Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Snapshot cache metrics
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pagesLoaded"></param>
        public static void RecordCacheMetric(int pagesLoaded)
            SampledMetricDefinition pageMetricDefinition;

            //since sampled metrics have only one value per metric, we have to create multiple metrics (one for every value)
            if (SampledMetricDefinition.TryGetValue("GibraltarSample", "Database.Engine", "Cache Pages", out pageMetricDefinition) == false)
                //doesn't exist yet - add it in all of its glory.  This call is MT safe - we get back the object in cache even if registered on another thread.
                pageMetricDefinition = SampledMetricDefinition.Register("GibraltarSample", "Database.Engine", "cachePages", SamplingType.RawCount, "Pages", "Cache Pages", "The number of pages in the cache");

            //now that we know we have the definitions, make sure we've defined the metric instances.
            SampledMetric pageMetric = SampledMetric.Register(pageMetricDefinition, null);

            //now go ahead and write those samples....

            //Continue for our second metric.
            SampledMetricDefinition sizeMetricDefinition;

            if (SampledMetricDefinition.TryGetValue("GibraltarSample", "Database.Engine", "Cache Size", out sizeMetricDefinition) == false)
                //doesn't exist yet - add it in all of its glory  This call is MT safe - we get back the object in cache even if registered on another thread.
                sizeMetricDefinition = SampledMetricDefinition.Register("GibraltarSample", "Database.Engine", "cacheSize", SamplingType.RawCount, "Bytes", "Cache Size", "The number of bytes used by pages in the cache");

            SampledMetric sizeMetric = SampledMetric.Register(sizeMetricDefinition, null);

            sizeMetric.WriteSample(pagesLoaded * 8196);
Example #2
        /// <summary>Creates a new metric instance from the provided definition information, or returns any existing instance if found.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     <para>This call is designed to be safe in multithreaded environments. If two
        ///     threads attempt to register the same metric at the same time, the first will
        ///     register the metric and the second (and all subsequent calls to Register with the
        ///     same three part key) will return the same object.</para>
        ///     <para>If the Metric Definition doesn't exist, it will be created. If the Sampled
        ///     Metric doesn't exist, it will be created.</para>
        ///     <para>If a metric definition does exist with the same 3-part Key but is not a
        ///     sampled metric an exception will be thrown. This is one of the only times that an
        ///     exception can be thrown by the Loupe Agent.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <example>
        ///     For examples, see the <see cref="SampledMetric">Sampled Metric</see> class
        ///     overview.
        /// </example>
        /// <param name="metricsSystem">The metrics capture system label.</param>
        /// <param name="categoryName">The name of the category with which this metric is associated.</param>
        /// <param name="counterName">The name of the metric definition within the category.</param>
        /// <param name="samplingType">The sampling type of this sampled metric counter.</param>
        /// <param name="unitCaption">A displayable caption for the units this metric samples, or null for unit-less values.</param>
        /// <param name="metricCaption">A displayable caption for this sampled metric counter.</param>
        /// <param name="description">An extended end-user description of this sampled metric counter.</param>
        /// <param name="instanceName">The unique name of this instance within the metric's collection (may be null).</param>
        public static SampledMetric Register(string metricsSystem, string categoryName, string counterName,
                                             SamplingType samplingType, string unitCaption, string metricCaption,
                                             string description, string instanceName)
            SampledMetricDefinition metricDefinition = SampledMetricDefinition.Register(metricsSystem, categoryName, counterName, samplingType, unitCaption, metricCaption, description);

            // Then just forward into our call that requires the definition to be specified
            return(Register(metricDefinition, instanceName));
Example #3
        public void SampledMetricsByMethodsPerformanceTest()
            Log.TraceVerbose("Registering new sampled metric definitions");
            //go ahead and register a few metrics
            //int curMetricDefinitionCount = Log.MetricDefinitions.Count;

            SampledMetricDefinition incrementalCountDefinition =
                SampledMetricDefinition.Register("PerformanceTestsMetrics", "Performance.SampledMetrics.Methods", "IncrementalCount",
                                                 SamplingType.IncrementalCount, null, "Incremental Count",
                                                 "Unit test sampled metric using the incremental count calculation routine.");

