Example #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Added this code to a method so that I could call it from the Editor script
    /// </summary>
    public void Generate()
        // Setup parameters based on user settings
        if (!CustomSeed)
            Seed = Random.Range(0, 100000000);

        if (!CustomStationType)
            System.Array values = System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(SS_StationType));
            StationType = (SS_StationType)values.GetValue(Random.Range(0, values.Length));

        if (!CustomTint)
            Tint = new Color(Random.Range(0f, 1f), Random.Range(0f, 1f), Random.Range(0f, 1f));

        if (!CustomPods)
            SS_Random random = new SS_Random(Seed);
            NumberOfPods = random.RangeEven(2, 10);

        if (SS_StellarSprite.Threaded)
            // Create the Stellar Sprite Object in it's own thread
            Thread generatorThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(GenerateSprite));
Example #2
        public SS_Station(int seed, SS_StationType stationType, Color tint, int numberOfPods)
            Seed = seed;

            random = new SS_Random(Seed);
            Sprite = new SS_Texture(Size, Size, Color.clear);

            if (stationType == SS_StationType.Cool)
                CreateRing(random.Range(0.85f, 1.0f), random.Range(1, 4), true, random.NextColor(), false);
                CreateRing(random.Range(0.5f, 0.75f), random.Range(1, 4), true, random.NextColor(), true);

                // Draw lights
                for (int i = 0; i < LightPoints.Count; i++)
                    CreateFlare(Sprite, LightPoints[i], 16, true, Color.white);

                int podCount    = random.RangeEven(2, 8);
                int podWidth    = random.RangeEven(24, 32);
                int podHeight   = random.RangeEven(12, 24);
                int podDistance = random.RangeEven(64, Size / 2 - 32);
                CreatePods(podCount, podWidth, podHeight, 8, podDistance, 1.0, Color.grey);
                CreatePods(podCount, podWidth, podHeight, 8, podDistance, 0.75, Color.grey);

                Color[] flareColors = SS_Utilities.GenerateColorWheelColors(Seed, 3);
                CreateFlare(Sprite, new SS_Point(Sprite.Center.x, Sprite.Center.y), 128, true, flareColors[0]);
                CreateFlare(Sprite, new SS_Point(Sprite.Center.x, Sprite.Center.y), 64, true, flareColors[1]);
                CreateFlare(Sprite, new SS_Point(Sprite.Center.x, Sprite.Center.y), 32, true, flareColors[2]);
            else if (stationType == SS_StationType.Pod)
                int podCount    = numberOfPods;
                int podSize     = 64;
                int step        = 360 / podCount;
                int bridgeWidth = random.RangeEven(8, 16);

                // Setup pod positions
                List <SS_Point> podPositions = new List <SS_Point>();
                for (int a = 0; a < 359; a += step)
                    int x = Sprite.Center.x + (int)(Mathf.Cos(a * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * 96);
                    int y = Sprite.Center.y + (int)(Mathf.Sin(a * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * 96);

                    podPositions.Add(new SS_Point(x, y));

                for (int i = 0; i < podPositions.Count; i++)
                    SS_Texture      tmpBridgeTexture = new SS_Texture(Size, Size, Color.clear);
                    List <SS_Point> points           = new List <SS_Point>();

                    int px1 = podPositions[i].x + (int)(Mathf.Cos((i * step - 90) * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * bridgeWidth);
                    int py1 = podPositions[i].y + (int)(Mathf.Sin((i * step - 90) * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * bridgeWidth);
                    int px2 = podPositions[i].x + (int)(Mathf.Cos((i * step + 90) * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * bridgeWidth);
                    int py2 = podPositions[i].y + (int)(Mathf.Sin((i * step + 90) * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * bridgeWidth);

                    int cx1 = Sprite.Center.x + (int)(Mathf.Cos((i * step - 90) * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * bridgeWidth);
                    int cy1 = Sprite.Center.y + (int)(Mathf.Sin((i * step - 90) * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * bridgeWidth);
                    int cx2 = Sprite.Center.x + (int)(Mathf.Cos((i * step + 90) * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * bridgeWidth);
                    int cy2 = Sprite.Center.y + (int)(Mathf.Sin((i * step + 90) * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * bridgeWidth);

                    points.Add(new SS_Point(cx1, cy1));
                    points.Add(new SS_Point(px1, py1));
                    points.Add(new SS_Point(px2, py2));
                    points.Add(new SS_Point(cx2, cy2));

