//private List<Closure> downloadCurrentINCIXMLFromWeb(double pollingOrRequestFrequency)//download current INCI XML data from NextBus with processing for INCITime
        //    List<Closure> downloadedINCIXML = new List<Closure>();
        //    Uri uriToDownload = new Uri("http://www1.toronto.ca/transportation/roadrestrictions/RoadRestrictions.xml");

        //    repeatWebDownload:
        //    try
        //    {
        //        using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
        //        {
        //            //download string and write to file
        //            string xml = client.DownloadString(uriToDownload);
        //            string xmlString = Convert.ToString(xml);
        //            using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(xmlString))
        //            {
        //                XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Closures));
        //                string headerString = reader.ReadLine();
        //                string currentVehString = reader.ReadToEnd();
        //                MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(currentVehString));
        //                Closures currentXMLINCIPoints = (Closures)serializer.Deserialize(memStream);
        //                downloadedINCIXML.AddRange(currentXMLINCIPoints.Closure);
        //            }//end using reader
        //        }//end using cilent
        //    }
        //    catch (Exception e)
        //    {
        //        //sleep to aviod too many requests
        //        Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(1000 * pollingOrRequestFrequency / 2));//check delay at "half of" polling frequency (minute), until it is time for download
        //        goto repeatWebDownload;
        //    }

        //    return downloadedINCIXML;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="RouteTags"></param>
        /// <param name="startTime"></param>
        /// <param name="endTime"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <SSIncidentDataTable> RetriveINCIData(DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, List <string> RouteTags = null)
            List <SSIncidentDataTable> finalPackageOfINCIDataAllRoutes = new List <SSIncidentDataTable>();
            List <SSIncidentDataTable> allDataInTheINCIDataFile        = new List <SSIncidentDataTable>();

            //For incident and weather data, saves are daily
            startTime = startTime.Date;                                                                           //beginning of first day
            endTime   = endTime.Date.AddDays(1).AddSeconds(-1);                                                   //end of second day

            DateTime lastIntermediateTime = startTime;                                                            //intermediate time 59:59 (min:sec) from start
            DateTime intermediateTime     = startTime.Date.AddHours(startTime.Hour).AddSeconds(fileSaveFreq - 1); //intermediate time 59:59 (min:sec) from start

            while (intermediateTime.DateTimeToEpochTime() <= endTime.DateTimeToEpochTime())
                string currentfilename = string.Format(xmlINCIFilenameFormat, lastIntermediateTime.ToUniversalTime().DateTimeNamingFormat(), intermediateTime.ToUniversalTime().DateTimeNamingFormat());
                allDataInTheINCIDataFile.AddRange(convertRawINCIToSSFormat(SSUtil.DeSerializeXMLObject <List <Closure> >(xmlINCIFolderPath + currentfilename)));
                //increment to read next file
                foreach (SSIncidentDataTable aINCIPoint in allDataInTheINCIDataFile)
                    //identify any filtering needed - none to start with
                lastIntermediateTime = lastIntermediateTime.AddSeconds(fileSaveFreq);
                intermediateTime     = intermediateTime.AddSeconds(fileSaveFreq);
            allDataInTheINCIDataFile.Clear();        //clear Temp list
            return(finalPackageOfINCIDataAllRoutes); //return result list
    public static void Execute()
        SSUtil.Log("executing {0}", typeof(T06_matrix_caching).Name);

        Matrix4x4 ret = Matrix4x4.zero;

        using (SSTimer t = new SSTimer("_test_mat_caching: no caching_"))
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
                ret = Camera.main.worldToCameraMatrix * _inputMat;

        using (SSTimer t = new SSTimer("_test_mat_caching: cached_"))
            Matrix4x4 cached = Camera.main.worldToCameraMatrix;
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
                ret = cached * _inputMat;
Example #3
    public static string Execute()
        SSUtil.Log("executing {0}", typeof(T03_enum_string).Name);

        using (SSTimer t = new SSTimer("_test_enum_to_string"))
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
                for (int k = 0; k < (int)FooTypes.Max; k++)
                    foo = ((FooTypes)k).ToString();
        foo = "";

        using (SSTimer t = new SSTimer("_test_enum_get_name"))
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
                for (int k = 0; k < (int)FooTypes.Max; k++)
                    foo = Enum.GetName(typeof(FooTypes), (FooTypes)k);
        foo = "";

        return(foo); // prevent 'foo' from being optimized out
Example #4
    void Start()
        SSUtil.Log("high-res: {0}, freq: {1}, timestamp: {2}",
                   Stopwatch.IsHighResolution, Stopwatch.Frequency, Stopwatch.GetTimestamp());

Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="RouteTags"></param>
        /// <param name="startTime"></param>
        /// <param name="endTime"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <SSVehGPSDataTable> RetriveGPSData(List <string> RouteTags, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime)
            List <SSVehGPSDataTable> finalPackageOfGPSDataAllRoutes = new List <SSVehGPSDataTable>();
            //List<SSVehGPSDataTable> allDataInTheGPSDataFile = new List<SSVehGPSDataTable>();
            Dictionary <string, List <SSVehGPSDataTable> > allDataInGPSDataFile = new Dictionary <string, List <SSVehGPSDataTable> >();
            List <string> gpsDataFilenames = new List <string>();                                                 //in order

            DateTime lastIntermediateTime = startTime;                                                            //intermediate time 59:59 (min:sec) from start
            DateTime intermediateTime     = startTime.Date.AddHours(startTime.Hour).AddSeconds(fileSaveFreq - 1); //intermediate time 59:59 (min:sec) from start

            //initiate filenames
            while (intermediateTime.DateTimeToEpochTime() <= endTime.DateTimeToEpochTime())
                string currentfilename = string.Format(xmlGPSFilenameFormat, lastIntermediateTime.ToUniversalTime().DateTimeNamingFormat(), intermediateTime.ToUniversalTime().DateTimeNamingFormat());
                //increment to read next file
                lastIntermediateTime = lastIntermediateTime.AddSeconds(fileSaveFreq);
                intermediateTime     = intermediateTime.AddSeconds(fileSaveFreq);