            SampledMetricDefinition incrementalFractionDefinition =
                SampledMetricDefinition.Register("PerformanceTestsMetrics", "Performance.SampledMetrics.Methods", "IncrementalFraction",
                                                 SamplingType.IncrementalFraction, null, "Incremental Fraction",
                                                 "Unit test sampled metric using the incremental fraction calculation routine.  Rare, but fun.");

            SampledMetricDefinition totalCountDefinition =
                SampledMetricDefinition.Register("PerformanceTestsMetrics", "Performance.SampledMetrics.Methods", "TotalCount",
                                                 SamplingType.TotalCount, null, "Total Count",
                                                 "Unit test sampled metric using the Total Count calculation routine.  Very common.");

            SampledMetricDefinition totalFractionDefinition =
                SampledMetricDefinition.Register("PerformanceTestsMetrics", "Performance.SampledMetrics.Methods", "TotalFraction",
                                                 SamplingType.TotalFraction, null, "Total Fraction",
                                                 "Unit test sampled metric using the Total Fraction calculation routine.  Rare, but rounds us out.");

            SampledMetricDefinition rawCountDefinition =
                SampledMetricDefinition.Register("PerformanceTestsMetrics", "Performance.SampledMetrics.Methods", "RawCount",
                                                 SamplingType.RawCount, null, "Raw Count",
                                                 "Unit test sampled metric using the Raw Count calculation routine, which we will then average to create sample intervals.");

            SampledMetricDefinition rawFractionDefinition =
                SampledMetricDefinition.Register("PerformanceTestsMetrics", "Performance.SampledMetrics.Methods", "RawFraction",
                                                 SamplingType.RawFraction, null, "Raw Fraction",
                                                 "Unit test sampled metric using the Raw Fraction calculation routine.  Fraction types aren't common.");

            //we should have added six new metric definitions
            //Assert.AreEqual(curMetricDefinitionCount + 6, Log.MetricDefinitions.Count, "The number of registered metric definitions hasn't increased by the right amount, tending to mean that one or more metrics didn't register.");

            // These should never be null, but let's check to confirm.

            Trace.TraceInformation("Sampled metric definitions registered by methods.");

            // These should never be null, but let's check to confirm.

            //and lets go ahead and create new metrics for each definition
            Log.TraceVerbose("Obtaining default metric instances from each definition");

            SampledMetric incrementalCountMetric    = SampledMetric.Register(incrementalCountDefinition, null);
            SampledMetric incrementalFractionMetric = SampledMetric.Register(incrementalFractionDefinition, null);
            SampledMetric totalCountMetric          = SampledMetric.Register(totalCountDefinition, null);
            SampledMetric totalFractionMetric       = SampledMetric.Register(totalFractionDefinition, null);
            SampledMetric rawCountMetric            = SampledMetric.Register(rawCountDefinition, null);
            SampledMetric rawFractionMetric         = SampledMetric.Register(rawFractionDefinition, null);

            // These should never be null, either, but let's check to confirm.

            // Now, lets get everything to flush so we have our best initial state.
            Log.Information(LogWriteMode.WaitForCommit, "Test.Agent.Metrics.Performance", "Preparing for Test", "Flushing queue");

            //now that we know it's flushed everything, lets do our timed loop.
            DateTimeOffset startTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

            for (int curMessage = 0; curMessage < LoopsPerSampledTest; curMessage++)
                //We're putting in fairly bogus data, but it will produce a consistent output.
                incrementalFractionMetric.WriteSample(20, 30);
                totalFractionMetric.WriteSample(20, 30);
                rawFractionMetric.WriteSample(20, 30);
            DateTimeOffset messageEndTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

            //one wait for commit message to force the buffer to flush.
            Log.Information(LogWriteMode.WaitForCommit, "Test.Agent.Metrics.Performance", "Waiting for Samples to Commit", null);

            //and store off our time
            DateTimeOffset endTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

