Example #1
    public SVGPackedBin[] End(bool performPacking)
        int err, binsCount, rectSize;
        uint i, j;
        uint[] binInfo;
        SVGPackedBin[] bins;
        // close the current packing task
        if ((err = AmanithSVG.svgtPackingEnd(performPacking ? AmanithSVG.SVGT_TRUE : AmanithSVG.SVGT_FALSE)) != AmanithSVG.SVGT_NO_ERROR)
            AmanithSVG.svgtErrorLog("SVGPacker.End error: ", err);
            return null;
        // if requested, close the packing process without doing anything
        if (!performPacking)
            return null;
        // get number of generated bins
        binsCount = AmanithSVG.svgtPackingBinsCount();
        if (binsCount <= 0)
            return null;
        // allocate space for bins
        bins = new SVGPackedBin[binsCount];
        if (bins == null)
            return null;
        // allocate space to store information of a single bin
        binInfo = new uint[3];
        if (binInfo == null)
            return null;

		rectSize = Marshal.SizeOf<AmanithSVG.SVGTPackedRect>();
        rectSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(AmanithSVG.SVGTPackedRect));

        // fill bins information
        j = (uint)binsCount;
        for (i = 0; i < j; ++i)
            uint k;
            System.IntPtr rectsPtr;
            SVGPackedBin bin;
            // get bin information
            if ((err = AmanithSVG.svgtPackingBinInfo(i, binInfo)) != AmanithSVG.SVGT_NO_ERROR)
                AmanithSVG.svgtErrorLog("SVGPacker.End error: ", err);
                return null;
            // get packed rectangles
            rectsPtr = AmanithSVG.svgtPackingBinRects(i);
            if (rectsPtr == System.IntPtr.Zero)
                return null;
            // create new bin and store relative information (width, height, rectangles count)
            bin = new SVGPackedBin(i, binInfo[0], binInfo[1], binInfo[2]);
            // fill rectangles
            for (k = 0; k < binInfo[2]; ++k)
                // rectangle generated by AmanithSVG packer
			#if UNITY_WP_8_1 && !UNITY_EDITOR
				AmanithSVG.SVGTPackedRect rect = (AmanithSVG.SVGTPackedRect)Marshal.PtrToStructure<AmanithSVG.SVGTPackedRect>(rectsPtr);
                AmanithSVG.SVGTPackedRect rect = (AmanithSVG.SVGTPackedRect)Marshal.PtrToStructure(rectsPtr, typeof(AmanithSVG.SVGTPackedRect));
                // build element name to be displayed in Unity editor
                string name = bin.GenElementName(rect);
                // set the rectangle
                bin.Rectangles[k] = new SVGPackedRectangle(rect.docHandle, rect.elemIdx, name, rect.originalX, rect.originalY, rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, rect.zOrder/*, rect.scale*/);
                // next packed rectangle
                rectsPtr = (System.IntPtr)(rectsPtr.ToInt64() + rectSize);
            bins[i] = bin;
        return bins;
Example #2
    public bool Draw(SVGPackedBin bin, SVGColor clearColor, SVGRenderingQuality renderingQuality)
        int err;

        // set clear color
        if (!this.SetClearColor(clearColor))
            return false;

        if (bin != null && bin.Rectangles.Length > 0)
            if ((err = AmanithSVG.svgtPackingDraw(bin.Index, 0, (uint)bin.Rectangles.Length, this.Handle, (uint)renderingQuality)) != AmanithSVG.SVGT_NO_ERROR)
                AmanithSVG.svgtErrorLog("Surface draw error (drawing packed bin): ", err);
                return false;
        return true;