            //load all files in parallel
            ParallelOptions pOptions = new ParallelOptions();

            pOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount;
            Parallel.For(0, gpsDataFilenames.Count, pOptions, i =>
                string currentfilename = gpsDataFilenames[i];
                allDataInGPSDataFile.Add(currentfilename, (convertRawGPSToSSFormat(SSUtil.DeSerializeXMLObject <List <Vehicle> >(xmlGPSFolderPath + currentfilename))));
            //add each file, then each gps point, in order
            foreach (string currentfilename in gpsDataFilenames)
                //filter by routeTag
                foreach (SSVehGPSDataTable aGPSPoint in allDataInGPSDataFile[currentfilename])
                    string aGPSPointRouteTag = aGPSPoint.TripCode == "NULL" ? "" : aGPSPoint.TripCode.Split('_')[0];
                    if (RouteTags.Contains(aGPSPointRouteTag))
                //List<SSVehGPSDataTable> filteredData = allDataInGPSDataFile[currentfilename].Where(v => RouteTags.Contains(v.TripCode.Split('_')[0])).ToList();

            return(finalPackageOfGPSDataAllRoutes);//return result list
    public static void Execute()
        SSUtil.Log("executing {0}", typeof(T01_foreach).Name);

        for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
            _testArray[i] = i;

        for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)

        for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
            _testDict[i] = i;

        int sum = 0;

        using (SSTimer t = new SSTimer("_testArray"))
            foreach (var item in _testArray)
                sum += item;

        using (SSTimer t = new SSTimer("_testList"))
            foreach (var item in _testList)
                sum += item;

        using (SSTimer t = new SSTimer("_testDict"))
            foreach (var item in _testList)
                sum += item;
    public static void Execute()
        SSUtil.Log("executing {0}", typeof(T04_typecast).Name);

        Foo f = new Bar();

        using (SSTimer t = new SSTimer("_test_as_cast_"))
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
                Bar b = f as Bar;
                b.dummy_derived = 1;

        using (SSTimer t = new SSTimer("_test_c_style_cast_"))
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
                Bar b = (Bar)f;
                b.dummy_derived = 1;
        /// <summary>
        /// B: Pull records within a given period - download any missing data from CVST
        ///  DATA INFO: Records for specific route in a given period:
        /// http://portal.cvst.ca/api/0.1/ttc/name/<route_name>?starttime=<ts1>&endtime=<ts2>
        /// <ts> could be epoch time or string type with<YYYY><MM><DD>T<HH><MM><time-zone>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="RouteTags"></param>
        /// <param name="startTime"></param>
        /// <param name="endTime"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <SSVehGPSDataTable> RetriveGPSData(List <string> RouteTags, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime)
            List <JSONVehLoc> finalPackageOfGPSDataForRoutes = new List <JSONVehLoc>();
            List <JSONVehLoc> packageOfGPSDataForRoutes      = new List <JSONVehLoc>();
            List <JSONVehLoc> packetsOfGPSDataForRoutes      = new List <JSONVehLoc>();
            string            json     = null;
            string            filepath = jsonfolderpath + RouteTags[0] + "-" + SSUtil.DateTimeNamingFormat(startTime.ToLocalTime())
                                         + "-" + SSUtil.DateTimeNamingFormat(endTime.ToLocalTime()) + @".json";
            //URI format: ("http://portal.cvst.ca/api/0.1/ttc/name/<route_name>?starttime=<ts1>&endtime=<ts2>")
            //Uri uriToDownload = new Uri("http://portal.cvst.ca/api/0.1/ttc/name/100-Flemingdon%20Park?starttime=1451779200&endtime=1451779900");
            string baseGPSURI = "tag/" + RouteTags[0];
            string appendURI  = baseGPSURI + @"?starttime=" + SSUtil.DateTimeToEpochTime(startTime.ToUniversalTime())
                                + @"&endtime=" + SSUtil.DateTimeToEpochTime(endTime.ToUniversalTime());
            Uri            uriToDownload = new Uri(uri_CVSTbase, appendURI);
            JsonSerializer serializer;

            //now log-in process is finished, start download specified routes in list
            for (int i = 0; i < RouteTags.Count; i++)
                //Defining JSON file names for route data - initial
                filepath = jsonfolderpath + RouteTags[i] + "-" + SSUtil.DateTimeNamingFormat(startTime.ToLocalTime())
                           + "-" + SSUtil.DateTimeNamingFormat(endTime.ToLocalTime()) + @".json";

                if (!(File.Exists(filepath) && !online)) // skip download if in offline mode, and file does exist
                    //if download is needed, and username hasn't been inputted, asks for user info
                    if (usernameCVST == "" || usernameCVST == null || passwordCVST == "" || passwordCVST == null)
                        bool userFlag = true;
                        while (userFlag)
                            userFlag = !userAccessCVST();
                    //0. check if cd is already open, if not, open it as it will be needed
                    if (cd_closed)
                        //Run selenium only if online mode is on or file does not exist
                        //web driver will open once, until quitWebCrawler() is called
                        cd = new ChromeDriver(); //must have installed chrome driver via nuget
                        // log-in process
                        cd.Url = @"http://portal.cvst.ca/login";
                        IWebElement e = cd.FindElementByName("username");
                        e = cd.FindElementByName("password");
                        //e.SendKeys(Keys.Enter);//workaround if below line doesn't work
                        e = cd.FindElementByXPath("/html/body/div/div/div/div/div[2]/form/fieldset/input");//can inspect and copy the element xpath in chrome
                        cd_closed = false;
                        //cd is now open, it'll remain open until uitWebCrawler() is called.
                    // 1. Download json file from web
                        long timeDifference = SSUtil.DateTimeToEpochTime(endTime) - SSUtil.DateTimeToEpochTime(startTime);
                        int  num_packets    = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)timeDifference / (double)timeIncre);

