Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers the application to receive power setting notifications
        /// for the specific power setting event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="handle">Handle indicating where the power setting
        /// notifications are to be sent.</param>
        /// <param name="powerSetting">The GUID of the power setting for
        /// which notifications are to be sent.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a notification handle for unregistering
        /// power notifications.</returns>
        internal static int RegisterPowerSettingNotification(
            SafeWindowHandle handle, Guid powerSetting)
            int outHandle = NativeMethods.RegisterPowerSettingNotification(
                ref powerSetting,

            internal PowerRegWindow()
                // Register the window class.
                del = new SafeNativeMethods.WNDPROC(this.WndProc);
                IntPtr hInst = Marshal.GetHINSTANCE(

                SafeNativeMethods.WNDCLASSEX wndclass =
                    new SafeNativeMethods.WNDCLASSEX();

                wndclass.cbSize = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(
                wndclass.style         = 11;
                wndclass.lpfnWndProc   = del;
                wndclass.cbClsExtra    = 0;
                wndclass.cbWndExtra    = 0;
                wndclass.hInstance     = hInst;
                wndclass.lpszMenuName  = null;
                wndclass.lpszClassName = "MessageWnd2";

                mm = NativeMethods.RegisterClassEx(ref wndclass);
                int hr = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();


                // Create the windowless window that provides
                // the message pump needed to receive windows messages.
                _handle = NativeMethods.CreateWindowEx(
                    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SafeNativeMethods.HWND_MESSAGE,
                    0, hInst, IntPtr.Zero);

                hr = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
                //if (hr == 0)
                //    throw new Win32Exception("Error creating message pump window.");
Example #3
        internal bool Inject(Process process, string dllPath)
            // Ensure the process has kernel32.dll loaded

            if (Native.LoadLibrary("kernel32.dll") is null)
                ExceptionHandler.ThrowWin32Exception("Failed to load kernel32.dll into the process");

            // Get the id of the process

            var processId = process.Id;

            // Get the address of the LoadLibraryW method from kernel32.dll

            var loadLibraryAddress = Native.GetProcAddress(Native.GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll"), "LoadLibraryW");

            if (loadLibraryAddress == IntPtr.Zero)
                ExceptionHandler.ThrowWin32Exception("Failed to find the address of the LoadLibraryW method in kernel32.dll");

            // Allocate memory for the dll path in the process

            var dllPathSize = dllPath.Length;

            var dllPathAddress = IntPtr.Zero;

                dllPathAddress = _memoryModule.AllocateMemory(processId, dllPathSize);

            catch (Win32Exception)
                ExceptionHandler.ThrowWin32Exception("Failed to allocate memory for the dll path in the process");

            // Write the dll path into the process

            var dllPathBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(dllPath + "\0");

                _memoryModule.WriteMemory(processId, dllPathAddress, dllPathBytes);

            catch (Win32Exception)
                ExceptionHandler.ThrowWin32Exception("Failed to write the dll path into the memory of the process");

            // Open a handle to the process

            var processHandle = process.SafeHandle;

            // Determine if the process is running under WOW64

            Native.IsWow64Process(processHandle, out var isWow64);

            // Allocate memory for the shellcode in the process

            var shellcodeSize = isWow64 ? 22 : 87;

            var shellcodeAddress = IntPtr.Zero;

                shellcodeAddress = _memoryModule.AllocateMemory(processId, shellcodeSize);

            catch (Win32Exception)
                ExceptionHandler.ThrowWin32Exception("Failed to allocate memory for the shellcode in the process");

            // Get the id of the first thread in the process

            var threadId = process.Threads[0].Id;

            // Open a handle to the thread

            var threadHandle = Native.OpenThread(Native.ThreadAccess.AllAccess, false, threadId);

            if (threadHandle is null)
                ExceptionHandler.ThrowWin32Exception("Failed to open a handle to the first thread in the process");

            // Suspend the thread

            if (Native.SuspendThread(threadHandle) == -1)
                ExceptionHandler.ThrowWin32Exception("Failed to suspend the first thread in the process");

