/// Saves the user preferences. public Boolean SaveUserPreferences(LoginModel loginModel) { Boolean lReturnValue = false; if (loginModel == null) { return(lReturnValue); } if ((loginModel.UserName == null) || (loginModel.Password == null)) { return(lReturnValue); } Dictionary <String, Object> lDictionary = new Dictionary <String, Object>(); lDictionary.Add(Defines.KeyUserName, loginModel.UserName); lDictionary.Add(Defines.KeyPassword, loginModel.Password); lDictionary.Add(Defines.KeyShouldRemember, loginModel.ShouldRemember); lDictionary.Add(Defines.KeyLoginCookies, loginModel.Cookies); String lValue = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(lDictionary); SQLiteRowData lSQLiteRowData = new SQLiteRowData(Defines.KeyUserPreferences, lValue); int tempValue = SaveItem(lSQLiteRowData).Result; if (tempValue > 0) { lReturnValue = true; } return(lReturnValue); }
/// <summary> /// Deletes the item async. /// </summary> /// <returns>The item async.</returns> /// <param name="item">Item.</param> public Task <int> DeleteItemAsync(SQLiteRowData item) { lock (lockObject) { return(sqliteConnection.DeleteAsync(item)); } }
/// Gets the user preferences. public LoginModel GetUserPreferences() { LoginModel lLoginModel = null; Task <SQLiteRowData> tempSQLiteRowData = GetItemForKey(Defines.KeyUserPreferences); SQLiteRowData lSQLiteRowData = null; if (tempSQLiteRowData.Result != null) { lSQLiteRowData = tempSQLiteRowData.Result; } if (lSQLiteRowData != null) { String lValue = lSQLiteRowData.Value; Dictionary <String, Object> lDictionary = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <String, Object> >(lValue); if (lDictionary != null) { lLoginModel = new LoginModel(); lLoginModel.UserName = (String)lDictionary[Defines.KeyUserName]; lLoginModel.Password = (String)lDictionary[Defines.KeyPassword]; lLoginModel.ShouldRemember = (Boolean)lDictionary[Defines.KeyShouldRemember]; lLoginModel.Cookies = (String)lDictionary[Defines.KeyLoginCookies]; } } return(lLoginModel); }
public static void saveTimePeriod(string selectedTimePeriod) { if (selectedTimePeriod != null) { SQLite.SQLiteRowData data = new SQLite.SQLiteRowData(); data = new SQLiteRowData("SelectedSettingTimePeriod", selectedTimePeriod); SQLiteManager.SharedInstance().SaveItem(data); } }
public static void saveDefaultView(string selectedDefaultView) { if (selectedDefaultView != null) { SQLite.SQLiteRowData data = new SQLite.SQLiteRowData(); data = new SQLiteRowData("SelectedSettingDefaultView", selectedDefaultView); SQLiteManager.SharedInstance().SaveItem(data); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the environment value. /// </summary> /// <returns>The environment value.</returns> public static string getEnvironmentValue() { string environmentValue = "QA"; SQLiteRowData checkForQAEnvironmentActivated = SQLiteManager.SharedInstance().GetItemForKey("EnvironmentValue").Result; if (checkForQAEnvironmentActivated != null) { environmentValue = checkForQAEnvironmentActivated.Value; } return(environmentValue); }
/// Deletes the user preferences. public Boolean DeleteUserPreferences() { Boolean lReturnValue = false; SQLiteRowData lSQLiteRowData = new SQLiteRowData(Defines.KeyUserPreferences, ""); int tempValue = DeleteItemAsync(lSQLiteRowData).Result; if (tempValue > 0) { lReturnValue = true; } return(lReturnValue); }
public void ConnectionWasSuccessFullWithResult(object result, string RequestID) { try { IsBusy = false; if (RequestID == Defines.LoginRequestServerHit) { Dictionary <String, Object> lDictionary = (Dictionary <String, Object>)result; String lConnectionResponseMessage = (String)lDictionary[Defines.KeyConnectionResponseMessage]; String lLoginCookies = (String)lDictionary[Defines.KeyLoginCookies]; LoginModel lLoginModel = new LoginModel(); lLoginModel.UserName = UserName; lLoginModel.Password = Password; lLoginModel.Cookies = lLoginCookies; lLoginModel.ShouldRemember = ShouldRememberMe; var qaActivated = Utilities.getEnvironmentValue(); Console.Out.WriteLine("Login Screen Success: \r {0}", lConnectionResponseMessage); SQLiteRowData dataTime = new SQLiteRowData(); SQLiteRowData dataView = new SQLiteRowData(); dataTime = Utilities.getTimePeriod(); dataView = Utilities.getDefaultView(); Utilities.deleteAllDataFromSQlite(); Utilities.saveEnvironment(qaActivated); if (dataTime != null) { Utilities.saveTimePeriod(dataTime.Value); } if (dataView != null) { Utilities.saveDefaultView(dataView.Value); } SQLiteManager.SharedInstance().SaveUserPreferences(lLoginModel); Navigation.PushAsync(new DealerSearchPage(false)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Login Screen Success Exception: \r {0}", ex.Message); DisplayAlert("Login Alert", "Could not Login. Please try again!!", "OK"); } }
/// <summary> /// Saves the item. /// </summary> /// <returns>The item.</returns> /// <param name="item">Item.</param> public Task <int> SaveItem(SQLiteRowData item) { /* if (item.ID != 0) * { * return sqliteConnection.UpdateAsync(item); * } * else * { * return sqliteConnection.InsertAsync(item); * } */ lock (lockObject) { SQLiteRowData lRowData = GetItemForKey(item.Key).Result; if ((lRowData != null) && (lRowData.Key.ToLower().Equals(item.Key.ToLower()))) { item.ID = lRowData.ID; return(sqliteConnection.UpdateAsync(item)); } else { return(sqliteConnection.InsertAsync(item)); } } }
public static void saveEnvironment(string enviromentValue) { SQLite.SQLiteRowData data = new SQLite.SQLiteRowData(); data = new SQLiteRowData("EnvironmentValue", enviromentValue); SQLiteManager.SharedInstance().SaveItem(data); }