Example #1
        public void WriteStruct(Schema.Node node, Stack<UnionStub> union)
            if (node.IsGroup()) return;
            if (node.Union != Schema.Node.Unions.@struct) return;
            var @struct = node.@struct;
            // the nested type does not inherit the unions from the caller
            if (union.Count != 0)
                union = new Stack<UnionStub>();

            var fields = @struct.fields;

            int bodyWords = 0, pointerWords = 0;
            Schema.CodeGeneratorRequest.ComputeSpace(this, node, ref bodyWords, ref pointerWords);
            HashSet<ulong> nestedDone = null;

            if (fields.IsValid())
                foreach (var field in fields.OrderBy(x => x.codeOrder).ThenBy(x => x.name, Text.Comparer))
                    bool pushed = false;
                    if (field.discriminantValue != Field.noDiscriminant)
                        // write with union-based restructions
                        union.Push(new UnionStub([email protected], field.discriminantValue));
                        pushed = true;

                    WriteFieldAccessor(node, field, union);

                    // declare the struct too, if we need to - noting that it includes union-context
                    Node child = default(Node);
                    switch (field.Union)
                        case Field.Unions.group:
                            child = Lookup(field.group.typeId);
                        case Field.Unions.slot:
                            if (field.slot.type.Union == Schema.Type.Unions.@struct)
                                child = Lookup([email protected]);
                    if (child.IsValid())
                        if (child.IsGroup())
                            if (nestedDone == null) nestedDone = new HashSet<ulong>();
                            if (nestedDone.Add(child.id))
                                WriteGroup(child, union);

                    if (pushed) union.Pop();
            //if (node.nestedNodes != null)
            //    foreach (var nestedNode in node.nestedNodes)
            //    {
            //        if (nestedDone == null || !nestedDone.Contains(nestedNode.id))
            //        {
            //            var found = Lookup(nestedNode.id);
            //            if (found != null && found.IsGroup())
            //            {
            //                WriteGroup(found, union);
            //                WriteGroupAccessor(node, found, LocalName(found.displayName, false), false);
            //            }
            //        }
            //    }
            if (@struct.discriminantCount != 0)
                WriteDiscriminant(node, union);

            DeclareFields(bodyWords, pointerWords);

            WriteNestedTypes(node, union);