            TimeSpan  testDuration    = endTime - startTime;
            TimeSpan  loopDuration    = messageEndTime - startTime;
            const int messagesPerTest = LoopsPerSampledTest * MessagesPerSampledLoop;

            Trace.TraceInformation("Sampled Metrics by Methods Test committed {0:N0} samples in {1:F3} ms (average {2:F4} ms per message).  Average loop time {3:F4} ms ({4} samples per loop) and final flush time {5:F3} ms.",
                                   messagesPerTest, testDuration.TotalMilliseconds, (testDuration.TotalMilliseconds / messagesPerTest),
                                   (loopDuration.TotalMilliseconds / LoopsPerSampledTest), MessagesPerSampledLoop,
                                   (endTime - messageEndTime).TotalMilliseconds);
Example #4
        public void SimpleMetricUsage()
            Log.TraceVerbose("Registering new sampled metric definition");
            //create one sampled metric definition using the "make a definition for the current log set" override
            SampledMetricDefinition temperatureTracking = SampledMetricDefinition.Register("SimpleMetricUsage", "Methods.Temperature", "Experiment Temperature", SamplingType.RawCount, null, "Temperature", "This is an example from iControl where we want to track the temperature of a reaction or some such thing.");

            //create a set of METRICS (definition + metric) using the static add metric capability
            Log.TraceVerbose("Registering metric instances directly");

            SampledMetric incrementalCountMetric = SampledMetric.Register("SimpleMetricUsage", "Methods.Unit Test Data.Direct",
                                                                          "IncrementalCount", SamplingType.IncrementalCount, null, "Incremental Count",
                                                                          "Unit test sampled metric using the incremental count calculation routine.", null);

            SampledMetric incrementalFractionMetric = SampledMetric.Register("SimpleMetricUsage", "Methods.Unit Test Data.Direct",
                                                                             "IncrementalFraction", SamplingType.IncrementalFraction, null, "Incremental Fraction",
                                                                             "Unit test sampled metric using the incremental fraction calculation routine.  Rare, but fun.", null);

            SampledMetric totalCountMetric = SampledMetric.Register("SimpleMetricUsage", "Methods.Unit Test Data.Direct",
                                                                    "TotalCount", SamplingType.TotalCount, null, "Total Count",
                                                                    "Unit test sampled metric using the Total Count calculation routine.  Very common.", null);

            SampledMetric totalFractionMetric = SampledMetric.Register("SimpleMetricUsage", "Methods.Unit Test Data.Direct",
                                                                       "TotalFraction", SamplingType.TotalFraction, null, "Total Fraction",
                                                                       "Unit test sampled metric using the Total Fraction calculation routine.  Rare, but rounds us out.", null);

            SampledMetric rawCountMetric = SampledMetric.Register("SimpleMetricUsage", "Methods.Unit Test Data.Direct",
                                                                  "RawCount", SamplingType.RawCount, null, "Raw Count",
                                                                  "Unit test sampled metric using the Raw Count calculation routine, which we will then average to create sample intervals.", null);

            SampledMetric rawFractionMetric = SampledMetric.Register("SimpleMetricUsage", "Methods.Unit Test Data.Direct",
                                                                     "RawFraction", SamplingType.RawFraction, null, "Raw Fraction",
                                                                     "Unit test sampled metric using the Raw Fraction calculation routine.  Fraction types aren't common.", null);

            // These should never be null, but let's check to confirm.

