/// <summary>
        /// This method is used to test a SQL database connection.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool TestDatabaseConnection(SQLDatabaseConnector sqlDatabaseConnector)
            // initial value
            bool connectionAvailable = false;

                // verify the sqlDatabaseConnector exists and the ConnectionString is set
                if ((sqlDatabaseConnector != null) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlDatabaseConnector.ConnectionString)))
                    // Open the connection

                    // Test the connection
                    connectionAvailable = sqlDatabaseConnector.Connected;

                    // Close the connection
            catch (Exception error)
                // for debugging only
                string err = error.ToString();

            // return value
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This method loads the Database Schema for the database given.
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadDatabaseSchema(SQLDatabaseConnector connector, ref Database database)
                // if the database exists
                if ((connector != null) && (database != null))
                    // Open the connection

                    // if the connector is open
                    if (connector.Connected)
                        // Load the database schema

                    // Close the connection

                    // Open the connection
            catch (Exception error)
                // for debugging only
                string err = error.ToString();
Example #3
        public bool IsString(DataJuggler.Net.DataTable table, string fieldName)
            // initial value
            bool isString = false;

            // Create Generic row
            DataJuggler.Net.DataRow row = new DataRow();

            // Get the Index Of Fieldname
            int Index = SQLDatabaseConnector.FindFieldIndex(table.Fields, fieldName);

            // If Index Was Found
            if (Index >= 0)
                // if this field is a string
                if (table.Fields[Index].DataType == DataManager.DataTypeEnum.String)
                    // Use Quotes For Strings
                    isString = true;

            // return value
        /// <summary>
        /// This event is fired when the Test Database Connection button is clieccked.
        /// </summary>
        private void TestDatabaseConnectionButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // set the connectionTest
                bool connectionTest = false;

                // Set the connectionString
                string connectionString = this.ConnectionStringTextBox.Text;

                // test for a connectionString
                bool hasConnectionString = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString));

                // if a connection string has been established
                if (hasConnectionString)
                    // set the dataConnector
                    SQLDatabaseConnector dataConnector = new SQLDatabaseConnector();

                    // set the connection string
                    dataConnector.ConnectionString = connectionString;

                    // Test the connection
                    connectionTest = SQLDatabaseTester.TestDatabaseConnection(dataConnector);

                    // if the connection test passed
                    if (connectionTest)
                        // Show success icon
                        PassedImage.Visible = true;
                        // Show a success message
                        FailedImage.Visible = false;

                    // Start the timer to hide the images in 3 seconds
                    // Show a warning message
                    MessageBox.Show("You must build or enter a connection string.", "Missing Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            catch (Exception error)
                // for debugging only
                string err = error.ToString();

                // Show a success message
                MessageBox.Show("A connection to the database count not be estalished.", "Connection Test Failed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// event is fired when the 'GetSchemaHashButton' is clicked.
        /// </summary>
        private void GetSchemaHashButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // create a database
            Database database = new Database();

            // paste in your connectionstring
            database.ConnectionString = ConnectionStringControl.Text;

                // if the connecionstring exists
                if (TextHelper.Exists(database.ConnectionString))
                    // Create a new instance of a 'SQLDatabaseConnector' object.
                    SQLDatabaseConnector connector = new SQLDatabaseConnector();

                    // set the connectionstring on the connector
                    connector.ConnectionString = database.ConnectionString;

                    // open the connection

                    // get the schemaHash
                    string schemaHash = connector.GetDatabaseSchemaHash(database);

                    // close the connection

                    // Display the result
                    this.SchemaHashControl.Text = schemaHash;
                    // Show the user a message
                    MessageBoxHelper.ShowMessage("You must paste in a connection string to continue.", "Connectionstring Required");
            catch (Exception error)
                // Show the user a message
                MessageBoxHelper.ShowMessage("An error occurred: " + error.ToString(), "Error");
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// This method returns the Xml File And SQL Database
        /// </summary>
        public bool ValidateXmlFileAndSQLDatabase()
            // initial value
            bool isValid = false;

            // local
            bool targetDatabaseConnectionPassed = false;
            bool sourceXmlFileIsValid           = false;

            // if the SourceXmlFilePath exists and the TargetDatabaseConnectionString exists
            if ((this.HasSourceXmlFilePath) && (this.HasTargetDatabaseConnectionString))
                // Create The TargetDatabaseConnector
                this.targetDatabaseConnector = new SQLDatabaseConnector();

