public static void BakeLights() { DateTime bakeStart = DateTime.Now; // current selection GameObject[] selection = Selection.gameObjects; List <MeshFilter> meshes = new List <MeshFilter>(); // gather meshes in selection foreach (GameObject go in selection) { meshes.AddRange(go.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshFilter>()); } if (meshes.Count == 0) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "No meshes in selection", "ok"); return; } // mesh renderers allow access to additional mesh data List <MeshRenderer> meshRenderers = new List <MeshRenderer>(); // gather meshes in selection build 1 to 1 list of mesh filters to mesh renderers foreach (MeshFilter filter in meshes) { MeshRenderer mr = filter.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); if (mr != null) { meshRenderers.Add(mr); } } if (meshes.Count != meshRenderers.Count) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error", "MeshRenderers are not 1 to 1 with Mesh Filters", "ok"); return; } List <Light> lights = new List <Light>(); // Gather lights GameObject[] roots = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().GetRootGameObjects(); foreach (GameObject go in roots) { if (go.activeSelf) { lights.AddRange(go.GetComponentsInChildren <Light>()); } } int workerThreadCount = Math.Max(7, Environment.ProcessorCount - 1); ThreadPool.SetMaxThreads(workerThreadCount, workerThreadCount); ThreadPool.SetMinThreads(1, 1); // create new meshes with lights baked in for (int i = 0, count = meshes.Count; i < count; ++i) { Matrix4x4 worldM = meshes[i].gameObject.transform.localToWorldMatrix; // create new mesh to hold color data for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { m_basisValues[c] = new List <Vector3>(); } ManualResetEvent[] waitHandles = new ManualResetEvent[workerThreadCount]; for (int e = 0; e < workerThreadCount; ++e) { waitHandles[e] = new ManualResetEvent(false); } int itemsPerThread = meshes[i].sharedMesh.vertexCount / workerThreadCount; int remainder = meshes[i].sharedMesh.vertexCount % workerThreadCount; // store basis results here then combine into final result List <List <Vector3>[]> tempBasisValues = new List <List <Vector3>[]>(); for (int t = 0; t < workerThreadCount; ++t) { tempBasisValues.Add(new List <Vector3> [3]); for (int c = 0; c < 3; ++c) { tempBasisValues[t][c] = new List <Vector3>(); } // create cache friendly lists of data SOAVertex verts = new SOAVertex(meshes[i].sharedMesh.vertices.Length); verts.vertices = meshes[i].sharedMesh.vertices; verts.normals = meshes[i].sharedMesh.normals; verts.tangents = meshes[i].sharedMesh.tangents; LightSOA lightsSoa = new LightSOA(lights); object context = new object[] { waitHandles[t], verts, worldM, lightsSoa, tempBasisValues[t], // output list itemsPerThread, // number of verts to process itemsPerThread *t, // vert offset remainder, // last thread will process remainder t == (workerThreadCount - 1), // is last t // id }; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(ProcessVertex, context); //ProcessVertex(context); } // wait for jobs to finish WaitHandle.WaitAll(waitHandles); // collect basis value results for (int t = 0; t < workerThreadCount; ++t) { m_basisValues[0].AddRange(tempBasisValues[t][0]); m_basisValues[1].AddRange(tempBasisValues[t][1]); m_basisValues[2].AddRange(tempBasisValues[t][2]); } const int uvOffset = 1; // if vertices is not set than we cannot set UVS // these vertices seem to be used then in place of the primary meshes vertices Mesh colorData = new Mesh(); colorData.vertices = meshes[i].sharedMesh.vertices; colorData.SetUVs(uvOffset + 0, m_basisValues[0]); colorData.SetUVs(uvOffset + 1, m_basisValues[1]); colorData.SetUVs(uvOffset + 2, m_basisValues[2]); colorData.UploadMeshData(true); string assetPath = "Assets/BakedLighting"; if (!Directory.Exists(assetPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(assetPath); } AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(colorData, assetPath + "/" + meshRenderers[i].GetInstanceID() + ".asset"); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); AssetDatabase.Refresh(ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate); colorData = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Mesh>(assetPath + "/" + meshRenderers[i].GetInstanceID() + ".asset"); MeshDataContainer meshDataContainer = meshRenderers[i].GetComponent <MeshDataContainer>(); if (meshDataContainer == null) { meshDataContainer = meshRenderers[i].gameObject.AddComponent <MeshDataContainer>(); } meshDataContainer.m_mesh = colorData; meshRenderers[i].additionalVertexStreams = colorData; EditorUtility.SetDirty(meshDataContainer.m_mesh); EditorUtility.SetDirty(meshDataContainer); EditorUtility.SetDirty(meshRenderers[i].gameObject); AssetDatabase.SaveAssets(); } Debug.Log("Bake time: " + (DateTime.Now - bakeStart).TotalSeconds + " seconds"); }
private static void ProcessVertex(object context) { object[] data = context as object[]; int d = 0; ManualResetEvent waitHandle = data[d++] as ManualResetEvent; SOAVertex verts = (SOAVertex)data[d++]; Matrix4x4 worldM = (Matrix4x4)data[d++]; LightSOA lights = (LightSOA)data[d++]; List <Vector3>[] basisValues = data[d++] as List <Vector3>[]; int itemsPerThread = (int)data[d++]; int offset = (int)data[d++]; int remainder = (int)data[d++]; bool isLast = (bool)data[d++]; try { int vertCount = itemsPerThread; if (isLast) { vertCount += remainder; } int vertCount4 = 4 * (vertCount / 4); // per vertex calculations for (int j = offset, k = offset + vertCount4; j < k; j += 4) { Vector3 worldPos0 = worldM * (verts.vertices[j].ToVector4(1f)); Vector3 worldPos1 = worldM * (verts.vertices[j + 1].ToVector4(1f)); Vector3 worldPos2 = worldM * (verts.vertices[j + 2].ToVector4(1f)); Vector3 worldPos3 = worldM * (verts.vertices[j + 3].ToVector4(1f)); Vector3 tangent0 = worldM * verts.tangents[j + 0]; Vector3 tangent1 = worldM * verts.tangents[j + 1]; Vector3 tangent2 = worldM * verts.tangents[j + 2]; Vector3 tangent3 = worldM * verts.tangents[j + 3]; Vector3 normal0 = worldM * verts.normals[j + 0]; Vector3 normal1 = worldM * verts.normals[j + 1]; Vector3 normal2 = worldM * verts.normals[j + 2]; Vector3 normal3 = worldM * verts.normals[j + 3]; tangent0.Normalize(); tangent1.Normalize(); tangent2.Normalize(); tangent3.Normalize(); normal0.Normalize(); normal1.Normalize(); normal2.Normalize(); normal3.Normalize(); Vector3 binormal0 = Vector3.Cross(tangent0, normal0) * verts.tangents[j + 0].w; Vector3 binormal1 = Vector3.Cross(tangent1, normal1) * verts.tangents[j + 1].w; Vector3 binormal2 = Vector3.Cross(tangent2, normal2) * verts.tangents[j + 2].w; Vector3 binormal3 = Vector3.Cross(tangent3, normal3) * verts.tangents[j + 3].w; Matrix4x4 worldToTangentM0 = new Matrix4x4 { m00 = tangent0.x, m10 = binormal0.x, m20 = normal0.x, m30 = 0f, m01 = tangent0.y, m11 = binormal0.y, m21 = normal0.y, m31 = 0f, m02 = tangent0.z, m12 = binormal0.z, m22 = normal0.z, m32 = 0f, m03 = 0f, m13 = 0f, m23 = 0f, m33 = 0f, }; Matrix4x4 worldToTangentM1 = new Matrix4x4 { m00 = tangent1.x, m10 = binormal1.x, m20 = normal1.x, m30 = 0f, m01 = tangent1.y, m11 = binormal1.y, m21 = normal1.y, m31 = 0f, m02 = tangent1.z, m12 = binormal1.z, m22 = normal1.z, m32 = 0f, m03 = 0f, m13 = 0f, m23 = 0f, m33 = 0f, }; Matrix4x4 worldToTangentM2 = new Matrix4x4 { m00 = tangent2.x, m10 = binormal2.x, m20 = normal2.x, m30 = 0f, m01 = tangent2.y, m11 = binormal2.y, m21 = normal2.y, m31 = 0f, m02 = tangent2.z, m12 = binormal2.z, m22 = normal2.z, m32 = 0f, m03 = 0f, m13 = 0f, m23 = 0f, m33 = 0f, }; Matrix4x4 worldToTangentM3 = new Matrix4x4 { m00 = tangent3.x, m10 = binormal3.x, m20 = normal3.x, m30 = 0f, m01 = tangent3.y, m11 = binormal3.y, m21 = normal3.y, m31 = 0f, m02 = tangent3.z, m12 = binormal3.z, m22 = normal3.z, m32 = 0f, m03 = 0f, m13 = 0f, m23 = 0f, m33 = 0f, }; // calculate light basis contributions // 0 Vector3 basis0_0 =; Vector3 basis1_0 =; Vector3 basis2_0 =; Vector3 basis0_1 =; Vector3 basis1_1 =; Vector3 basis2_1 =; Vector3 basis0_2 =; Vector3 basis1_2 =; Vector3 basis2_2 =; Vector3 basis0_3 =; Vector3 basis1_3 =; Vector3 basis2_3 =; /// 0 for (int l = 0, lk = lights.pos_range.Length; l < lk; ++l) { Vector3 lightPos = lights.pos_range[l]; Vector3 lightDir = lights.dir_inten[l]; float lightRange = lights.pos_range[l].w; float lightInten = lights.dir_inten[l].w; float spotAngle = lights.spot_angle[l].w; Vector3 lightColor = lights.color_types[l]; LightType lightType = (LightType)lights.color_types[l].w; ComputeLightBasis(worldPos0, normal0, worldToTangentM0, lightPos, lightDir, lightColor, lightRange, lightInten, spotAngle, lightType, ref basis0_0, ref basis1_0, ref basis2_0); ComputeLightBasis(worldPos1, normal1, worldToTangentM1, lightPos, lightDir, lightColor, lightRange, lightInten, spotAngle, lightType, ref basis0_1, ref basis1_1, ref basis2_1); ComputeLightBasis(worldPos2, normal2, worldToTangentM2, lightPos, lightDir, lightColor, lightRange, lightInten, spotAngle, lightType, ref basis0_2, ref basis1_2, ref basis2_2); ComputeLightBasis(worldPos3, normal3, worldToTangentM3, lightPos, lightDir, lightColor, lightRange, lightInten, spotAngle, lightType, ref basis0_3, ref basis1_3, ref basis2_3); } basisValues[0].Add(basis0_0); basisValues[1].Add(basis1_0); basisValues[2].Add(basis2_0); basisValues[0].Add(basis0_1); basisValues[1].Add(basis1_1); basisValues[2].Add(basis2_1); basisValues[0].Add(basis0_2); basisValues[1].Add(basis1_2); basisValues[2].Add(basis2_2); basisValues[0].Add(basis0_3); basisValues[1].Add(basis1_3); basisValues[2].Add(basis2_3); Thread.Sleep(1); } // remainder int remainderLoopCount = vertCount % 4; for (int j = vertCount4 + offset, k = vertCount4 + offset + remainderLoopCount; j < k; ++j) { Vector3 worldPos0 = worldM * (verts.vertices[j].ToVector4(1f)); Vector3 tangent0 = worldM * verts.tangents[j]; Vector3 normal0 = worldM * verts.normals[j]; tangent0.Normalize(); normal0.Normalize(); Vector3 binormal0 = Vector3.Cross(tangent0, normal0) * verts.tangents[j].w; Matrix4x4 worldToTangentM0 = new Matrix4x4 { m00 = tangent0.x, m10 = binormal0.x, m20 = normal0.x, m30 = 0f, m01 = tangent0.y, m11 = binormal0.y, m21 = normal0.y, m31 = 0f, m02 = tangent0.z, m12 = binormal0.z, m22 = normal0.z, m32 = 0f, m03 = 0f, m13 = 0f, m23 = 0f, m33 = 0f, }; // calculate light basis contributions // 0 Vector3 basis0_0 =; Vector3 basis1_0 =; Vector3 basis2_0 =; /// 0 for (int l = 0, lk = lights.pos_range.Length; l < lk; ++l) { Vector3 lightPos = lights.pos_range[l]; Vector3 lightDir = lights.dir_inten[l]; float lightRange = lights.pos_range[l].w; float lightInten = lights.dir_inten[l].w; float spotAngle = lights.spot_angle[l].w; Vector3 lightColor = lights.color_types[l]; LightType lightType = (LightType)lights.color_types[l].w; ComputeLightBasis(worldPos0, normal0, worldToTangentM0, lightPos, lightDir, lightColor, lightRange, lightInten, spotAngle, lightType, ref basis0_0, ref basis1_0, ref basis2_0); } basisValues[0].Add(basis0_0); basisValues[1].Add(basis1_0); basisValues[2].Add(basis2_0); } } finally { // release the wait on this handle waitHandle.Set(); } }