public void GenerateBackgroundTilemap(STETilemap existingTilemap)
        //Clear the current background tilemap

        //If background type chosen is perlin, run the perlin background generation functionality
        if (backgroundType == BackgroundType.perlin)
            //random seed for variation
            float rand = Random.Range(0f, 999999f);

            //Loop through and assign tiles based on whether their perlin value at the given tile (with the seed/scale taken into account) is above a set threshold
            //If its above the threshold, set it as a tile, if not, leave it blank
            //This leads to organic and natural looking curves of tiles and a nice looking randomised background
            for (int x = 0; x < existingTilemap.GridWidth; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < existingTilemap.GridHeight; y++)
                    float xCoord = rand + (float)x / (float)existingTilemap.GridWidth * perlinScale;
                    float yCoord = rand + (float)y / (float)existingTilemap.GridHeight * perlinScale;

                    float p = Mathf.PerlinNoise(xCoord, yCoord);

                    if (p > perlinThreshold)
                        thisTilemap.SetTile(x, y, 0, brushId, eTileFlags.None);
        //If the background mode is set from the main map, set any tile behind a foreground tile to a rubbly/destroyed tile, and the rest to regular background tiles
        else if (backgroundType == BackgroundType.fromMainMap)
            for (int x = 0; x < existingTilemap.GridWidth; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < existingTilemap.GridHeight; y++)
                    uint     raw       = existingTilemap.GetTileData(x, y);
                    TileData processed = new TileData(raw);

                    if (processed.tileId != 65535)
                        thisTilemap.SetTile(x, y, 0, brushId, eTileFlags.None);
                        thisTilemap.SetTile(x, y, 0, brushId, eTileFlags.None);

        //Update the background mesh after all generation is complete
    /// <summary>
    /// Takes in room tile data and sets all of the corresponding tiles on the tilemaps to the correct values. Also deals with mutateable tile logic.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="roomDataList">A list of the rooms tile data to draw tiles from.</param>
    /// <param name="offset">The offset of the current room on the tilemap</param>
    void ConstructTileMapFromData(List <TileDataCustom> roomDataList, Vector2 offset)
        int xOffset = (int)offset.x * 32;
        int yOffset = (int)offset.y * 16;
        List <TileDataCustom> mutateableInCurrentRoom = new List <TileDataCustom>();

        for (int i = 0; i < roomDataList.Count; i++)
            int tileId = roomDataList[i].TileId;
            int x      = (int)roomDataList[i].TileLocationX + xOffset;
            int y      = (int)roomDataList[i].TileLocationY + yOffset;

            //If tile not empty
            if (tileId != 65535)
                //If current tile data is not a mutateable tile, spawn it regularly
                //If not, add it to the mutatabeable list to be dealt with later
                if (!roomDataList[i].Mutateable)
                    tileMap.SetTile(x, y, tileId, brushID, eTileFlags.None);

        //For every mutateable tile found in this room, check to see whether to spawn it or not
        for (int i = 0; i < mutateableInCurrentRoom.Count; i++)
            //If tile is mutateable, roll a dice and see whether to set it or not [TEMP]
            //If not mutateable, just set it immediately
            if (mutateableInCurrentRoom[i].Mutateable)
                int tileId = mutateableInCurrentRoom[i].TileId;
                int x      = (int)mutateableInCurrentRoom[i].TileLocationX + xOffset;
                int y      = (int)mutateableInCurrentRoom[i].TileLocationY + yOffset;

                //If random int is under the chance threshold, spawn the mutateable tile on the tilemap
                int rand = Random.Range(0, 11);
                if (rand < (int)(mutateableChance * 10))
                    tileMap.SetTile(x, y, tileId, brushID, eTileFlags.None);
Example #3
        private void SetDoorState(bool state)
            if (state == _oldState)

            var top = DoorLocation;
            var bot = new Vector2(top.x, top.y + 1);

            var tileTop = WallTileId; // Default is closed
            var tileBot = FloorTileId;

            if (Locked)
                tileTop = LockedWallTileId;
                tileBot = LockedFloorTileId;
            else if (state)
                tileTop = OpenWallTileId;
                tileBot = OpenFloorTileId;

            DoorTilemap.SetTile(bot, tileTop);
            DoorTilemap.SetTile(top, tileBot);

            if (InvertTiles)
                SetFlipForTile(DoorTilemap, bot);
                SetFlipForTile(DoorTilemap, top);

            _oldState = state;
    //Loops through the passed in tile data and sets the tiles on the tilemap to the associated tile ID's
    void ConstructTileMapFromData(List <TileDataCustom> roomDataList)
        for (int i = 0; i < roomDataList.Count; i++)
            //Get the tile location on the tilemap grid by using the data stored in the TileDataCustom objects
            int tileId = roomDataList[i].TileId;
            int x      = (int)roomDataList[i].TileLocationX;
            int y      = (int)roomDataList[i].TileLocationY;

            //If the tile is not an empty tile (id 65535), set the tile on the tilemap to the corresponding ID
            if (roomDataList[i].TileId != 65535)
                tileMap.SetTile(x, y, tileId, 2, eTileFlags.None);

        //Update the mesh once all tile data is set
        private void TryToPlaceDirt()
            if (MathHelper.GetRandomInt(0, 100) < 95)

            var randomTile = GetRandomPlaceableTilePosition();

            if (randomTile.HasValue)
                var flag = GetRandomTileRotationFlag();