            Log.TraceVerbose("And now lets log data");

            //lets add 10 values, a few milliseconds apart
            int curSamplePass = 0;

            while (curSamplePass < 10)
                //the temperature tracking one is set up so we can write to instances directly from a definition.
                temperatureTracking.WriteSample(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Experiment {0}", 1), curSamplePass);
                temperatureTracking.WriteSample(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Experiment {0}", 2), curSamplePass);
                temperatureTracking.WriteSample(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Experiment {0}", 3), curSamplePass);
                temperatureTracking.WriteSample(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Experiment {0}", 4), curSamplePass);
                temperatureTracking.WriteSample(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Experiment {0}", 5), curSamplePass);
                temperatureTracking.WriteSample(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Experiment {0}", 6), curSamplePass);

                incrementalCountMetric.WriteSample(curSamplePass * 20);
                incrementalFractionMetric.WriteSample(curSamplePass * 20, curSamplePass * 30);
                totalCountMetric.WriteSample(curSamplePass * 20);
                totalFractionMetric.WriteSample(curSamplePass * 20, curSamplePass * 30);
                rawFractionMetric.WriteSample(curSamplePass, 10.0);

            Log.TraceVerbose("Completed logging metric samples.");
Example #5
        public void BasicMetricUsage()
            Log.TraceVerbose("Registering new sampled metric definitions");
            //go ahead and register a few metrics
            //int curMetricDefinitionCount = Log.MetricDefinitions.Count;

            SampledMetricDefinition incrementalCountDefinition = SampledMetricDefinition.Register("BasicMetricUsage",
                                                                                                  "Methods.Unit Test Data.Long", "IncrementalCount", SamplingType.IncrementalCount, null, "Incremental Count",
                                                                                                  "Unit test sampled metric using the incremental count calculation routine.");

            SampledMetricDefinition incrementalFractionDefinition = SampledMetricDefinition.Register("BasicMetricUsage",
                                                                                                     "Methods.Unit Test Data.Long", "IncrementalFraction", SamplingType.IncrementalFraction, null, "Incremental Fraction",
                                                                                                     "Unit test sampled metric using the incremental fraction calculation routine.  Rare, but fun.");

            SampledMetricDefinition totalCountDefinition = SampledMetricDefinition.Register("BasicMetricUsage",
                                                                                            "Methods.Unit Test Data.Long", "TotalCount", SamplingType.TotalCount, null, "Total Count",
                                                                                            "Unit test sampled metric using the Total Count calculation routine.  Very common.");

            SampledMetricDefinition totalFractionDefinition = SampledMetricDefinition.Register("BasicMetricUsage",
                                                                                               "Methods.Unit Test Data.Long", "TotalFraction", SamplingType.TotalFraction, null, "Total Fraction",
                                                                                               "Unit test sampled metric using the Total Fraction calculation routine.  Rare, but rounds us out.");

            SampledMetricDefinition rawCountDefinition = SampledMetricDefinition.Register("BasicMetricUsage",
                                                                                          "Methods.Unit Test Data.Long", "RawCount", SamplingType.RawCount, null, "Raw Count",
                                                                                          "Unit test sampled metric using the Raw Count calculation routine, which we will then average to create sample intervals.");

            SampledMetricDefinition rawFractionDefinition = SampledMetricDefinition.Register("BasicMetricUsage",
                                                                                             "Methods.Unit Test Data.Long", "RawFraction", SamplingType.RawFraction, null, "Raw Fraction",
                                                                                             "Unit test sampled metric using the Raw Fraction calculation routine.  Fraction types aren't common.");

            //we should have added six new metric definitions
            //Assert.AreEqual(curMetricDefinitionCount + 6, Log.MetricDefinitions.Count, "The number of registered metric definitions hasn't increased by the right amount, tending to mean that one or more metrics didn't register.");

            // These should never be null, but let's check to confirm.

            //and lets go ahead and create new metrics for each definition
            Log.TraceVerbose("Obtaining default metric instances from each definition");

            SampledMetric incrementalCountMetric    = SampledMetric.Register(incrementalCountDefinition, null);
            SampledMetric incrementalFractionMetric = SampledMetric.Register(incrementalFractionDefinition, null);
            SampledMetric totalCountMetric          = SampledMetric.Register(totalCountDefinition, null);
            SampledMetric totalFractionMetric       = SampledMetric.Register(totalFractionDefinition, null);
            SampledMetric rawCountMetric            = SampledMetric.Register(rawCountDefinition, null);
            SampledMetric rawFractionMetric         = SampledMetric.Register(rawFractionDefinition, null);

            // These should never be null, either, but let's check to confirm.

            //and finally, lets go log some data!
            Log.TraceVerbose("And now lets log data");

            //lets add 10 values, a few milliseconds apart
            int curSamplePass = 0;

            while (curSamplePass < 10)
                //We're putting in fairly bogus data, but it will produce a consistent output.
                incrementalCountMetric.WriteSample(curSamplePass * 20);
                incrementalFractionMetric.WriteSample(curSamplePass * 20, curSamplePass * 30);
                totalCountMetric.WriteSample(curSamplePass * 20);
                totalFractionMetric.WriteSample(curSamplePass * 20, curSamplePass * 30);
                rawFractionMetric.WriteSample(curSamplePass, 10.0);


            Log.TraceVerbose("Completed logging metric samples.");
Example #6
        public void RegistrationConsistency()
            bool question = SampledMetricDefinition.IsValidDataType(typeof(int));

            question = SampledMetricDefinition.IsValidDataType(GetType());

            // Create a sampled metric definition to work with.
            SampledMetricDefinition createdDefinitionOne = SampledMetricDefinition.Register("RegistrationConsistency",
                                                                                            "Methods.Unit Test Data.Consistency", "Metric One", SamplingType.RawCount, null, "First metric",
                                                                                            "The first sampled metric definition for this test.");


            // Get the same definition with different caption and description.
            SampledMetricDefinition obtainedDefinitionOne = SampledMetricDefinition.Register("RegistrationConsistency",
                                                                                             "Methods.Unit Test Data.Consistency", "Metric One", SamplingType.RawCount, null, "The first metric",
                                                                                             "This is the first sampled metric definition for this test.");


            Assert.AreSame(createdDefinitionOne, obtainedDefinitionOne,
                           "Second call to SampledMetricDefinition.Register() did not get the same definition object as the first. \"{0}\" vs \"{1}\".",
                           createdDefinitionOne.Caption, obtainedDefinitionOne.Caption);
            Assert.AreEqual("First metric", createdDefinitionOne.Caption);
            Assert.AreEqual("The first sampled metric definition for this test.", createdDefinitionOne.Description);

            // Get an instance from the definition.
            SampledMetric createdInstanceOneA = SampledMetric.Register(createdDefinitionOne, "Instance One A");


            Assert.AreSame(createdDefinitionOne, createdInstanceOneA.Definition,
                           "Created instance does not point to the same definition object used to create it. \"{0}\" vs \"{1}\".",
                           createdDefinitionOne.Caption, createdInstanceOneA.Definition.Caption);
            Assert.AreEqual("Instance One A", createdInstanceOneA.InstanceName);

            // Get the same instance the same way again.
            SampledMetric obtainedInstanceOneA = SampledMetric.Register(createdDefinitionOne, "Instance One A");


            Assert.AreSame(createdInstanceOneA, obtainedInstanceOneA,
                           "Second call to SampledMetric.Register() did not get the same metric instance object as the first. \"{0}\" vs \"{1}\".",
                           createdInstanceOneA.InstanceName, obtainedInstanceOneA.InstanceName);

            // Get the same instance directly.
            obtainedInstanceOneA = SampledMetric.Register("RegistrationConsistency",
                                                          "Methods.Unit Test Data.Consistency", "Metric One", SamplingType.RawCount, null, "Metric #1",
                                                          "This is metric definition #1 for this test.", "Instance One A");

            Assert.AreSame(createdInstanceOneA, obtainedInstanceOneA,
                           "Third call to SampledMetric.Register() did not get the same metric instance object as the first. \"{0}\" vs \"{1}\".",
                           createdInstanceOneA.InstanceName, obtainedInstanceOneA.InstanceName);

            // Get a second instance from the definition.
            SampledMetric createdInstanceOneB = SampledMetric.Register(createdDefinitionOne, "Instance One B");


            Assert.AreSame(createdDefinitionOne, createdInstanceOneB.Definition,
                           "Created instance does not point to the same definition object used to create it. \"{0}\" vs \"{1}\".",
                           createdDefinitionOne.Caption, createdInstanceOneB.Definition.Caption);
            Assert.AreEqual("Instance One B", createdInstanceOneB.InstanceName);

