public List <SalesCategory> ListAllCategories()
            using (var context = new eToolsContext())
                // Get all categories with non-discontinued products
                List <SalesCategory> result =
                    (from p in context.StockItems
                     where !p.Discontinued
                     group p by p.Category into grp
                     orderby grp.Key.Description
                     select new SalesCategory
                    CategoryID = grp.Key.CategoryID,
                    CategoryName = grp.Key.Description,
                    ProductCount = grp.Count()

                // Add "All" category with total number of products
                SalesCategory allCategory =
                    new SalesCategory
                    CategoryID   = 0,
                    CategoryName = "All",
                    ProductCount = (from r in result select r.ProductCount).Sum()
                result.Insert(0, allCategory);

Example #2
        static void Main(string[] args) {
            Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");

            var pBW = new Products(1, "B W", 10, 2500);         //Did in class  

            var sBS     //Did in class  

            Services SupBasic = new Services();     // Can use 'var' in place of first word 'Services'
            SupBasic.Id = 2;                // Can put values in parens and avoid writing the bottome 4 lines
            SupBasic.Name = "Basic Support";
            SupBasic.Rate = 50;
            SupBasic.Hours = 550;

            Services SupPriority = new Services();
            SupPriority.Id = 2;
            SupPriority.Name = "Priority Support";
            SupPriority.Rate = 100;
            SupPriority.Hours = 750;

            Services Sup247 = new Services();
            Sup247.Id = 3;
            Sup247.Name = "24x7 Support";
            Sup247.Rate = 25;
            Sup247.Hours = 1000;

            Products WidgBasic = new Products();
            WidgBasic.Id = 1;
            WidgBasic.Name = "Basic Widget";
            WidgBasic.Price = 10;
            WidgBasic.Units = 2500;

            Products WidgAdvanced = new Products();
            WidgAdvanced.Id = 1;
            WidgAdvanced.Name = "Advanced Widget";
            WidgAdvanced.Price = 25;
            WidgAdvanced.Units = 1500;

            Products WidgSupreme = new Products();
            WidgSupreme.Id = 1;
            WidgSupreme.Name = "Basic Widget";
            WidgSupreme.Price = 50;
            WidgSupreme.Units = 1000;

            var sales = new SaleCategory[] {                        //Did in class  // Can put new instance directly in array instead of in var
                pBW, pAW, pSW, sBS, sPS, Sup247,

                new Membership(21, "Basic Membership", 100, 500),       
                new Membership(21, "Basic Membership", 100, 500),
                new Membership(21, "Basic Membership", 100, 500)

            SalesCategory sc = new SalesCategory();
            decimal GetSalesTotal = sc.GetSalesTotal();

            Console.WriteLine($"The total revenue for the year is ${GetSalesTotal}");