/// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the display name for the specified file object or subfolder.
        /// Return value: error code, if any
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pidl">Address of an ITEMIDLIST structure (PIDL)  that uniquely identifies the file  object or subfolder relative to the parent  folder.</param>
        /// <param name="uFlags">Flags used to request the type of display name to return. For a list of possible values.</param>
        /// <param name="pName">Address of a STRRET structure in which to return the display name.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.
        /// </returns>
        int IShellFolder.GetDisplayNameOf(IntPtr pidl, SHGDNF uFlags, out STRRET pName)
            //  If we have an invalid PIDL, we must fail.
            if (pidl == IntPtr.Zero)
                pName = new STRRET();

            //  Create an idlist from the pidl.
            var idlist = PidlManager.PidlToIdlist(pidl);

            //  Get the shell item.
            //  TODO; handle errors
            var shellItem = GetChildItem(idlist);

            //  If the flags are normal only, we're asking for the display name only.
            if (uFlags == SHGDNF.SHGDN_NORMAL)
                //  We only need the display name.
                pName = STRRET.CreateUnicode(shellItem.GetDisplayName(DisplayNameContext.OutOfFolder));

            //  If the flags are in folder, we're asking for the standard display name.
                pName = STRRET.CreateUnicode(shellItem.GetDisplayName(DisplayNameContext.Normal));

            //  If the flags indicate parsing mode, we need to construct a name
            //  that'll let us bounce from PIDL <-> name. We do this, rather than
            //  the implementor.
            if (uFlags.HasFlag(SHGDNF.SHGDN_FORPARSING))
                //  It's either relative (INFOLDER) or fully qualified.
                var str = uFlags.HasFlag(SHGDNF.SHGDN_INFOLDER)
                    ? idlist.ToParsingString()
                    : /* TODO start with my id list */ idlist.ToParsingString();
                pName = STRRET.CreateUnicode(str);

            pName = STRRET.CreateUnicode(string.Empty);
        int IShellFolder2.GetDetailsOf(IntPtr pidl, uint iColumn, out SHELLDETAILS psd)
            //  Get the folder view columns.
            var columns = ((DefaultNamespaceFolderView)lazyFolderView.Value).Columns;

            //  If details are being requested for a column we don't have, we must fail.
            if (iColumn >= columns.Count)
                psd = new SHELLDETAILS {
                    cxChar = 0, fmt = 0, str = new STRRET {
                        uType = STRRET.STRRETTYPE.STRRET_WSTR, data = IntPtr.Zero

            //  If we have no pidl, we need the details of the column itself.
            if (pidl == IntPtr.Zero)
                var column = columns[(int)iColumn];

                //  Create the column format.
                int format = 0;
                switch (column.ColumnAlignment)
                case ColumnAlignment.Left:
                    format = (int)LVCFMT.LVCFMT_LEFT;

                case ColumnAlignment.Centre:
                    format = (int)LVCFMT.LVCFMT_CENTER;

                case ColumnAlignment.Right:
                    format = (int)LVCFMT.LVCFMT_RIGHT;

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

                //  Set the column icon flag (if we have one).
                if (column.HasImage)
                    format |= (int)LVCFMT.LVCFMT_COL_HAS_IMAGES;

                //  TODO I have no idea why the shell details are not correctly respecting the cxChar..

                //  Create shell details for the column.
                psd = new SHELLDETAILS
                    fmt    = format,
                    cxChar = column.Name.Length,
                    str    = STRRET.CreateUnicode(column.Name)
                //  We've been asked for the details of an item.
                //  Get the column ID.
                PROPERTYKEY propertyKey;
                ((IShellFolder2)this).MapColumnToSCID(iColumn, out propertyKey);

                //  Get the value of an item at a column.
                var valueText = GetItemColumnValue(pidl, propertyKey);
                psd = new SHELLDETAILS
                    fmt    = 0, // todo, currently set to 'left'.
                    cxChar = valueText.Length,
                    str    = STRRET.CreateUnicode(valueText)
