacher table for now
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT classname FROM `classes` WHERE `classes`.teacherid = " + id;
            //Collects query result and stores them in an object we can access
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();
            List <Class>    Classes   = new List <Class> {

            //Loop to extract results and assign them to a class object
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Instantiate new Class object to assign classname to
                Class NewClass = new Class();
                //Extract classname from result set
                string ClassName = (string)ResultSet["classname"];
                //Assign result to classname property in a class object
                NewClass.ClassName = ClassName;
                //Add the new class object to a running list of objects
Example #2
        //IEnumerable method is used to get the list of Teachers from the teachers table
        public IEnumerable <Teacher> ListTeachers(string SearchKey, string Number, string Date)
            //Accessdatabse is the method of ScoolDbContext class,so use the method of the class we need
            // to create an object of connection method.
            //So here Conn is the object of a connection MySqlConnection to access the method AccessDatabase()

            MySqlConnection Conn = School.AccessDatabase();

            //Open the connection between the webserver and the database

            //Establish a new command (query) for our database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //Sql Query
            //cmd.CommandText = "Select * from teachers where lower(teacherfname) like lower('%@key%') or lower(teacherlname) like lower('%@Key%') or lower(concat(teacherfname,' ',teacherlname)) like lower('%@key%') or salary like '%"+Number + "%'";
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from teachers where lower(teacherfname) like lower('%" + SearchKey + "%') or lower(teacherlname) like lower('%" + SearchKey + "%') or lower(concat(teacherfname,' ',teacherlname)) like lower('" + SearchKey + "') or salary like '" + Number + "' or hiredate like '" + Date + "'";
            //which parameter is to insert in a particular query.So here we are inserting searchkey
            //cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");

            //Gather the result set of query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader Resultset = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Create ab Empty list of teacher names
            List <Teacher> Teachers = new List <Teacher> {

            //Loop for each row would be accessed by the resultset
            while (Resultset.Read())
            //Read method will read series of rows
                //Access Colum infromation be the Db column name as an index
                int      TeacherId      = (int)Resultset["teacherid"];
                string   TeacherFname   = (string)Resultset["teacherfname"];
                string   TeacherLName   = (string)Resultset["teacherlname"];
                string   EmployeeNumber = (string)Resultset["employeenumber"];
                DateTime HireDate       = (DateTime)Resultset["hiredate"];
                decimal  Salary         = (decimal)Resultset["salary"];

                //To make an object of an teacher class
                Teacher newTeacher = new Teacher();
                newTeacher.TeacherId      = TeacherId;
                newTeacher.TeacherFname   = TeacherFname;
                newTeacher.TeacherLname   = TeacherLName;
                newTeacher.EmployeeNumber = EmployeeNumber;
                newTeacher.HireDate       = HireDate;
                newTeacher.Salary         = Salary;

                //Add the TechserName to the list

            //For closing the connection between Mysql dataabse and web server


            //Return the final list of Techer Names
        public IEnumerable <Teacher> ListTeachers(string SearchKey = null)
            MySqlConnection Conn = School.AccessDatabase(); //Connects to Database

            Conn.Open();                                    // Opens connection to the database

            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();        // Makes a var name cmd to allow use to make the queries.

            //cmd.CommandText = "Select * from Teachers"; // Place the following query into the cmd.CommandText
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from Teachers where lower(teacherfname) like lower(@key) or lower(teacherlname) like lower(@key) or lower(concat(teacherfname, ' ', teacherlname)) like lower(@key)";

            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");

            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader(); // Makes a var ResultSet to read and execute the command above.

            List <Teacher> Teachers = new List <Teacher> {
            };                                              // Empty list used to store the Teacher Objects.

            // While loop to read over and grab all of information store in the Teacher table.
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                Teacher NewTeacher = new Teacher();

                NewTeacher.TeacherId        = Convert.ToInt32(ResultSet["teacherid"]);
                NewTeacher.TeacherFirstName = ResultSet["teacherfname"].ToString();
                NewTeacher.TeacherLastName  = ResultSet["teacherlname"].ToString();

            Conn.Close();     // Close the DB connection.

            return(Teachers); // Returns List
Example #4
        public Teacher ShowTeacher(int?id)
            Teacher NewTeacher = new Teacher();

            //Create an instance of a connection
            MySqlConnection Conn = School.AccessDatabase();

            //Open the connection between the web server and database

            //Establish a new command (query) for our database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //SQL QUERY
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from teachers where teacherid = " + id;

            //Gather Result Set of Query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Access Column information by the DB column name as an index
                int    TeacherId    = (int)ResultSet["teacherid"];
                string TeacherFname = ResultSet["teacherfname"].ToString();
                string TeacherLname = ResultSet["teacherlname"].ToString();

                NewTeacher.TeacherId = TeacherId;

                NewTeacher.TeacherFname = TeacherFname;
                NewTeacher.TeacherLname = TeacherLname;

            //Close the connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Open the connection between the web server and database

            //Create another instance of a connection
            MySqlCommand classcmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            classcmd.CommandText = "Select * from classes where teacherid = " + id;

            MySqlDataReader ClassResultSet = classcmd.ExecuteReader();

            while (ClassResultSet.Read())
                //Access Column information by the DB column name as an index
                string TeacherClass = ClassResultSet["classname"].ToString();

                NewTeacher.TeacherClass = TeacherClass;

            //Close the connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Return the final list of author namess
        public IEnumerable <Class> ClassInfo(string SearchKey = null)
            //Creating connection with database
            MySqlConnection Conn = School.AccessDatabase();

