public FNetworkPredictionData_Client_Character(UECharacterMovementController ClientMovement) { ClientUpdateTime = 0.0f; CurrentTimeStamp = 0.0f; PendingMove = null; LastAckedMove = null; MaxFreeMoveCount = 96; MaxSavedMoveCount = 96; bUpdatePosition = false; //bSmoothNetUpdates = false; // Deprecated OriginalMeshTranslationOffset =; // (ForceInitToZero) MeshTranslationOffset =; OriginalMeshRotationOffset = Quaternion.identity; //(FQuat::Identity) MeshRotationOffset = Quaternion.identity; //(FQuat::Identity) MeshRotationTarget = Quaternion.identity; //(FQuat::Identity) LastCorrectionDelta = 0.0f; LastCorrectionTime = 0.0f; SmoothingServerTimeStamp = 0.0f; SmoothingClientTimeStamp = 0.0f; // CurrentSmoothTime(0.f) // Deprecated //bUseLinearSmoothing = false; // Deprecated MaxSmoothNetUpdateDist = 0.0f; NoSmoothNetUpdateDist = 0.0f; SmoothNetUpdateTime = 0.0f; SmoothNetUpdateRotationTime = 0.0f; //MaxResponseTime(0.125f) // Deprecated, use MaxMoveDeltaTime instead MaxMoveDeltaTime = 0.125f; LastSmoothLocation =; LastServerLocation =; SimulatedDebugDrawTime = 0.0f; { MaxSmoothNetUpdateDist = ClientMovement.NetworkMaxSmoothUpdateDistance; NoSmoothNetUpdateDist = ClientMovement.NetworkNoSmoothUpdateDistance; const bool bIsListenServer = (ClientMovement.isServer == NM_ListenServer); SmoothNetUpdateTime = (bIsListenServer ? ClientMovement.ListenServerNetworkSimulatedSmoothLocationTime : ClientMovement.NetworkSimulatedSmoothLocationTime); SmoothNetUpdateRotationTime = (bIsListenServer ? ClientMovement.ListenServerNetworkSimulatedSmoothRotationTime : ClientMovement.NetworkSimulatedSmoothRotationTime); NetworkManager GameNetworkManager = AGameNetworkManager * GameNetworkManager = AGameNetworkManager::StaticClass()->GetDefaultObject <AGameNetworkManager>(); if (GameNetworkManager) { MaxMoveDeltaTime = GameNetworkManager->MaxMoveDeltaTime; // =0.125f } MaxResponseTime = MaxMoveDeltaTime; // MaxResponseTime is deprecated, use MaxMoveDeltaTime instead if (ClientMovement.GetOwnerRole() == ROLE_AutonomousProxy) { SavedMoves.Reserve(MaxSavedMoveCount); FreeMoves.Reserve(MaxFreeMoveCount); } } }
public void DragCardsBetweenPiles(int toPileIndex, int fromPileIndex, int fromCardIndex) { #if DEBUG if (fromPileIndex == toPileIndex) { throw new ArgumentException("Cannot drag cards to the same pile"); } #endif List <CardAction> actions = new List <CardAction>(); List <Card> fromPile = PlayPiles[fromPileIndex]; List <Card> toPile = PlayPiles[toPileIndex]; // Keep the play piles consistent by moving the cards into // a holding list instead of moving them one at a time. List <Card> dragPile = fromPile.GetRange(fromCardIndex, fromPile.Count - fromCardIndex); fromPile.RemoveRange(fromCardIndex, dragPile.Count); for (int i = 0; i < dragPile.Count; i++) { Card card = dragPile[i]; toPile.Add(card); actions.Add( new CardAction(card, CardActionType.Move, card.Location, card.Location = new CardLocation(PileType.Play, toPileIndex, toPile.Count - 1))); } bool flippedAfterDrag = FlipBottomCardFaceUp(fromPileIndex, actions); // Remove cards to discard pile? bool flippedAfterDiscard; bool discardedCards = TryAndDiscardCards(toPileIndex, actions, out flippedAfterDiscard); SavedMoves.Push(new DragMove(this.Score, fromPileIndex, toPileIndex, dragPile.Count, (flippedAfterDrag ? DragMoveSideEffects.FlipAfterDrag : DragMoveSideEffects.None) | (discardedCards ? DragMoveSideEffects.DiscardedAfterDrag : DragMoveSideEffects.None) | (flippedAfterDiscard ? DragMoveSideEffects.FlipAfterDiscard : DragMoveSideEffects.None))); NumMoves++; Score--; if (GameBoardEvents != null) { GameBoardEvents.DragMoveComplete(new ReadOnlyCollection <CardAction>(actions)); } }
public void UndoLastMove() { while (SavedMoves.Count > 0) { Move move = SavedMoves.Pop(); if (move is DragMove) { UndoDragMove((DragMove)move); break; } else if (move is DrawMove) { UndoDrawMove((DrawMove)move); break; } else { Debug.Assert(false); } } }
public void ClearUndoStack() { SavedMoves.Clear(); }