public void CalculationOfFileSizeShouldReturnASize()
            if (_scannerService.GetResponse(""))
                var length = _scannerService.GetFileSize();

                Assert.Equal(356296, length);
Example #2
        public IActionResult Scan(URLItem item)
            // Get url from user
            string stringUrl = item.Url;
            bool   isUri     = Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(stringUrl, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);

            if (!isUri)
                return(BadRequest("URL is invalid"));

            // Throw an error if there is no response for this URL
            if (!_scannerService.GetResponse(stringUrl))
                throw new Exception("Something is wrong with file");

            if (_scannerService.GetFileSize() > 209715200)
                return(BadRequest("File size is too big, should be below 200 MB"));

            // Write the response to the user
            item.Result = _virusScanService.GetVirusScanResult();
            item.Sha1   = _scannerService.GetCheckSum();


            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetURL", new { id = item.Id, result = item.Result, sha1 = item.Sha1 }, item));