static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello Saklambac"); Console.WriteLine("************** LIST ALL NOTES ***************"); SaklambacDb <Note> saklambacDb = new SaklambacDb <Note>(); List <Note> notes = saklambacDb.GetAll(); foreach (var item in notes) { Console.WriteLine(item.Id + "/" + item.Title + "/" + item.Description + "/" + item.isCompleted); } Console.WriteLine("************** UPDATE NOTE ***************"); Note updateNote = saklambacDb.GetOneById("0g7ceyzd8ce1fu8ieja8dede"); Note newNote = new Note(); newNote.isCompleted = true; newNote.Title = "Update Tests"; newNote.Description = "test"; saklambacDb.Update(updateNote, newNote); Console.WriteLine("************** LIST ALL NOTES ***************"); List <Note> notess = saklambacDb.GetAll(); foreach (var item in notess) { Console.WriteLine(item.Id + "/" + item.Title + "/" + item.Description + "/" + item.isCompleted); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public IActionResult Index() { CreateContactMessage(); ViewBag.YoneticiMesajSayi = contactDb.GetAll().Count.ToString(); ViewBag.YoneticiEkipSayi = teamDb.GetAll().Count.ToString(); ViewBag.YoneticiHaberSayi = newsDb.GetAll().Count.ToString(); ViewBag.YoneticiGaleriSayi = galleryDb.GetAll().Count.ToString(); return(View()); }
public ActionResult Index() { MainViewModel mainViewModel = new MainViewModel(); mainViewModel.NewMovies = movieDb.GetAll().Reverse <Movie>().Take(3).ToList(); mainViewModel.TopMovies = movieDb.GetAll().OrderByDescending(x => Convert.ToDouble(x.ImdbScore)).Take(3).ToList(); mainViewModel.TopDirectors = directorDb.GetAll().OrderByDescending(x => Convert.ToDouble(x.Score)).Take(3).ToList(); return(View(mainViewModel)); }
void ShowTeachers() { SaklambacDb <Teacher> teacherDb = new SaklambacDb <Teacher>(); List <Teacher> teachers = teacherDb.GetAll(); foreach (var teacher in teachers) { cmbTeacherName.Items.Add(teacher.TeacherName); } cmbTeacherName.SelectedIndex = 0; }
public IActionResult Giris(User user) { var users = userDb.GetAll().Where(x => x.Username == user.Username && x.Password == user.Password); if (users.Count() > 0) { HttpContext.Session.SetString("SessionUserId", user.Username); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { SaklambacDb <Note> saklambacDb = new SaklambacDb <Note>(); Console.WriteLine("Add New Note"); Note note = new Note(); note.Title = "Test01"; note.Description = "Test01 Description"; note.isCompleted = false; saklambacDb.Add(note); Console.WriteLine("List All Notes"); List <Note> notes = saklambacDb.GetAll(); foreach (var item in notes) { Console.WriteLine(item.Id + "/" + item.Title + "/" + item.Description + "/" + item.isCompleted); } Console.ReadLine(); }
/* BUTUN HABERLER */ public IActionResult Index() { return(View(newsDb.GetAll())); }
/* The task of this method is to list all students */ void ShowAllTeachers() { dataGridView1.DataSource = teacherDb.GetAll(); }
public async Task <ActionResult> GetAll() { return(Ok(newsDb.GetAll())); }
/* BELIRLI TAKIMA AIT TUM UYELER */ public IActionResult TakimUyeleri(string team) { return(View(teamDb.GetAll().Where(x => x.TeamName == team))); }
/* GALERI */ public IActionResult Galeri() { return(View(galleryDb.GetAll())); }
public ActionResult Messages() { List <Contact> messages = saklambacDb.GetAll(); return(View(messages)); }
/* LIST ALL BLOG POSTS */ public IActionResult Index() { var blogs = blogDb.GetAll(); return(View(blogs)); }
public ActionResult Search(string movieName) { var movies = movieDb.GetAll().Where(x => x.Name.Contains(movieName)).ToList(); return(View(movies)); }
/* BUTUN FOTOGRAFLAR */ public IActionResult Index() { return(View(galleryDb.GetAll())); }
/* EKİBİMİZ SAYFALARI */ public IActionResult Akademisyenler() { return(View(teamDb.GetAll().Where(x => x.TeamName == "Akademisyen"))); }
/* The task of this method is to list all students */ void ShowAllStudents() { dataGridView1.DataSource = studentDb.GetAll(); }
/* HABERLER */ public IActionResult Haberler() { return(View(newsDb.GetAll())); }
public JsonResult GetDirectorsList() { var directors = directorDb.GetAll(); return(Json(directors, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }