Example #1
        public void InitializeOptions()
            // Add long-term chronic conditions from the giver that adds new hediffs as pawns age.
            HediffGiverSetDef giverSetDef = DefDatabase <HediffGiverSetDef> .GetNamedSilentFail("OrganicStandard");

            HashSet <HediffDef> addedDefs = new HashSet <HediffDef>();

            if (giverSetDef != null)
                foreach (var g in giverSetDef.hediffGivers)
                    if (g.GetType() == typeof(HediffGiver_Birthday))
                        InjuryOption option = new InjuryOption();
                        option.Chronic   = true;
                        option.HediffDef = g.hediff;
                        option.Label     = g.hediff.LabelCap;
                        option.Giver     = g;
                        if (!g.canAffectAnyLivePart)
                            option.ValidParts = new List <BodyPartDef>();
                        if (!addedDefs.Contains(g.hediff))

            // Get all of the hediffs that can be added via the "forced hediff" scenario part and
            // add them to a hash set so that we can quickly look them up.
            ScenPart_ForcedHediff   scenPart       = new ScenPart_ForcedHediff();
            IEnumerable <HediffDef> scenPartDefs   = (IEnumerable <HediffDef>) typeof(ScenPart_ForcedHediff).GetMethod("PossibleHediffs", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke(scenPart, null);
            HashSet <HediffDef>     scenPartDefSet = new HashSet <HediffDef>(scenPartDefs);

            // Add injury options.
            List <InjuryOption> oldInjuries = new List <InjuryOption>();

            foreach (var hd in DefDatabase <HediffDef> .AllDefs)
                // TODO: Missing body part seems to be a special case.  The hediff giver doesn't itself remove
                // limbs, so disable it until we can add special-case handling.
                if (hd.defName == "MissingBodyPart")

                // Filter out defs that were already added as a chronic condition.
                if (addedDefs.Contains(hd))

                // Filter out implants.
                if (hd.hediffClass == typeof(Hediff_AddedPart))

                // If it's old injury, use the old injury properties to get the label.
                HediffCompProperties getsOldProperties = hd.CompPropsFor(typeof(HediffComp_GetsOld));
                String label;
                if (getsOldProperties != null)
                    if (getsOldProperties.oldLabel != null)
                        label = getsOldProperties.oldLabel.CapitalizeFirst();
                        Log.Warning("Could not find label for old injury: " + hd.defName);
                // If it's not an old injury, make sure it's one of the available hediffs that can
                // be added via ScenPart_ForcedHediff.  If it's not, filter it out.
                    if (!scenPartDefSet.Contains(hd))
                    label = hd.LabelCap;

                // Add the injury option.
                InjuryOption option = new InjuryOption();
                option.HediffDef = hd;
                option.Label     = label;
                if (getsOldProperties != null)
                    option.IsOldInjury = true;
                    option.ValidParts = new List <BodyPartDef>();

            // Disambiguate duplicate injury labels.
            HashSet <string> labels          = new HashSet <string>();
            HashSet <string> duplicateLabels = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (var option in oldInjuries)
                if (labels.Contains(option.Label))
            foreach (var option in oldInjuries)
                HediffCompProperties props = option.HediffDef.CompPropsFor(typeof(HediffComp_GetsOld));
                if (props != null)
                    if (duplicateLabels.Contains(option.Label))
                        string label = "EdB.PrepareCarefully.InjuryLabel".Translate(new string[] {
                            props.oldLabel.CapitalizeFirst(), option.HediffDef.LabelCap
                        option.Label = label;

            // Add old injuries to the full list of injury options

            // Sort by name.
            options.Sort((InjuryOption x, InjuryOption y) => {
                return(string.Compare(x.Label, y.Label));
Example #2
        protected void InitializeInjuryOptions(OptionsHealth options, ThingDef pawnThingDef)
            HashSet <HediffDef> addedDefs = new HashSet <HediffDef>();