                        DateTime intermediateStartTime = startTime;
                        DateTime intermediateEndTime   = endTime.AddSeconds(-(num_packets - 1) * timeIncre);

                        for (int n = 0; n < num_packets; n++)
                            // 1. Download json file from web
                            baseGPSURI = "tag/" + RouteTags[i];
                            appendURI  = baseGPSURI + @"?starttime=" + SSUtil.DateTimeToEpochTime(intermediateStartTime.ToUniversalTime())
                                         + @"&endtime=" + SSUtil.DateTimeToEpochTime(intermediateEndTime.ToUniversalTime());
                            uriToDownload = new Uri(uri_CVSTbase, appendURI);

                            cd.Url = Convert.ToString(uriToDownload);
                            json   = cd.PageSource;

                            json = json.Substring(121, json.Length - 121); //get rid of extra characters at the front
                            json = json.Substring(0, json.Length - 22);    //get rid of extra characters at the end
                            packetsOfGPSDataForRoutes.AddRange(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <JSONVehLoc> >(json));
                            intermediateStartTime = intermediateEndTime;
                            intermediateEndTime   = intermediateEndTime.AddSeconds(timeIncre);

                        serializer = new JsonSerializer();
                        using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filepath))
                            using (JsonWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(sw))
                                writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
                                serializer.Serialize(writer, packetsOfGPSDataForRoutes);
                                packetsOfGPSDataForRoutes = null;//clear list
                                packetsOfGPSDataForRoutes = new List <JSONVehLoc>();
                    catch (WebDriverException e1)//bad request, try again
                        goto webCrawlerRepeatRequest;
                    catch (JsonSerializationException e2)//bad string, try again
                        goto webCrawlerRepeatRequest;
                // 3. Deserialize json data from local and append to master GPS data object
                // read directly from file, no string used
                //StreamReader file = File.OpenText(filepath);
                //serializer = new JsonSerializer();
                //packageOfGPSDataForRoutes.AddRange((List<JSONVehLoc>)serializer.Deserialize(file, typeof(List<JSONVehLoc>)));
                string jsonString = File.ReadAllText(filepath);
                packageOfGPSDataForRoutes.AddRange((List <JSONVehLoc>)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonString, typeof(List <JSONVehLoc>)));

                /* post-process for GPS data that are outside of city area - uses TorontoCentroid and a radius*/
                /* Toronto Centroid: 43.7, -79.4 */
                foreach (JSONVehLoc aPoint in packageOfGPSDataForRoutes)
                    double distFromTorontoCentroid = SSUtil.GetGlobeDistance(TorontoCentroid.Latitude, TorontoCentroid.Longitude, aPoint.coordinates[1], aPoint.coordinates[0]);
                    if (distFromTorontoCentroid < TorontoRadius)
Example #9
        public int startLiveDownloadTask(DateTime pollingStart, DateTime pollingEnd, double pollingFrequency)
            lasttimeTimeURLField = 0;
            int downloadState = 0;

            //NOTE: polling freq: 19s < bk freq: 60s < save freq: 3600s
            downloadedGPSXMLData_UNSAVED = new ConcurrentDictionary <Tuple <long, string>, Vehicle>(); //GPSTime & VehID as tuple index
            DateTime nextDownloadTime;                                                                 // = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().AddSeconds(pollingFrequency);
            DateTime nextBackupTime;                                                                   // = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().AddSeconds(bkSaveFreq);
            //DateTime nextSaveTime = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().AddSeconds(fileSaveFreq);
            DateTime nextSaveTime;                                                                     // = pollingStart.Date.AddSeconds(pollingStart.Hour * 3600 - 1 + fileSaveFreq);//save on the last second of the next hour
            long     lastLogUpdatedSave = 0;
            string   bkfilename         = "current-GPSXML-bk.xml";

            ////load last saved backup, if it is from within the last 5 minutes
            //if ((DateTime.Now.DateTimeToEpochTime() - File.GetLastWriteTime(bkfilename).DateTimeToEpochTime()) < (5 * 60))
            //    List<Vehicle> bkGPSPoints = new List<Vehicle>();
            //    bkGPSPoints = DeSerializeXMLObject<List<Vehicle>>(xmlGPSFolderPath + bkfilename);
            //    foreach (Vehicle aGPSPoint in bkGPSPoints)
            //    {
            //        downloadedGPSXMLData_UNSAVED.AddOrUpdate(new Tuple<long, string>(aGPSPoint.GPStime, aGPSPoint.Id), aGPSPoint, (k, v) => aGPSPoint);//replaces existing if it exists
            //    }

            if (pollingStart.DateTimeToEpochTime() >= DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime())//future download - put thread to sleep until start - proper state
                //return pollingStart.DateTimeToEpochTime() - downloadStartTime.DateTimeToEpochTime();
                Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(1000 * (pollingStart.DateTimeToEpochTime() - DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime() - 1)));
                nextDownloadTime = pollingStart.AddSeconds(0);
                nextBackupTime   = pollingStart.AddSeconds(0);
                nextSaveTime     = pollingStart.Date.AddSeconds(pollingStart.Hour * 3600 - 1 + fileSaveFreq);                                                                                           //assume file save frequency is at the hour
            else if ((pollingStart.DateTimeToEpochTime() <= DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime()) && (pollingEnd.DateTimeToEpochTime() > DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime())) //some missing downloads - start period is before download can take place
                //polling reschedule message
                LogUpdateEventArgs args = new LogUpdateEventArgs();
                args.logMessage = String.Format("NextBus Polling to Start at: {0}.", DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().Date.AddSeconds(DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().Hour * 3600 + fileSaveFreq).DateTimeISO8601Format());

                Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(1000 * (3600 - (DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().Minute * 60 + DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().Second - 1))));
                downloadState    = -1;
                nextDownloadTime = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime();
                nextBackupTime   = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime();
                nextSaveTime     = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().Date.AddSeconds(DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().Hour * 3600 - 1 + fileSaveFreq);//assume file save frequency is at the hour
            else //if (pollingEnd.DateTimeToEpochTime() <= DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime())//nothing to download - end period is before download can take place
                nextDownloadTime = new DateTime();
                nextBackupTime   = new DateTime();
                nextSaveTime     = new DateTime();
                downloadState    = -2;

            //initial save message
            if (lastLogUpdatedSave != nextSaveTime.DateTimeToEpochTime())
                lastLogUpdatedSave = nextSaveTime.DateTimeToEpochTime();
                LogUpdateEventArgs args = new LogUpdateEventArgs();
                args.logMessage = String.Format("NextBus Upcoming Save: {0}.", nextSaveTime.DateTimeISO8601Format());

            //download started after a proper wait - proper state, or start immediate if some data can be downloaded (state: -1)
            while (pollingEnd.DateTimeToEpochTime() >= DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime())
                List <long> nextOpTime = new List <long>();
                if ((nextOpTime[0] > DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime()))
                    if (lastLogUpdatedSave != nextSaveTime.DateTimeToEpochTime())
                        lastLogUpdatedSave = nextSaveTime.DateTimeToEpochTime();
                        LogUpdateEventArgs args = new LogUpdateEventArgs();
                        args.logMessage = String.Format("NextBus Upcoming Save: {0}.", nextSaveTime.DateTimeISO8601Format());

                    long sleepTime = nextOpTime[0] - DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime();
                    Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(1000 * sleepTime));//brief sleep in between operations
                //this condition structure prioritize download to mem, then backup, then save
                if (nextDownloadTime.DateTimeToEpochTime() <= DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime())
                    nextDownloadTime = nextDownloadTime.AddSeconds(pollingFrequency);
                    //List<Vehicle> newGPSPoints = downloadCurrentGPSXMLFromWeb(pollingFrequency);
                    //foreach (Vehicle aGPSPoint in newGPSPoints)
                    //    downloadedGPSXMLData_UNSAVED.AddOrUpdate(new Tuple<long, string>(aGPSPoint.GPStime, aGPSPoint.Id), aGPSPoint, (k, v) => aGPSPoint);//replaces existing if it exists
                else if (nextBackupTime.DateTimeToEpochTime() <= DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime())
                    nextBackupTime = nextBackupTime.AddSeconds(bkSaveFreq);
                    SSUtil.SerializeXMLObject(downloadedGPSXMLData_UNSAVED.Values.ToList(), xmlGPSFolderPath + bkfilename);
                else if (nextSaveTime.DateTimeToEpochTime() <= DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime())
                    if (downloadedGPSXMLData_UNSAVED.Values.Count > 0)//avoid saving empty file
                        string newfilename = string.Format(xmlGPSFilenameFormat, nextSaveTime.AddSeconds(-fileSaveFreq + 1).ToUniversalTime().DateTimeNamingFormat(), nextSaveTime.ToUniversalTime().DateTimeNamingFormat());
                        SSUtil.SerializeXMLObject(downloadedGPSXMLData_UNSAVED.Values.ToList(), xmlGPSFolderPath + newfilename);
                        downloadedGPSXMLData_UNSAVED.Clear();//clear mem
                    nextSaveTime = nextSaveTime.AddSeconds(fileSaveFreq);
            //downloadState = -2;//no download has taken place, date out of range
            //downloadState = -1;//download completed with some error - some missing data
            //downloadState = 0;//download completed with no error
        public int startLiveDownloadTask(DateTime pollingStart, DateTime pollingEnd, double pollingFrequency)
            //fileSaveFreq must be 1 day, otherwise, needs to modify nextSaveTime
            int downloadState = 0;

            //NOTE: polling freq: 60s < bk freq: 120s < save freq: 3600s * 24 = 1 day
            downloadedINCIXMLData_UNSAVED = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, Closure>(); //INCITime & VehID as tuple index
            DateTime nextDownloadTime;                                                    // = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().AddSeconds(pollingFrequency);
            DateTime nextBackupTime;                                                      // = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().AddSeconds(bkSaveFreq);
            //DateTime nextSaveTime = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().AddSeconds(fileSaveFreq);
            DateTime nextSaveTime;                                                        // = pollingStart.Date.AddSeconds(pollingStart.Hour * 3600 - 1 + fileSaveFreq);//save on the last second of the next hour
            long     lastLogUpdatedSave = 0;
            string   bkfilename         = "current-RRXML-bk.xml";

            //load last saved backup, if it is from within the last 5 minutes
            if ((DateTime.Now.DateTimeToEpochTime() - File.GetLastWriteTime(bkfilename).DateTimeToEpochTime()) < (5 * 60))
                List <Closure> bkINCIPoints = new List <Closure>();
                bkINCIPoints = SSUtil.DeSerializeXMLObject <List <Closure> >(xmlINCIFolderPath + bkfilename);
                foreach (Closure aINCIPoint in bkINCIPoints)
                    downloadedINCIXMLData_UNSAVED.AddOrUpdate(aINCIPoint.Id, aINCIPoint, (k, v) => aINCIPoint);//replaces existing if it exists

            if (pollingStart.DateTimeToEpochTime() >= DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime())//future download - put thread to sleep until start - proper state
                //return pollingStart.DateTimeToEpochTime() - downloadStartTime.DateTimeToEpochTime();
                Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(1000 * (pollingStart.DateTimeToEpochTime() - DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime() - 1)));
                nextDownloadTime = pollingStart.AddSeconds(0);
                nextBackupTime   = pollingStart.AddSeconds(0);
                nextSaveTime     = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().Date.AddSeconds(-1 + fileSaveFreq);                                                                                                       //asume save frequencies are in the scale of days, save at midnighht
            else if ((pollingStart.DateTimeToEpochTime() <= DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime()) && (pollingEnd.DateTimeToEpochTime() > DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime())) //some missing downloads - start period is before download can take place
                //download at next hour, catch whatever data can be retrived.
                //Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(1000 * (3600 - (DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().Minute * 60 + DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().Second) - 1)));
                downloadState    = -1;
                nextDownloadTime = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().AddSeconds(0);                      //no delay for download
                nextBackupTime   = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().AddSeconds(0);                      //no delay for backup
                nextSaveTime     = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().Date.AddSeconds(-1 + fileSaveFreq); //asume save frequencies are in the scale of days, save at midnighht
            else //if (pollingEnd.DateTimeToEpochTime() <= DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime())//nothing to download - end period is before download can take place
                nextDownloadTime = new DateTime();
                nextBackupTime   = new DateTime();
                nextSaveTime     = new DateTime();
                downloadState    = -2;

