public void Post([FromUri] Pfile items) { // Encryption.Encrypt try { result = falseresult("ข้อมูลไม่ถูกต้อง"); CustomerMapDao map = new CustomerMapDao(); int _id = MobileEncryption.Decrypt(items.ID.UrlDescriptHttp()).Toint(); string Key = MobileEncryption.Decrypt(items.UserKeys.UrlDescriptHttp()); var Obj = map.FindByActive().Where(o => o.ID == _id && o.Keygen == Key).FirstOrDefault(); if (Obj != null) { SaveAccount.UpdateUser(Obj.ID, items.TitleID, items.Fname, items.Lname, items.DateOfBirth, items.OccupationID, items.SalaryID, items.Address, items.ProvinceID, items.PrefectureID, items.DistrictID, items.ZipCode, items.Tel, items.Tel_ext, items.Mobile, items.Fax, items.Email); result = Trueresult("แก้ไขข้อมูลเรียบร้อย"); } else { result = falseresult("ข้อมูลไม่ถูกต้อง"); } } catch (Exception ex) { SaveUtility.logError(ex); result = falseresult(ex.Message); } HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result)); HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); }
public ActionResult Complain(List <ComplainFileUploadModel> Step3ObjectData) { ComplainStep1 Step1 = (ComplainStep1)TempData["_ComplainStep1"]; ComplainStep2 Step2 = (ComplainStep2)TempData["_ComplainStep2"]; if (Step1 == null || Step2 == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Complain", "Manage")); } string _refID = ""; int CompId = SaveComplain.AddnewComplain(Step1.Complain_Subject, 1, Helplibery.GetUserID(), Step1.CompanyName, Step1.CompanyDescription, Step2.Description, Step2.ComplainID, Step2.lv1, Step2.Tm_CauseID, Step2.PurchaseID, null, Step2.PaymentID, null, Step2.MotiveID, null, Step1.attorneyLog, null, ref _refID); SaveComplain.StartTrack(CompId, 1, null, null); SaveUtility.SaveComplainFileUpload(Step3ObjectData, CompId); //SaveComplain.StartTrack(CompId); TempData.Clear(); return(RedirectToAction("Confirm", "Manage")); }
public void _MChange(string Identity, string Email) { result = falseresult("ข้อมูลไม่ถูกต้อง"); try { OCPB.Controllers.HomeController obj = new HomeController(); var _resultMChange = obj._Forget(MobileEncryption.Decrypt(Identity.UrlDescriptHttp()), MobileEncryption.Decrypt(Email.UrlDescriptHttp())); if (_resultMChange.Status == true) { result = Trueresult(_resultMChange); } else { result = falseresult(_resultMChange); } } catch (Exception ex) { SaveUtility.logError(ex); result = falseresult(ex.Message); } HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result)); HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); }
public void CreateTextureFromSaveFile(TileMapSaveData st, SaveUtility saveUtility, LevelTilemap target) { Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(st.sizeX, st.sizeY); var datas = target.GetTileLevelDataFromSaveFile(st); for (int x = 0; x < st.sizeX; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < st.sizeY; y++) { tex.SetPixel(x, y, datas[x + y * st.sizeX].editorColor); } } // Encode texture into PNG byte[] bytes = tex.EncodeToPNG(); //UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(tex, "Assets/"+saveUtility.fileName+".asset"); Object.DestroyImmediate(tex); //var asset = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<Texture2D>(saveUtility.path + saveUtility.fileName + ".png"); //asset.filterMode = FilterMode.Point; File.WriteAllBytes(saveUtility.GetPath("png"), bytes); UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.Refresh(); }
public void Start() { if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex == 0) //schermata home { Play("landing"); } else if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex == 1) //SampleSceneRange { Play("build"); Play("play"); Mute("play"); } saveManager = SaveManager.SaveManagerInstance; saveManager = SaveUtility.LoadObject(saveManager, "saveFile"); //Debug.Log("Volume musica iniziale: " + saveManager.musicVolume); FindSoundSlider(); if (musicToggle) { if (saveManager.musicVolume) { musicToggle.isOn = false; AudioListener.volume = 1f; } else { musicToggle.isOn = true; AudioListener.volume = 0; } } }
