Example #1
        public async Task GetScanData()
            var expected = new ScanDetails {
                ScanReference = _scanReference
            var actual = await NetverifyClient.GetScanDataAsync(_scanReference);

            Assert.IsType <ScanDetails>(actual);
Example #2
        //Extract the string content from lexeme, adjusts the escaped and double-end symbols
        protected override bool ConvertValue(ScanDetails details)
            string value = details.Body;
              bool escapeEnabled = !details.IsSet(ScanFlags.DisableEscapes);
              //Fix all escapes
              if (escapeEnabled && value.IndexOf(EscapeChar) >= 0) {
            details.Flags |= ScanFlags.HasEscapes;
            string[] arr = value.Split(EscapeChar);
            bool ignoreNext = false;
            //we skip the 0 element as it is not preceeded by "\"
            for (int i = 1; i < arr.Length; i++) {
              if (ignoreNext) {
            ignoreNext = false;
              string s = arr[i];
              if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) {
            //it is "\\" - escaped escape symbol.
            arr[i] = @"\";
            ignoreNext = true;
              //The char is being escaped is the first one; replace it with char in Escapes table
              char first = s[0];
              char newFirst;
              if (Escapes.TryGetValue(first, out newFirst))
            arr[i] = newFirst + s.Substring(1);
              else {
            arr[i] = HandleSpecialEscape(arr[i], details);
            }//for i
            value = string.Join(string.Empty, arr);
              }// if EscapeEnabled

              //Check for doubled end symbol
              string startS = details.ControlSymbol;
              if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.AllowDoubledQuote) && value.IndexOf(startS) >= 0)
            value = value.Replace(startS + startS, startS);

              if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.IsChar))
                details.TypeCodes = new TypeCode[] { TypeCode.Char };
              //Check char length - must be exactly 1
              if (details.TypeCodes[0] == TypeCode.Char && value.Length != 1) {
            details.Error = "Invalid length of char literal - should be 1.";
            return false;

              details.Value = (details.TypeCodes[0] == TypeCode.Char ? (object) value[0] : value);
              return true;

              //TODO: Investigate unescaped linebreak, with  Flags == BnfFlags.StringAllowLineBreak | BnfFlags.StringLineBreakEscaped
              //      also investigate what happens in this case in Windows where default linebreak is "\r\n", not "\n"
Example #3
        private bool ConvertToFloat(TypeCode typeCode, ScanDetails details)
            //only decimal numbers can be fractions
              if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.Binary | ScanFlags.Octal | ScanFlags.Hex))
            details.Error = "Invalid number.";
            return false;
              string body = details.Body;
              //Some languages allow exp symbols other than E. Check if it is the case, and change it to E
              // - otherwise .NET conversion methods may fail
              if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.HasExp) && details.ControlSymbol.ToUpper() != "E")
            body = body.Replace(details.ControlSymbol, "E");

              //'.' decimal seperator required by invariant culture
              if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.HasDot) && DecimalSeparator != '.')
            body = body.Replace(DecimalSeparator, '.');

              switch (typeCode)
            case TypeCode.Double:
            case TypeCodeImaginary:
              double dValue;
            #if PocketPC || SILVERLIGHT
            dValue = Convert.ToDouble(body, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            return false;
              if (!Double.TryParse(body, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out dValue)) return false;
              if (typeCode == TypeCodeImaginary)
            details.Value = new Complex64(0, dValue);
            details.Value = dValue;
              return true;
            case TypeCode.Single:
              float fValue;
            #if PocketPC || SILVERLIGHT
            fValue = Convert.ToSingle(body, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            return false;

              if (!Single.TryParse(body, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out fValue)) return false;
              details.Value = fValue;
              return true;
            case TypeCode.Decimal:
              decimal decValue;
            #if PocketPC || SILVERLIGHT
            decValue = Convert.ToDecimal(body, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            return false;
              if (!Decimal.TryParse(body, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out decValue)) return false;
              details.Value = decValue;
              return true;
              return false;
Example #4
 private string GetDigits(ScanDetails details)
     if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.Hex))
     return TextUtils.HexDigits;
       if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.Octal))
     return TextUtils.OctalDigits;
       if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.Binary))
     return TextUtils.BinaryDigits;
       return TextUtils.DecimalDigits;
Example #5
 protected override void ReadSuffix(ISourceStream source, ScanDetails details)
     base.ReadSuffix(source, details);
       if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(details.Suffix))
     details.TypeCodes = details.IsSet(ScanFlags.HasDotOrExp) ? _defaultFloatTypes : DefaultIntTypes;
Example #6
        private bool ConvertToBigInteger(ScanDetails details)
            //ignore leading zeros
              details.Body = details.Body.TrimStart('0');
              int bodyLength = details.Body.Length;
              int radix = GetRadix(details);
              int wordLength = GetSafeWordLength(details);
              int sectionCount = GetSectionCount(bodyLength, wordLength);
              ulong[] numberSections = new ulong[sectionCount]; //big endian

              try {
            int startIndex = details.Body.Length - wordLength;
            for (int sectionIndex = sectionCount - 1; sectionIndex >= 0; sectionIndex--) {
              if (startIndex < 0) {
            wordLength += startIndex;
            startIndex = 0;
              //workaround for .Net FX bug: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=278448
              if (radix == 10)
            numberSections[sectionIndex] = Convert.ToUInt64(details.Body.Substring(startIndex, wordLength));
            numberSections[sectionIndex] = Convert.ToUInt64(details.Body.Substring(startIndex, wordLength), radix);

              startIndex -= wordLength;
              } catch {
            details.Error = "Invalid number.";
            return false;
              //produce big integer
              ulong safeWordRadix = GetSafeWordRadix(details);
              BigInteger bigIntegerValue = numberSections[0];
              for (int i = 1; i < sectionCount; i++)
            bigIntegerValue = checked(bigIntegerValue * safeWordRadix + numberSections[i]);
              details.Value = bigIntegerValue;
              return true;
Example #7
 private bool TryConvertToUlong(ScanDetails details)
     try {
     int radix = GetRadix(details);
     //workaround for .Net FX bug: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=278448
     if (radix == 10)
       details.Value = Convert.ToUInt64(details.Body, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
       details.Value = Convert.ToUInt64(details.Body, radix);
     return true;
       } catch(OverflowException) {
     return false;
Example #8
 protected object OnConvertingValue(ScanDetails details)
     if (ConvertingValue == null) return null;
       ScannerConvertingValueEventArgs args = new ScannerConvertingValueEventArgs(details);
       ConvertingValue(this, args);
       return args.Value;
Example #9
 private ulong GetSafeWordRadix(ScanDetails details)
     if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.Hex))
     return 1152921504606846976;
       if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.Octal))
     return 9223372036854775808;
       if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.Binary))
     return 9223372036854775808;
       return 10000000000000000000;
Example #10
        private object ParseFraction(ScanDetails details)
            //only decimal numbers can be fractions
            if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.Octal) || details.IsSet(ScanFlags.Hex)) {
                details.Error = "Invalid number.";
                return null;

            //Some languages allow exp symbols other than E. Check if it is the case, and change it to E
            // - otherwise .NET conversion methods may fail
            if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.HasExp) && details.ControlSymbol.ToUpper() != "E")
                details.Body = details.Body.Replace(details.ControlSymbol, "E");

            try	{
                return Convert.ChangeType(details.Body, details.TypeCode, numberFormat);
            }	catch	{
                details.Error = "Invalid number.";

            return null;
Example #11
        protected override bool ReadBody(ISourceStream source, ScanDetails details)
            if (!ReadStartSymbol(source, details)) return false;

              bool escapeEnabled = !details.IsSet(ScanFlags.DisableEscapes);
              bool ignoreCase = IsSet(TermOptions.SpecialIgnoreCase);
              int start = source.Position;
              string startS = details.ControlSymbol;
              string startS2 = startS + startS; //doubled start symbol
              //1. Find the string end
              // first get the position of the next line break; we are interested in it to detect malformed string,
              //  therefore do it only if linebreak is NOT allowed; if linebreak is allowed, set it to -1 (we don't care).
              int nlPos = details.IsSet(ScanFlags.AllowLineBreak) ? -1 : source.Text.IndexOf('\n', source.Position);
              while (!source.EOF()) {
            int endPos = source.Text.IndexOf(startS, source.Position);
            //Check for malformed string: either EndSymbol not found, or LineBreak is found before EndSymbol
            bool malformed = endPos < 0 || nlPos >= 0 && nlPos < endPos;
            if (malformed) {
              //Set source position for recovery: move to the next line if linebreak is not allowed.
              if (nlPos > 0) endPos = nlPos;
              if (endPos > 0) source.Position = endPos + 1;
              details.Error = "Mal-formed  string literal - cannot find termination symbol.";
              return true;

            //We found EndSymbol - check if it is escaped; if yes, skip it and continue search
            if (escapeEnabled && source.Text[endPos - 1] == EscapeChar) {
              source.Position = endPos + startS.Length;
              continue; //searching for end symbol

            //Check if it is doubled end symbol
            source.Position = endPos;
            if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.AllowDoubledQuote) && source.MatchSymbol(startS2, ignoreCase)) {
              source.Position = endPos + startS.Length * 2;
            }//checking for doubled end symbol

