Example #1
    private int selected;     //for the pick state

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()

        canvasOpen = false;

        predictor   = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Predictor").GetComponent <Predict> ();
        selector    = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ScaleSelection").GetComponent <Selection> ();
        scaler      = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ScaleSelection").GetComponent <ScaleScript> ();
        mapping     = new int[10];
        mapping [0] = 4;
        mapping [1] = 6;
        mapping [2] = 5;
        mapping [3] = 8;
        mapping [4] = 10;
        mapping [5] = 1;
        mapping [6] = 2;
        mapping [7] = 3;
        mapping [8] = 7;
        mapping [9] = 9;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //Init controllers

        //Turn off mouse pointer and set the cursorImage
        screenpointer                       = (GUITexture)Instantiate(baseGuiTexture);
        Screen.showCursor                   = false;
        screenpointer.texture               = cursorImage;
        screenpointer.color                 = Color.red;
        screenpointer.pixelInset            = new Rect(10, 10, 10, 10);
        screenpointer.transform.localScale -= new Vector3(1, 1, 0);

        //Set ref scripts
        raycastscript      = gameObject.GetComponent("RayCastScript") as RayCastScript;
        rotateScript       = gameObject.GetComponent("RotateScript") as RotateScript;
        scaleScript        = gameObject.GetComponent("ScaleScript") as ScaleScript;
        stackScript        = gameObject.GetComponent("StackScript") as StackScript;
        moveScript         = gameObject.GetComponent("MoveScript") as MoveScript;
        smoothCameraScript = gameObject.GetComponent("SmoothCameraScript") as SmoothCameraScript;
        verwijderScript    = gameObject.GetComponent("VerwijderScript") as VerwijderScript;
        selectieScript     = gameObject.GetComponent("SelectieScript") as SelectieScript;

        //Set initial values
        selectieScript.playerCam = playerCam;
        modus = Modi.NAV_SEL;
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		//selectieScript.lastGameObjectHit = null;
		lastHooveredGameObject = null;
		//Set ref script
		raycastscript = gameObject.GetComponent("RayCastScript") as RayCastScript;
		rotateScript = gameObject.GetComponent("RotateScript") as RotateScript;
		scaleScript = gameObject.GetComponent("ScaleScript") as ScaleScript;
		stackScript = gameObject.GetComponent("StackScript") as StackScript;
		moveScript = gameObject.GetComponent("MoveScript") as MoveScript;
		smoothCameraScript = gameObject.GetComponent("SmoothCameraScript") as SmoothCameraScript;
		verwijderScript = gameObject.GetComponent("VerwijderScript") as VerwijderScript;
		selectieScript = gameObject.GetComponent("SelectieScript") as SelectieScript;
		selectieScript.playerCam = playerCam;
		//Turn off mouse pointer and set the cursorImage
		screenpointer = (GUITexture)Instantiate(baseGuiTexture);
		Screen.showCursor = false; 
		screenpointer.texture = cursorImage;
		screenpointer.color = Color.red;
		screenpointer.pixelInset = new Rect(-5, -5,10,10);
		screenpointer.transform.localScale -= new Vector3(1, 1, 0);
		modus = Modi.NAV_SEL;
Example #4
    private IEnumerator ChangeScaleEnumerator(ScaleScript info)
        bool  playing     = true;
        float timer       = 0;                     //計時器
        float endTime     = info.GetEndTime();     //動畫結束時間
        float denominator = info.GetDenominator(); //動畫進度分母

        Vector3[] alteration = new Vector3[2] {
            info.insOutsScales.Length == 2 ? info.insOutsScales[0] : this.transform.localScale, info.insOutsScales[info.insOutsScales.Length - 1]
        info.insOutsScales = alteration;

        while (playing) //變化過程
            timer = timer + Time.fixedDeltaTime > endTime ? endTime : timer + Time.fixedDeltaTime;

            float x = alteration[0].x + ((alteration[1].x - alteration[0].x) * (info.GetNumerator(timer) / denominator));
            float y = alteration[0].y + ((alteration[1].y - alteration[0].y) * (info.GetNumerator(timer) / denominator));
            float z = alteration[0].z + ((alteration[1].z - alteration[0].z) * (info.GetNumerator(timer) / denominator));
            this.transform.localScale = new Vector3(x, y, z);

            if (timer == endTime)
                playing = false;
            yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

        info.isPlaying = false;

