Example #1
        public FightersList()
            _editableData = new FighterData();

            Fighters         = new ObservableCollection <FighterData>();
            FilteredFighters = new ObservableCollection <FighterData>();
            Fighters.Add(new FighterData());
            Fighters.Add(new FighterData());
            Fighters.Add(new FighterData());

            SelectedCity = SelectedClub = "*";

            _addCmd  = new AddCmd(this);
            _delCmd  = new DeleteCmd(this);
            _saveCmd = new SaveCmd(this);
            _loadCmd = new LoadCmd(this);

            Clubs  = new ObservableCollection <string> {
            Cities = new ObservableCollection <string> {
            Fighters.CollectionChanged += UpdateClubs;
            Fighters.CollectionChanged += UpdateCities;

            UpdateCities(this, null);
            UpdateClubs(this, null);
Example #2
        public LecturerPageVM(string dbcontextName, ISystemUser loggedInLectuer) : base(dbcontextName)
                rowsToReturn   = 20;
                IsConfirmed    = false;
                SubgridContext = SubgridContext.Groups;
                NewModeCmd         = new NewModeCmd(this);
                SaveFormCmd        = new SaveCmd(this);
                DeleteCmd          = new DeleteCmd(this);
                CancelCmd          = new CancelCmd(this);
                NewPassHashCmd     = new NewPassHashCmd(this);
                ToggleAdminRoleCmd = new ToggleAdminRoleCmd(this);
                //TODO: will likely need to attach lecturer to the DbContext..
                User             = UnitOfWork.LecturerRepo.Get(loggedInLectuer.Id);
                SearchTxt        = "";
                SelectedLecturer = new Lecturer();
                //TODO: figure out Async with EF and Pagination/ limit the results (limit probably best)
                List <Lecturer> results = UnitOfWork.LecturerRepo.GetTopXFromSearch(null, rowsToReturn).ToList();
                Lecturers = new ObservableCollection <Lecturer>(results);

                Mediator.Register(MediatorChannels.PoolingUpdate.ToString(), PoolingUpdate);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ShowFeedback(ex.Message, FeedbackType.Error);
Example #3
        public BaseQandAPageVM(string dbcontextName) : base(dbcontextName)
            SaveFormCmd      = new SaveCmd(this);
            DeleteCmd        = new DeleteCmd(this);
            UploadImageCmd   = new UploadImageCmd(this);
            ToggleMarkQCmd   = new ToggleMarkQCmd(this);
            ToggleMarkACmd   = new ToggleMarkACmd(this);
            CancelCmd        = new CancelCmd(this);
            NewModeCmd       = new NewModeCmd(this);
            PostCmd          = new PostCmd(this);
            DeleteCommentCmd = new DeleteCommentCmd(this);
            EditCommentCmd   = new EditCommentCmd(this);

            QVisConDTO            = new QuestionStateConverterDTO();
            AVisConDTO            = new AnswerStateConverterDTO();
            AnswerSearchTxt       = "";
            QuestionSearchTxt     = "";
            rowLimit              = 20;
            openFileDialog        = new OpenFileDialog();
            openFileDialog.Title  = "Select a picture";
            openFileDialog.Filter = "All supported graphics|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png|" +
                                    "JPEG (*.jpg;*.jpeg)|*.jpg;*.jpeg|" +
                                    "Portable Network Graphic (*.png)|*.png";

            Mediator.Register(MediatorChannels.PoolingUpdate.ToString(), PoolingUpdate);
Example #4
 protected BaseMyAccountPageVM(string dbcontextName) : base(dbcontextName)
     ProposedPassword     = "";
     ProposedPasswordConf = "";
     SaveFormCmd          = new SaveCmd(this);
     NewPassHashCmd       = new NewPassHashCmd(this);
     CancelCmd            = new CancelCmd(this);
     //No need for pooling updates in MyAccount page as it only loads your single reccord
Example #5
        protected async override Task LoadAction()
            Item = await itemsRepo.Refresh(item);

