public void GetAreaCalculatesCorrectArea()
            object subject = SafeReflection.CreateInstance(typeSquare, new object[] { "TEST", "TESTCOLOR", 3 });
            object area    = SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(subject, "GetArea", null);

            Assert.AreEqual(9, area);
        public void SearchByTitle_ExpectList()
            List <Auction> expected = new List <Auction>
                new Auction()
                    Id = 2, Title = "Pineapple Smart Watch", Description = "Pears with Pineapple ePhone", User = "******", CurrentBid = 377.44
                new Auction()
                    Id = 7, Title = "Molex Gold Watch", Description = "Definitely not fake gold watch", User = "******", CurrentBid = 188.39

            Mock <IAuctionDao> mockDao = new Mock <IAuctionDao>();

            mockDao.Setup(dao => dao.SearchByTitle("watch")).Returns(expected);
            AuctionsController controller = new AuctionsController(mockDao.Object);

            //IEnumerable<Auction> actual = controller.List("watch");

            //because parameters will be added to this method, we will need to try with different amounts of parameters
            object actual = SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(controller, "List", new object[] { "watch", 0 });

            if (actual == null)
                actual = SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(controller, "List", new object[] { "watch" });

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actual, typeof(IEnumerable <Auction>));
            expected.Should().BeEquivalentTo(actual as IEnumerable <Auction>);
        public void SearchByTitle_ExpectNone()
            string             gibberish = "aergergvdasc";
            Mock <IAuctionDao> mockDao   = new Mock <IAuctionDao>();

            mockDao.Setup(dao => dao.SearchByTitle(gibberish));
            AuctionsController controller = new AuctionsController(mockDao.Object);

            //IEnumerable<Auction> actual = controller.List(gibberish);

            //because parameters will be added to this method, we will need to try with different amounts of parameters
            object actual = SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(controller, "List", new object[] { gibberish, 0 });

            if (actual == null)
                actual = SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(controller, "List", new object[] { gibberish });

            //if this assertion fails, parameter has not yet been added to method. Need this test because `actual` will be null if parameter doesn't exist and give a false positive
            Assert.IsTrue(SafeReflection.HasMethodWithParameters(controller.GetType(), "List", new Dictionary <string, Type>()
                { "title_like", typeof(string) }

        public void CreateMethod_ExpectSuccess()
            Auction input = new Auction()
                Id = null, Title = "Dragon Plush", Description = "Not a real dragon", User = "******", CurrentBid = 19.50
            Auction expected = new Auction()
                Id = 10, Title = "Dragon Plush", Description = "Not a real dragon", User = "******", CurrentBid = 19.50

            Mock <IAuctionDao> mockDao = new Mock <IAuctionDao>();

            mockDao.Setup(dao => dao.Create(input)).Returns(expected);
            AuctionsController controller = new AuctionsController(mockDao.Object);

            //Auction actual = controller.Create(input);

            object actual = SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(controller, "Create", new object[] { input });

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actual, typeof(Auction));
            Assert.IsTrue((actual as Auction).Id == 10);
        public void GetAreaRoundsDown()
            object subject = SafeReflection.CreateInstance(typeTriangle, new object[] { "TEST", "TESTCOLOR", 3, 3 });
            object area    = SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(subject, "GetArea", null);

            Assert.AreEqual(4, area);
        public void BidIsIgnoredIfLessThanReserve()
            object theAuction = SafeReflection.CreateInstance(typeReserveAuction, new object[] { 100 });


            SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(theAuction, "PlaceBid", new object[] { new Bid("Cheapskate", 99) });

            object allBids = SafeReflection.GetPropertyValue(theAuction, "AllBids");

            Assert.AreEqual(0, ((Bid[])allBids).Length);
Example #7
        public void BidsGreaterThanBuyoutPriceAreReducedToBuyoutPrice()
            object theAuction = SafeReflection.CreateInstance(typeBuyoutAuction, new object[] { 100 });


            SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(theAuction, "PlaceBid", new object[] { new Bid("Big Spender", 200) });

            object currentHighBid = SafeReflection.GetPropertyValue(theAuction, "CurrentHighBid");

            Assert.AreEqual("Big Spender", ((Bid)currentHighBid).Bidder);
            Assert.AreEqual(100, ((Bid)currentHighBid).BidAmount);
        public void BidIsAcceptedIfBidIsEqualToReserve()
            object theAuction = SafeReflection.CreateInstance(typeReserveAuction, new object[] { 100 });


            SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(theAuction, "PlaceBid", new object[] { new Bid("Bidder Bob", 100) });

            object currentHighBid = SafeReflection.GetPropertyValue(theAuction, "CurrentHighBid");

            Assert.IsTrue(currentHighBid.GetType() == typeof(Bid));
            Assert.AreEqual("Bidder Bob", ((Bid)currentHighBid).Bidder);
            Assert.AreEqual(100, ((Bid)currentHighBid).BidAmount);
        public void GetMethod_NonExistentAuction_ExpectNull()
            Mock <IAuctionDao> mockDao = new Mock <IAuctionDao>();

            mockDao.Setup(dao => dao.Get(It.IsAny <int>()));
            AuctionsController controller = new AuctionsController(mockDao.Object);

            //Auction actual = controller.Get(23);

            object actual = SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(controller, "Get", new object[] { 23 });

            //if this assertion fails, method or parameter has not yet been added. Need this test because `actual` will be null if method or parameter doesn't exist, and give a false positive
            Assert.IsTrue(SafeReflection.HasMethodWithParameterTypes(controller.GetType(), "Get", new Type[] { typeof(int) }));

Example #10
        public void BidsMadeAfterBuyoutPriceMetAreIgnored()
            object theAuction = SafeReflection.CreateInstance(typeBuyoutAuction, new object[] { 100 });


            SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(theAuction, "PlaceBid", new object[] { new Bid("Buyout Bob", 100) });
            SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(theAuction, "PlaceBid", new object[] { new Bid("Too Late Tom", 101) });

            object allBids        = SafeReflection.GetPropertyValue(theAuction, "AllBids");
            object currentHighBid = SafeReflection.GetPropertyValue(theAuction, "CurrentHighBid");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, ((Bid[])allBids).Length);
            Assert.AreEqual("Buyout Bob", ((Bid)currentHighBid).Bidder);
            Assert.AreEqual(100, ((Bid)currentHighBid).BidAmount);
        public void ListMethod_ExpectList()
            List <Auction> expected = new List <Auction>
                new Auction()
                    Id = 1, Title = "Bell Computer Monitor", Description = "4K LCD monitor from Bell Computers, HDMI & DisplayPort", User = "******", CurrentBid = 100.39
                new Auction()
                    Id = 4, Title = "Annie Sunglasses", Description = "Keep the sun from blinding you", User = "******", CurrentBid = 69.67
                new Auction()
                    Id = 7, Title = "Molex Gold Watch", Description = "Definitely not fake gold watch", User = "******", CurrentBid = 188.39
                new Auction()
                    Id = 10, Title = "Dragon Plush", Description = "Not a real dragon", User = "******", CurrentBid = 19.50

            Mock <IAuctionDao> mockDao = new Mock <IAuctionDao>();

            mockDao.Setup(dao => dao.List()).Returns(expected);
            AuctionsController controller = new AuctionsController(mockDao.Object);

            //IEnumerable<Auction> actual = controller.List();

            //because parameters will be added to this method, we will need to try with different amounts of parameters
            object actual = SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(controller, "List", new object[] { string.Empty, 0 });

            if (actual == null)
                actual = SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(controller, "List", new object[] { string.Empty });

            if (actual == null)
                actual = SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(controller, "List", new object[] { });

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actual, typeof(IEnumerable <Auction>));
            expected.Should().BeEquivalentTo(actual as IEnumerable <Auction>);
        public void GetMethod_SpecificAuction_ExpectAuction()
            Auction expected = new Auction()
                Id = 10, Title = "Dragon Plush", Description = "Not a real dragon", User = "******", CurrentBid = 19.50

            Mock <IAuctionDao> mockDao = new Mock <IAuctionDao>();

            mockDao.Setup(dao => dao.Get(It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(expected);
            AuctionsController controller = new AuctionsController(mockDao.Object);

            //Auction actual = controller.Get(10);

            object actual = SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(controller, "Get", new object[] { 10 });

        public void SearchByPrice_ExpectNone()
            Mock <IAuctionDao> mockDao = new Mock <IAuctionDao>();

            mockDao.Setup(dao => dao.SearchByPrice(0.01));
            AuctionsController controller = new AuctionsController(mockDao.Object);

            //List<Auction> actual = controller.List(currentBid_lte: 0.01);

            object actual = SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(controller, "List", new object[] { null, 0.01 });

            //if this assertion fails, parameter has not yet been added to method. Need this test because `actual` will be null if parameter doesn't exist and give a false positive
            Assert.IsTrue(SafeReflection.HasMethodWithParameters(controller.GetType(), "List", new Dictionary <string, Type>()
                { "currentBid_lte", typeof(double) }

        public void SearchByPrice_ExpectList()
            List <Auction> expected200 = new List <Auction>
                new Auction()
                    Id = 1, Title = "$100.39 item", Description = "$100.39 item", User = "******", CurrentBid = 100.39
                new Auction()
                    Id = 4, Title = "$69.67 item", Description = "$69.67 item", User = "******", CurrentBid = 69.67
                new Auction()
                    Id = 7, Title = "$188.39 item", Description = "$188.39 item", User = "******", CurrentBid = 188.39
            List <Auction> expected150 = new List <Auction>
                new Auction()
                    Id = 1, Title = "$100.39 item", Description = "$100.39 item", User = "******", CurrentBid = 100.39
                new Auction()
                    Id = 4, Title = "$69.67 item", Description = "$69.67 item", User = "******", CurrentBid = 69.67
            List <Auction> expected100 = new List <Auction>
                new Auction()
                    Id = 4, Title = "$69.67 item", Description = "$69.67 item", User = "******", CurrentBid = 69.67

            Mock <IAuctionDao> mockDao = new Mock <IAuctionDao>();

            mockDao.Setup(dao => dao.SearchByPrice(200)).Returns(expected200);
            mockDao.Setup(dao => dao.SearchByPrice(150)).Returns(expected150);
            mockDao.Setup(dao => dao.SearchByPrice(100)).Returns(expected100);
            AuctionsController controller = new AuctionsController(mockDao.Object);

            //List<Auction> actual200 = controller.List(currentBid_lte: 200);
            //List<Auction> actual150 = controller.List(currentBid_lte: 150);
            //List<Auction> actual100 = controller.List(currentBid_lte: 100);

            object actual200 = SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(controller, "List", new object[] { string.Empty, 200d });
            object actual150 = SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(controller, "List", new object[] { string.Empty, 150d });
            object actual100 = SafeReflection.InvokeMethod(controller, "List", new object[] { string.Empty, 100d });


            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actual200, typeof(IEnumerable <Auction>));
            expected200.Should().BeEquivalentTo(actual200 as IEnumerable <Auction>);

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actual150, typeof(IEnumerable <Auction>));
            expected150.Should().BeEquivalentTo(actual150 as IEnumerable <Auction>);

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(actual100, typeof(IEnumerable <Auction>));
            expected100.Should().BeEquivalentTo(actual100 as IEnumerable <Auction>);