// PUT api/mcomplain/5 //public void Put(int id, [FromBody]string value) //{ //} // DELETE api/mcomplain/5 public void Delete(string ID, string UserKeys, string Description, string Case_id, int CancelID) { result = falseresult("ข้อมูลไม่ถูกต้อง"); try { CustomerMapDao CusMap = new CustomerMapDao(); int _id = MobileEncryption.Decrypt(ID.UrlDescriptHttp()).Toint(); string Key = MobileEncryption.Decrypt(UserKeys.UrlDescriptHttp()); var Cus = CusMap.FindByActive().Where(o => o.ID == _id && o.Keygen == Key).FirstOrDefault(); if (Cus != null) { ComplainsMapDao Map = new ComplainsMapDao(); var CompObj = Map.FindByCustomerID(Cus.ID).Where(o => o.Complain_Code_ID == Case_id).FirstOrDefault(); if (CompObj != null) { SaveComplain.Cancel(CompObj.Keygen, Description, CancelID); result = Trueresult("ยกเลิกข้อมูลสำเร็จ"); } else { result = falseresult("ไม่พบข้อมูล"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { SaveUtility.logError(ex); result = falseresult(ex.Message); } HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result)); HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); }
public ActionResult Index(Clue obj, bool captchaValid, List <HttpPostedFileBase> Filename) { if (captchaValid) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { ClueMapDao clueMap = new ClueMapDao(); if (obj.ID == 0) { obj.Active = true; obj.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; obj.Keygen = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } obj.Complain_Channel_id = 1;//เรื่องร้องทุกข์ Online clueMap.Add(obj); clueMap.CommitChange(); SaveUtility.SaveClueFileUpload(Filename, "Clue", obj.Keygen); return(RedirectToAction("ClueModal", "Clue")); } } TempData.Clear(); ModelState.AddModelError("", "ข้อมูลไม่ถูกต้อง"); MvcCaptcha.ResetCaptcha("ClueCaptcha"); return(View(obj)); }
public static void LoadAll() { // key "classType" is in every saved object // and is used when restoring the game object // we can Load the resource with that type by passing it in via reflection JSON json = new JSON(); using (StreamReader s = new StreamReader("itemList.json")) { try { string rawFile = s.ReadToEnd(); json.serialized = rawFile; } catch (IOException e) { } } foreach (JSON child in json.ToArray <JSON>("nodes")) { JSON node = child["node"] as JSON; string assemblyName = node["classType"] as string; System.Type type = typeof(SaveUtility).Assembly.GetType(assemblyName); System.Collections.ArrayList l = SaveUtility.Load(node, assemblyName, type); } // Now that all the objects are loaded we can go ahead and set up the connections ObjectManager.instance.SetupAllNodes(); foreach (int id in ObjectManager.instance.allNodes.Keys) { GameObject o = ObjectManager.instance.allNodes[id]; NodePrefab node = o.GetComponent <NodePrefab>(); Debug.Log("NodeId: " + node.nodeId + "\n" + "Children: " + node.childNodes.Count + "/n" + "Parents: " + node.connectedFromNodes.Count); } }
public ActionResult Nation(IdentityCheck obj, string mode) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { CustomerMapDao map = new CustomerMapDao(); if (map.FindIdentityCard(obj.IdentStr).Count == 0) { return(Json(new ResultData() { Status = true, text = Url.Action("Register", "Home", new { mode = mode, key = Encryption.Encrypt(obj.IdentStr) }) }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); //return Json(new { RedirectUrl = }); } else { //return Json("Is Dupplicate!!!",JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet ); return(Json(new ResultData() { Status = false, text = "Is Dupplicate!!!