public void IndexTest()

            int SMode;

            var lines = File.ReadAllLines("I:\\Leeds Met Uni Work\\Year 4\\Semester 2\\Advanced Software Engineering B\\ComputerCycleSoftware\\ASDBExampleCycleComputerData.HRM");

            foreach (var line in lines)
                if (line.StartsWith("SMode="))

                    SMode = int.Parse(line.Replace("SMode=", " "));

                    SModeIndex index           = new SModeIndex();
                    string     expected_result = "0";


                    string ret           = SMode.ToString();
                    string actual_result = index.indexing(ret);


                    Assert.AreEqual(expected_result, actual_result);
Example #2
 public Quicksort(int[] arrinput, SMode mode = SMode.first)
     this.arr     = arrinput;
     this.counter = 0;
     qs(arr, 0, arr.Length);
     Console.WriteLine(string.Join(',', this.arr));
Example #3
 public PalEditEntry(MlUtil.MlPalFlag palkenn, short palNo, MlUtil.MlPalFlag palMask, Param param,
                     SkSelect skSelect, SMode smode, string text)
     Palkenn  = (short)palkenn;
     PalNo    = palNo;
     PalMask  = (short)palMask;
     Param    = (short)param;
     SKSelect = (short)skSelect;
     Smode    = (short)smode;
     Text     = text;
Example #4
        ///<summary>Converts a designer document fragment to ASP.NET code</summary>
        public string Serialize(string designerDocumentFragment)
            if (host == null)
                throw new Exception("The document cannot be persisted without a host");

            string       serializedDoc = string.Empty;
            StringWriter writer        = new StringWriter();

            //keep method argument meaningfully named, but keep code readable!
            string frag   = designerDocumentFragment;
            int    length = frag.Length;

            int   pos  = 0;
            SMode mode = SMode.Free;

            while (pos < length)
                char c = frag [pos];

                switch (mode)
                //it's freely copying to output, but watching for a directive or control placeholder
                case SMode.Free:
                    if (c == '<')
                        if ((pos + 10 < length) && frag.Substring(pos + 1, 10) == "aspcontrol")
                            mode = SMode.ControlId;
                            pos += 10;
                        else if ((pos + 20 < length) && frag.Substring(pos + 1, 20) == "directiveplaceholder")
                            mode = SMode.DirectiveId;
                            pos += 20;


                //it's found a directive placeholder and is scanning for the ID
                case SMode.DirectiveId:
                    if (c == 'i' && (pos + 4 < length) && frag.Substring(pos, 4) == "id=\"")
                        int idEnd = frag.IndexOf('"', pos + 4 + 1);
                        if (idEnd == -1)
                            throw new Exception("Identifier was unterminated");
                        int id = Int32.Parse(frag.Substring(pos + 4, (idEnd - pos - 4)));

                        //TODO: more intelligent removal/copying of directives in case of fragments
                        //works fine with whole document.
                        string directive = RemoveDirective(id);

                        mode = SMode.DirectiveEnd;
                        pos  = idEnd;

                //it's found a control placeholder and is scanning for the ID
                case SMode.ControlId:
                    if (c == 'i' && (pos + 4 < length) && frag.Substring(pos, 4) == "id=\"")
                        int idEnd = frag.IndexOf("\"", pos + 4);
                        if (idEnd == -1)
                            throw new Exception("Identifier was unterminated");
                        string id = frag.Substring(pos + 4, (idEnd - pos - 4));

                        DesignContainer dc      = (DesignContainer)host.Container;
                        Control         control = dc.GetComponent(id) as Control;
                        if (control == null)
                            throw new Exception("Could not retrieve control " + id);
                        ControlPersister.PersistControl(writer, control);

                        mode = SMode.ControlEnd;
                        pos  = idEnd;

                //it's found the control's ID and is looking for the end
                case SMode.ControlEnd:
                    if (c == '<' && (pos + 13 < length) && frag.Substring(pos, 13) == "</aspcontrol>")
                        pos += 12;
                        mode = SMode.Free;

                //it's found the placeholder's ID and is looking for the end
                case SMode.DirectiveEnd:
                    if (c == '/' && (pos + 2 < length) && frag.Substring(pos, 2) == "/>")
                        pos += 1;
                        mode = SMode.Free;


            serializedDoc = writer.ToString();
