public void fillStudents() { con.Open(); dataGridView1.DataSource = con.SelectTable(@"select cs.idStudent as ID, s.lastname as Apellido from course_student cs inner join student s on s.idStudent = cs.idStudent where idCourse = " + idCourse + ";"); con.Close(); }
void setMax() { con.Open(); max = con.SelectSingle("Select weight from assignment where idassignment = " + idAssignment + ";"); labelMax.Text = "(Máximo de " + max + ")"; con.Close(); numericUpDown1.Maximum = Convert.ToDecimal(max); }
public void fillDataGridTrabajos() { string sql = @"select ass.idStudent as Matricula, s.firstname as Nombre, s.lastname as Apellido, ass.completed as Entregado, ass.grade as Calificación from student s inner join assignment_student ass on s.idStudent=ass.idStudent where idAssignment = " + idAssignment; con.Open(); dataGridView1.DataSource = con.SelectTable(sql); con.Close(); }
public string GetUserName() { string name = ""; con.Open(); idProfessor = con.SelectSingle("select idProfessor from account where idAccount =" + idAccount); DataTable tmp = con.SelectTable("select firstname, lastname from professor where idProfessor = " + idProfessor); name = tmp.Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString() + ' '; name += tmp.Rows[0].ItemArray[1].ToString(); con.Close(); return(name); }
public void FillDataGrid() { con.Open(); dataGridView1.DataSource = con.SelectTable(string.Format(sql, idCourse)); con.Close(); dataGridView1.Columns["idForum"].Visible = false; }
void fillDataGrid() { con.Open(); dataGridView1.DataSource = con.SelectTable(@"select c.idCourse as ID, as Nombre, c.idProfessor as 'id Professor', p.lastname as apellido from course c inner join professor p on c.idProfessor = p.idProfessor;"); con.Close(); }
public MainWindowVM() { bool status = false; string db_file = "db_file.sqlite"; //Init and Test Database Connection IDBConnectorEF dbconn = new SQLiteConnector(db_file); status = dbconn.Open(); if (status) { dbconn.Close(); } if (status) { //Assign to application wide shared variable. AppData.DBConn = dbconn; //Add ViewModel to the Content list _ContentVM.Add(new Module.Client.ClientManagerVM()); _ContentVM.Add(new Module.Service.ClientManagerVM()); _ContentVM.Add(new Module.Other.OtherManagerVM()); //Init Menu Bar Commands. InitializeCommands(); } }
private void InsertForum() { string name = textBoxName.Text; string content = textBoxContent.Text; string sql = @"insert into forum(name, description,idauthor,idcourse) values('{0}','{1}',{2},{3});"; con.Open(); con.Command(string.Format(sql, name, content, idAuthor, idCourse)); con.Close(); }
private void fillFields() { con.Open(); textBoxFirstName.Text = con.SelectSingle("select firstname from " + accountType + " where id" + accountType + " = " + idUser).ToString(); textBoxLastName.Text = con.SelectSingle("select lastname from " + accountType + " where id" + accountType + " = " + idUser).ToString(); textBoxPassword.Text = con.SelectSingle(string.Format(@"select a.password from account a inner join {0} s on{0} ={0} where{0} = {1};", accountType, idUser)).ToString(); con.Close(); if (accountType.ToLower() == "professor") { comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 1; } else { comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; } comboBox1.Enabled = false; }
public void fillGrids() { string sql = @"select s.idStudent as Matrícula, s.firstname as Nombre, s.lastname as Apellido, a.username as Cuenta from student s left join Account a on a.idStudent = s.idStudent;"; con.Open(); dataGridStudents.DataSource = con.SelectTable(sql); sql = @"select s.idProfessor as Matrícula, s.firstname as Nombre, s.lastname as Apellido, a.username as Cuenta from professor s left join Account a on a.idProfessor = s.idProfessor;"; dataGridProfessors.DataSource = con.SelectTable(sql); con.Close(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string idStudent = numericUpDown1.Value.ToString(); try { string sql = @"insert into Course_student (idCourse, idStudent) values (" + idCourse + "," + idStudent + ");"; con.Open(); con.Command(sql); DataTable dt = con.SelectTable(@"select idAssignment from assignment where idCourse = " + idCourse + ";"); foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows) { con.Command(@"insert into assignment_student (idStudent, idAssignment) values (" + idStudent + "," + r.ItemArray[0].ToString() + ");"); } MessageBox.Show("Estudiante modificado existosamente", "Modificación Existosa", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); con.Close(); } catch (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException error) { con.Close(); if (error.Message.Contains("UNIQUE constraint")) { MessageBox.Show("Este estudiante ya está inscritio", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else if (error.Message.Contains("FOREIGN KEY")) { MessageBox.Show("No existe un estudiante con esta matrícula", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } else { MessageBox.Show(error.Message); } } finally { con.Close(); } }
private void SendHomework(string title, string desc, string val) { string sql = @"insert into assignment(weight,name,description,idCourse) values({0},'{1}','{2}',{3});"; sql = String.Format(sql, val, title, desc, idCourse); DataTable dt; try { con.Open(); con.Command(sql); dt = con.SelectTable("select idStudent from course_student where idCourse=" + idCourse + ";"); string idAss = con.SelectSingle("select idAssignment from assignment where idAssignment=(Select max(idAssignment) from assignment);"); sql = "insert into assignment_student(idassignment,idstudent) values({0},{1});"; foreach (DataRow r in dt.Rows) { con.Command(string.Format(sql, idAss, r.ItemArray[0].ToString())); } con.Close(); } catch (System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message.ToString()); } catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException err) { MessageBox.Show("Error en el foreach\n" + err.Message); } finally { con.Close(); } parent.fillDataGridAssignment(); this.Close(); }
private void getTitle() { con.Open(); this.Text = "Foro: " + con.SelectSingle(@"select name from Forum where idForum=" + idForum + ";"); con.Close(); }