Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            bool _active = true;

            DA.GetData(0, ref _active);

            Active active = (_active) ? Active.YES : Active.NO;

            SOR sor = new SOR(active);

            DA.SetData(0, sor);
            /// <summary>Gets the implied Black volatility of a specific european call option.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="strike">The strike.</param>
            /// <param name="forward">The forward.</param>
            /// <param name="timeToExpiry">The time span between valuation date and expiry date in its <see cref="System.Double"/> representation.</param>
            /// <param name="c0">The dimensionless option price, i.e. option price divided by forward and discount factor.</param>
            /// <param name="value">The implied Black volatility (output).</param>
            /// <returns>A value indicating whether <paramref name="value"/> contains valid data.</returns>
            private ImpliedCalculationResultState TryGetImpliedCallVolatility(double strike, double forward, double timeToExpiry, double c0, out double value)
                var x           = Math.Log(forward / strike);
                var expOfMinusx = strike / forward;

                if (x > 0) // "in-out" duality
                    x           = -x;
                    expOfMinusx = forward / strike;

                    c0 = expOfMinusx * c0 + 1 - expOfMinusx;  // expOfMinusx = exp( [original] x )
                var v0 = SOR.GetInitialCallOptionTotalVolatility(x, c0);
                var w0 = (v0 * v0 - 2 * Math.Abs(x)) / (v0 * v0 + 2 * Math.Abs(x));

                var oneOverOnePlusW = 1.0 / (1 + w0);

                var v = v0;
                var w = w0;

                for (int j = 0; j < m_MaxNumberOfIterations; j++)
                    var    nPlus  = StandardNormalDistribution.GetCdfValue(x / v + 0.5 * v);
                    var    nMinus = expOfMinusx * StandardNormalDistribution.GetCdfValue(x / v - 0.5 * v);
                    double c      = nPlus - nMinus; // undiscounted normalized option value

                    var temp = StandardNormalDistribution.GetInverseCdfValue((c0 + nMinus + w * nPlus) / (1.0 + w));

                    v = temp + Math.Sqrt(temp * temp + 2.0 * Math.Abs(x));
                    w = (v * v - 2 * Math.Abs(x)) / (v * v + 2 * Math.Abs(x));

                    if (Math.Abs(c - c0) < m_Tolerance)
                        value = v / Math.Sqrt(timeToExpiry);  // here, we assume that the 'new' total volatility estimation is better than the one used for the calculation of 'c'
                value = v / Math.Sqrt(timeToExpiry);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            MainSettings         _mainSettings  = null;
            List <Configuration> otherSettings_ = new List <Configuration> ();
            bool _runIt = false;

            DA.GetData(0, ref _mainSettings);
            DA.GetDataList(1, otherSettings_);
            DA.GetData(2, ref _runIt);

            SimpleForcingSettings simpleForcingSettings = null;
            TThread          tThread          = null;
            TimeSteps        timeSteps        = null;
            ModelTiming      modelTiming      = null;
            SoilConfig       soilConfig       = null;
            Sources          sources          = null;
            Turbulence       turbulence       = null;
            OutputSettings   outputSettings   = null;
            Cloud            cloud            = null;
            Background       background       = null;
            SolarAdjust      solarAdjust      = null;
            BuildingSettings buildingSettings = null;
            IVS          ivs          = null;
            ParallelCPU  parallelCPU  = null;
            SOR          sor          = null;
            InflowAvg    inflowAvg    = null;
            Facades      facades      = null;
            PlantSetting plantSetting = null;
            LBC          lbc          = null;
            FullForcing  fullForcing  = null;

            if (_runIt)
                    foreach (Configuration o in otherSettings_)
                        Type obj = o.GetType();

