Example #1
        private string ChangeTagsBasedOnMultiSelectList(SampleWebAppDb db, Post post = null)
            var requiredTagIds = UserChosenTags.GetFinalSelectionAsInts();

            if (!requiredTagIds.Any())
                return("You must select at least one tag for the post.");

            if (requiredTagIds.Any(x => db.Tags.Find(x) == null))
                return("Could not find one of the tags. Did another user delete it?");

            if (post != null)
                //This is an update so we need to load the tags
                db.Entry(post).Collection(p => p.Tags).Load();

            var newTagsForPost = db.Tags.Where(x => requiredTagIds.Contains(x.TagId)).ToList();

            Tags = newTagsForPost;      //will be copied over by copyDtoToData

Example #2
        public static async Task DeletePostEfDirectAsync(this SampleWebAppDb db, int postId)
            var postClass = new Post
                PostId = postId

            db.Entry(postClass).State = EntityState.Deleted;
            var status = await db.SaveChangesWithCheckingAsync();

            status.IsValid.ShouldEqual(true, status.Errors);
        public void Check25UpdatePostToAddTagOk()
            using (var db = new SampleWebAppDb())
                var snap      = new DbSnapShot(db);
                var badTag    = db.Tags.Single(x => x.Slug == "bad");
                var firstPost = db.Posts.First();

                db.Entry(firstPost).Collection(x => x.Tags).Load();
                var status = db.SaveChangesWithChecking();

                status.IsValid.ShouldEqual(true, status.Errors);
                snap.CheckSnapShot(db, 0, 1);
                firstPost = db.Blogs.Include(x => x.Posts.Select(y => y.Tags)).First().Posts.First();
        public void Check26ReplaceTagsOk()
            using (var db = new SampleWebAppDb())
                var snap      = new DbSnapShot(db);
                var firstPost = db.Posts.First();
                var tagsNotInFirstPostTracked = db.Tags.Where(x => x.Posts.All(y => y.PostId != firstPost.PostId)).ToList();

                db.Entry(firstPost).Collection(x => x.Tags).Load();
                firstPost.Tags = tagsNotInFirstPostTracked;
                var status = db.SaveChangesWithChecking();

                status.IsValid.ShouldEqual(true, status.Errors);
                snap.CheckSnapShot(db, 0, -1);
                firstPost = db.Posts.Include(x => x.Tags).First();