            //Acivate connection between the web server and database

            //Establish a new command for our database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //SQL QUERY to access columns from classes table
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from Classes where lower(classname) like lower(@key) or lower(classcode) like lower(@key)";

            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");

            //Incorporating SQL Query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Create an empty list of Class names
            List <Class> Class = new List <Class> {

            //Loop Through Each Row the Result Set
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Get column information by the column name from classes table
                int      Classid   = (int)ResultSet["classid"];
                string   Classname = ResultSet["classname"].ToString();
                string   Classcode = ResultSet["classcode"].ToString();
                DateTime StartDate;
                DateTime.TryParse(ResultSet["StartDate"].ToString(), out StartDate);
                DateTime FinishDate;
                DateTime.TryParse(ResultSet["FinishDate"].ToString(), out FinishDate);
                int Teacherid = Convert.ToInt32(ResultSet["teacherid"]);

                Class NewClass = new Class();
                NewClass.ClassId    = Classid;
                NewClass.Classname  = Classname;
                NewClass.Classcode  = Classcode;
                NewClass.Startdate  = StartDate;
                NewClass.Finishdate = FinishDate;
                NewClass.Teacherid  = Teacherid;

                //Adding class name to the List

            //Ending connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Returning the final list of class names
        public IEnumerable <Teacher> ListTeachers(string SearchKey = null)
            //Create an instance of a connection
            MySqlConnection Conn = school.AccessDatabase();

            //Open the connection between the web server and database

            //Establish a new command (query) for our database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //SQL QUERY
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from teachers where lower(teacherfname) like lower(@key) or lower(teacherlname) like lower(@key) or lower(concat(teacherfname, ' ', teacherlname)) like lower(@key)";

            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");

            //Gather Result Set of Query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Create an empty list of Teachers
            List <Teacher> Teachers = new List <Teacher> {

            //Loop Through Each Row the Result Set
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Access Column information by the DB column name as an index
                int    TeacherId      = Convert.ToInt32(ResultSet["teacherid"]);
                string TeacherFname   = ResultSet["teacherfname"].ToString();
                string TeacherLname   = ResultSet["teacherlname"].ToString();
                string employeenumber = ResultSet["employeenumber"].ToString();;

                // This technique will work,
                //DateTime TeacherJoinDate = (DateTime)ResultSet["teacherjoindate"];

                // This technique is safer!
                DateTime TeacherJoinDate;
                DateTime.TryParse(ResultSet["hiredate"].ToString(), out TeacherJoinDate);

                Teacher AddTeacher = new Teacher();
                AddTeacher.TeacherId      = TeacherId;
                AddTeacher.TeacherFname   = TeacherFname;
                AddTeacher.TeacherLname   = TeacherLname;
                AddTeacher.employeenumber = employeenumber;

                //Add the Teacher Name to the List

            //Close the connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Return the final list of teacher names
Example #7
        //IEnumerable method is used to get the list of Teachers from the teachers table
        public IEnumerable <Class> ListClasses()
            //Accessdatabse is the method of ScoolDbContext class,so use the method of the class we need
            // to create an object of connection method.
            //So here Conn is the object of a connection MySqlConnection to access the method AccessDatabase()

            MySqlConnection Conn = School.AccessDatabase();

            //Open the connection between the webserver and the database

            //Establish a new command (query) for our database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //Sql Query
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from classes";

            //Gather the result set of query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader Resultset = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Create ab Empty list of teacher names
            List <Class> Classes = new List <Class> {

            //Loop for each row would be accessed by the resultset
            while (Resultset.Read())
            //Read method will read series of rows
                //Access Colum infromation be the Db column name as an index
                int      ClassId    = (int)Resultset["classid"];
                string   ClassCode  = (string)Resultset["classcode"];
                int      TeacherId  = Convert.ToInt32(Resultset["teacherid"]);
                DateTime StartDate  = (DateTime)Resultset["startdate"];
                DateTime FinishDate = (DateTime)Resultset["finishdate"];
                string   ClassName  = (string)Resultset["classname"];

                //To make an object of an Class class
                Class newClass = new Class();
                newClass.ClassId    = ClassId;
                newClass.ClassCode  = ClassCode;
                newClass.TeacherId  = TeacherId;
                newClass.StartDate  = StartDate;
                newClass.FinishDate = FinishDate;
                newClass.ClassName  = ClassName;

                //Add the TechserName to the list

            //For closing the connection between Mysql dataabse and web server


            //Return the final list of Techer Names
Example #8
        public IEnumerable <Teacher> TeacherInfo(string SearchKey = null)
            //Creating connection with database
            MySqlConnection Conn = School.AccessDatabase();

            //Acivate connection between the web server and database

            //Establish a new command for our database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //SQL QUERY to access columns from teacher table
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from Teachers where lower(teacherfname) like lower(@key) or lower(teacherlname) like lower(@key) or lower(concat(teacherfname, ' ', teacherlname)) like lower(@key)";

            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");

            //Incorporating SQL Query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Create an empty list of Teacher Names
            List <Teacher> Teachers = new List <Teacher> {

            //Loop Through Each Row the Result Set
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Get column information by the column name from teacher table
                int      TeacherId      = (int)ResultSet["teacherid"];
                string   TeacherFname   = ResultSet["teacherfname"].ToString();
                string   TeacherLname   = ResultSet["teacherlname"].ToString();
                string   EmployeeNumber = ResultSet["employeenumber"].ToString();
                DateTime HireDate;
                DateTime.TryParse(ResultSet["HireDate"].ToString(), out HireDate);
                string Salary = ResultSet["salary"].ToString();