            //initial save message
            if (lastLogUpdatedSave != nextSaveTime.DateTimeToEpochTime())
                lastLogUpdatedSave = nextSaveTime.DateTimeToEpochTime();
                LogUpdateEventArgs args = new LogUpdateEventArgs();
                args.logMessage = String.Format("Rd Closures Upcoming Save: {0}.", nextSaveTime.DateTimeISO8601Format());

            //download started after a proper wait - proper state, or start immediate if some data can be downloaded (state: -1)
            while (pollingEnd.DateTimeToEpochTime() >= DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime())
                List <long> nextOpTime = new List <long>();
                if ((nextOpTime[0] > DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime()))
                    if (lastLogUpdatedSave != nextSaveTime.DateTimeToEpochTime())
                        lastLogUpdatedSave = nextSaveTime.DateTimeToEpochTime();
                        LogUpdateEventArgs args = new LogUpdateEventArgs();
                        args.logMessage = String.Format("Rd Closures Upcoming Save: {0}.", nextSaveTime.DateTimeISO8601Format());

                    long sleepTime = nextOpTime[0] - DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime();
                    Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(1000 * sleepTime));//brief sleep in between operations
                //this condition structure prioritize download to mem, then backup, then save
                if (nextDownloadTime.DateTimeToEpochTime() <= DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime())
                    nextDownloadTime = nextDownloadTime.AddSeconds(pollingFrequency);
                    //List < Closure > newINCIPoints = downloadCurrentINCIXMLFromWeb(pollingFrequency);
                    //foreach (Closure aINCIPoint in downloadedINCIXML)
                    //    downloadedINCIXMLData_UNSAVED.AddOrUpdate(aINCIPoint.Id, aINCIPoint, (k, v) => aINCIPoint);//replaces existing if it exists
                else if (nextBackupTime.DateTimeToEpochTime() <= DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime())
                    nextBackupTime = nextBackupTime.AddSeconds(bkSaveFreq);
                    SSUtil.SerializeXMLObject(downloadedINCIXMLData_UNSAVED.Values.ToList(), xmlINCIFolderPath + bkfilename);
                else if (nextSaveTime.DateTimeToEpochTime() <= DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime())
                    if (downloadedINCIXMLData_UNSAVED.Values.Count > 0)//avoid saving empty file
                        string newfilename = string.Format(xmlINCIFilenameFormat, nextSaveTime.AddSeconds(-fileSaveFreq + 1).ToUniversalTime().DateTimeNamingFormat(), nextSaveTime.ToUniversalTime().DateTimeNamingFormat());
                        SSUtil.SerializeXMLObject(downloadedINCIXMLData_UNSAVED.Values.ToList(), xmlINCIFolderPath + newfilename);
                        downloadedINCIXMLData_UNSAVED.Clear();//clear mem
                    nextSaveTime = nextSaveTime.AddSeconds(fileSaveFreq);
            //downloadState = -2;//no download has taken place, date out of range
            //downloadState = -1;//download completed with some error - some missing data
            //downloadState = 0;//download completed with no error
    public static void Execute()
        SSUtil.Log("executing {0}", typeof(T05_matrix).Name);

        // testing correctness

        Matrix4x4 r0 = _m1 * _m2;
        Matrix4x4 r1 = SSMatrix.Mul_v1_naive(_m1, _m2);
        Matrix4x4 r2 = SSMatrix.Mul_v2_naive_expanded(_m1, _m2);
        Matrix4x4 r3 = Matrix4x4.zero;

        SSMatrix.Mul_v3_ref(ref r3, ref _m1, ref _m2);
        SSUtil.Assert(r0 == r1, "matrix r1 bad result.");
        SSUtil.Assert(r0 == r2, "matrix r2 bad result.");
        SSUtil.Assert(r0 == r3, "matrix r3 bad result.");

        // 'Mul_v4_for_3d_trans' always produce the same 4th row
        Matrix4x4 r4 = Matrix4x4.zero;

        SSMatrix.Mul_v4_for_3d_trans(ref r4, ref _m1, ref _m2);
        Matrix4x4 r4_target = r0;

        r4_target.SetRow(3, new Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
        SSUtil.Assert(r4 == r4_target, "matrix r4 bad result.");

        // testing performances

        Matrix4x4 ret = Matrix4x4.zero;

        using (SSTimer t = new SSTimer("_test_mat_mul: Unity Built-In_"))
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
                ret = _m1 * _m2;

        using (SSTimer t = new SSTimer("_test_mat_mul: v1 - Naive Implementation_"))
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
                ret = SSMatrix.Mul_v1_naive(_m1, _m2);

        using (SSTimer t = new SSTimer("_test_mat_mul: v2 - Naive (Expanded)_"))
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
                ret = SSMatrix.Mul_v2_naive_expanded(_m1, _m2);

        using (SSTimer t = new SSTimer("_test_mat_mul: v3 - ref passed & returned_"))
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
                SSMatrix.Mul_v3_ref(ref ret, ref _m1, ref _m2);

        using (SSTimer t = new SSTimer("_test_mat_mul: v4 - for 3d transform only_"))
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM; i++)
                SSMatrix.Mul_v4_for_3d_trans(ref ret, ref _m1, ref _m2);
        public int startLiveDownloadTask(DateTime pollingStart, DateTime pollingEnd, double pollingFrequency)
            int downloadState = 0;