            // If the process is x86

            if (isWow64)
                var threadContext = new Native.Context {
                    Flags = Native.ContextFlags.ContextControl

                // Store the thread context structure in a buffer

                var threadContextBuffer = Tools.StructureToPointer(threadContext);

                // Get the context of the thread and save it in the buffer

                if (!Native.GetThreadContext(threadHandle, threadContextBuffer))
                    ExceptionHandler.ThrowWin32Exception("Failed to get the context of the first thread in the process");

                // Read the new thread context structure from the buffer

                threadContext = Tools.PointerToStructure <Native.Context>(threadContextBuffer);

                // Save the instruction pointer

                var instructionPointer = threadContext.Eip;

                // Write the shellcode into the memory of the process

                var shellcodeBytes = Shellcode.CallLoadLibraryx86(instructionPointer, dllPathAddress, loadLibraryAddress);

                    _memoryModule.WriteMemory(processId, shellcodeAddress, shellcodeBytes);

                catch (Win32Exception)
                    ExceptionHandler.ThrowWin32Exception("Failed to write the shellcode into the memory of the process");

                // Change the instruction pointer to the shellcode address

                threadContext.Eip = shellcodeAddress;

                // Store the thread context structure in a buffer

                threadContextBuffer = Tools.StructureToPointer(threadContext);

                // Set the context of the thread with the new context

                if (!Native.SetThreadContext(threadHandle, threadContextBuffer))
                    ExceptionHandler.ThrowWin32Exception("Failed to set the context of the first thread in the process");

            // If the process is x64

                var threadContext = new Native.Context64 {
                    Flags = Native.ContextFlags.ContextControl

                // Store the thread context structure in a buffer

                var threadContextBuffer = Tools.StructureToPointer(threadContext);

                // Get the context of the thread and save it in the buffer

                if (!Native.GetThreadContext(threadHandle, threadContextBuffer))
                    ExceptionHandler.ThrowWin32Exception("Failed to get the context of the first thread in the process");

                // Read the new thread context structure from the buffer

                threadContext = Tools.PointerToStructure <Native.Context64>(threadContextBuffer);

                // Save the instruction pointer

                var instructionPointer = threadContext.Rip;

                // Write the shellcode into the memory of the process

                var shellcodeBytes = Shellcode.CallLoadLibraryx64(instructionPointer, dllPathAddress, loadLibraryAddress);

                    _memoryModule.WriteMemory(processId, shellcodeAddress, shellcodeBytes);

                catch (Win32Exception)
                    ExceptionHandler.ThrowWin32Exception("Failed to write the shellcode into the memory of the process");

                // Change the instruction pointer to the shellcode address

                threadContext.Rip = shellcodeAddress;

                // Store the thread context structure in a buffer

                threadContextBuffer = Tools.StructureToPointer(threadContext);

                // Set the context of the thread with the new context

                if (!Native.SetThreadContext(threadHandle, threadContextBuffer))
                    ExceptionHandler.ThrowWin32Exception("Failed to set the context of the first thread in the process");

            // Resume the suspended thread

            if (Native.ResumeThread(threadHandle) == -1)
                ExceptionHandler.ThrowWin32Exception("Failed to resume the first thread in the process");

            // Open a handle to the main window of the process

            var windowHandle = new SafeWindowHandle(process.MainWindowHandle);

            // Switch to the process to load the dll

            Native.SwitchToThisWindow(windowHandle, true);

            // Buffer the execution by 10 milliseconds to avoid freeing memory before it has been referenced


            // Free the memory previously allocated for the dll path

                _memoryModule.FreeMemory(processId, dllPathAddress);

            catch (Win32Exception)
                ExceptionHandler.ThrowWin32Exception("Failed to free the memory allocated for the dll path in the process");

            // Free the memory previously allocated for the shellcode

                _memoryModule.FreeMemory(processId, shellcodeAddress);

            catch (Win32Exception)
                ExceptionHandler.ThrowWin32Exception("Failed to free the memory allocated for the shellcode in the process");

            // Close the handle opened to the process


            // Close the handle opened to the thread