                Teacher NewTeacher = new Teacher();
                NewTeacher.TeacherId      = TeacherId;
                NewTeacher.TeacherFname   = TeacherFname;
                NewTeacher.TeacherLname   = TeacherLname;
                NewTeacher.EmployeeNumber = EmployeeNumber;
                NewTeacher.HireDate       = HireDate;
                NewTeacher.Salary         = Salary;

                //Adding Teacher Name to the List

            //Ending connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Returning the final list of teacher names
Example #9
        public IEnumerable <Student> ListStudents(string SearchKey = null)
            //Create an instance of a connection
            MySqlConnection Conn = school.AccessDatabase();

            //Open the connection between the web server and database

            //Establish a new command (query) for our database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //SQL QUERY
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from Students where lower(studentfname) like lower(@key) or lower(studentlname) like lower(@key) or lower(concat(studentfname,' ', studentlname)) like lower(@key)";

            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");

            //Gather Result Set of Query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Create an empty list of Students
            List <Student> Students = new List <Student> {

            //Loop Through Each Row the Result Set
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Access Column information by the DB column name as an index
                uint     StudentId     = (uint)ResultSet["studentid"];
                string   StudentFname  = ResultSet["studentfname"].ToString();
                string   StudentLname  = ResultSet["studentlname"].ToString();
                DateTime EnrolDate     = DateTime.Parse(ResultSet["enroldate"].ToString());
                string   StudentNumber = ResultSet["studentnumber"].ToString();

                Student NewStudent = new Student();
                NewStudent.StudentId     = StudentId;
                NewStudent.StudentFname  = StudentFname;
                NewStudent.StudentLname  = StudentLname;
                NewStudent.EnrolDate     = EnrolDate;
                NewStudent.StudentNumber = StudentNumber;

                //Add the Student Name to the List

            //Close the connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Return the final list of student names
        public IEnumerable <Teacher> ListTeachers(string searchKey = null)
            //Instance of a connection using MySQL object.
            MySqlConnection Connection = School.AccessDatabase();

            //Establishes connection between web server and the database

            //Create a new command of SQL.
            MySqlCommand cmd = Connection.CreateCommand();

            //Required SQL query to find teachers with the particular searchKey
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from teachers where lower(teacherfname) like lower(@key) or lower(teacherlname) like lower(@key) or lower(concat(teacherfname, ' ', teacherlname)) like lower(@key)";

            // Telling the system to search for teacher names that contain the "SearchKey" in any part of it's string
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + searchKey + "%");

            //Storing the result in Resultset
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //List that stores all the teacher data.
            List <Teacher> TeachersNames = new List <Teacher> {

            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Storing each individual value in it's own variable
                int      TeacherId       = (int)ResultSet["teacherid"];
                string   TeacherfName    = (string)ResultSet["teacherfname"];
                string   TeacherlName    = (string)ResultSet["teacherlname"];
                DateTime Hiredate        = (DateTime)ResultSet["hiredate"];
                string   TeacherHireDate = Hiredate.ToLongDateString();
                double   TeacherSalary   = Convert.ToDouble(ResultSet["salary"]);

                // Creating a NewTeacher object of type Teacher to store the information of one teacher at a time.
                Teacher NewTeacher = new Teacher();

                //Adding the variables to the NewTeacher object we created

                NewTeacher.TeacherId       = TeacherId;
                NewTeacher.TeacherFname    = TeacherfName;
                NewTeacher.TeacherLname    = TeacherlName;
                NewTeacher.TeacherHireDate = TeacherHireDate;
                NewTeacher.TeacherSalary   = TeacherSalary;

                // Storing all this information together in the TeachersNames List
            //Closing the connection between the database and server

            //Returning the stored List
        public IEnumerable <Student> ListStudents(string searchKey)
            //Instance of a connection using MySQL object.
            MySqlConnection Connection = School.AccessDatabase();

            //Establishes connection between web server and the database

            //Create a new command of SQL.
            MySqlCommand cmd = Connection.CreateCommand();

            //Required SQL query to find students with the particular searchKey
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from students where lower(studentfname) like lower(@key) or lower(studentlname) like lower(@key) or lower(concat(studentfname, ' ', studentlname)) like lower(@key)";

            // Telling the system to search for student names that contain the "SearchKey" in any part of it's string
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + searchKey + "%");

            //Storing the result in Resultset
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //List that stores all the student data.
            List <Student> StudentNames = new List <Student> {

            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Storing each individual value in it's own variable
                int      StudentId        = Convert.ToInt32(ResultSet["studentid"]);
                string   StudentfName     = (string)ResultSet["studentfname"];
                string   studentlName     = (string)ResultSet["studentlname"];
                string   studentNumber    = (string)ResultSet["studentnumber"];
                DateTime studentEnrolDate = (DateTime)ResultSet["enroldate"];
                string   date             = studentEnrolDate.ToLongDateString();

                // Creating a NewStudent object of type Teacher to store the information of one teacher at a time.
                Student NewStudent = new Student();

                //Adding the variables to the NewStudent object we created

                NewStudent.StudentId        = StudentId;
                NewStudent.StudentFname     = StudentfName;
                NewStudent.StudentLname     = studentlName;
                NewStudent.StudentNumber    = studentNumber;
                NewStudent.StudentEnrolDate = date;

                // Storing all this information together in the StudentNames List
            //Closing the connection between the database and server

            //Returning the stored List
        public IEnumerable <Teacher> ListTeachers(string SearchKey = null) // since its a list of students, we have to use IEinumerable

