internal static void BindParameter(SQLitePCL.sqlite3_stmt stmt, int index, object value, bool storeDateTimeAsTicks)
     if (value == null)
         SQLite3.BindNull(stmt, index);
         if (value is Int32)
             SQLite3.BindInt(stmt, index, (int)value);
         else if (value is String)
             SQLite3.BindText(stmt, index, (string)value, -1, NegativePointer);
         else if (value is Byte || value is UInt16 || value is SByte || value is Int16)
             SQLite3.BindInt(stmt, index, Convert.ToInt32(value));
         else if (value is Boolean)
             SQLite3.BindInt(stmt, index, (bool)value ? 1 : 0);
         else if (value is UInt32 || value is Int64)
             SQLite3.BindInt64(stmt, index, Convert.ToInt64(value));
         else if (value is Single || value is Double || value is Decimal)
             SQLite3.BindDouble(stmt, index, Convert.ToDouble(value));
         else if (value is TimeSpan)
             SQLite3.BindInt64(stmt, index, ((TimeSpan)value).Ticks);
         else if (value is DateTime)
             if (storeDateTimeAsTicks)
                 SQLite3.BindInt64(stmt, index, ((DateTime)value).Ticks);
                 SQLite3.BindText(stmt, index, ((DateTime)value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), -1, NegativePointer);
         else if (value is DateTimeOffset)
             SQLite3.BindInt64(stmt, index, ((DateTimeOffset)value).UtcTicks);
         else if (value.GetType().GetTypeInfo().IsEnum)
             SQLite3.BindInt(stmt, index, Convert.ToInt32(value));
         else if (value is byte[])
             SQLite3.BindBlob(stmt, index, (byte[])value, ((byte[])value).Length, NegativePointer);
         else if (value is Guid)
             SQLite3.BindText(stmt, index, ((Guid)value).ToString(), 72, NegativePointer);
             throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot store type: " + value.GetType());
        /// <summary>
        /// bind a value to the statment with his index</summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// returnif the operation is a success </returns>
        /// <param name="value"> the object to bind</param>
        /// <param name="index"> the index of parameter</param>
        private bool bindValue(object value, int index)
            if (value == null)
                SQLite3.BindNull(stmt, index);
                if (value is Int32)
                    SQLite3.BindInt(stmt, index, (int)value);
                else if (value is String)
                    SQLite3.BindText(stmt, index, (string)value, -1, new IntPtr(-1));
                else if (value is Byte || value is UInt16 || value is SByte || value is Int16)
                    SQLite3.BindInt(stmt, index, Convert.ToInt32(value));
                else if (value is Boolean)
                    SQLite3.BindInt(stmt, index, (bool)value ? 1 : 0);
                else if (value is UInt32 || value is Int64)
                    SQLite3.BindInt64(stmt, index, Convert.ToInt64(value));
                else if (value is Single || value is Double || value is Decimal)
                    SQLite3.BindDouble(stmt, index, Convert.ToDouble(value));
                else if (value is DateTime)
                    SQLite3.BindText(stmt, index, ((DateTime)value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), -1, new IntPtr(-1));
                else if (value.GetType().IsEnum)
                else if (value.GetType().GetTypeInfo().IsEnum)
                    SQLite3.BindInt(stmt, index, Convert.ToInt32(value));
                else if (value is byte[])
                    SQLite3.BindBlob(stmt, index, (byte[])value, ((byte[])value).Length, new IntPtr(-1));
                else if (value is Guid)
                    SQLite3.BindText(stmt, index, ((Guid)value).ToString(), 72, new IntPtr(-1));
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Cannot store type: " + value.GetType());