Example #1
    public void LoadBases(List <SaveManager.BaseData> bases, TimeSpan difference, int totalAgents)
        gameManager = GameManager.Instance;
        Debug.Log("Loading Bases! bases count: " + bases.Count);

        ResourceSpawner resourceSpawner = GameObject.Find("ResourceSpawner").GetComponent <ResourceSpawner>();

        float totalRes = 0.0f;

        for (int i = 0; i < bases.Count; i++)
            SaveManager.BaseData data = bases[i];

            GameObject asset = Resources.Load("Base_" + data.baseTypeString) as GameObject;

            BuildBase(asset, data.position, out Base b);
            b.LoadSetup(data, difference, resourceSpawner.spawnRate, totalAgents, out float maxResourcesCollected);
            totalRes += maxResourcesCollected;

        //total available spawns
        float A = (100 / (resourceSpawner.spawnRate / gameManager.resourceSpawner.resourceSpawnRateUpgrade) / (float)totalAgents);

        float ratioAvailable = A / totalRes;

        if (ratioAvailable > 1.0f)
            ratioAvailable = 1.0f;
            Debug.Log("Not enough resources available for maximum returns. Upgrade Resource spawn rate!");

        //Load setup 2 needs information gathered from all bases/agents to calculate gains.
        for (int i = 0; i < allBases.Count; i++)
Example #2
    public void LoadSetup(SaveManager.BaseData bData, TimeSpan difference, float spawnRate, int totalAgents, out float maxResourceCollect)
        //extract information from saved BaseData
        ID             = bData.ID;
        baseName       = bData.baseName;
        stage          = bData.currentStage;
        baseTypeString = bData.baseTypeString;
        tapSeconds     = bData.boostTime;
        heldResources  = bData.heldResources;

        int agentsToLoad = bData.numAgents;


        gameManager = GameManager.Instance;

        //resource gained should be a function of:
        //	- Time difference,
        //	- Num agents & move speeds,
        //  - Spawn rate of resource, spawn rate is in seconds.
        // Resources gained / 100 secs @ 1 move speed. (R) - 1.25
        // Available resources per 100 sec: ((100 / spawn rate)/ gameManager.spawnrate) / (number of agents) (A)
        // Number of 100 sec intervals passed: time diff in seconds / 100(T)
        // Average resource Value(V)
        // gained = T * (R * moveSpeed) * (A * V)

        float  R = 1.4f;
        float  A = (100 / (spawnRate / gameManager.resourceSpawner.resourceSpawnRateUpgrade) / (float)totalAgents);
        double t = difference.TotalSeconds / 100.0;
        float  T = Mathf.Min((float)t, gameManager.maxPeriodInactive);
        float  V = 5;

        float gain = 0.0f;

        maxResourceCollect = 0.0f;

        GameObject agentPrefab = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Agent_" + baseTypeString, typeof(GameObject));

        //agents are spawned in a circle around base when loading. might be better ways to do this in the future.
        //e.g. spawn en-route to resources or come out of the base one-by-one.
        float spawnRadius = 4.0f;

        for (int i = 0; i < agentsToLoad; i++)
            float   theta       = (i * (2 * Mathf.PI) / agentsToLoad);
            float   x           = transform.position.x + (spawnRadius * Mathf.Cos(theta));
            float   z           = transform.position.z + (spawnRadius * Mathf.Sin(theta));
            Vector3 newAgentPos = new Vector3(x, transform.position.y, z);
            AddAgent(agentPrefab, newAgentPos, out AgentGameplay a);

            float moveSpeed = a.gameObject.GetComponent <AgentPathfinder>().moveSpeed;

            float agentMaxRes = R * moveSpeed;

            maxResourceCollect += agentMaxRes;
            float test = T * agentMaxRes * (/*A * */ V);
            Debug.Log("This agent earned max " + test + " resources while you were away!");
            gain += test;

        maxLoadGain = gain;
        //heldResource += gain;