        {                                                                  //Links and creates a connection to mySql database
            MySqlConnection Connection = School.AccessDatabase();

            //Connection linked and opens between the database and the web server

            //creates a new command to run the query from the database
            MySqlCommand Command = Connection.CreateCommand();

            // allows to write a query and send it to the database to retrive the information from teachers table
            // query modified inorder to prevent direct input injection attacks
            Command.CommandText = "select * from teachers where lower(teacherfname) like  lower(@key) or lower(teacherlname) like lower(@key) or lower(concat(teacherfname, ' ', teacherlname)) like lower(@key) or hiredate like @key or salary like @key";

            Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");
            //COnverts the query and stores it in a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = Command.ExecuteReader();

            // creates an empty array to store the listo of teachers
            List <Teacher> Teachers = new List <Teacher> {

            // using while loop o itirate the list information fromt the teachers table
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                int      TeacherId      = Convert.ToInt32(ResultSet["teacherid"]);
                string   TeacherFname   = (string)ResultSet["teacherfname"];
                string   TeacherLname   = (string)ResultSet["teacherlname"];
                string   EmployeeNumber = (string)ResultSet["employeenumber"];
                DateTime HireDate       = (DateTime)ResultSet["hiredate"];
                decimal  Salary         = (decimal)ResultSet["salary"];

                //creating a new variable and lining it to the models controller
                Teacher NewTeacher = new Teacher();
                NewTeacher.TeacherId      = TeacherId;
                NewTeacher.TeacherFname   = TeacherFname;
                NewTeacher.TeacherLname   = TeacherLname;
                NewTeacher.EmployeeNumber = EmployeeNumber;
                NewTeacher.HireDate       = HireDate;
                NewTeacher.Salary         = Salary;

                //adding the variables to the empty list.

            //Closing the connection once the information is retrieved from the database
            // outputs the lists of teachers to the web browser
        public IEnumerable <Teacher> ListTeachers(string SearchKey = null)
            //Create an instance of a connection
            MySqlConnection Conn = School.AccessDatabase();

            //Open the connection between the web server and database

            //Establish a new command (query) for our database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //SQL QUERY
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from teachers where lower(teacherfname) like " +
                              "lower(@key) or lower(teacherlname) like lower(@key)" +
                              "or hiredate like (@key) or salary like (@key)";
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");

            //Gather Result Set of Query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Create an empty list of teachers
            List <Teacher> teachers = new List <Teacher> {

            //Loop Through Each Row the Result Set
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Access Column information by the DB column name as an index
                int      TeacherId      = (int)ResultSet["teacherid"];
                string   TeacherFname   = (string)ResultSet["teacherfname"];
                string   TeacherLname   = (string)ResultSet["teacherlname"];
                string   EmployeeNumber = (string)ResultSet["employeenumber"];
                DateTime HireDate       = (DateTime)ResultSet["hiredate"];
                decimal  Salary         = (decimal)ResultSet["salary"];
                Teacher  teacher        = new Teacher();
                teacher.TeacherId      = TeacherId;
                teacher.TeacherFname   = TeacherFname;
                teacher.TeacherLname   = TeacherLname;
                teacher.EmployeeNumber = EmployeeNumber;
                teacher.HireDate       = HireDate;
                teacher.Salary         = Salary;

                //Add the Teacher to the List

            //Close the connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Return the final list of teachers names
Example #14
        public IEnumerable <Teacher> ListTeachers(string SearchKey = null)
            //Create an instance of a connection
            MySqlConnection Connection = School.AccessDatabase();

            //Open the connection between the web server and database

            //Establish a new command (query) for our database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Connection.CreateCommand();

            //SQL QUERY
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from Teachers where UPPER(teacherfname) like UPPER(@key) or UPPER(teacherlname)" +
                              "like UPPER(@key) or UPPER(CONCAT(teacherfname, ' ', teacherlname)) like UPPER(@key)";

            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");

            //Gather Result Set of Query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Create an empty list of Authors
            List <Teacher> Teachers = new List <Teacher> {

            //Loop Through Each Row the Result Set
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Access Column information by the DB column name as an index
                int      TeacherId          = Convert.ToInt32(ResultSet["Teacherid"]);
                string   TeacherFname       = ResultSet["teacherfname"].ToString();
                string   TeacherLname       = ResultSet["teacherlname"].ToString();
                Decimal  TeacherSalary      = (Decimal)ResultSet["salary"];
                string   TeacherEmployeeNum = ResultSet["employeenumber"].ToString();
                DateTime TeacherHireDate    = (DateTime)ResultSet["hiredate"];

                Teacher NewTeacher = new Teacher();
                NewTeacher.TeacherId          = TeacherId;
                NewTeacher.TeacherFname       = TeacherFname;
                NewTeacher.TeacherLname       = TeacherLname;
                NewTeacher.TeacherEmployeeNum = TeacherEmployeeNum;
                NewTeacher.TeacherHireDate    = TeacherHireDate;
                NewTeacher.TeacherSalary      = TeacherSalary;
                //Add the Teacher Name to the List

            //Close the connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Return the final list of author names
        public IEnumerable <Teacher> ListTeachers(string SearchKey = null)
            //debug comments for searching the teacher table
            Debug.WriteLine("I am looking for  ");

            //connects to database and establishes connection between server & database
            MySqlConnection Conn = Teacher.AccessDatabase();


            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //select query from teachers table with search function
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT teachers.teacherid, teachers.teacherfname, teachers.teacherlname, teachers.employeenumber, teachers.hiredate, teachers.salary FROM teachers WHERE teachers.teacherfname LIKE @key OR teachers.teacherlname LIKE @key OR (concat(teacherfname, ' ', teacherlname)) LIKE @key";

