Example #1
 internal static SandboxPageData PrepareSandboxTestPage(string baseUrl, SandboxEnum sandbox, string pageKey, string pageType, Dictionary<string, string> properties)
     var binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
     //binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = 6553600;
     binding.ReceiveTimeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 2, 0);
     using (var client = new TestAutomationClient(binding, new EndpointAddress(GetEndpointUrl(baseUrl))))
         return client.PrepareSandboxTestPage(sandbox, pageKey, pageType, properties);
Example #2
 internal static void PrepareBriOverviewTestPage(string baseUrl, SandboxEnum sandbox, string pagePath, out SandboxPageData pageData)
     var pageName = GetPageName(pagePath);
     var properties = new Dictionary<string, string>
                              {"PageName", pageName},
                              {"Title", pageName},
                              {"Introduction", "Introduction to " + pageName},
                              {"OverviewDataSourceType", "dummy"}
     pageData = PrepareSandboxTestPage(baseUrl, sandbox, pagePath, "[BRI Templates] Overview", properties);
Example #3
 internal static void PrepareBriFormContainerTestPage(string baseUrl, SandboxEnum sandbox, string pagePath, string formGuid, bool useMollom, out SandboxPageData pageData)
     var pageName = GetPageName(pagePath);
     var properties = new Dictionary<string, string>
                              {"PageName", pageName},
                              {"Title", pageName},
                              {"Introduction", "Introduction to " + pageName},
                              {"XForm", formGuid},
                              {"SendMeACopyEmailBodyHeader", "Header"},
                              {"SendMeACopyEmailBodyFooter", "Footer"},
                              {"UseMollom", SerializeValue(useMollom)}
     pageData = PrepareSandboxTestPage(baseUrl, sandbox, pagePath, "[BRI Templates] Form Container Page", properties);
Example #4
 internal static void PrepareBriNewsitemPage(string baseUrl, SandboxEnum sandbox, string pagePath, out SandboxPageData pageData)
     var pageName = GetPageName(pagePath);
     var properties = new Dictionary<string, string>
                              {"PageName", pageName},
                              {"Title", pageName},
                              {"Introduction", "Introduction to " + pageName},
                              {"Date", DateTime.Now.ToString("d", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }
     pageData = PrepareSandboxTestPage(baseUrl, sandbox, pagePath, "[BRI Templates] Newsitem", properties);
Example #5
 internal static void PrepareBriContentPageWithContentFromFile(string baseUrl, SandboxEnum sandbox, string pagePath, string fileName, out SandboxPageData pageData)
     var pageName = GetPageName(pagePath);
     var fileContent = LoadFromFile(fileName);
     var properties = new Dictionary<string, string>
                              {"PageName", pageName},
                              {"Title", pageName},
                              {"Introduction", "Introduction to " + pageName},
                              {"Content", fileContent}
     pageData = PrepareSandboxTestPage(baseUrl, sandbox, pagePath, "[BRI Templates] Content Page", properties);