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { SaveUtility.logError(ex); } return(Json(new ResultData() { Status = false, text = "ข้อมูลไม่ถูกต้อง" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public void _GetTimelineHeader_From_Dep(string tokenId, int skip, int take) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenId)) { result = falseresult("UnAuthorized."); } //string key = Encryption.Decrypt(tokenId); //if (!IsValidateToken(key)) // result = falseresult("UnAuthorized."); if (!IsValidateToken(tokenId)) { result = falseresult("UnAuthorized."); } if (skip < 1) { skip = 1; } if (take < 1) { take = 20; } try { AuthenticateTokenMapDao _authenMap = new AuthenticateTokenMapDao(); //var objToken = _authenMap.FindByKeygen(key).FirstOrDefault(); Department_ExMapDao _departMap = new Department_ExMapDao(); //if (objToken != null) //{ var Dep_ex = _departMap.FindByKeygen(TokenValid.ApiKey).FirstOrDefault(); var comList = ComplainData.GetTimelineHeader_From_Dep(Dep_ex.ID); SaveUtility.SaveTransactionLog(TokenValid.ApiKey, "Get Time line Header", SaveUtility.TransStatus.Create, TokenValid.Keygen, IPAddress, "s"); //s: service result = Trueresult(comList); //} //else //{ // result = falseresult("UnAuthorized."); //} } catch (Exception ex) { SaveUtility.logError(ex); result = falseresult(ex.Message); } HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result)); HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); }
public void GetAttachmentFiles(string tokenId, string Case_Id) { //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenId)) // result = falseresult("UnAuthorized."); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenId)) { result = falseresult("UnAuthorized."); } if (!IsValidateToken(tokenId)) { result = falseresult("UnAuthorized."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Case_Id)) { result = falseresult("Please provide Case Id."); } AuthenticateTokenMapDao _authenMap = new AuthenticateTokenMapDao(); ComplainsMapDao _Map = new ComplainsMapDao(); try { //var objToken = _authenMap.FindByKeygen(key).FirstOrDefault(); //if (objToken != null) //{ //********************* Get Complain list********************* //CaseID= Complain_Cause_id var comList = ComplainData.GetfileUploadByCaseId(TokenValid.ApiKey, Case_Id).Select(o => new { o.Description, o.Complain_file_ID, o.FileName, o.FileType, o.CreateDate, o.GUID }).ToList(); SaveUtility.SaveTransactionLog(TokenValid.ApiKey, "Get Attachment Files", SaveUtility.TransStatus.Create, TokenValid.ApiKey, IPAddress, "s"); //s: service result = Trueresult(comList); // } //else //{ // result = falseresult("UnAuthorized."); //} } catch (Exception ex) { SaveUtility.logError(ex); result = falseresult(ex.Message); } finally { _Map = null; _authenMap = null; } HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result)); HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); }
protected void TokenData(string APIKey, string Password) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(APIKey)) { result = falseresult("UnAuthorized..."); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password)) { result = falseresult("Please provide Password..."); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(IPAddress)) { result = falseresult("Please provide IP Address..."); } //if (!CheckPassEnscrypt(Password, ref Password)) //{ result = falseresult("UnAuthorized..."); } else { Department_ExMapDao map = new Department_ExMapDao(); try { OfficerToken _token = new OfficerToken(); string newToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string _Pass = Encryption.Encrypt(Password); var _obj = map.FindByKeygen(APIKey.Trim()); var obj = _obj.Where(o => o.Password == _Pass).FirstOrDefault(); if (obj != null) { GetAuthToken(_token, APIKey, newToken, IPAddress); //_token.Username = ""; //_token.Org_id = obj.ID.ToString(); _token.Org_name = obj.External_dept_Name; _token.Office_name = obj.External_dept_Name; SaveUtility.SaveTransactionLog(newToken, "GetToken", SaveUtility.TransStatus.Create, APIKey, IPAddress, "s"); //s: service result = Trueresult(_token); } else { result = falseresult("Invalid Token and Password..."); } } catch (Exception ex) { SaveUtility.logError(ex); result = falseresult(ex.Message.ToString()); } finally { map = null; } } HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result)); HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); }
public void SetFXVolume(float volume) { FxVolume = (fxEnabled) ? volume : 0; fxVolumeEvent?.Invoke(volume); save.fxVolume = volume; SaveUtility.WriteConfig(save); }
public void SetMusicVolume(float volume) { MusicVolume = (musicEnabled) ? volume : 0; musicVolumeEvent?.Invoke(volume); save.musicVolume = volume; SaveUtility.WriteConfig(save); }
public void CreateSaveFile(TileMapSaveData st, SaveUtility saveUtility) { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TileMapSaveData)); FileStream stream = new FileStream(saveUtility.GetPath(), FileMode.Create); serializer.Serialize(stream, st); stream.Close(); # if UNITY_EDITOR
public ActionResult RegisterTH(Customer obj) { try { ModelState.Remove("IdentityID"); if (ModelState.IsValid) { obj.IdentityID = obj.tempIden.UrlDescriptHttp(); /* * var rst = _RegisterTH(obj); * if(rst.Status == true) * { * rst.text = Url.Action("Index", "Home"); * } */ //return Json(rst,JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); CustomerMapDao map = new CustomerMapDao(); if (map.FindIdentityCard(obj.IdentityID).Count == 0) { //obj.IdentityID = obj.IdentValid.UrlDescriptHttp(); int ID = SaveAccount.Register(obj.IdentityID, obj.TitleID, obj.Fname, obj.Lname, obj.Sex, obj.DateOfBirthStr, obj.Address, obj.DistrictID, obj.PrefectureID, obj.ProvinceID, obj.ZipCode, obj.Tel, obj.Tel_ext, obj.Mobile, obj.Fax, obj.Email, obj.OccupationID, obj.SalaryID, obj.TypeCustomer, obj.FromApp, obj.IsOversea); CustomerMapDao _CusMap = new CustomerMapDao(); obj = _CusMap.FindById(ID); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Email)) { SendEmail.SendMail(obj.Email, "สํานักงานคณะกรรมการคุ้มครองผู้บริโภค ยินดีต้อนรับเข้าสู่การเป็นสมาชิก", RenderPartialViewToString("regisTemplate", obj)); //SendMail.Send(obj.Email, "สํานักงานคณะกรรมการคุ้มครองผู้บริโภค ยินดีต้อนรับเข้าสู่การเป็นสมาชิก", RenderPartialViewToString("ChangePassword", obj)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.Mobile)) { //SmsLibs.SendSMS(obj.Mobile, SmsLibs.TypeMessage.register); SmsLibs.SendSMS(obj.Mobile, string.Format(SmsLibs.CallStr(SmsLibs.TypeMessage.register), obj.IdentityID, Encryption.Decrypt(obj.Password))); } return(Json(new ResultData() { Status = true, text = Url.Action("Index", "Home") }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { return(Json(new ResultData() { Status = false, text = Resources.Message.MsgDuplicate }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { SaveUtility.logError(ex); } return(View(obj)); }
public void Execute() { int availableSaveSlot = SaveUtility.GetAvailableSaveSlot(); saveSlot.Value = availableSaveSlot; SceneManager.LoadScene(firstScene.Value); SceneManager.LoadScene(playerScene.Value, LoadSceneMode.Additive); }
public void Execute(int slotNumber) { saveSlot.Value = slotNumber; SaveGame getSaveGame = SaveUtility.LoadSave(slotNumber); SceneManager.LoadScene(getSaveGame.lastScene); SceneManager.LoadScene(playerScene.Value, LoadSceneMode.Additive); }
