private void LoadSampler(Guid Id) { List <SamplerBLL> list = new List <SamplerBLL>(); SamplerBLL obj = new SamplerBLL(); list = obj.GetSamplerBySamplingId(Id); if (list != null) { this.cboSampler.Items.Clear(); List <UserBLL> listE = UserRightBLL.GetUsersWithRight("Sampler"); if (listE != null) { foreach (UserBLL b in listE) { this.cboSampler.Items.Add(new ListItem(b.UserName, b.UserId.ToString())); } if (list != null) { this.cboSampler.SelectedValue = list[0].SamplerId.ToString(); } } else { if (list != null) { foreach (SamplerBLL i in list) { this.cboSampler.Items.Add(new ListItem(UserBLL.GetName(i.SamplerId), i.SamplerId.ToString())); } } } } }
public static SamplingBLL GetSampleById(Guid Id) { SamplingBLL objSample = new SamplingBLL(); SqlDataReader reader; string strSql = "spGetSampleById"; SqlParameter[] arPar = new SqlParameter[1]; arPar[0] = new SqlParameter("@samplingId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); arPar[0].Value = Id; SqlConnection conn = null; try { conn = Connection.getConnection(); reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, strSql, arPar); if (reader.HasRows) { while (reader.Read()) { SamplerBLL Sampler = new SamplerBLL(); objSample.SerialNo = Convert.ToInt32(reader["SerialNo"]); objSample.GeneratedTimeStamp = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["GeneratedDate"]); objSample.SampleCode = reader["SampleCode"].ToString(); objSample.ReceivigRequestId = new Guid(reader["ReceivigRequestId"].ToString()); objSample.TrackingNo = reader["TrackingNo"].ToString(); if (reader["GeneratedDate"] != DBNull.Value) { objSample.GeneratedTimeStamp = (DateTime)reader["GeneratedDate"]; } Sampler.SamplerId = new Guid(reader["UserId"].ToString()); objSample._sampler = Sampler; } return(objSample); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (conn != null) { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } } } return(null); }
protected void gvScaling_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); GridViewRow rw = this.gvScaling.Rows[index]; if (e.CommandName == "edit") { Label lblId = (Label)rw.FindControl("lblId"); if (lblId.Text != "") { Session["SamplingId"] = lblId.Text; Response.Redirect("EditSampling.aspx"); } } else if (e.CommandName == "Print") { Label lblId = (Label)rw.FindControl("lblId"); if (lblId.Text != "") { Guid SId = Guid.Empty; SId = new Guid(lblId.Text); SamplingBLL objSample = new SamplingBLL(); objSample = objSample.GetSampleDetail(SId); if (objSample == null) { this.lblMessage.Text = "Unable to print sample Ticket"; return; } objSample.Id = SId; Session["Sample"] = objSample; SamplerBLL objSampler = new SamplerBLL(); objSampler = objSampler.GetSamplerBySamplingId(SId)[0]; Session["Sampler"] = objSampler; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "ShowReport", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" + string.Format("\"ReportSampleTicket.aspx?id={0}\", \"_blank\",\"height=400px,width=600px,top=0,left=0,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes\");", lblId.Text.ToString()) + "</script>", false); } } }
public static List <SamplerBLL> GetSamplerBySamplingId(Guid SamplingId) { List <SamplerBLL> list; string strSql = "spGetSamplersBySamplingTicketId"; SqlParameter[] arPar = new SqlParameter[4]; arPar[0] = new SqlParameter("@SamplingTicketId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); arPar[0].Value = SamplingId; SqlDataReader reader; SqlConnection conn = null; try { conn = Connection.getConnection(); reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, strSql, arPar); if (reader.HasRows) { list = new List <SamplerBLL>(); while (reader.Read()) { SamplerBLL objsampler = new SamplerBLL(); objsampler.SamplerId = new Guid(reader["UserId"].ToString()); list.Add(objsampler); } return(list); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (conn != null) { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } } } return(null); }