                    SS_Drawing.PolygonFill(tmpBridgeTexture, points.ToArray(), SS_StellarSprite.FillColor, SS_StellarSprite.FillColor);
                    SS_Drawing.MergeColors(Sprite, tmpBridgeTexture, 0, 0);

                int numPoints = random.RangeEven(6, 10);
                for (int i = 0; i < podPositions.Count; i++)
                    float angleStep = 360.0f / numPoints;

                    List <SS_Point> controlPoints = new List <SS_Point>();
                    for (float angle = 0; angle < 360f; angle += angleStep)
                        int px = (int)(podPositions[i].x + (Mathf.Cos(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * (podSize * 0.5)));
                        int py = (int)(podPositions[i].y + (Mathf.Sin(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * (podSize * 0.5)));

                        controlPoints.Add(new SS_Point(px, py));

                    SS_Texture tmpPodTexture = new SS_Texture(Size, Size, Color.clear);
                    SS_Drawing.PolygonFill(tmpPodTexture, controlPoints.ToArray(), SS_StellarSprite.OutlineColor, SS_StellarSprite.FillColor);
                    SS_Drawing.MergeColors(Sprite, tmpPodTexture, 0, 0);

                    List <SS_Point> controlPoints2 = new List <SS_Point>();
                    for (float angle = 0; angle < 360f; angle += angleStep)
                        int px = (int)(podPositions[i].x + (Mathf.Cos(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * (podSize * 0.4)));
                        int py = (int)(podPositions[i].y + (Mathf.Sin(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * (podSize * 0.4)));

                        controlPoints2.Add(new SS_Point(px, py));
                        LightPoints.Add(new SS_Point(px, py));

                    SS_Texture tmpPodTexture2 = new SS_Texture(Size, Size, Color.clear);
                    SS_Drawing.PolygonFill(tmpPodTexture2, controlPoints2.ToArray(), SS_StellarSprite.OutlineColor, SS_StellarSprite.FillColor);
                    SS_Drawing.MergeColors(Sprite, tmpPodTexture2, 0, 0);

                int hubSize      = random.RangeEven(64, 128);
                int numHubPoints = random.RangeEven(6, 10);

                float hubAngleSteps = 360.0f / numHubPoints;

                List <SS_Point> hubPoints = new List <SS_Point>();
                for (float angle = 0; angle < 360f; angle += hubAngleSteps)
                    int px = (int)(Sprite.Center.x + (Mathf.Cos(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * (hubSize * 0.5)));
                    int py = (int)(Sprite.Center.y + (Mathf.Sin(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * (hubSize * 0.5)));

                    hubPoints.Add(new SS_Point(px, py));

                SS_Texture tmpHub = new SS_Texture(Size, Size, Color.clear);
                SS_Drawing.PolygonFill(tmpHub, hubPoints.ToArray(), SS_StellarSprite.OutlineColor, SS_StellarSprite.FillColor);
                SS_Drawing.MergeColors(Sprite, tmpHub, 0, 0);

                List <SS_Point> hubPoints2 = new List <SS_Point>();
                for (float angle = 0; angle < 360f; angle += hubAngleSteps)
                    int px = (int)(Sprite.Center.x + (Mathf.Cos(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * (hubSize * 0.4)));
                    int py = (int)(Sprite.Center.y + (Mathf.Sin(angle * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * (hubSize * 0.4)));

                    hubPoints2.Add(new SS_Point(px, py));

                SS_Texture tmpHub2 = new SS_Texture(Size, Size, Color.clear);
                SS_Drawing.PolygonFill(tmpHub2, hubPoints2.ToArray(), SS_StellarSprite.OutlineColor, SS_StellarSprite.FillColor);
                SS_Drawing.MergeColors(Sprite, tmpHub2, 0, 0);

                SS_Drawing.Outline(Sprite, Color.black);
                Texturize(Sprite, Color.magenta, tint, false, true);

                SS_StellarSprite.Mirror(Sprite, SS_Mirror.TopRight);

                foreach (SS_Point p in podPositions)
                    CreateFlare(Sprite, p, 32, false, Color.white);

                foreach (SS_Point p in LightPoints)
                    CreateFlare(Sprite, p, 16, true, Color.white);

                CreateFlare(Sprite, Sprite.Center, hubSize, false, Color.white);