Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert the SaveMap <see cref="EntityInfo"/> entries of the <see cref="CType"/>
        /// into EntityInfo entries for the <see cref="SType"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="saveMap">
        /// The "SaveMap" passed into the <see cref="ContextProvider.BeforeSaveEntities"/> method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="entityInfoCreator">
        /// Function that creates a new <see cref="EntityInfo"/> for a
        /// given entity and optional <see cref="EntityState"/>.
        /// See <see cref="ContextProvider.CreateEntityInfo"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="beforeSaveEntity">
        /// Optional function to validate an individual entity before it can save;
        /// see <see cref="ContextProvider.BeforeSaveEntity"/>"/>;
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Updates the "SaveMap" by converting those <see cref="EntityInfo"/> objects
        /// constructed from the JSON "saveBundle" in terms of the client's entity type
        /// into corresponding EntityInfos expressed in terms of the server entity type.
        /// Converts with the <see cref="MapEntityToServer"/>.
        /// <para>
        /// Call it inside your <see cref="ContextProvider.BeforeSaveEntities"/>
        /// override or delegate method.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public SaveMap ConvertBeforeSaveMap(
            SaveMap saveMap,
            EntityInfoCreator entityInfoCreator,
            BeforeSaveEntityDelegate beforeSaveEntity = null)
            List <EntityInfo> cGroup, sGroup;

            if (saveMap.TryGetValue(cType, out cGroup))
                saveMap.Remove(cType); // don't save CType entities
                return(saveMap); // this CType is not in the saveMap

            if (!saveMap.TryGetValue(sType, out sGroup))
                sGroup = new List <EntityInfo>();
                saveMap.Add(sType, sGroup);

            foreach (var cEntityInfo in cGroup)
                var sEntity = MapEntityToServer(cEntityInfo);
                if (sEntity == null)

                var mappedEntityInfo = entityInfoCreator(sEntity, cEntityInfo.EntityState);
                mappedEntityInfo.OriginalValuesMap = MapOriginalValues(cEntityInfo.OriginalValuesMap);
                mappedEntityInfo.AutoGeneratedKey  = MapAutoGeneratedKey(sEntity, cEntityInfo.AutoGeneratedKey);
                mappedEntityInfo.ForceUpdate       = cEntityInfo.ForceUpdate;

                // TODO: Fix this deficiency
                // Unfortunately, UnmappedValuesMap is "protected internal" right now so can't copy
                //mappedEntityInfo.UnmappedValuesMap = entityInfo.UnmappedValuesMap;

                if (beforeSaveEntity == null || beforeSaveEntity(mappedEntityInfo))
Example #2
        public static SaveMap MergeMap(this SaveMap saveMap, SaveMap newMap)
            foreach (var map in newMap)
                List <EntityInfo> infos;

                var hasKey = saveMap.TryGetValue(map.Key, out infos);
                if (hasKey)
                    saveMap.Add(map.Key, map.Value);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert the post-save <see cref="SType"/> entities into the <see cref="CType"/> entities
        /// that the client is expecting.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="saveMap">
        /// The <see cref="SaveResult"/> returned by <see cref="ContextProvider.SaveChanges"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="keyMappings">
        /// The <see cref="SaveResult"/> returned by <see cref="ContextProvider.SaveChanges"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="entityInfoCreator">
        /// Function that creates a new <see cref="EntityInfo"/> for a
        /// given entity and optional <see cref="EntityState"/>.
        /// See <see cref="ContextProvider.CreateEntityInfo"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Converts the <see cref="SType"/> entities in the "SaveMap" and <see cref="KeyMapping"/> list
        /// passed to the <see cref="ContextProvider.AfterSaveEntities"/> after
        /// the <see cref="ContextProvider.SaveChangesCore"/>.
        /// It uses the <see cref="MapEntityToClient"/> to convert the <see cref="SType"/> entities into
        /// corresponding <see cref="CType"/> entities.
        /// Use <see cref="MapEntityToClient"/> to convert the <see cref="SType"/> entities in
        /// <see cref="SaveResult.Entities"/> with
        /// <para>
        /// Call it in your wrapper around the <see cref="ContextProvider.SaveChanges"/>
        /// where it can fixup the SaveResult before it is serialized to the client.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public SaveMap ConvertAfterSaveMap(
            SaveMap saveMap, List <KeyMapping> keyMappings, EntityInfoCreator entityInfoCreator)
            List <EntityInfo> cGroup, sGroup;

            if (saveMap.TryGetValue(SType, out sGroup))
                saveMap.Remove(sType); // don't return SType entities to client
                return(saveMap); // this SType is not in the saveMap

            if (!saveMap.TryGetValue(cType, out cGroup))
                cGroup = new List <EntityInfo>();
                saveMap.Add(cType, cGroup);

            foreach (var sEntityInfo in sGroup)
                var cEntity = MapEntityToClient(sEntityInfo);
                if (cEntity != null)
                    var mappedEntityInfo = entityInfoCreator(cEntity, sEntityInfo.EntityState);
                    // No other conversions are needed.