                // Set the ConnectionString
                this.TargetDatabaseConnector.ConnectionString = this.TargetDatabaseConnectionString;

                // test the TargetDatabaseConnector
                targetDatabaseConnectionPassed = SQLDatabaseTester.TestDatabaseConnection(this.TargetDatabaseConnector);

                // set the sourceXmlFileIsValid
                sourceXmlFileIsValid = ValidateXmlFile(this.SourceXmlFilePath, true);

                // For now set this to valid, the Xml
                isValid = ((targetDatabaseConnectionPassed) && (sourceXmlFileIsValid));

                // if the value for isValid is false
                if (!isValid)
                    // if the TargetDatabaseConnectionPassed is false and the sourceXmlFile is not valid
                    if ((!targetDatabaseConnectionPassed) && (!sourceXmlFileIsValid))
                        // The Source Xml File is not valid
                        this.InvalidReason = "The 'Source Xml File' is not valid and the 'Target Database Connection' failed to connect";
                    else if (!targetDatabaseConnectionPassed)
                        // The Source Xml File is not valid
                        this.InvalidReason = "The 'Target Database Connection' failed to connect";
                        // The Source Xml File is not valid
                        this.InvalidReason = "The 'Source Xml File' is not valid";
            else if ((!this.HasTargetDatabaseConnectionString) && (!sourceXmlFileIsValid))
                // If the InvalidReason
                this.InvalidReason = "The 'Target Connection String' and the 'Source Xml File' must both be set";
            else if (!this.HasTargetDatabaseConnectionString)
                // If the InvalidReason
                this.InvalidReason = "The 'Target Connection String' must be set.";
            else if (!this.HasSourceXmlFilePath)
                // If the InvalidReason
                this.InvalidReason = "The 'Source Xml File' must be set";

            // return value
        /// <summary>
        /// This event is fired when the Test Database Connection button is clieccked.
        /// </summary>
        private void TestDatabaseConnectionButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // set the connectionTest
                bool connectionTest = false;

                // Set the connectionString
                string connectionString = this.ConnectionstringControl.Text;

                // test for a connectionString
                bool hasConnectionString = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString));

                // if a connection string has been established
                if (hasConnectionString)
                    // set the dataConnector
                    SQLDatabaseConnector dataConnector = new SQLDatabaseConnector();

                    // set the connection string
                    dataConnector.ConnectionString = connectionString;

                    // Test the connection
                    connectionTest = SQLDatabaseTester.TestDatabaseConnection(dataConnector);

                    // if the connection test passed
                    if (connectionTest)
                        // Change the text to passed
                        this.StatusLabel.Text = "Database Connection Test Passed.";

                        // Show Success
                        this.StatusImage.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.Success;

                        // Set the text to the clipboard

                        // Show the CopiedImage and start the CopiedTimer
                        // Show a success message
                        this.StatusLabel.Text = "Database Connection Failed.";

                        // Show Failure
                        this.StatusImage.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.Failure;

                    // Show the StatusLabel and Image
                    this.StatusLabel.Visible = true;
                    this.StatusImage.Visible = true;
                    // Show a warning message
                    MessageBox.Show("You must build or enter a connection string.", "Missing Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
            catch (Exception error)
                // for debugging only
                string err = error.ToString();

                // Show a success message
                MessageBox.Show("A connection to the database count not be estalished.", "Connection Test Failed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a ObjectLibrary.Database
        /// SQLServer database to a DataJuggler.Net Database
        /// and reads the schema.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="databases"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Database ConvertSQLDatabase(DTNDatabase db, List <Enumeration> enumerations)
            // Create sqlConnector
            SQLDatabaseConnector sqlConnector = new SQLDatabaseConnector();

            // if the tables are not loaded for the db
            if ((NullHelper.Exists(db)) && (!ListHelper.HasOneOrMoreItems(db.Tables)))
                // Create a new instance of a 'Gateway' object.
                Gateway gateway = new Gateway();

                // load the tables
                db.Tables = gateway.LoadDTNTablesByProjectId(this.CurrentProject.ProjectId);

            // if the DataManager does not exist
            if (NullHelper.IsNull(DataManager))
                if (NullHelper.Exists(CurrentProject))
                    // Don't know why this is still here, VB.Net was abandoned in 2006 or 2007
                    DataManager = new DataManager(CurrentProject.ProjectFolder, currentProject.ProjectName, DataManager.ClassOutputLanguage.CSharp);
                    // exit