private void WriteSaveToFile() { TimeSpan currentTimePlayed = DateTime.Now - cachedSaveData.saveDate; TimeSpan allTimePlayed = cachedSaveData.timePlayed; cachedSaveData.timePlayed = allTimePlayed + currentTimePlayed; SaveUtility.WriteSave(cachedSaveData, saveSlot.Value); }
public void Load(string creatureName) { Clear(); CreatureData data = JsonUtility.FromJson <CreatureData>(SaveUtility.Load(creatureName + ".json")); for (int i = 0; i < data.bones.Count; i++) { Bone bone = data.bones[i]; Add(i, bone.Position, bone.Rotation, bone.Size); } for (int i = 0; i < data.attachedBodyParts.Count; i++) { AttachedBodyPart attachedBodyPart = data.attachedBodyParts[i]; BodyPartController bpc = Instantiate(DatabaseManager.GetDatabaseEntry <BodyPart>("Body Parts", attachedBodyPart.BodyPartID).Prefab, root.GetChild(attachedBodyPart.BoneIndex)).GetComponent <BodyPartController>(); = attachedBodyPart.BodyPartID; SerializableTransform.RecurseUpdate(bpc.transform, attachedBodyPart.Transform); SetupBodyPart(bpc); AttachBodyPart(bpc); AddToStatistics(; if (Mathf.Abs(bpc.transform.position.x) > settings.MergeThreshold) { bpc.Flipped.transform.position = new Vector3(-bpc.transform.position.x, bpc.transform.position.y, bpc.transform.position.z); bpc.Flipped.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(bpc.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.x, -bpc.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y, -bpc.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.z); if (bpc is LimbController) { LimbController limb = bpc as LimbController; LimbController flippedLimb = limb.FlippedLimb; for (int j = 0; j < limb.Bones.Length; j++) { float x = -limb.Bones[j].position.x; float y = limb.Bones[j].position.y; float z = limb.Bones[j].position.z; flippedLimb.Bones[j].position = new Vector3(x, y, z); } } } else { bpc.Flipped.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } SetColours(data.primaryColour, data.secondaryColour); SetPattern(data.patternID); SetSelected(false); SetTextured(Textured); SetInteractable(Interactable); }
public void ClickLoadButton() { loadPanel.SetActive(true); var saveNames = SaveUtility.GetSaveNames(); saveSlot1.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = saveNames[0]; saveSlot2.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = saveNames[1]; saveSlot3.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = saveNames[2]; }
public void Start() { numberIfDeathsText.text = LevelManager.TotalNumberOfDeaths.ToString(); allButtons = new GameObject[levelAmountTest]; //Carichiamo l'oggetto SaveManager per ottenere i dati salvati del gioco saveManager = SaveManager.SaveManagerInstance; saveManager = SaveUtility.LoadObject(saveManager, "saveFile"); CreateLevelButtons(); }
private void Awake() { saveMenu.SetActive(false); var saveNames = SaveUtility.GetSaveNames(); saveSlot1.text = saveNames[0]; saveSlot2.text = saveNames[1]; saveSlot3.text = saveNames[2]; }
public void _SaveClue(string tokenId, string title, string description, string Consumer_firstname, string Consumer_lastname, string Consumer_Email, string Consumer_Mobile, string address, string Amphur_text, string Province_text) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenId)) { result = falseresult("UnAuthorized."); } //string key = Encryption.Decrypt(tokenId); //if (!IsValidateToken(key)) // result = falseresult("UnAuthorized."); if (!IsValidateToken(tokenId)) { result = falseresult("UnAuthorized."); } ClueMapDao clueMap = new ClueMapDao(); AuthenticateTokenMapDao _authenMap = new AuthenticateTokenMapDao(); Department_ExMapDao _departMap = new Department_ExMapDao(); //var objToken = _authenMap.FindByKeygen(key).FirstOrDefault(); try { int? ChannelID = _departMap.FindByKeygen(TokenValid.ApiKey).FirstOrDefault().ChanelID; Clue obj = new Clue(); obj.Active = true; obj.