            //NOTE: polling freq: 60s < bk freq: 120s < save freq: 3600s * 24 = 1 day
            downloadedWeatherJSONData_UNSAVED         = new ConcurrentDictionary <Tuple <int, long>, List>(); //INCITime & VehID as tuple index
            downloadedForecastWeatherJSONData_UNSAVED = new ConcurrentDictionary <Tuple <int, long>, List>(); //INCITime & VehID as tuple index

            List <List> lastDownloadedData = new List <List>();                                               //check actual data downloaded - a package of last downloaded data
            long        currentServerDelay;
            DateTime currentServerDownloadTime;
            DateTime nextDownloadTime;                    // = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().AddSeconds(pollingFrequency);
            DateTime nextForecastDownloadTime;            // = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().AddSeconds(pollingFrequency);
            double   forecast_pollingFrequency = 10 * 60; //poll every hour
            DateTime nextBackupTime;                      // = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().AddSeconds(bkSaveFreq);
            //DateTime nextSaveTime = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().AddSeconds(fileSaveFreq);
            DateTime nextSaveTime;                        // = pollingStart.Date.AddSeconds(pollingStart.Hour * 3600 - 1 + fileSaveFreq);//save on the last second of the next hour - time stamp save
            DateTime nextActualSaveTime;                  // = pollingStart.Date.AddSeconds(pollingStart.Hour * 3600 - 1 + fileSaveFreq);//appropriate save time based on server delay!
            long     lastLogUpdatedSave = 0;
            string   bkfilename         = "current-WeatherJSON-bk.json";

            //load last saved backup, if it is from within the last 5 minutes
            if (File.Exists(jsonWeatherFolderPath + bkfilename) && File.Exists(jsonForecastWeatherFolderPath + bkfilename))
                if ((DateTime.Now.DateTimeToEpochTime() - File.GetLastWriteTime(jsonWeatherFolderPath + bkfilename).DateTimeToEpochTime()) < (5 * 60))
                    List <List> bkWeatherPoints = new List <List>();
                    bkWeatherPoints = DeSerializeJSONObject <List <List> >(jsonWeatherFolderPath + bkfilename);
                    foreach (List aWeatherPoint in bkWeatherPoints)
                        downloadedWeatherJSONData_UNSAVED.AddOrUpdate(new Tuple <int, long>(aWeatherPoint.id, aWeatherPoint.dt), aWeatherPoint, (k, v) => aWeatherPoint);//replaces existing if it exists
                    bkWeatherPoints = DeSerializeJSONObject <List <List> >(jsonForecastWeatherFolderPath + bkfilename);
                    foreach (List aWeatherPoint in bkWeatherPoints)
                        downloadedForecastWeatherJSONData_UNSAVED.AddOrUpdate(new Tuple <int, long>(aWeatherPoint.id, aWeatherPoint.dt), aWeatherPoint, (k, v) => aWeatherPoint);//replaces existing if it exists

            currentServerDownloadTime = downloadedWeatherJSONData_UNSAVED.Count == 0 ? DateTime.Now : SSUtil.EpochTimeToLocalDateTime(downloadedWeatherJSONData_UNSAVED.Values.Select(c => c.dt).ToList().Max());
            currentServerDelay        = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime() - currentServerDownloadTime.DateTimeToEpochTime(); //in secs
            //server delay will be accounted for, in the next polling request --> a delay results in later start and later stop download time
            if (pollingStart.DateTimeToEpochTime() >= (DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime() - currentServerDelay))              //future download - put thread to sleep until start - proper state
                while (pollingStart.DateTimeToEpochTime() >= (DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime() - currentServerDelay))
                    //return pollingStart.DateTimeToEpochTime() - downloadStartTime.DateTimeToEpochTime();
                    Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(1000 * pollingFrequency));                                                                         //check delay at polling frequency (minute), until it is time for download

                    downloadCurrentWeatherJSONFromWeb();                                                                                            //lastDownloadedData =
                    currentServerDownloadTime = downloadedWeatherJSONData_UNSAVED.Count == 0 ? DateTime.Now : SSUtil.EpochTimeToLocalDateTime(downloadedWeatherJSONData_UNSAVED.Values.Select(c => c.dt).ToList().Max());
                    currentServerDelay        = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime() - currentServerDownloadTime.DateTimeToEpochTime(); //in secs

                //start late as per server delays
                nextDownloadTime         = pollingStart.AddSeconds(0 + currentServerDelay);
                nextForecastDownloadTime = pollingStart.AddSeconds(0);
                nextBackupTime           = pollingStart.AddSeconds(0);                                                                                                                                                                                //no delay for backup
                nextActualSaveTime       = pollingStart.Date.AddSeconds(-1 + fileSaveFreq + currentServerDelay);                                                                                                                                      //assume file save frequency is at the hour
                nextSaveTime             = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().Date.AddSeconds(-1 + fileSaveFreq);                                                                                                                                             //asume save frequencies are in the scale of days
            else if ((pollingStart.DateTimeToEpochTime() <= (DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime() - currentServerDelay)) && (pollingEnd.DateTimeToEpochTime() > (DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime() - currentServerDelay))) //some missing downloads - start period is before download can take place
                //start late as per server delays - save at the hour, polling appropriately
                downloadState            = -1;
                nextDownloadTime         = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().AddSeconds(0);                      //no delay for download
                nextForecastDownloadTime = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().AddSeconds(0);                      //no delay for download
                nextBackupTime           = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().AddSeconds(0);                      //no delay for backup
                nextSaveTime             = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().Date.AddSeconds(-1 + fileSaveFreq); //asume save frequencies are in the scale of days
                nextActualSaveTime       = nextSaveTime.AddSeconds(currentServerDelay);                   //assume file save frequency is at the hour
            else //if (pollingEnd.DateTimeToEpochTime() <= DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime())//nothing to download - end period is before download can take place
                downloadState = -2;