            var sName = SType.FullName;
            var cName = CType.FullName;

            keyMappings.ForEach(km => {
                if (km.EntityTypeName == sName)
                    km.EntityTypeName = cName;
        public SaveMap BeforeSaveEntities(SaveMap saveMap)
            List <StudentOnTheMove> studentsPendingRemoval = new List <StudentOnTheMove>();

            if (saveMap.ContainsKey(tWg))
                var grps = ProcessWorkGroup(saveMap[tWg]);
                if (grps != null)

                var groups = (from info in saveMap[tWg]
                              select info.Entity as WorkGroup).ToList();

                groups.ForEach(group =>
                    group.ModifiedById = loggedInUser.PersonId;
                    group.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;

            if (saveMap.ContainsKey(tStudInGroup))
                var groupMembers = saveMap[tStudInGroup];

                //Need to account for adds when a new group is created.

                var studentsOnTheMove = (from info in saveMap[tStudInGroup]
                                         let sig = info.Entity as CrseStudentInGroup
                                                   where info.EntityState == EntityState.Modified
                                                   where info.OriginalValuesMap.ContainsKey("WorkGroupId")
                                                   select info).ToList();

                var unAssignedStudents = (from info in saveMap[tStudInGroup]
                                          let sig = info.Entity as CrseStudentInGroup
                                                    where info.EntityState == EntityState.Deleted
                                                    select info).ToList();

                if (unAssignedStudents.Any())
                    unAssignedStudents.ForEach(uas =>
                        var studentEntity   = uas.Entity as CrseStudentInGroup;
                        var fromWorkGroupId = Int32.Parse(studentEntity.WorkGroupId.ToString());
                        //uas.EntityState = Breeze.Persistence.EntityState.Deleted;

                        var member = ctxManager.Context.StudentInGroups
                                     .Where(sig => sig.StudentId == studentEntity.StudentId)
                                     .Where(sig => sig.WorkGroupId == fromWorkGroupId)
                                     .Select(sig => new StudentOnTheMove
                            //Student = sig,
                            StudentId = sig.StudentId,
                            //IsDeleted = sig.IsDeleted,
                            IsMoving        = false,
                            FromWorkGroupId = fromWorkGroupId,
                            //CourseId = studentEntity.CourseId,
                            HasChildren = sig.AuthorOfComments.Any() ||
                                          sig.AssesseeSpResponses.Any() ||
                                          sig.AssessorSpResponses.Any() ||
                                          sig.AssesseeStratResponse.Any() ||
                                          sig.AssessorStratResponse.Any() ||


                if (studentsOnTheMove.Any())
                    studentsOnTheMove.ForEach(sm =>
                        var studentEntity   = sm.Entity as CrseStudentInGroup;
                        var fromWorkGroupId = Int32.Parse(sm.OriginalValuesMap["WorkGroupId"].ToString());

                        var member = ctxManager.Context.StudentInGroups
                                     .Where(sig => sig.StudentId == studentEntity.StudentId)
                                     .Where(sig => sig.WorkGroupId == fromWorkGroupId)
                                     .Select(sig => new StudentOnTheMove
                            Student         = sig,
                            StudentId       = sig.StudentId,
                            IsDeleted       = sig.IsDeleted,
                            IsMoving        = true,
                            ToWorkGroupId   = studentEntity.WorkGroupId,
                            FromWorkGroupId = fromWorkGroupId,
                            CourseId        = studentEntity.CourseId,
                            HasChildren     = sig.AuthorOfComments.Any() ||
                                              sig.AssesseeSpResponses.Any() ||
                                              sig.AssessorSpResponses.Any() ||
                                              sig.AssesseeStratResponse.Any() ||
                                              sig.AssessorStratResponse.Any() ||
                                              sig.RecipientOfComments.Any() ||
                                              sig.FacultySpResponses.Any() ||
                                              sig.FacultyStrat != null ||
                                              sig.FacultyComment != null


                var studentsPendingRemovalWithChildren = studentsPendingRemoval
                                                         .Where(spr => spr.HasChildren).ToList();

                var studentsPendingRemovalWithoutChildren = studentsPendingRemoval
                                                            .Where(spr => !spr.HasChildren).ToList();

                if (studentsPendingRemovalWithChildren.Any())
                    studentsPendingRemovalWithChildren.ForEach(sprwc =>
                        //if (sprwc.IsMoving)
                        var authorCommentFlags = ctxManager.Context.StudSpCommentFlags
                                                 .Where(sscf => sscf.AuthorPersonId == sprwc.StudentId)
                                                 .Where(sscf => sscf.WorkGroupId == sprwc.FromWorkGroupId);