            //sql parameters to avoid injections
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");

            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Creating a new list for classes
            List <Teacher> Teachers = new List <Teacher> {

            while (ResultSet.Read())
                int      TeacherId    = (int)ResultSet["teacherid"];
                string   TeacherFname = (string)ResultSet["teacherfname"];
                string   TeacherLname = (string)ResultSet["teacherlname"];
                string   EmployeeNum  = (string)ResultSet["employeenumber"];
                DateTime HireDate     = (DateTime)ResultSet["hiredate"];
                decimal  Salary       = (decimal)ResultSet["salary"];

                Teacher newTeacher = new Teacher();
                newTeacher.TeacherId    = TeacherId;
                newTeacher.TeacherFname = TeacherFname;
                newTeacher.TeacherLname = TeacherLname;
                newTeacher.EmployeeNum  = EmployeeNum;
                newTeacher.HireDate     = HireDate;
                newTeacher.Salary       = Salary;

                //Adds a new teacher to the list
            //Closes connection to MySql database

            //Returns list of all teachers
        public IEnumerable <Class> ListClasses()
            //Create an instance of a connection
            MySqlConnection Conn = School.AccessDatabase();

            //Open the connection between the web server and database

            //Establish a new command (query) for our database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //SQL QUERY
            string query = "Select * from classes";

            cmd.CommandText = query;

            //Gather Result Set of Query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Create an empty list of Classes
            List <Class> Classes = new List <Class> {

            //Loop Through Each Row the Result Set
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Access Column information by the DB column name as an index
                int      ClassId         = Convert.ToInt32(ResultSet["classid"]);
                string   ClassName       = ResultSet["classname"].ToString();
                string   ClassCode       = ResultSet["classcode"].ToString();
                DateTime ClassStartdate  = (DateTime)ResultSet["startdate"];
                DateTime ClassFinishdate = (DateTime)ResultSet["finishdate"];

                Class NewClass = new Class();
                NewClass.ClassId         = ClassId;
                NewClass.ClassName       = ClassName;
                NewClass.ClassCode       = ClassCode;
                NewClass.ClassStartdate  = ClassStartdate;
                NewClass.ClassFinishdate = ClassFinishdate;

                //Add the Class Name to the List

            //Close the connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Return the final list of class names
Example #17
        public IEnumerable <Teacher> ListTeachers(string SearchKey = null)
            // Instance of Connection
            MySqlConnection Conn = School.AccessDatabase();

            // Open connection between web server and database

            // Create new query for database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            // SQL Query
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM teachers WHERE LOWER(teacherfname) LIKE LOWER(@key) " +
                              "OR LOWER(teacherlname) LIKE LOWER(@key) " +
                              "OR LOWER(CONCAT(teacherfname, ' ', teacherlname)) LIKE LOWER(@key)";

            // Parameters to protect Query from SQL Injection Attacks
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");

            // Variable that stores the results from the SQL Query
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            // Empty list of Teachers
            List <Teacher> Teachers = new List <Teacher> {

            // Loop through Result Set rows and add to teachers list
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                // New Teacher Object
                Teacher NewTeacher = new Teacher();

                // Access the Columns in the Teachers table
                NewTeacher.TeacherId      = Convert.ToInt32(ResultSet["teacherid"]);
                NewTeacher.TeacherFname   = ResultSet["teacherfname"].ToString();
                NewTeacher.TeacherLname   = ResultSet["teacherlname"].ToString();
                NewTeacher.EmployeeNumber = ResultSet["employeenumber"].ToString();
                NewTeacher.HireDate       = Convert.ToDateTime(ResultSet["hiredate"]);
                NewTeacher.Salary         = Convert.ToDecimal(ResultSet["salary"]);

                // Add the NewTeacher to empty list

            // Close connection

            // Return populated list
Example #18
        public IEnumerable <Teacher> ListTeachers(string SearchKey = null)
            //Create an instance of a connection
            MySqlConnection Conn = School.AccessDatabase();

            //Open the connection between the web server and database

            //Establish a new command (query) for our database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //SQL QUERY
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from teachers where LOWER(teacherfname) like lower(@key) " +
                              "OR LOWER(teacherlname) like LOWER(@key) OR LOWER" +
                              "(CONCAT(teacherfname,' ', teacherlname)) LIKE LOWER(@key)";

            //Preventing SQL Injection Attack
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");

            //Gather Result Set of Query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Create an empty list of Teachers
            List <Teacher> Teachers = new List <Teacher> {

            //Loop Through Each Row the Result Set
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                Teacher NewTeacher = new Teacher();

                //Access Column information by the DB column name as an index

                NewTeacher.TeacherId      = Convert.ToInt32(ResultSet["teacherid"]);
                NewTeacher.TeacherFname   = ResultSet["teacherfname"].ToString();
                NewTeacher.TeacherLname   = ResultSet["teacherlname"].ToString();
                NewTeacher.EmployeeNumber = ResultSet["employeenumber"].ToString();
                NewTeacher.HireDate       = Convert.ToDateTime(ResultSet["hiredate"]);
                NewTeacher.Salary         = Convert.ToDouble(ResultSet["salary"]);

                //Add the Teacher Name to the List

            //Close the connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Return the final list of Teachers
Example #19
        public IEnumerable <Teacher> ListTeacher(string SearchKey = null)
            //Creates an instance of a connection
            MySqlConnection Conn = School.AccessDatabase();