            //initial save message
            if (lastLogUpdatedSave != nextSaveTime.DateTimeToEpochTime())
                lastLogUpdatedSave = nextSaveTime.DateTimeToEpochTime();
                LogUpdateEventArgs args = new LogUpdateEventArgs();
                args.logMessage = String.Format("Weather Upcoming Save: {0}.", nextSaveTime.DateTimeISO8601Format());

            //download started after a proper wait - proper state, or start immediate if some data can be downloaded (state: -1)
            while (pollingEnd.DateTimeToEpochTime() >= (DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime() - currentServerDelay))//delay completion of survey as per server delay
                List <long> nextOpTime = new List <long>();
                if ((nextOpTime[0] > DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime()))
                    if (lastLogUpdatedSave != nextSaveTime.DateTimeToEpochTime())
                        lastLogUpdatedSave = nextSaveTime.DateTimeToEpochTime();
                        LogUpdateEventArgs args = new LogUpdateEventArgs();
                        args.logMessage = String.Format("Weather Upcoming Save: {0}.", nextSaveTime.DateTimeISO8601Format());

                    long sleepTime = nextOpTime[0] - DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime();
                    Thread.Sleep(Convert.ToInt32(1000 * sleepTime));//brief sleep in between operations
                //this condition structure prioritize download to mem, then backup, then save
                //Download - current weather
                if (nextDownloadTime.DateTimeToEpochTime() <= DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime())
                    nextDownloadTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(pollingFrequency);                                                                //nextDownloadTime.AddSeconds(pollingFrequency);
                    downloadCurrentWeatherJSONFromWeb();                                                                                         //List<List> newWeatherPoints =
                    currentServerDownloadTime = downloadedWeatherJSONData_UNSAVED.Count == 0 ? DateTime.Now : SSUtil.EpochTimeToLocalDateTime(downloadedWeatherJSONData_UNSAVED.Values.Select(c => c.dt).ToList().Max());
                    if ((DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime() - currentServerDownloadTime.DateTimeToEpochTime()) > 0)                //data cannot be from the future
                        currentServerDelay = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime() - currentServerDownloadTime.DateTimeToEpochTime(); //in secs
                        currentServerDelay = 0;
                    //update next save time based on server delay
                    nextActualSaveTime = nextSaveTime.AddSeconds(currentServerDelay);//approximated next actual save time
                //Download - Forecast weather
                if (nextForecastDownloadTime.DateTimeToEpochTime() <= DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime())
                    nextForecastDownloadTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(forecast_pollingFrequency); //nextDownloadTime.AddSeconds(pollingFrequency);
                    downloadCurrentWeatherJSONFromWeb(true);                                       //List<List> newWeatherPoints =
                if (nextBackupTime.DateTimeToEpochTime() <= DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime())
                    nextBackupTime = DateTime.Now.Subtract(nextBackupTime).TotalSeconds > bkSaveFreq?DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(bkSaveFreq) : nextBackupTime.AddSeconds(bkSaveFreq);

                    SerializeJSONObject(downloadedWeatherJSONData_UNSAVED.Values.ToList(), jsonWeatherFolderPath + bkfilename);
                    SerializeJSONObject(downloadedForecastWeatherJSONData_UNSAVED.Values.ToList(), jsonForecastWeatherFolderPath + bkfilename);
                if (nextActualSaveTime.DateTimeToEpochTime() <= DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().DateTimeToEpochTime())
                    if (downloadedWeatherJSONData_UNSAVED.Values.Count > 0)//avoid saving empty file
                        string newfilename = string.Format(jsonWeatherFilenameFormat, nextSaveTime.AddSeconds(-fileSaveFreq + 1).ToUniversalTime().DateTimeNamingFormat(), nextSaveTime.ToUniversalTime().DateTimeNamingFormat());
                        SerializeJSONObject(downloadedWeatherJSONData_UNSAVED.Values.ToList(), jsonWeatherFolderPath + newfilename);
                        SerializeJSONObject(downloadedForecastWeatherJSONData_UNSAVED.Values.ToList(), jsonForecastWeatherFolderPath + newfilename);
                        downloadedWeatherJSONData_UNSAVED.Clear();                    //clear mem
                        downloadedForecastWeatherJSONData_UNSAVED.Clear();            //clear mem
                    nextSaveTime       = nextSaveTime.AddSeconds(fileSaveFreq);       //next save time stamp
                    nextActualSaveTime = nextSaveTime.AddSeconds(currentServerDelay); //approximated next actual save time
            //clear backupFiles
            //downloadState = -2;//no download has taken place, date out of range
            //downloadState = -1;//download completed with some error - some missing data
            //downloadState = 0;//download completed with no error
        public ConcurrentDictionary <int, SSINTNXSignalDataTable> getCombinedIntxnData()
            ConcurrentDictionary <int, SSINTNXSignalDataTable> combinedTable = new ConcurrentDictionary <int, SSINTNXSignalDataTable>();