                        var recipientCommentFlags = ctxManager.Context.StudSpCommentFlags
                                                    .Where(sscf => sscf.RecipientPersonId == sprwc.StudentId)
                                                    .Where(sscf => sscf.WorkGroupId == sprwc.FromWorkGroupId);

                        var authorOfComments = ctxManager.Context.StudSpComments
                                               .Where(ssc => ssc.AuthorPersonId == sprwc.StudentId)
                                               .Where(ssc => ssc.WorkGroupId == sprwc.FromWorkGroupId);

                        var recipientOfComments = ctxManager.Context.StudSpComments
                                                  .Where(ssc => ssc.RecipientPersonId == sprwc.StudentId)
                                                  .Where(ssc => ssc.WorkGroupId == sprwc.FromWorkGroupId);

                        var assesseeSpResponses = ctxManager.Context.SpResponses
                                                  .Where(sr => sr.AssesseePersonId == sprwc.StudentId)
                                                  .Where(sr => sr.WorkGroupId == sprwc.FromWorkGroupId);

                        var assessorSpResponses = ctxManager.Context.SpResponses
                                                  .Where(sr => sr.AssessorPersonId == sprwc.StudentId)
                                                  .Where(sr => sr.WorkGroupId == sprwc.FromWorkGroupId);

                        var assesseeStratResponses = ctxManager.Context.SpStratResponses
                                                     .Where(ssr => ssr.AssesseePersonId == sprwc.StudentId)
                                                     .Where(ssr => ssr.WorkGroupId == sprwc.FromWorkGroupId);

                        var assessorStratResponses = ctxManager.Context.SpStratResponses
                                                     .Where(ssr => ssr.AssessorPersonId == sprwc.StudentId)
                                                     .Where(ssr => ssr.WorkGroupId == sprwc.FromWorkGroupId);

                        var facSpResponses = ctxManager.Context.FacSpResponses
                                             .Where(fsr => fsr.AssesseePersonId == sprwc.StudentId)
                                             .Where(fsr => fsr.WorkGroupId == sprwc.FromWorkGroupId);

                        var facStratResponse = ctxManager.Context.FacStratResponses
                                               .Where(fsr => fsr.AssesseePersonId == sprwc.StudentId)
                                               .Where(fsr => fsr.WorkGroupId == sprwc.FromWorkGroupId);

                        var facComments = ctxManager.Context.FacSpComments
                                          .Where(fsc => fsc.RecipientPersonId == sprwc.StudentId)
                                          .Where(fsc => fsc.WorkGroupId == sprwc.FromWorkGroupId);

                        var facCommentsFlag = ctxManager.Context.FacSpCommentFlags
                                              .Where(fscf => fscf.RecipientPersonId == sprwc.StudentId)
                                              .Where(fscf => fscf.WorkGroupId == sprwc.FromWorkGroupId);

                        if (authorOfComments.Any())
                            if (authorCommentFlags.Any())


                        if (recipientOfComments.Any())
                            if (recipientCommentFlags.Any())

                        if (assesseeSpResponses.Any())

                        if (assessorSpResponses.Any())

                        if (assesseeStratResponses.Any())

                        if (assessorStratResponses.Any())

                        if (facSpResponses.Any())

                        if (facStratResponse.Any())

                        if (facComments.Any())

                        if (facCommentsFlag.Any())


                        if (sprwc.IsMoving)


                if (studentsPendingRemovalWithoutChildren.Any())
                    studentsPendingRemovalWithoutChildren.ForEach(sprwoc =>
                        if (sprwoc.IsMoving)

                        //ctxManager.Context.Entry(sprwoc.Student).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Deleted;


                var studentsToBeAddedBack = studentsPendingRemoval
                                            .Where(spr => spr.IsMoving).ToList();

                ////Students that were previously deleted with children.
                studentsOnTheMove.ForEach(info => saveMap.Remove(tStudInGroup));

                if (studentsToBeAddedBack.Any())
                    List <EntityInfo> toAddInfos;
                    toAddInfos = new List <EntityInfo>();

                    studentsToBeAddedBack.ForEach(stab =>
                        var toAdd = new CrseStudentInGroup
                            StudentId       = stab.StudentId,
                            CourseId        = stab.CourseId,
                            WorkGroupId     = stab.ToWorkGroupId,
                            HasAcknowledged = false,
                            IsDeleted       = false,
                            ModifiedById    = loggedInUser.PersonId,
                            ModifiedDate    = DateTime.Now

                        var toAddEi = ctxManager.CreateEntityInfo(toAdd);

                    saveMap.Add(tStudInGroup, toAddInfos);