            //Opens connection between web server and database

            //Establish a new command for database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //SQL Query
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from teachers where (lower(teacherfname) like lower(@key)) OR (lower(teacherlname) like lower(@key)) or (lower(concat(teacherfname,' ', teacherlname)) like lower(@key)) or (salary like @key) or (hiredate like @key)";
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");

            //Gather Query result into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Creates an empty list of Teacher
            List <Teacher> Teachers = new List <Teacher> {

            //Loop Through Each Row of the Result Set
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Access Column info by the DB column name as an index
                int      TeacherId      = (int)ResultSet["teacherid"];
                string   TeacherFname   = (String)ResultSet["teacherfname"];
                string   TeacherLname   = (String)ResultSet["teacherlname"];
                string   EmployeeNumber = (String)ResultSet["employeenumber"];
                DateTime HireDate       = (DateTime)ResultSet["hiredate"];
                decimal  Salary         = (decimal)ResultSet["salary"];

                Teacher NewTeacher = new Teacher();
                NewTeacher.TeacherId      = TeacherId;
                NewTeacher.TeacherFname   = TeacherFname;
                NewTeacher.TeacherLname   = TeacherLname;
                NewTeacher.EmployeeNumber = EmployeeNumber;
                NewTeacher.HireDate       = HireDate;
                NewTeacher.Salary         = Salary;

                //Add the teacher name to the list

            //Closes connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Return final list of teacher names
Example #20
        public IEnumerable <Teacher> ListTeachers(string SearchKey = null)
            //We need to connect to datadase
            MySqlConnection Conn = school.AccessDatabase();

            //This method opens connection between the web server and the database

            //The following method established a new command (query) for the school database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //SQL query
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from Teachers where lower(teacherfname) like lower(@key) or lower(teacherlname) like lower(@key) or lower(concat(teacherfname, ' ', teacherlname)) like lower(@key)";
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");
            //Gather Result Set of Query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Create an empty list of Teachers
            List <Teacher> Teachers = new List <Teacher> {

            //Loop through an empty list of teacher names
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Access column data by the databse column name as an index
                int      TeacherId      = (int)ResultSet["teacherid"];
                string   TeacherFname   = (string)ResultSet["teacherfname"];
                string   TeacherLname   = (string)ResultSet["teacherlname"];
                string   TeacherEnumber = (string)ResultSet["employeenumber"];
                DateTime TeacherHdate   = (DateTime)ResultSet["hiredate"];
                decimal  TeacherSalary  = (decimal)ResultSet["salary"];

                Teacher NewTeacher = new Teacher();
                //Setting the properties of a new Teacher object as an extentsiation of the Teacher class
                //to match the properties we have retrieved from the database.
                NewTeacher.TeacherId      = TeacherId;
                NewTeacher.TeacherFname   = TeacherFname;
                NewTeacher.TeacherLname   = TeacherLname;
                NewTeacher.TeacherEnumber = TeacherEnumber;
                NewTeacher.TeacherHdate   = TeacherHdate;
                NewTeacher.TeacherSalary  = TeacherSalary;

                //Add a teacher name to the list
            //This method closes the connection between the MySQL Database and the Webserver

            //Return the final list of teacher names
        public IEnumerable <Teacher> ListTeachers()
            //Create an instance of a connection
            MySqlConnection Conn = School.AccessDatabase();

            //Open the connection between the web server and database

            //Establish a new command (query) for our database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //SQL QUERY
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from Teachers";

            //Gather Result Set of Query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Create an empty list of Teachers
            List <Teacher> Teachers = new List <Teacher> {

            //Loop Through Each Row the Result Set
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Access Column information by the DB column name as an index
                int      TeacherId      = (int)ResultSet["teacherid"];
                string   TeacherFname   = (string)ResultSet["teacherfname"];
                string   TeacherLname   = (string)ResultSet["teacherlname"];
                string   EmployeeNumber = (string)ResultSet["employeenumber"];
                DateTime HireDate       = (DateTime)ResultSet["hiredate"];
                decimal  Salary         = (decimal)ResultSet["salary"];

                Teacher NewTeacher = new Teacher();
                NewTeacher.TeacherId      = TeacherId;
                NewTeacher.TeacherFname   = TeacherFname;
                NewTeacher.TeacherLname   = TeacherLname;
                NewTeacher.EmployeeNumber = EmployeeNumber;
                NewTeacher.HireDate       = HireDate;
                NewTeacher.Salary         = Salary;

                //Add the Teacher Name to the List

            //Close the connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Return the final list of teacher names
        public IEnumerable <Student> ListStudents()
            //Create an instance of a connection
            MySqlConnection Conn = School.AccessDatabase();

            //Open the connection between the web server and database

            //Establish a new command (query) for our database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //SQL QUERY
            string query = "Select * from students";

            cmd.CommandText = query;

            //Gather Result Set of Query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Create an empty list of Students
            List <Student> Students = new List <Student> {

            //Loop Through Each Row the Result Set
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Access Column information by the DB column name as an index
                int      StudentId            = Convert.ToInt32(ResultSet["studentid"]);
                string   StudentFName         = ResultSet["studentfname"].ToString();
                string   StudentLName         = ResultSet["studentlname"].ToString();
                string   StudentStudentnumber = ResultSet["studentnumber"].ToString();
                DateTime StudentEnroldate     = (DateTime)ResultSet["enroldate"];

                Student NewStudent = new Student();
                NewStudent.StudentId            = StudentId;
                NewStudent.StudentFname         = StudentFName;
                NewStudent.StudentLname         = StudentLName;
                NewStudent.StudentStudentnumber = StudentStudentnumber;
                NewStudent.StudentEnroldate     = StudentEnroldate;