        yield return(null);
Example #5
 void Start()
     thisCamera     = Camera.main;
     selectableMask = LayerMask.GetMask("Selectable");
     screenCenter   = new Vector3(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2);
     deltaY         = new Vector3(0.0f, rayRadius);
     deltaX         = new Vector3(rayRadius, 0.0f);
     scaleScript    = gameObject.GetComponent <ScaleScript> ();
Example #6
 void Start()
     thisCamera = Camera.main;
     selectableMask = LayerMask.GetMask ("Selectable");
     screenCenter = new Vector3 (Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2);
     deltaY = new Vector3 (0.0f, rayRadius);
     deltaX = new Vector3 (rayRadius, 0.0f);
     scaleScript = gameObject.GetComponent <ScaleScript> ();
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		//Set ref script
		raycastscript = gameObject.GetComponent("RayCastScript") as RayCastScript;
		rotateScript = gameObject.GetComponent("RotateScript") as RotateScript;
		scaleScript = gameObject.GetComponent("ScaleScript") as ScaleScript;
		stackScript = gameObject.GetComponent("StackScript") as StackScript;		
		moveScript = gameObject.GetComponent("MoveScript") as MoveScript;
		//Turn off mouse pointer and set the cursorImage
		screenpointer = (GUITexture)Instantiate(baseGuiTexture);
		Screen.showCursor = false; 
		screenpointer.texture = cursorImage;
		screenpointer.color = Color.red;
		screenpointer.pixelInset = new Rect(10,10,10,10);
		screenpointer.transform.localScale -= new Vector3(1, 1, 0);
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //Set ref script
        raycastscript = gameObject.GetComponent("RayCastScript") as RayCastScript;
        rotateScript  = gameObject.GetComponent("RotateScript") as RotateScript;
        scaleScript   = gameObject.GetComponent("ScaleScript") as ScaleScript;
        stackScript   = gameObject.GetComponent("StackScript") as StackScript;
        moveScript    = gameObject.GetComponent("MoveScript") as MoveScript;

        //Turn off mouse pointer and set the cursorImage
        screenpointer                       = (GUITexture)Instantiate(baseGuiTexture);
        Screen.showCursor                   = false;
        screenpointer.texture               = cursorImage;
        screenpointer.color                 = Color.red;
        screenpointer.pixelInset            = new Rect(10, 10, 10, 10);
        screenpointer.transform.localScale -= new Vector3(1, 1, 0);
Example #9
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        canvas.SetActive (false);
        normalState.SetActive (true);
        drawingState.SetActive (false);
        pickState.SetActive (false);
        wrongState.SetActive (false);
        editState.SetActive (false);
        systemState.SetActive (false);

        canvasOpen = false;

        predictor = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Predictor").GetComponent<Predict> ();
        selector = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("ScaleSelection").GetComponent<Selection> ();
        scaler = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("ScaleSelection").GetComponent<ScaleScript> ();
        mapping = new int[10];
        mapping [0] = 4;
        mapping [1] = 6;
        mapping [2] = 5;
        mapping [3] = 8;
        mapping [4] = 10;
        mapping [5] = 1;
        mapping [6] = 2;
        mapping [7] = 3;
        mapping [8] = 7;
        mapping [9] = 9;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //Init controllers

        //Turn off mouse pointer and set the cursorImage
        screenpointer = (GUITexture)Instantiate(baseGuiTexture);
        Cursor.visible = false;
        screenpointer.texture = cursorImage;
        screenpointer.color = Color.red;
        screenpointer.pixelInset = new Rect(10,10,10,10);
        screenpointer.transform.localScale -= new Vector3(1,1,0);

        //Set ref scripts
        raycastscript = gameObject.GetComponent("RayCastScript") as RayCastScript;
        rotateScript = gameObject.GetComponent("RotateScript") as RotateScript;
        scaleScript = gameObject.GetComponent("ScaleScript") as ScaleScript;
        stackScript = gameObject.GetComponent("StackScript") as StackScript;
        moveScript = gameObject.GetComponent("MoveScript") as MoveScript;
        smoothCameraScript = gameObject.GetComponent("SmoothCameraScript") as SmoothCameraScript;
        verwijderScript = gameObject.GetComponent("VerwijderScript") as VerwijderScript;
        selectieScript = gameObject.GetComponent("SelectieScript") as SelectieScript;

        //Set initial values
        selectieScript.playerCam = playerCam;
        modus = Modi.NAV_SEL;