            // Create Database
            DataJuggler.Net.Database database = new Database(this.DataManager);

            // Set Database Properties
            database.ClassFileName     = this.DataManager.ClassFileName;
            database.ClassName         = db.DatabaseName + ".cs";
            database.ConnectionString  = db.ConnectionString;
            database.Name              = db.DatabaseName;
            database.ParentDataManager = this.DataManager;
            database.Password          = db.DBPassword;
            database.Serializable      = true;
            database.StoredProcedures  = new List <StoredProcedure>();

            // set connection string
            sqlConnector.DatabaseConnection.ConnectionString = database.ConnectionString;

            // open database

            // read database schema
            database = sqlConnector.LoadDatabaseSchema(database);

            // close this database

            // if there are one or more tables
            if (ListHelper.HasOneOrMoreItems(database.Tables))
                // iterate the collection of tables
                foreach (DataTable table in database.Tables)
                    // if a DotNet5 project and EnableBlazorFeatures is true and BindingCallBack option is set to CreateBinding
                    if ((currentProject.TargetFramework != TargetFrameworkEnum.NetFramework) && (currentProject.EnableBlazorFeatures) && (currentProject.BindingCallbackOption == BindingCallbackOptionEnum.Create_Binding))
                        // Create the BindingCall back needs to be set to true to code generate the Callback.
                        table.CreateBindingCallback = true;

                    // if there are one or more fields
                    if (ListHelper.HasOneOrMoreItems(table.Fields, enumerations))
                        // iterate the fields
                        foreach (DataField field in table.Fields)
                            // now iterate te enumerations
                            foreach (Enumeration enumeration in enumerations)
                                // if this field is designated as an enumeration
                                if (TextHelper.IsEqual(field.FieldName, enumeration.FieldName))
                                    // set to true
                                    field.IsEnumeration = true;

                                    // Set this as enumeration
                                    field.DataType = DataManager.DataTypeEnum.Enumeration;

                                    // Set the EnumerationName
                                    field.EnumDataTypeName = enumeration.EnumerationName;

            // return value
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// This method returns the Two SQL Databases
        /// </summary>
        public bool ValidateTwoSQLDatabases()
            // initial value
                bool isValid = false;

                // if the SourceDatabaseConnectionString and the TargetDatabaseConnectionString
                if ((this.HasSourceDatabaseConnectionString) && (this.HasTargetDatabaseConnectionString))
                    // Create a new instance of a 'SQLDatabaseConnector' object.
                    this.SourceDatabaseConnector = new SQLDatabaseConnector();
                    this.TargetDatabaseConnector = new SQLDatabaseConnector();

                    // Set the Source & Target ConnectionString
                    this.SourceDatabaseConnector.ConnectionString = this.SourceDatabaseConnectionString;
                    this.TargetDatabaseConnector.ConnectionString = this.TargetDatabaseConnectionString;

                    // test the sourceConnectionTested
                    bool sourceConnectionTested = SQLDatabaseTester.TestDatabaseConnection(this.SourceDatabaseConnector);
                    bool targetConnectionTested = SQLDatabaseTester.TestDatabaseConnection(this.TargetDatabaseConnector);

                    // if both connections tested
                    if ((sourceConnectionTested) && (targetConnectionTested))
                        // this is a valid connection
                        isValid = true;
                    else if ((!sourceConnectionTested) && (targetConnectionTested))
                        // Set the InvalidReason
                        this.InvalidReason = "The source and target connections failed to connect.";
                    else if (!sourceConnectionTested)
                        // Set the InvalidReason
                        this.InvalidReason = "The source connection failed to connect.";
                        // The Target Connection Failed
                        this.InvalidReason = "The target connection failed to connect.";
                else if ((!this.HasSourceDatabaseConnectionString) && (!this.HasTargetDatabaseConnectionString))
                    // Set the InvalidReason
                    this.InvalidReason = "The 'Source Connection String' and the 'Target Connection String' must both be set";
                else if (!this.HasSourceDatabaseConnectionString)
                    // Set the InvalidReason
                    this.InvalidReason = "The 'Source Connection String' must be set";
                else if (!this.HasTargetDatabaseConnectionString)
                    // Set the InvalidReason
                    this.InvalidReason = "The 'Target Connection String' must be set";

                // return value
                return isValid;