                //Add the Student Name to the List

            //Close the connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Return the final list of students names
Example #23
        public IEnumerable <Teacher> ListTeachers(string search = null)
            // creat an instance of a connection
            MySqlConnection conn = school.AccessDatabase();
                //Open the connection between the web server and database

                //Establish a new command (query) for our database
                MySqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                //Sql Query
                cmd.CommandText = "Select * from teachers  where lower(teacherfname) like lower(@key) or lower(teacherlname) like lower(@key) or lower(concat(teacherfname, ' ', teacherlname)) like lower(@key)";

                cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + search + "%");

                //Gather Result Set of Query into a variable
                MySqlDataReader ResultList = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                //creat an empty list teacher names;
                List <Teacher> TeacherInformation = new List <Teacher> {

                //Loop Through Each Row the Result Set;
                while (ResultList.Read())
                {   //Access column information by the DB column name as an index;
                    int     TeacherId      = (int)ResultList["teacherid"];
                    string  TeacherFName   = (string)ResultList["teacherfname"];
                    string  TeacherLname   = (string)ResultList["teacherlname"];
                    string  EmployeeNumber = (string)ResultList["employeenumber"];
                    string  HireDate       = ResultList["hiredate"].ToString();
                    decimal Salary         = (decimal)ResultList["salary"];
                    Teacher teacher        = new Teacher();
                    teacher.teacherid      = TeacherId;
                    teacher.teacherfname   = TeacherFName;
                    teacher.teacherlname   = TeacherLname;
                    teacher.employeenumber = EmployeeNumber;
                    teacher.hiredate       = HireDate;
                    teacher.salary         = Salary;
                    //Add Teacher to the list

                //Close the connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer
Example #24
        public IEnumerable <Course> ListCourses(string SearchKey = null)
            //Create an instance of a connection
            MySqlConnection Connection = School.AccessDatabase();

            //Open the connection between the web server and database

            //Establish a new command (query) for our database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Connection.CreateCommand();

            //SQL QUERY
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from classes where UPPER(classname) like UPPER(@key)";

            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");

            //Gather Result Set of Query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Create an empty list of Authors
            List <Course> Courses = new List <Course> {

            //Loop Through Each Row the Result Set
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Access Column information by the DB column name as an index
                int      CourseId         = Convert.ToInt32(ResultSet["classid"]);
                string   CourseName       = ResultSet["classname"].ToString();
                string   CourseCode       = ResultSet["classcode"].ToString();
                DateTime CourseStartDate  = (DateTime)ResultSet["startdate"];
                DateTime CourseFinishDate = (DateTime)ResultSet["finishdate"];

                Course NewCourse = new Course();
                NewCourse.CourseId         = CourseId;
                NewCourse.CourseName       = CourseName;
                NewCourse.CourseCode       = CourseCode;
                NewCourse.CourseStartDate  = CourseStartDate;
                NewCourse.CourseFinishDate = CourseFinishDate;
                //Add the class Name to the List

            //Close the connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Return the final list of classes names
Example #25
        public IEnumerable <Class> ListClasses(string SearchKey = null)
            //Creates an instance of a connection
            MySqlConnection Conn = School.AccessDatabase();

            //Opens connection between the web server and database

            //Establish a new command for database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //SQL Query
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from Classes where (lower(classcode) like lower(@key)) or (lower(classname) like lower(@key))";
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");

            //Gather Query result into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Create an empty list of Students
            List <Class> Classes = new List <Class> {

            //Loop Through Each Row of the Result Set
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Access Column info by the DB column name as an index
                int      ClassId    = (int)ResultSet["classid"];
                string   ClassCode  = (String)ResultSet["classcode"];
                string   ClassName  = (String)ResultSet["classname"];
                DateTime StartDate  = (DateTime)ResultSet["startdate"];
                DateTime FinishDate = (DateTime)ResultSet["finishdate"];

                Class NewClass = new Class();
                NewClass.ClassId    = ClassId;
                NewClass.ClassCode  = ClassCode;
                NewClass.ClassName  = ClassName;
                NewClass.StartDate  = StartDate;
                NewClass.FinishDate = FinishDate;

                //Add the student name to the list

            //Closes connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Return final list of student names
Example #26
        public IEnumerable <Class> ListClasses(string SearchKey = null)
            // Instance of Connection
            MySqlConnection Conn = School.AccessDatabase();

            // Open connection between web server and database

            // Create new query for database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            // SQL Query
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM classes WHERE LOWER(classname) LIKE LOWER(@key)" +
                              "OR LOWER(classcode) LIKE LOWER(@key)";

            // Parameters to protect Query from SQL Injection Attacks
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");

            // Variable thats stores the results from the SQL Querys
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            // Empty list of Classes
            List <Class> Classes = new List <Class> {

            // Loop through Result set rows and add to classes lists
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                // New Class Object
                Class NewClass = new Class();

                // Access the Columns in the Classes tab;es
                NewClass.ClassId    = Convert.ToInt32(ResultSet["classid"]);
                NewClass.ClassCode  = ResultSet["classcode"].ToString();
                NewClass.ClassName  = ResultSet["classname"].ToString();
                NewClass.StartDate  = Convert.ToDateTime(ResultSet["startdate"]);
                NewClass.FinishDate = Convert.ToDateTime(ResultSet["finishdate"]);

                // Add the NewClass to empty Classes list

            // Close Connection

            // Return populated list
        public IEnumerable <Class> ListClasses()

