public void Dispose() { if (_upload != null) { _upload.Dispose(); _upload = null; } }
internal UploadOperation(Stream stream, SWIG.UplinkUploadResult uploadResult, string objectName, CustomMetadata customMetadata = null) { _byteStreamToUpload = stream; _upload = uploadResult.upload; ObjectName = objectName; _customMetadata = customMetadata; if (uploadResult.error != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(uploadResult.error.message)) { _errorMessage = uploadResult.error.message; Failed = true; Running = false; } }
internal void ToSWIG(SWIG.UplinkUpload upload) { if (CustomMetadata != null) { UploadOperation.customMetadataSemaphore.Wait(); try { CustomMetadata.ToSWIG(); //Appends the customMetadata in the go-layer to a global field using (SWIG.UplinkError customMetadataError = SWIG.storj_uplink.upload_set_custom_metadata2(upload)) { if (customMetadataError != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(customMetadataError.message)) { throw new SetCustomMetadataFailedException(customMetadataError.message); } } } finally { UploadOperation.customMetadataSemaphore.Release(); } } }
internal ChunkedUploadOperation(SWIG.UplinkUploadResult uploadResult, string objectName, CustomMetadata customMetadata = null) { _upload = uploadResult.upload; _objectName = objectName; _customMetadata = customMetadata; }