            Assert.AreNotSame(createdInstanceOneA, createdInstanceOneB,
                              "Different metric instances should never be the same object.");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(createdInstanceOneA, createdInstanceOneB,
                               "Different metric instances should not test as being equal. \"{0}\" vs \"{1}\".",
                               createdInstanceOneA.InstanceName, createdInstanceOneB.InstanceName);

                          "Instance Key does not start with definition Key. \"{0}\" vs \"{1}\".",
                          createdInstanceOneA.Key, createdDefinitionOne.Key);
                          "Instance Key does not end with instance name. \"{0}\" vs \"{1}\".",
                          createdInstanceOneA.Key, createdInstanceOneA.InstanceName);
                          "Instance Key does not start with definition Key. \"{0}\" vs \"{1}\".",
                          createdInstanceOneB.Key, createdDefinitionOne.Key);
                          "Instance Key does not end with instance name. \"{0}\" vs \"{1}\".",
                          createdInstanceOneB.Key, createdInstanceOneB.InstanceName);

            // Try a different definition, directly to an instance first.
            SampledMetric createdInstanceTwoA = SampledMetric.Register("RegistrationConsistency",
                                                                       "Methods.Unit Test Data.Consistency", "Metric Two", SamplingType.RawCount, null, "Second metric",
                                                                       "The second sampled metric definition for this test.", "Instance Two A");


            // Check it's definition, created automatically.
            SampledMetricDefinition createdDefinitionTwo = createdInstanceTwoA.Definition;


            // Get the same instance, with a different caption and description.
            SampledMetric obtainedInstanceTwoA = SampledMetric.Register("RegistrationConsistency",
                                                                        "Methods.Unit Test Data.Consistency", "Metric Two", SamplingType.RawCount, null, "The second metric",
                                                                        "This is the second sampled metric definition for this test.", "Instance Two A");

            Assert.AreSame(createdDefinitionTwo, obtainedInstanceTwoA.Definition,
                           "Instances of the same metric do not point to the same definition object. \"{0}\" vs \"{1}\".",
                           createdDefinitionTwo.Caption, obtainedInstanceTwoA.Definition.Caption);

            // Get the same definition another way.
            SampledMetricDefinition obtainedDefinitionTwo = SampledMetricDefinition.Register("RegistrationConsistency",
                                                                                             "Methods.Unit Test Data.Consistency", "Metric Two", SamplingType.RawCount, null, "Metric #2",
                                                                                             "This is metric definition #2 for this test.");


            Assert.AreSame(createdDefinitionTwo, obtainedDefinitionTwo,
                           "Call to SampledMetricDefinition.Register() did not get the same definition as the direct instances. \"{0}\" vs \"{1}\".",
                           createdDefinitionTwo.Caption, obtainedDefinitionTwo.Caption);
            Assert.AreEqual("Second metric", obtainedDefinitionTwo.Caption);
            Assert.AreEqual("The second sampled metric definition for this test.", obtainedDefinitionTwo.Description);

                          "Instance Key does not start with definition Key. \"{0}\" vs \"{1}\".",
                          createdInstanceTwoA.Key, createdDefinitionTwo.Key);
                          "Instance Key does not end with instance name. \"{0}\" vs \"{1}\".",
                          createdInstanceTwoA.Key, createdInstanceTwoA.InstanceName);

            Assert.AreNotSame(createdDefinitionOne, createdDefinitionTwo,
                              "Different metric definitions should never be the same object.");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(createdDefinitionOne, createdDefinitionTwo,
                               "Different metric definitions should not test as being equal. \"{0}\" vs \"{1}\".",
                               createdDefinitionOne.Key, createdDefinitionTwo.Key);

            // Create instance from null, then from empty string.
            SampledMetric instanceOneNull  = SampledMetric.Register(createdDefinitionOne, null);
            SampledMetric instanceOneEmpty = SampledMetric.Register(createdDefinitionOne, string.Empty);