            // Go through all of the hediff giver sets for the pawn's race and intialize injuries from
            // each giver.
            if (pawnThingDef.race.hediffGiverSets != null)
                foreach (var giverSetDef in pawnThingDef.race.hediffGiverSets)
                    foreach (var giver in giverSetDef.hediffGivers)
                        InitializeHediffGiverInjuries(options, giver);
            // Go through all hediff stages, looking for hediff givers.
            foreach (var hd in DefDatabase <HediffDef> .AllDefs)
                if (hd.stages != null)
                    foreach (var stage in hd.stages)
                        if (stage.hediffGivers != null)
                            foreach (var giver in stage.hediffGivers)
                                InitializeHediffGiverInjuries(options, giver);
            // Go through all of the chemical defs, looking for hediff givers.
            foreach (var chemicalDef in DefDatabase <ChemicalDef> .AllDefs)
                if (chemicalDef.onGeneratedAddictedEvents != null)
                    foreach (var giver in chemicalDef.onGeneratedAddictedEvents)
                        InitializeHediffGiverInjuries(options, giver);

            // Get all of the hediffs that can be added via the "forced hediff" scenario part and
            // add them to a hash set so that we can quickly look them up.
            ScenPart_ForcedHediff   scenPart       = new ScenPart_ForcedHediff();
            IEnumerable <HediffDef> scenPartDefs   = Reflection.ScenPart_ForcedHediff.PossibleHediffs(scenPart);
            HashSet <HediffDef>     scenPartDefSet = new HashSet <HediffDef>(scenPartDefs);

            // Add injury options.
            foreach (var hd in DefDatabase <HediffDef> .AllDefs)
                // TODO: Missing body part seems to be a special case.  The hediff giver doesn't itself remove
                // limbs, so disable it until we can add special-case handling.
                if (hd.defName == "MissingBodyPart")
                // Filter out defs that were already added via the hediff giver sets.
                if (addedDefs.Contains(hd))
                // Filter out implants.
                if (hd.hediffClass == typeof(Hediff_AddedPart))

                // If it's an old injury, use the old injury properties to get the label.
                HediffCompProperties p = hd.CompPropsFor(typeof(HediffComp_GetsPermanent));
                HediffCompProperties_GetsPermanent getsPermanentProperties = p as HediffCompProperties_GetsPermanent;
                String label;
                if (getsPermanentProperties != null)
                    if (getsPermanentProperties.permanentLabel != null)
                        label = getsPermanentProperties.permanentLabel.CapitalizeFirst();
                        Log.Warning("Prepare Carefully could not find label for old injury: " + hd.defName);
                // If it's not an old injury, make sure it's one of the available hediffs that can
                // be added via ScenPart_ForcedHediff.  If it's not, filter it out.
                    if (!scenPartDefSet.Contains(hd))
                    label = hd.LabelCap;

                // Add the injury option..
                InjuryOption option = new InjuryOption();
                option.HediffDef = hd;
                option.Label     = label;
                if (getsPermanentProperties != null)
                    option.IsOldInjury = true;
                    option.ValidParts = new List <BodyPartDef>();

            // Disambiguate duplicate injury labels.
            HashSet <string> labels          = new HashSet <string>();
            HashSet <string> duplicateLabels = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (var option in options.InjuryOptions)
                if (labels.Contains(option.Label))
            foreach (var option in options.InjuryOptions)
                HediffCompProperties p = option.HediffDef.CompPropsFor(typeof(HediffComp_GetsPermanent));
                HediffCompProperties_GetsPermanent props = p as HediffCompProperties_GetsPermanent;
                if (props != null)
                    if (duplicateLabels.Contains(option.Label))
                        string label = "EdB.PC.Dialog.Injury.OldInjury.Label".Translate(props.permanentLabel.CapitalizeFirst(), option.HediffDef.LabelCap);
                        option.Label = label;