public void SamplingCodechanged() { Guid id = Guid.Empty; this.cboSampler.Items.Clear(); try { id = new Guid(this.cboSampleCode.SelectedValue.ToString()); } catch { this.lblMsg.Text = "An error has occured please try again.If the error persists contact the administrator"; return; } SamplerBLL obj = new SamplerBLL(); List <SamplerBLL> list = new List <SamplerBLL>(); SamplingBLL objSampling = new SamplingBLL(); objSampling = objSampling.GetSampleDetail(id); if (objSampling != null) { lblSampleGenratedDateTime.Text = objSampling.GeneratedTimeStamp.ToShortDateString(); //this.cmpSampGen.ValueToCompare = objSampling.GeneratedTimeStamp.ToShortDateString(); } else { this.lblMsg.Text = "An error has occured please try again.If the error persists contact the administrator"; return; } list = obj.GetSamplerBySamplingId(id); if (list != null) { this.cboSampler.Items.Add(new ListItem("Please Select Sampler.", "")); this.cboSampler.AppendDataBoundItems = true; foreach (SamplerBLL o in list) { this.cboSampler.Items.Add(new ListItem(o.SamplerName, o.SamplerId.ToString())); this.cboSampler.SelectedValue = o.SamplerId.ToString(); } } this.cboSampler.Enabled = false; }
public static bool InsertSampler(SamplerBLL obj, SqlTransaction tran) { try { string strSql = "spInsertSampler"; int AffectedRows = 0; SqlParameter[] arPar = new SqlParameter[5]; arPar[0] = new SqlParameter("@SamplingTicketId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); arPar[0].Value = obj.SampleingTicketId; arPar[1] = new SqlParameter("@UserId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); arPar[1].Value = obj.SamplerId; arPar[2] = new SqlParameter("@Status", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); arPar[2].Value = (int)obj.Status; arPar[3] = new SqlParameter("@CreatedBy", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); arPar[3].Value = UserBLL.GetCurrentUser(); arPar[4] = new SqlParameter("@Id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); arPar[4].Value = obj.Id; AffectedRows = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, strSql, arPar); if (AffectedRows == -1) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { tran.Rollback(); throw ex; } }
public static SamplerBLL GetActiveSamplerSupBySamplingId(Guid SamplingId) { string strSql = "spGetActiveSamplerBySamplingTicketId"; SqlParameter[] arPar = new SqlParameter[4]; arPar[0] = new SqlParameter("@SamplingTicketId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); arPar[0].Value = SamplingId; SqlDataReader reader; SqlConnection conn = null; SamplerBLL objsampler = null; conn = Connection.getConnection(); reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, strSql, arPar); if (reader.HasRows) { if (reader.Read()) { objsampler = new SamplerBLL(); if (reader["UserId"] != DBNull.Value) { objsampler.SamplerId = new Guid(reader["UserId"].ToString()); } else { objsampler.SamplerId = Guid.Empty; } } } if (conn != null) { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } } return(objsampler); }
protected void btnGenerateSampleTicket_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Nullable <Guid> Id; Guid WarehouseId = UserBLL.GetCurrentWarehouse(); Guid Moistureid = Guid.Empty; bool isMoisture = false; string TransactionId = String.Empty; Nullable <Guid> RecievingRequestId = null; try { if (this.chkReSampling.Checked == false) { RecievingRequestId = SamplingBLL.GetRandomSample(WarehouseId); isMoisture = false; } else { try { RecievingRequestId = SamplingBLL.GetRandomReSampling(WarehouseId, out Moistureid, out TransactionId); } catch (Exception ex) { this.lblMsg.Text = ex.Message; } isMoisture = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { this.lblMsg.Text = ex.Message; return; } if (RecievingRequestId == null) { this.lblMsg.Text = "There are no records Pending Sampling"; return; } Nullable <int> SerialNo = null; SamplingBLL objSample = new SamplingBLL(); SerialNo = objSample.GetSerialNo(WarehouseId); if (SerialNo == null) { throw new Exception("Inavlid Serial No. exception"); } // Create sampling obect SamplingBLL objSampling = new SamplingBLL(); objSampling.ReceivigRequestId = (Guid)RecievingRequestId; objSampling.SamplingStatusId = SamplingStatus.Active; objSampling.SerialNo = SamplingBLL.GetSerial(WarehouseId); objSampling.WarehouseId = WarehouseId; CommodityDepositeRequestBLL objCommDep = new CommodityDepositeRequestBLL(); objCommDep = objCommDep.GetCommodityDepositeDetailById((Guid)RecievingRequestId); if (objCommDep != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objCommDep.TrackingNo) == true) { this.lblMsg.Text = "Can not get Tracking Number.Please try again."; return; } else { if (isMoisture == false) { objSampling.TrackingNo = objCommDep.TrackingNo; } else { objSampling.TrackingNo = TransactionId; } } } else { throw new Exception("Unable to get Arrival Information CommDepId=" + RecievingRequestId.ToString()); } //Create Sampler SamplerBLL objSampler = new SamplerBLL(); try { objSampler.SamplerId = new Guid(this.cboSampler.SelectedValue.ToString()); } catch { this.lblMsg.Text = "Please select Sampler"; return; } objSampler.Status = SamplerStatus.Active; Id = objSampling.InsertSample(objSampling, objSampler, isMoisture); if (Id != null) { objSampling.Id = (Guid)Id; string tran = ""; tran = SamplingBLL.GetTransactionNumber((Guid)RecievingRequestId); Session["Sampler"] = objSampler; Session["Sample"] = objSampling; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "ShowReport", "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" + string.Format("\"ReportSampleTicket.aspx?id={0}\", \"_blank\",\"height=400px,width=600px,top=0,left=0,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes\");", Id.ToString()) + "</script>", false); } else { this.lblMsg.Text = "Data can not be saved.Please try again if the error persists contact the administrator."; } }
private void rptGRN_ReportStart(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (HttpContext.Current.Session["GRNIDPrint"] == null) { throw new Exception("Session expired"); } Guid GRNId = Guid.Empty; GRNId = new Guid(HttpContext.Current.Session["GRNIDPrint"].ToString()); Guid GradingId = Guid.Empty; GRNBLL objGRN = new GRNBLL(); objGRN = objGRN.GetbyGRN_Number(GRNId); GradingId = objGRN.GradingId; this.lblGRN_No.Text = objGRN.GRN_Number; this.lblClient.Text = ClientBLL.GetClinetNameById(objGRN.ClientId); this.lblCommodityGrade.Text = CommodityGradeBLL.GetCommodityGradeNameById(objGRN.CommodityGradeId); this.lblWarehouse.Text = WarehouseBLL.GetWarehouseNameById(objGRN.WarehouseId); this.lblOriginalQuantity.Text = objGRN.OriginalQuantity.ToString(); this.lblNetWeight.Text = objGRN.NetWeight.ToString(); this.lblDateDeposited.Text = objGRN.DateDeposited.ToShortDateString(); this.lblTimeDeposited.Text = objGRN.DateDeposited.ToShortTimeString(); this.lblNoBags.Text = objGRN.TotalNumberOfBags.ToString(); //Bag Type BagTypeBLL objBt = new BagTypeBLL(); objBt.GetBagTypeById(objGRN.BagTypeId); lblBagType.Text = objBt.BagTypeName; //Driver Information List <DriverInformationBLL> list = null; DriverInformationBLL objDI = new DriverInformationBLL(); list = objDI.GetActiveDriverInformationByReceivigRequestId(objGRN.CommodityRecivingId); if (list != null) { string driverName = ""; string plateNo = ""; string driverLicense = ""; string licensceIssuedPlace = ""; foreach (DriverInformationBLL o in list) { if (driverName == "") { driverName = o.DriverName; } else { driverName += "," + o.DriverName; } if (plateNo == "") { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(o.TrailerPlateNumber) != true) { plateNo = o.PlateNumber + "-" + o.TrailerPlateNumber; } else { plateNo = o.PlateNumber; } } else { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(o.TrailerPlateNumber) != true) { plateNo += " , " + o.PlateNumber + "-" + o.TrailerPlateNumber; } else { plateNo += " , " + o.PlateNumber; } } if (driverLicense == "") { driverLicense = o.LicenseNumber; } else { driverLicense += " , " + o.LicenseNumber; } if (licensceIssuedPlace == "") { licensceIssuedPlace = o.LicenseIssuedPlace; } else { licensceIssuedPlace += " , " + o.LicenseIssuedPlace; } } this.lblDriverName.Text = driverName; this.lblPlateNo.Text = plateNo; this.lblDriverLicense.Text = driverLicense; this.lblPlaceIssued.Text = licensceIssuedPlace; } // Scaling ScalingBLL objScaling = new ScalingBLL(); objScaling = objScaling.GetById(objGRN.ScalingId); if (objScaling != null) { if (objScaling.WeigherId != null) { try { this.lblWeigherName.Text = UserRightBLL.GetUserNameByUserId(objScaling.WeigherId); } catch { } } } // Sampler SamplerBLL objSampler = new SamplerBLL(); objSampler = objSampler.GetActiveSamplingSupBySamplingId(objGRN.SamplingTicketId); if (objSampler != null) { this.lblSampler.Text = UserRightBLL.GetUserNameByUserId(objSampler.SamplerId); } //Graders GradingByBLL objGrader = new GradingByBLL(); this.lblGrader.Text = objGrader.GetSupGraderNameByGradingId(objGRN.GradingId); if (objGRN.ApprovedBy != null) { try { this.lblApprovedBy.Text = UserRightBLL.GetUserNameByUserId(objGRN.ApprovedBy); } catch { } } if (objGRN.ApprovedTimeStamp != null) { this.lblDateAproved.Text = objGRN.ApprovedTimeStamp.ToShortDateString(); } rpt = new rptGrading(GradingId); rptGS = new rptGRNService(GRNId); this.txtDateGenerated.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString(); ScalingBLL objSacling = new ScalingBLL(); objSacling = objSacling.GetById(objGRN.ScalingId); if (objSacling != null) { this.lblScaleTicketNo.Text = objSacling.ScaleTicketNumber; } this.subReport1.Report = rpt; this.subReport2.Report = this.rptGS; }