public static SQLPart create(SQLPartType type, string partValue)
     SQLPart i = new SQLPart();
     i.value = partValue;
     i.partType = type;
     return i;
        public string getPart(SQLPartType part)
            foreach (SQLPart tpart in sParts)
                if (tpart.partType == part)
                    return tpart.value;

            return "";
 public void deletePart(SQLPartType deletePartType)
     SQLPart sp = this.sParts.Find(delegate(SQLPart opart)
         return (opart.partType == deletePartType);
     if (sp == null) { return; }
     sp.value = "";
        public void addPart(string addItem, SQLPartType addPartType)
            SQLPart sp = this.sParts.Find(delegate(SQLPart opart)
                return (opart.partType == addPartType);
            if (sp == null)
                sp = new SQLPart();
                sp.partType = addPartType;
            if (sp.value == null || sp.value == "")
                sp.value += SQLPartKeyword(addPartType).startkeyword;

            else if (addPartType == SQLPartType.where)
                if (sp.value != null && sp.value.Trim() != "" && sp.value.Trim().ToUpper() != "WHERE")
                    sp.value += " and "; // +addItem;
            else if (addPartType == SQLPartType.fields)
                sp.value += ", ";
            if (addPartType == SQLPartType.where && !(String.IsNullOrEmpty(addItem)))
                sp.value += "(" + addItem + ")";
                sp.value += addItem;
        public static parseInstruction SQLPartKeyword(SQLPartType part)
            parseInstruction res = new parseInstruction();

            res.startkeyword = "";
            res.endkeyword = "";
            switch (part)
                case SQLPartType.fields:
                    res.startkeyword = "Select ";
                    res.endkeyword = " From ";
                case SQLPartType.from:
                    res.startkeyword = " From ";
                    res.endkeyword = " Where ";
                case SQLPartType.where:
                    res.startkeyword = " Where ";
                    res.endkeyword = " Group By ";
                case SQLPartType.groupby:
                    res.startkeyword = " Group By ";
                    res.endkeyword = " Having ";
                case SQLPartType.having:
                    res.startkeyword = " Having ";
                    res.endkeyword = " Order By ";
                case SQLPartType.orderby:
                    res.startkeyword = " Order By ";
                    res.endkeyword = "";
            return res;
        public static string partFromSQL(string sql, SQLPartType part)
            parseInstruction pi = SQLPartKeyword(part);
            int startpos = sql.IndexOf(pi.startkeyword, 0, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
            int endpos = -1;
            if (startpos == -1)
                return "";

            //Find the ending spot -- loop from the current sql part to the end looking for the next end keyword match

            for (byte i = (byte)part; i <= Enum.GetNames(typeof(SQLPartType)).Length; i++)
                SQLPartType tpart = (SQLPartType)i;
                pi = SQLPartKeyword(tpart);
                if (pi.endkeyword == "")
                    return sql.Substring(startpos, sql.Length - startpos); //return from the startpos to the end

                    endpos = sql.IndexOf(pi.endkeyword, startpos + 1, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
                    if (endpos > -1)
                        return sql.Substring(startpos, endpos - startpos);
            return "";