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; obj.Keygen = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); obj.Title = title; obj.Address = address; obj.Description = description; obj.Amphur_text = Amphur_text; obj.Province_text = Province_text; obj.Complain_Channel_id = ChannelID; obj.Fname = Consumer_firstname; obj.Lname = Consumer_lastname; obj.Mobile = Consumer_Mobile; obj.Email = Consumer_Email; clueMap.Add(obj); clueMap.CommitChange(); SaveUtility.SaveTransactionLog(obj.Keygen, "Save Clue", SaveUtility.TransStatus.Create, TokenValid.Keygen, IPAddress, "s"); //s: service clueMap = null; result = Trueresult("ระบบได้รับคำแจ้งเบาแสเรียบร้อยแล้ว"); } catch (Exception ex) { clueMap = null; _authenMap = null; SaveUtility.logError(ex); result = falseresult(ex.Message); } HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result)); HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); }
public virtual void StartDeath() { player.SetActiveRagdoll(true); SpawnBloodParticles(); LevelManager.NumberOfDeaths += 1; LevelManager.TotalNumberOfDeaths += 1; saveManager = SaveManager.SaveManagerInstance; saveManager = SaveUtility.LoadObject(saveManager, "saveFile"); saveManager.totalDeathsCounter = LevelManager.TotalNumberOfDeaths; SaveUtility.SaveObject(saveManager, "saveFile"); GameObject.Find("NumberOfAttemptsText").GetComponent <Text>().text = "NUMBER OF DEATHS: " + LevelManager.NumberOfDeaths; }
public void ToggleMusic() { musicEnabled = !musicEnabled; MusicVolume = (musicEnabled) ? save.musicVolume : 0; musicMutedEvent?.Invoke(!musicEnabled); save.musicEnabled = musicEnabled; SaveUtility.WriteConfig(save); }
private static void SaveStarsNumber() { SaveManager saveManager = SaveManager.SaveManagerInstance; saveManager = SaveUtility.LoadObject <SaveManager>(saveManager, "saveFile"); if (saveManager.stars[CurrentLevelIndex] < GetNumberOfStars()) { saveManager.stars[CurrentLevelIndex] = GetNumberOfStars(); SaveUtility.SaveObject(saveManager, "saveFile"); } }
public void ToggleSound() { fxEnabled = !fxEnabled; FxVolume = (fxEnabled) ? save.fxVolume : 0; fxMutedEvent?.Invoke(!fxEnabled); save.fxEnabled = fxEnabled; SaveUtility.WriteConfig(save); }
//[HttpGet] //public void GetToken(string APIKey, string Password) //{ // string IPAddress = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress; // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(APIKey)) // result = falseresult("UnAuthorized..."); // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password)) // result = falseresult("Please provide Password..."); // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(IPAddress)) // result = falseresult("Please provide IP Address..."); // //if (!CheckPassEnscrypt(Password, ref Password)) // //{ result = falseresult("UnAuthorized..."); } // else // { // Department_ExMapDao map = new Department_ExMapDao(); // try // { // OfficerToken _token = new OfficerToken(); // string newToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // var obj = map.FindByKeygen(APIKey).Where(o => o.Password == Encryption.Encrypt(Password)).FirstOrDefault(); // if (obj != null) // { // GetAuthToken(_token, APIKey, newToken, IPAddress); // //_token.Username = ""; // //_token.Org_id = obj.ID.ToString(); // _token.Org_name = obj.External_dept_Name; // _token.Office_name = obj.External_dept_Name; // SaveUtility.SaveTransactionLog(newToken, "GetToken", SaveUtility.TransStatus.Create, APIKey, IPAddress, "s"); //s: service // result = Trueresult(_token); // } // else // { // result = falseresult("Invalid Token and Password..."); // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // SaveUtility.logError(ex); // result = falseresult(ex.Message.ToString()); // } // finally // { // map = null; // } // } // HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; // HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result)); // HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); //} //[HttpPost] //public void GetToken([FromBody]string value) //{ // //string IPAddress = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress; // //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(APIKey)) // // result = falseresult("UnAuthorized..."); // //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Password)) // // result = falseresult("Please provide Password..."); // //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(IPAddress)) // // result = falseresult("Please provide IP Address..."); // ////if (!CheckPassEnscrypt(Password, ref Password)) // ////{ result = falseresult("UnAuthorized..."); } // //else // //{ // // Department_ExMapDao map = new Department_ExMapDao(); // // try // // { // // OfficerToken _token = new OfficerToken(); // // string newToken = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // // var obj = map.FindByKeygen(APIKey).Where(o => o.Password == Encryption.Encrypt(Password)).FirstOrDefault(); // // if (obj != null) // // { // // GetAuthToken(_token, APIKey, newToken, IPAddress); // // //_token.Username = ""; // // //_token.Org_id = obj.ID.ToString(); // // _token.Org_name = obj.External_dept_Name; // // _token.Office_name = obj.External_dept_Name; // // SaveUtility.SaveTransactionLog(newToken, "GetToken", SaveUtility.TransStatus.Create, APIKey, IPAddress, "s"); //s: service // // result = Trueresult(_token); // // } // // else // // { // // result = falseresult("Invalid Token and Password..."); // // } // // } // // catch (Exception ex) // // { // // SaveUtility.logError(ex); // // result = falseresult(ex.Message.ToString()); // // } // // finally // // { // // map = null; // // } // //} // HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; // HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result)); // HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); //} #endregion // [WebMethod(Description = "Get Timeline Header เป็นเมธอดสำหรับใช้ดึงข้อมูล ที่เกียวข้องกับหน่วยงานนั้นๆ <br />" //+ "Skip: ลำดับข้อมูลที่ต้องการเริ่มต้น เช่น เริ่มแถวที่ 1 <br />" //+ "take: จำนวนข้อมูลที่ต้องการ เช่น 10 ,20 แถว<br />" //+ "IsCloseJob: สถานะเรืองร้องทุกข์ (null=ทั้งหมด ,0=กำลังดำเนินการ ,1=ยุติการดำเนินการ)")] public void GetTimelineHeader(string tokenId, int skip, int take, string IsCloseJob) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tokenId)) { result = falseresult("UnAuthorized."); } string key = Encryption.Decrypt(tokenId); if (!IsValidateToken(key)) { result = falseresult("UnAuthorized."); } if (skip < 1) { skip = 1; } if (take < 1) { take = 20; } try { AuthenticateTokenMapDao _authenMap = new AuthenticateTokenMapDao(); var objToken = _authenMap.FindByKeygen(key).FirstOrDefault(); if (objToken != null) { var comList = ComplainData.GetComplainTimeLine(objToken.ApiKey, skip, take, 0, null); SaveUtility.SaveTransactionLog(objToken.ApiKey, "Get Time line Header", SaveUtility.TransStatus.Create, key, objToken.Owner_ip, "s"); //s: service result = Trueresult(comList); } else { result = falseresult("UnAuthorized."); } } catch (Exception ex) { SaveUtility.logError(ex); result = falseresult(ex.Message); } HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result)); HttpContext.Current.Response.End(); }
public override void OnLoadSystem() { cachedSaveData = SaveUtility.LoadSave(saveSlot.Value); if (cachedSaveData == null) { CreateNewSave(); isNewGame = true; } onSceneWarp?.AddListener(OnSceneWarp); onWarpStart?.AddListener(OnWarpStart); onWarpEnd?.AddListener(OnWarpEnd); }