public void ValidateResponseWithoutTimeValidTest()
            Saml2Serializer  serializer       = new Saml2Serializer();
            SamlValidator    validator        = new SamlValidator();
            string           xml              = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(ReadFile(responseFilename)));
            EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor = serializer.ConvertXMLToEntityDescriptorObject(ReadFile(xmlMetadataFile));
            AuthnRequest     authnRequest     = serializer.ConvertXMLToAuthnRequestObject(ReadFile(xmlAuthnRequestFile));

            Response response = serializer.ConvertXMLToResponseObject(xml);

            bool isValid = validator.ValidateResponse(response, xml, entityDescriptor, authnRequest, false);

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the xml metadata file from the defined MetadataFilePath in the MetadataController
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="issuerName">the name of the file</param>
        /// <param name="metadataDirectory">directory where the metadata files where stored</param>
        /// <returns>Converts the metadata file content to an EntityDescriptor (which the file is) or an exception</returns>
        private EntityDescriptor LoadMetadataFile(string issuerName, string metadataDirectory)
                //string metadataDirectoryPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("MetadataDirectoryPath");
                string xml = metadataController.ReadFile(issuerName, metadataDirectory, true);

                if (xml == "")
                    throw new SamlCommunicationException("metadata-" + issuerName + ".xml is empty", SamlCommunicationType.SAMLCOMMUNICATION);

            catch (Exception e)
                throw new SamlCommunicationException("Could not read metadata file.", e, SamlCommunicationType.SAMLCOMMUNICATION);
        public void ValidateResponseWithoutTimeInvalidTest()
            Saml2Serializer  serializer       = new Saml2Serializer();
            SamlValidator    validator        = new SamlValidator();
            string           xml              = ReadFile(xmlResponseFilename);
            EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor = serializer.ConvertXMLToEntityDescriptorObject(ReadFile(xmlMetadataFile));
            AuthnRequest     authnRequest     = serializer.ConvertXMLToAuthnRequestObject(ReadFile(xmlAuthnRequestFile));

            Response response = serializer.ConvertXMLToResponseObject(xml);

            // wrong response.Status.StatusCode.Value
                response.Status.StatusCode.Value = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Requester";
                bool isValid = validator.ValidateResponse(response, xml, entityDescriptor, authnRequest, false);
            catch (SamlCommunicationException e) { Assert.IsTrue(true); } // exception expected in this test
            catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail(e.Message); }               // not this kind of exception expected

            // wrong response.Issuer
                response.Issuer = "wrongIssuer";
                bool isValid = validator.ValidateResponse(response, xml, entityDescriptor, authnRequest, false);
            catch (SamlCommunicationException e) { Assert.IsTrue(true); } // exception expected in this test
            catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail(e.Message); }               // not this kind of exception expected

            // wrong x509 certificate
                response.Signature.KeyInfo.X509Data.X509Certificate = response.Signature.KeyInfo.X509Data.X509Certificate + "s";
                bool isValid = validator.ValidateResponse(response, xml, entityDescriptor, authnRequest, false);
            catch (SamlCommunicationException e) { Assert.IsTrue(true); } // exception expected in this test
            catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail(e.Message); }               // not this kind of exception expected

            // response was changed / attack
                string attackedXML = ReadFile("ChangedSamlResponseSimpleSamlPHP.xml");

                response.Signature.KeyInfo.X509Data.X509Certificate = response.Signature.KeyInfo.X509Data.X509Certificate + "s";
                bool isValid = validator.ValidateResponse(response, attackedXML, entityDescriptor, authnRequest, false);
            catch (SamlCommunicationException e) { Assert.IsTrue(true); } // exception expected in this test
            catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail(e.Message); }               // not this kind of exception expected

            // wrong response.Destination
                response.Destination = "";
                bool isValid = validator.ValidateResponse(response, xml, entityDescriptor, authnRequest, false);
            catch (SamlCommunicationException e) { Assert.IsTrue(true); } // exception expected in this test
            catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail(e.Message); }               // not this kind of exception expected

            // wrong response.Assertion.Conditions.AudienceRestriction.Audience -> issuer
                response.Assertion.Conditions.AudienceRestriction.Audience = "otherIssuer";
                bool isValid = validator.ValidateResponse(response, xml, entityDescriptor, authnRequest, false);
            catch (SamlCommunicationException e) { Assert.IsTrue(true); } // exception expected in this test
            catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail(e.Message); }               // not this kind of exception expected

            // wrong response.InResponseTo
                response.InResponseTo = "InResponseTo";
                bool isValid = validator.ValidateResponse(response, xml, entityDescriptor, authnRequest, false);
            catch (SamlCommunicationException e) { Assert.IsTrue(true); } // exception expected in this test
            catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail(e.Message); }               // not this kind of exception expected

            // wrong response.Assertion.Subject.SubjectConfirmation.Method
                response.Assertion.Subject.SubjectConfirmation.Method = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:cm:holder-of-key";
                bool isValid = validator.ValidateResponse(response, xml, entityDescriptor, authnRequest, false);
            catch (SamlCommunicationException e) { Assert.IsTrue(true); } // exception expected in this test
            catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail(e.Message); }               // not this kind of exception expected