            //Ok, this is normal endSymbol that terminates the string.
            // Advance source position and get out from the loop
            details.Body = source.Text.Substring(start, endPos - start);
            source.Position = endPos + startS.Length;
            return true; //if we come here it means we're done - we found string end.
              }  //end of loop to find string end;
              return false;
Example #12
 private bool ReadStartSymbol(ISourceStream source, ScanDetails details)
     if (_startEndFirsts.IndexOf(source.CurrentChar) < 0)
     return false;
       bool ignoreCase = IsSet(TermOptions.SpecialIgnoreCase);
       foreach (string startEnd in _startEndSymbols) {
     if (!source.MatchSymbol(startEnd, ignoreCase))
     //We found start symbol
     details.ControlSymbol = startEnd;
     details.Flags |= StartEndSymbolTable[startEnd];
     source.Position += startEnd.Length;
     return true;
       return false;
Example #13
 //Should support:  \Udddddddd, \udddd, \xdddd, \N{name}, \0, \ddd (octal),
 protected virtual string HandleSpecialEscape(string segment, ScanDetails details)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(segment)) return string.Empty;
       int len, p; string digits; char ch; string result;
       char first = segment[0];
       switch (first) {
     case 'u':
     case 'U':
       if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.AllowUEscapes)) {
     len = (first == 'u' ? 4 : 8);
     if (segment.Length < len + 1) {
       details.Error = "Invalid unicode escape (" + segment.Substring(len + 1) + "), expected " + len + " hex digits.";
       return segment;
     digits = segment.Substring(1, len);
     ch = (char) Convert.ToUInt32(digits, 16);
     result = ch + segment.Substring(len + 1);
     return result;
     case 'x':
       if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.AllowXEscapes)) {
     //x-escape allows variable number of digits, from one to 4; let's count them
     p = 1; //current position
     while (p < 5 && p < segment.Length) {
       if (TextUtils.HexDigits.IndexOf(segment[p]) < 0) break;
     //p now point to char right after the last digit
     if (p <= 1) {
       details.Error = "Invalid \\x escape, at least one digit expected.";
       return segment;
     digits = segment.Substring(1, p - 1);
     ch = (char) Convert.ToUInt32(digits, 16);
     result = ch + segment.Substring(p);
     return result;
     case '0':  case '1':  case '2':  case '3':  case '4':  case '5':   case '6': case '7':
       if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.AllowOctalEscapes)) {
     //octal escape allows variable number of digits, from one to 3; let's count them
     p = 0; //current position
     while (p < 3 && p < segment.Length) {
       if (TextUtils.OctalDigits.IndexOf(segment[p]) < 0) break;
     //p now point to char right after the last digit
     digits = segment.Substring(0, p);
     ch = (char)Convert.ToUInt32(digits, 8);
     result = ch + segment.Substring(p);
     return result;
       details.Error = "Invalid escape sequence: \\" + segment;
       return segment;
Example #14
        protected override object ConvertValue(ScanDetails details)
            if (ConvertingValue != null) {
                object value = null;
            value = OnConvertingValue(details);
            if (value != null || details.Error != null) return value;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(details.Body))
                return null;

            //fraction (double, decimal...) expected
            if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.HasDotOrExp))	{
                return ParseFraction(details);
            }	else {
                return ParseInteger(details);
Example #15
        private object ParseInteger(ScanDetails details)
            BigInteger integerValue = ParseBigInteger(details.Body, GetNumBase(details));

            try	{
                return Convert.ChangeType(integerValue, details.TypeCode);
            }	catch (OverflowException) {
                if (IsSet(TermOptions.NumberAllowBigInts))
                    return integerValue;

                if (IsSet(TermOptions.NumberUseFloatOnIntOverflow))	{
                    double floatValue;
                    if (integerValue.TryToFloat64(out floatValue))
                        return floatValue;

                details.Error = "Invalid number - overflow.";
            }	catch	{
                details.Error = "Invalid number.";