            Assert.AreSame(instanceOneNull, instanceOneEmpty,
                           "Null instance and empty instance are not the same metric object. {0} vs {1}.",
                           (instanceOneNull.InstanceName == null) ? "(null)" : "\"" + instanceOneNull.InstanceName + "\"",
                           (instanceOneEmpty.InstanceName == null) ? "(null)" : "\"" + instanceOneEmpty.InstanceName + "\"");

            // Create instance from empty string, then from null.
            SampledMetric instanceTwoEmpty = SampledMetric.Register(createdDefinitionTwo, string.Empty);
            SampledMetric instanceTwoNull  = SampledMetric.Register(createdDefinitionTwo, null);

            Assert.AreSame(instanceTwoEmpty, instanceTwoNull,
                           "Empty instance and null instance are not the same metric object. {0} vs {1}.",
                           (instanceTwoEmpty.InstanceName == null) ? "(null)" : "\"" + instanceTwoEmpty.InstanceName + "\"",
                           (instanceTwoNull.InstanceName == null) ? "(null)" : "\"" + instanceTwoNull.InstanceName + "\"");



            SampledMetricDefinition createdDefinitionThree = SampledMetricDefinition.Register("RegistrationConsistency",
                                                                                              "Methods.Unit Test Data.Consistency", "Metric Three", SamplingType.IncrementalCount, null, "Third metric",
                                                                                              "An IncrementalCount metric.");

            SampledMetricDefinition obtainedDefinitionThree;

                obtainedDefinitionThree = SampledMetricDefinition.Register("RegistrationConsistency",
                                                                           "Methods.Unit Test Data.Consistency", "Metric Three", SamplingType.RawCount, null, "Third metric",
                                                                           "A RawCount metric.");
                Assert.IsNotNull(obtainedDefinitionThree); // This should never actually be executed.
            catch (ArgumentException ex)
                Trace.TraceInformation("SampledMetricDefinition.Register() with inconsistent sampling type threw expected exception.", ex);
                obtainedDefinitionThree = null;
            Assert.IsNull(obtainedDefinitionThree); // Confirm we went through the catch.

            SampledMetric createdInstanceThreeA;

                createdInstanceThreeA = SampledMetric.Register("RegistrationConsistency",
                                                               "Methods.Unit Test Data.Consistency", "Metric Three", SamplingType.TotalCount, null, "Third metric",
                                                               "A TotalCount metric.", "Instance Three A");
                Assert.IsNotNull(createdInstanceThreeA); // This should never actually be executed.
            catch (ArgumentException ex)
                Trace.TraceInformation("SampledMetric.Register() with inconsistent sampling type threw expected exception.", ex);
                createdInstanceThreeA = null;
            Assert.IsNull(createdInstanceThreeA); // Confirm we went through the catch.

            obtainedDefinitionThree = SampledMetricDefinition.Register("RegistrationConsistency",
                                                                       "Methods.Unit Test Data.Consistency", "Metric Three", SamplingType.IncrementalCount, "seconds", "Third metric",
                                                                       "An IncrementalCount of seconds metric.");
            //Assert.IsNull(obtainedDefinitionThree.UnitCaption); // Bug: This is getting "Count of items" instead of null?

            SampledMetric createdInstanceFour = SampledMetric.Register("RegistrationConsistency",
                                                                       "Methods.Unit Test Data.Consistency", "Metric Four", SamplingType.IncrementalFraction, "hits per minute",
                                                                       "Third metric", "An IncrementalCount of seconds metric.", null);

            Assert.AreEqual("hits per minute", createdInstanceFour.UnitCaption);

            SampledMetricDefinition obtainedDefinitionFour = SampledMetricDefinition.Register("RegistrationConsistency",
                                                                                              "Methods.Unit Test Data.Consistency", "Metric Four", SamplingType.IncrementalFraction, "hits per hour",
                                                                                              "Third metric", "An IncrementalCount of seconds metric.");

            Assert.AreEqual("hits per minute", obtainedDefinitionFour.UnitCaption);