            //Links and creates a connection to mySql database
            MySqlConnection Connection = School.AccessDatabase();

            //Connection linked and opens between the database and the web server
            //creates a new command to run the query from the database
            MySqlCommand Command = Connection.CreateCommand();

            // allows to write a query and send it to the database to retrive the information from Classes table

            Command.CommandText = "Select * from Classes";
            //Converts the query and stores it in a variable

            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = Command.ExecuteReader();
            // creates an empty array to store the list of Classes

            List <Class> Classes = new List <Class> {

            // using while loop to itirate the list information fromt the students table
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                int      ClassId    = Convert.ToInt32(ResultSet["classid"]);
                string   ClassCode  = (string)ResultSet["classcode"];
                int      TeacherId  = Convert.ToInt32(ResultSet["teacherid"]);
                DateTime StartDate  = (DateTime)ResultSet["startdate"];
                DateTime FinishDate = (DateTime)ResultSet["finishdate"];
                string   ClassName  = (string)ResultSet["classname"];

                //creating a new variable and lining it to the models controller
                Class NewClass = new Class();
                NewClass.ClassId    = ClassId;
                NewClass.ClassCode  = ClassCode;
                NewClass.TeacherId  = TeacherId;
                NewClass.StartDate  = StartDate;
                NewClass.FinishDate = FinishDate;
                NewClass.ClassName  = ClassName;
                //adding the variables to the empty list.

            //Closing the connection once the information is retrieved from the database
            // outputs the lists of students to the web browser
        public IEnumerable <Student> ListStudents(string SearchKey = null)
            // Instance of Connection
            MySqlConnection Conn = School.AccessDatabase();

            // Open connection

            // Create new Query for database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            // SQL Query
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM students WHERE LOWER(studentfname) LIKE LOWER(@key) " +
                              "OR LOWER(studentlname) LIKE LOWER(@key) " +
                              "OR LOWER(CONCAT(studentfname, ' ', studentlname)) LIKE LOWER(@key)";

            // Parameters to protect Query from SQL Injection Attacks
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");

            // Store results from Query into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            // Empty List of Students
            List <Student> Students = new List <Student> {

            // Loop through Result Set rows
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                // New Student Object
                Student NewStudent = new Student();

                // Access the Columns in the Students table
                NewStudent.StudentId     = Convert.ToInt32(ResultSet["studentid"]);
                NewStudent.StudentFname  = ResultSet["studentfname"].ToString();
                NewStudent.StudentLname  = ResultSet["studentlname"].ToString();
                NewStudent.StudentNumber = ResultSet["studentnumber"].ToString();
                NewStudent.EnrollDate    = Convert.ToDateTime(ResultSet["enroldate"]);

                // Add students to empty list

            // Close connection

Example #29
        public IEnumerable <Student> ListStudents(string SearchKey = null)
            //Creates an instance of a connection
            MySqlConnection Conn = School.AccessDatabase();

            //Opens connection between the web server and database

            //Establish a new command for database
            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //SQL Query
            cmd.CommandText = "Select * from students where (lower(studentfname) like lower(@key)) OR (lower(studentlname) like lower(@key)) or (lower(concat(studentfname,' ', studentlname)) like lower(@key)) or (studentnumber like @key) or (enroldate like @key)";
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");

            //Gather Query result into a variable
            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Create an empty list of Students
            List <Student> Students = new List <Student> {

            //Loop Through Each Row of the Result Set
            while (ResultSet.Read())
                //Access Column info by the DB column name as an index
                int      StudentId     = Convert.ToInt32(ResultSet["studentid"]);
                string   StudentFname  = (String)ResultSet["studentfname"];
                string   StudentLname  = (String)ResultSet["studentlname"];
                string   StudentNumber = (String)ResultSet["studentnumber"];
                DateTime EnrolDate     = (DateTime)ResultSet["enroldate"];

                Student NewStudent = new Student();
                NewStudent.StudentId     = StudentId;
                NewStudent.StudentFname  = StudentFname;
                NewStudent.StudentLname  = StudentLname;
                NewStudent.StudentNumber = StudentNumber;
                NewStudent.EnrolDate     = EnrolDate.Date;

                //Add the student name to the list

            //Closes connection between the MySQL Database and the WebServer

            //Return final list of student names
        public IEnumerable <Course> ListCourses(string SearchKey = null)
            //connects to database and establishes connection between server & database
            MySqlConnection Conn = Course.AccessDatabase();


            MySqlCommand cmd = Conn.CreateCommand();

            //select query with a join with the teachers table
            cmd.CommandText = "SELECT classid, classname, classcode, startdate, finishdate FROM classes WHERE classname LIKE @key OR classcode LIKE @key";

            //sql parameters to avoid injections
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@key", "%" + SearchKey + "%");

            MySqlDataReader ResultSet = cmd.ExecuteReader();

            //Creating a new list for classes
            List <Course> Courses = new List <Course> {

            while (ResultSet.Read())
                int      CourseId   = (int)ResultSet["classid"];
                string   CourseName = (string)ResultSet["classname"];
                string   CourseCode = (string)ResultSet["classcode"];
                DateTime StartDate  = (DateTime)ResultSet["startdate"];
                DateTime FinishDate = (DateTime)ResultSet["finishdate"];

                Course newCourse = new Course();
                newCourse.CourseId   = CourseId;
                newCourse.CourseName = CourseName;
                newCourse.CourseCode = CourseCode;
                newCourse.StartDate  = StartDate;
                newCourse.FinishDate = FinishDate;

                //Adds a new class to the list
            //Closes connection to MySql database

            //Returns list of all Classes