public static ScalingGroup CreateGroup(this IAutoScaleService service, ScalingGroupConfiguration configuration) { if (service == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("service"); try { return service.CreateGroupAsync(configuration, CancellationToken.None).Result; } catch (AggregateException ex) { ReadOnlyCollection<Exception> innerExceptions = ex.Flatten().InnerExceptions; if (innerExceptions.Count == 1) throw innerExceptions[0]; throw; } }
/// <inheritdoc/> public Task <ScalingGroup> CreateGroupAsync(ScalingGroupConfiguration configuration, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (configuration == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("configuration"); } UriTemplate template = new UriTemplate("/groups"); var parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Func <Task <Tuple <IdentityToken, Uri> >, Task <HttpWebRequest> > prepareRequest = PrepareRequestAsyncFunc(HttpMethod.POST, template, parameters, configuration); Func <Task <HttpWebRequest>, Task <JObject> > requestResource = GetResponseAsyncFunc <JObject>(cancellationToken); Func <Task <JObject>, ScalingGroup> resultSelector = task => { JObject result = task.Result; if (result == null) { return(null); } JToken valueToken = result["group"]; if (valueToken == null) { return(null); } return(valueToken.ToObject <ScalingGroup>()); }; return(AuthenticateServiceAsync(cancellationToken) .Then(prepareRequest) .Then(requestResource) .Select(resultSelector)); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new scaling group. /// </summary> /// <param name="service">The Auto Scale service instance.</param> /// <param name="configuration">A <see cref="ScalingGroupConfiguration"/> object describing the scaling group configuration.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="ScalingGroup"/> object describing the newly created scaling group.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="service"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If <paramref name="configuration"/> is <see langword="null"/>.</exception> /// <exception cref="WebException">If the REST request does not return successfully.</exception> /// <seealso href="">Create group (Rackspace Auto Scale Developer Guide - API v1.0)</seealso> public static ScalingGroup CreateGroup(this IAutoScaleService service, ScalingGroupConfiguration configuration) { if (service == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("service"); } try { return(service.CreateGroupAsync(configuration, CancellationToken.None).Result); } catch (AggregateException ex) { ReadOnlyCollection <Exception> innerExceptions = ex.Flatten().InnerExceptions; if (innerExceptions.Count == 1) { throw innerExceptions[0]; } throw; } }