                        if (obj == typeof(SimpleForcingSettings))
                            simpleForcingSettings = o as SimpleForcingSettings;
                        else if (obj == typeof(TThread))
                            tThread = o as TThread;
                        else if (obj == typeof(TimeSteps))
                            timeSteps = o as TimeSteps;
                        else if (obj == typeof(ModelTiming))
                            modelTiming = o as ModelTiming;
                        else if (obj == typeof(SoilConfig))
                            soilConfig = o as SoilConfig;
                        else if (obj == typeof(Sources))
                            sources = o as Sources;
                        else if (obj == typeof(Turbulence))
                            turbulence = o as Turbulence;
                        else if (obj == typeof(OutputSettings))
                            outputSettings = o as OutputSettings;
                        else if (obj == typeof(Cloud))
                            cloud = o as Cloud;
                        else if (obj == typeof(Background))
                            background = o as Background;
                        else if (obj == typeof(SolarAdjust))
                            solarAdjust = o as SolarAdjust;
                        else if (obj == typeof(BuildingSettings))
                            buildingSettings = o as BuildingSettings;
                        else if (obj == typeof(IVS))
                            ivs = o as IVS;
                        else if (obj == typeof(ParallelCPU))
                            parallelCPU = o as ParallelCPU;
                        else if (obj == typeof(SOR))
                            sor = o as SOR;
                        else if (obj == typeof(InflowAvg))
                            inflowAvg = o as InflowAvg;
                        else if (obj == typeof(Facades))
                            facades = o as Facades;
                        else if (obj == typeof(PlantSetting))
                            plantSetting = o as PlantSetting;
                        else if (obj == typeof(LBC))
                            lbc = o as LBC;
                        else if (obj == typeof(FullForcing))
                            fullForcing = o as FullForcing;

                    Simx simx = new Simx(_mainSettings)
                        SimpleForcing    = simpleForcingSettings,
                        TThread          = tThread,
                        TimeSteps        = timeSteps,
                        ModelTiming      = modelTiming,
                        SoilSettings     = soilConfig,
                        Sources          = sources,
                        Turbulence       = turbulence,
                        OutputSettings   = outputSettings,
                        Cloud            = cloud,
                        Background       = background,
                        SolarAdjust      = solarAdjust,
                        BuildingSettings = buildingSettings,
                        IVS          = ivs,
                        ParallelCPU  = parallelCPU,
                        SOR          = sor,
                        InflowAvg    = inflowAvg,
                        Facades      = facades,
                        PlantSetting = plantSetting,
                        LBC          = lbc,
                        FullForcing  = fullForcing

                    DA.SetData(0, Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(_mainSettings.Inx), _mainSettings.Name + ".simx"));
                    this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Please provide a valid mainSettings.");
Example #4
        public void TestSolvers()
            //LU Factorization
            double[,] matrix4       = { { 1, 2, 4 }, { 3, 8, 14 }, { 2, 6, 13 } };
            double[,] sym_posMatrix = { { 3, 4, 3 }, { 4, 8, 6 }, { 3, 6, 9 } };
            double[]        b = { 3, 13, 4 };
            LUfactorization lufactorization = new LUfactorization();

            double[,] L = lufactorization.LMatrix(matrix4);
            double[,] U = lufactorization.UMatrix(matrix4);
            double[] solution1 = lufactorization.SolveSystem(L, U, b);

            double[,] matrix3 = { { 1, 2, 4 }, { 3, 8, 14 }, { 2, 6, 13 } };
            SOR sor = new SOR();

            (double[] x, _, _) = sor.SORMethod(matrix3, b, 50, 10e-06, 1.25);

            double[] actualSolution1 = { 3, 4, -2 };
            double   tol             = 10E-6;

            Assert.Equal(solution1, actualSolution1);

            for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
                Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(x[i] - actualSolution1[i]) < tol);

            ////Jacobi jacobi = new Jacobi();
            ////(double[] solution2, _, _) = jacobi.JacobiMethod(matrix4, b, 4, 1e-6);

            ////Cholesky Factorization
            //CholeskyFactorization choleskyFactorization = new CholeskyFactorization();

            //var (matrixL, matrixLT) = choleskyFactorization.ComposeLLTMatrix(sym_posMatrix);
            //double[] solution3 = choleskyFactorization.SolveEquationSystem(matrixL, matrixLT, b);

            ////    //GaussSiedel
            ////    GaussSiedel gaussSiedel = new GaussSiedel();
            ////    (var solution4,_,_) = gaussSiedel.GaussSiedelMethod(matrix4, b, 30, 1e-6);

            //double[] actualSolution2 = { -3.5, 4.333, -1.2778 };

            ////for (int i = 0; i < solution2.Length; i++)
            ////    Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(solution2[i] - actualSolution1[i]) < tol);

            //for (int i = 0; i < solution3.Length; i++)
            //    Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(solution3[i] - actualSolution2[i]) < tol);

            ////    //for (int i = 0; i < solution3.Length; i++)
            ////    //{
            ////    //    Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(solution4[i] - actualSolution1[i]) < tol);
            ////    //}