            //read all Intxn data sheets from xml
            if (trafficSignalsFilePath != null)
                Traffic_signals trafficSignalData = SSUtil.DeSerializeXMLObject <Traffic_signals>(trafficSignalsFilePath);
                foreach (RecordTrafficSignals records in trafficSignalData.Record)
                    int pxID = Convert.ToInt32(records.Px);
                    SSINTNXSignalDataTable commonData = combinedTable.ContainsKey(pxID) ? combinedTable[pxID] : new SSINTNXSignalDataTable();
                    commonData.pxID            = pxID;
                    commonData.mainStreet      = records.Main;
                    commonData.midblockStreet  = records.Mid_block;
                    commonData.sideStreet1     = records.Side1;
                    commonData.sideStreet2     = records.Side2;
                    commonData.Latitude        = Convert.ToDouble(records.Lat);
                    commonData.Longitude       = Convert.ToDouble(records.Long);
                    commonData.signal_system   = records.Signal_system;
                    commonData.mode_of_control = records.Mode_of_control;
                    commonData.isNotFXT        = records.Mode_of_control.Contains("FXT") ? false : true;
                    commonData.transit_preempt = records.Transit_preempt.Contains("1") ? true : false;
                    commonData.fire_preempt    = records.Fire_preempt.Contains("1") ? true : false;
                    commonData.Rail_preempt    = records.Rail_preempt.Contains("1") ? true : false;
                    int noOfApproaches = records.No_of_signalized_approaches.Length == 1 ? Convert.ToInt32(records.No_of_signalized_approaches) : 0;
                    commonData.vehVol = -1; //no volume default
                    commonData.pedVol = -1; //no volume default
                    commonData.no_of_signalized_approaches = noOfApproaches;
                    commonData.isSignalizedIntxn           = true;
                    commonData.isPedCross       = false;
                    commonData.isFlasingBeacons = false;
                    combinedTable.AddOrUpdate(pxID, commonData, (k, v) => v);
            if (pedCrossoverFilePath != null)
                Pedestrian_crossovers pedCrossData = SSUtil.DeSerializeXMLObject <Pedestrian_crossovers>(pedCrossoverFilePath);
                foreach (RecordPedCross records in pedCrossData.Record)
                    int pxID = Convert.ToInt32(records.Px);
                    SSINTNXSignalDataTable commonData;
                    if (combinedTable.ContainsKey(pxID))
                        commonData = combinedTable[pxID];
                        commonData                = new SSINTNXSignalDataTable();
                        commonData.pxID           = pxID;
                        commonData.mainStreet     = records.Main;
                        commonData.midblockStreet = records.Midblock;
                        commonData.sideStreet1    = records.Side1;
                        commonData.sideStreet2    = records.Side2;
                        commonData.Latitude       = Convert.ToDouble(records.Lat);
                        commonData.Longitude      = Convert.ToDouble(records.Long);
                        commonData.no_of_signalized_approaches = 2;
                        commonData.vehVol = -1; //no volume default
                        commonData.pedVol = -1; //no volume default
                    commonData.isSignalizedIntxn = false;
                    commonData.isPedCross        = true;
                    commonData.isFlasingBeacons  = false;
                    combinedTable.AddOrUpdate(pxID, commonData, (k, v) => v);
            if (flashingBeaconFilePath != null)
                Flashing_beacons flashingBeaconData = SSUtil.DeSerializeXMLObject <Flashing_beacons>(flashingBeaconFilePath);
                foreach (RecordFlashingBeacons records in flashingBeaconData.Record)
                    int pxID = Convert.ToInt32(records.Px);
                    SSINTNXSignalDataTable commonData;
                    if (combinedTable.ContainsKey(pxID))
                        commonData = combinedTable[pxID];
                        commonData                = new SSINTNXSignalDataTable();
                        commonData.pxID           = pxID;
                        commonData.mainStreet     = records.Main;
                        commonData.midblockStreet = records.Midblock;
                        commonData.sideStreet1    = records.Side1;
                        commonData.sideStreet2    = records.Side2;
                        commonData.Latitude       = Convert.ToDouble(records.Lat);
                        commonData.Longitude      = Convert.ToDouble(records.Long);
                        commonData.no_of_signalized_approaches = 2;
                        commonData.vehVol = -1; //no volume default
                        commonData.pedVol = -1; //no volume default
                    commonData.isSignalizedIntxn = false;
                    commonData.isPedCross        = false;
                    commonData.isFlasingBeacons  = true;
                    combinedTable.AddOrUpdate(pxID, commonData, (k, v) => v);
            if (trafficVolFilePath != null)
                Traffic_vols trafficVolData = SSUtil.DeSerializeXMLObject <Traffic_vols>(trafficVolFilePath);
                foreach (RecordTrafficVols records in trafficVolData.Record)
                    int pxID = Convert.ToInt32(records.Px);
                    SSINTNXSignalDataTable commonData;
                    if (combinedTable.ContainsKey(pxID))
                        commonData = combinedTable[pxID];
                        commonData                = new SSINTNXSignalDataTable();
                        commonData.pxID           = pxID;
                        commonData.mainStreet     = records.Main;
                        commonData.midblockStreet = records.Midblock;
                        commonData.sideStreet1    = records.Side1;
                        commonData.sideStreet2    = records.Side2;
                        commonData.Latitude       = Convert.ToDouble(records.Lat);
                        commonData.Longitude      = Convert.ToDouble(records.Long);

                        commonData.signal_system   = "unknownFromVolFile";
                        commonData.mode_of_control = "unknownFromVolFile";
                        commonData.isNotFXT        = false;
                        commonData.transit_preempt = false;
                        commonData.fire_preempt    = false;
                        commonData.Rail_preempt    = false;
                        int noOfApproaches = (commonData.midblockStreet.Length > 0) ? 2 : ((commonData.sideStreet2.Contains("PRIVATE ACCESS")) ? 3 : 4); //estimates
                        commonData.no_of_signalized_approaches = noOfApproaches;
                        commonData.isSignalizedIntxn           = true;                                                                                   //assumes only signalized intersection has volume measurements
                        commonData.isPedCross       = false;
                        commonData.isFlasingBeacons = false;
                    commonData.countDate = DateTime.ParseExact(records.CountDate, "M-d-yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    string vehVol = Regex.Replace(records.VehVol8Hr, @"\s+", "");
                    commonData.vehVol = Convert.ToInt32(vehVol);
                    string pedVol = Regex.Replace(records.PedVol8Hr, @"\s+", "");
                    commonData.pedVol = Convert.ToInt32(pedVol);
                    combinedTable.AddOrUpdate(pxID, commonData, (k, v) => v);
            //catch (Exception e)
            //    return null;
Example #14
 public void Dispose()
     SSUtil.Log("'{0}' exec time: {1:0.000} (ms)", _tag, ((double)_stopWatch.ElapsedTicks / (double)Stopwatch.Frequency) * 1000);