protected void CalculateTriangle(object sender, EventArgs e) { TypeOfTriangle.Text = ""; Area.Text = ""; var x = Convert.ToInt32(FirstSide.Text); var y = Convert.ToInt32(SecondSide.Text); var z = Convert.ToInt32(ThirdSide.Text); Scalene scalene = new Scalene(); Isosceles isosceles = new Isosceles(); Equilateral equilateral = new Equilateral(); var abs = System.Math.Abs(x - y); // absolute value of substruction //third point's value must be with in the range of difference of the other sides to the total of the other sides, if (!(z > abs && z < x + y)) { TypeOfTriangle.Text = "These are not valid values to draw a triangle!"; CalculateButton.Enabled = false; } else { TypeOfTriangle.Text = "Triangle is valid."; CalculateButton.Enabled = true; } }
protected void DrawMultipleLines() { // scaling the triangle's sides to be able to draw var x = Convert.ToInt32(FirstSide.Text.ToString()) * 10; var y = Convert.ToInt32(SecondSide.Text.ToString()) * 10; var z = Convert.ToInt32(ThirdSide.Text.ToString()) * 10; var typeOfTriangle = ""; Scalene triangle = new Scalene(); typeOfTriangle = triangle.DecideTypeOfTriangle(x, y, z); Graphics grap = Graphics.FromImage(bitm); grap.Clear(Color.Black); Pen pen = new Pen(Color.White, 2); Point p1 = new Point(100, 100); // start point on the bitmap. Point p2 = new Point((100 + x), 100); // taking the first side(AB line) as a straight line on the X-axis and declaring its A and B points. Point p7 = CalculateThirdPoint(Convert.ToDouble(x), Convert.ToDouble(z), Convert.ToDouble(y), p2); // Drawing lines between three points grap.DrawLine(pen, p1, p2); grap.DrawLine(pen, p2, p7); grap.DrawLine(pen, p7, p1); string path = Server.MapPath("~/Image/lines.jpg"); bitm.Save(path, ImageFormat.Jpeg); Image.ImageUrl = "~/Image/lines.jpg"; TypeOfTriangle.Text = typeOfTriangle; grap.Dispose(); bitm.Dispose(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string outputPath = "c:\\temp\\temp.txt"; IPrinter printer; IWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(outputPath); printer = new ConsolePrinter(); IShapes circle = new Circle(printer) { Radius = 5 }; circle.CalculateArea(); printer = new FilePrinter(fileWriter); Triangle triangle = new Scalene(printer) { Base = 6, Height = 4 }; triangle.GetAllSides(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Right right = new Right(1.3d, 2.4d) { Name = "Right Triangle" }; UI.PrintProperties(right); Right right1 = Clone.GetShallowCopy(right, includeBaseTypes: true); right1.Name = $"Clone of {nameof(right)}"; UI.PrintProperties(right1); Scalene scalene = new Scalene(1d, 2d) { Name = "Scalene Triangle" }; UI.PrintProperties(scalene); Scalene scalene1 = Clone.GetShallowCopy(scalene, includeBaseTypes: true); scalene1.Name = $"Clone of {nameof(scalene)}"; UI.PrintProperties(scalene1); /****************************************************************/ //Country fr = new Country() { Name = "France" }; //Country uk = new Country() { Name = "United Kingdom" }; //Citizen citizen = new Citizen(Sex.Female) { Name = "Laetitia Casta", Address = "Paris" }.From(fr).From(uk); //UI.PrintProperties(citizen, false); //Citizen citizen1 = Clone.GetShallowCopy(citizen ,false, true); //UI.PrintProperties(citizen1); Console.ReadKey(); }