            return null;
Example #16
 private int GetRadix(ScanDetails details)
     if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.Hex))
     return 16;
       if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.Octal))
     return 8;
       if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.Binary))
     return 2;
       return 10;
Example #17
 private bool QuickConvertToInt32(ScanDetails details)
     TypeCode type = details.TypeCodes[0];
       int radix = GetRadix(details);
       if (radix == 10 && details.Body.Length > 10) return false;    //10 digits is maximum for int32; int32.MaxValue = 2 147 483 647
       try {
     //workaround for .Net FX bug: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=278448
     if (radix == 10)
       details.Value = Convert.ToInt32(details.Body, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
       details.Value = Convert.ToInt32(details.Body, radix);
     return true;
       } catch {
     return false;
Example #18
 private int GetSafeWordLength(ScanDetails details)
     if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.Hex))
     return 15;
       if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.Octal))
     return 21; //maxWordLength 22
       if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.Binary))
     return 63;
       return 19; //maxWordLength 20
Example #19
 private int GetNumBase(ScanDetails details)
     if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.Hex))
     return 16;
       if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.Octal))
     return 8;
       return 10;
Example #20
 private bool QuickConvertToDouble(ScanDetails details)
     if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.Binary | ScanFlags.Octal | ScanFlags.Hex | ScanFlags.HasExp)) return false;
       if (DecimalSeparator != '.') return false;
       double result;
     #if PocketPC || SILVERLIGHT
     result = Convert.ToDouble(details.Body, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
     return false;
       if (!double.TryParse(details.Body, NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out result)) return false;
       details.Value = result;
       return true;
Example #21
 public ScannerConvertingValueEventArgs(ScanDetails details)
     this.Details = details;
Example #22
 private bool TryCastToIntegerType(TypeCode typeCode, ScanDetails details)
     if (details.Value == null) return false;
       try {
     if (typeCode != TypeCode.UInt64)
       details.Value = Convert.ChangeType(details.Value, typeCode, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
     return true;
       } catch (Exception e) {
     Trace.WriteLine("Error converting to integer: text=[" + details.Body + "], type=" + typeCode + ", error: " + e.Message);
     return false;
Example #23
        protected override bool ReadBody(ISourceStream source, ScanDetails details)
            //remember start - it may be different from source.TokenStart, we may have skipped
              int start = source.Position;
              //Figure out digits set
              string digits = GetDigits(details);
              bool isDecimal = !details.IsSet(ScanFlags.NonDecimal);
              bool allowFloat = !IsSet(TermOptions.NumberIntOnly);

              while (!source.EOF()) {
            char current = source.CurrentChar;
            //1. If it is a digit, just continue going
            if (digits.IndexOf(current) >= 0) {
            //2. Check if it is a dot
            if (current == DecimalSeparator && allowFloat) {
              //If we had seen already a dot or exponent, don't accept this one;
              //In python number literals (NumberAllowPointFloat) a point can be the first and last character,
              //otherwise we accept dot only if it is followed by a digit
              if (details.IsSet(ScanFlags.HasDotOrExp) || (digits.IndexOf(source.NextChar) < 0) && !IsSet(TermOptions.NumberAllowStartEndDot))
            break; //from while loop
              details.Flags |= ScanFlags.HasDot;
            //3. Only for decimals - check if it is (the first) exponent symbol
            if (allowFloat && isDecimal && (details.ControlSymbol == null) && (ExponentSymbols.IndexOf(current) >= 0)) {
              char next = source.NextChar;
              bool nextIsSign = next == '-' || next == '+';
              bool nextIsDigit = digits.IndexOf(next) >= 0;
              if (!nextIsSign && !nextIsDigit)
            break;  //Exponent should be followed by either sign or digit
              //ok, we've got real exponent
              details.ControlSymbol = current.ToString(); //remember the exp char
              details.Flags |= ScanFlags.HasExp;
              if (nextIsSign)
            source.Position++; //skip +/- explicitly so we don't have to deal with them on the next iteration
            //4. It is something else (not digit, not dot or exponent) - we're done
            break; //from while loop
              int end = source.Position;
              details.Body = source.Text.Substring(start, end - start);
              return true;
Example #24
        protected override bool ConvertValue(ScanDetails details)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(details.Body)) {
            details.Error = "Invalid number.";
            return false;
              //base method fires event and lets custom code convert the value; if it returns true, the value was converted.
              if (base.ConvertValue(details))
            return true;

              //Try quick paths
              switch (details.TypeCodes[0]) {
            case TypeCode.Int32:
              if (QuickConvertToInt32(details)) return true;
            case TypeCode.Double:
              if (QuickConvertToDouble(details)) return true;

              //Go full cycle
              details.Value = null;
              foreach (TypeCode typeCode in details.TypeCodes) {
            switch (typeCode) {
              case TypeCode.Single:   case TypeCode.Double:  case TypeCode.Decimal:  case TypeCodeImaginary:
            return ConvertToFloat(typeCode, details);
              case TypeCode.SByte:    case TypeCode.Byte:    case TypeCode.Int16:    case TypeCode.UInt16:
              case TypeCode.Int32:    case TypeCode.UInt32:  case TypeCode.Int64:    case TypeCode.UInt64:
            if (details.Value == null) //if it is not done yet
              TryConvertToUlong(details); //try to convert to ULong and place the result into details.Value field;
            if(TryCastToIntegerType(typeCode, details)) //now try to cast the ULong value to the target type
              return true;
              case TypeCodeBigInt:
            if (ConvertToBigInteger(details)) return true;
              return false;
Example #25
 protected override void ReadPrefix(ISourceStream source, ScanDetails details)
     //check that is not a  0 followed by dot;
       //this may happen in Python for number "0.123" - we can mistakenly take "0" as octal prefix
       if (source.CurrentChar == '0' && source.NextChar == '.') return;
       base.ReadPrefix(source, details);