            IsReadOnly = DateTime.Now.Date > item.Day.Day;
            scope.Resolve <IMainVm>().GotoDayCanExecuteChanged();
Example #6
        static bool _response_Save(string response, string file, byte[] data)
            if (responses.Contains(response) == false)

            SaveCmd cmd = new SaveCmd();

            cmd.response = response;
            cmd.file     = file;
            cmd.data     = data;
Example #7
 public StudentsPageVM(string dbcontextName, Student selectedStudent, ISystemUser loggedInLectuer) : base(dbcontextName)
         studentRowsToReturn = 50;
         IsConfirmed         = false;
         SubgridContext      = SubgridContext.Groups;
         RemoveEntityCmd         = new RemoveEntityCmd(this);
         NewModeCmd              = new NewModeCmd(this);
         SaveFormCmd             = new SaveCmd(this);
         NewPassHashCmd          = new NewPassHashCmd(this);
         MoveEntityOutOfListCmd  = new MoveEntityOutOfListCmd(this);
         MoveEntityInToListCmd   = new MoveEntityInToListCmd(this);
         ChangeSubgridContextCmd = new ChangeSubgridContextCmd(this);
         DeleteCmd        = new DeleteCmd(this);
         CancelCmd        = new CancelCmd(this);
         GoToEntityCmd    = new GoToEntityCmd(this);
         AnalyseEntityCmd = new AnalyseEntityCmd(this);
         CSVCmd           = new CSVCmd(this);
         //TODO: will likely need to attach lecturer to the DbContext..
         Lecturer         = (Lecturer)loggedInLectuer;
         SearchStudentTxt = "";
         if (selectedStudent.Id == 0)
             SelectedStudent = new Student();
             SelectedStudent = UnitOfWork.StudentRepo.Get(selectedStudent.Id);
         //TODO: figure out Async with EF and Pagination/ limit the results (limit probably best)
         List <Student> results = UnitOfWork.StudentRepo.GetAll().ToList();
         Students = new ObservableCollection <Student>(results);
     catch (Exception ex)
         ShowFeedback(ex.Message, FeedbackType.Error);
 public BaseMyGroupsPageVM(string dbcontextName) : base(dbcontextName)
     SaveFormCmd             = new SaveCmd(this);
     NewModeCmd              = new NewModeCmd(this);
     ChangeSubgridContextCmd = new ChangeSubgridContextCmd(this);
     DeleteCmd              = new DeleteCmd(this);
     RemoveEntityCmd        = new RemoveEntityCmd(this);
     MoveEntityOutOfListCmd = new MoveEntityOutOfListCmd(this);
     MoveEntityInToListCmd  = new MoveEntityInToListCmd(this);
     GoToEntityCmd          = new GoToEntityCmd(this);
     AnalyseEntityCmd       = new AnalyseEntityCmd(this);
     CancelCmd              = new CancelCmd(this);
         Mediator.Register(MediatorChannels.PoolingUpdate.ToString(), PoolingUpdate);
     catch (Exception ex)
         ShowFeedback(ex.Message, FeedbackType.Error);
Example #9
 public BaseMySessionsPageVM(string dbcontextName) : base(dbcontextName)
     //register commands
     NewModeCmd              = new NewModeCmd(this);
     SaveFormCmd             = new SaveCmd(this);
     AddLecturerCmd          = new AddLecturerCmd(this);
     RemoveEntityCmd         = new RemoveEntityCmd(this);
     DeleteCmd               = new DeleteCmd(this);
     ChangeSubgridContextCmd = new ChangeSubgridContextCmd(this);
     GoToEntityCmd           = new GoToEntityCmd(this);
     AnalyseEntityCmd        = new AnalyseEntityCmd(this);
     CancelCmd               = new CancelCmd(this);
     //initial setup
         Mediator.Register(MediatorChannels.PoolingUpdate.ToString(), PoolingUpdate);
     catch (Exception ex)
         ShowFeedback(ex.Message, FeedbackType.Error);