Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Decode an SMS ScheduleID string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ScheduleID">SMS encoded 64bit ScheduleID string</param>
        /// <returns>object of type: SMS_ST_NonRecurring, SMS_ST_RecurInterval, SMS_ST_RecurWeekly, SMS_ST_RecurMonthlyByWeekday or SMS_ST_RecurMonthlyByDate</returns>
        public static object DecodeScheduleID(string ScheduleID)
                int year   = startyear(ScheduleID);
                int month  = startmonth(ScheduleID);
                int day    = startday(ScheduleID);
                int hour   = starthour(ScheduleID);
                int minute = startminute(ScheduleID);

                if (isNonRecurring(ScheduleID))
                    SMS_ST_NonRecurring oRes = new SMS_ST_NonRecurring();
                    oRes.IsGMT          = isgmt(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.StartTime      = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, 0);
                    oRes.DayDuration    = dayduration(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.HourDuration   = hourduration(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.MinuteDuration = minuteduration(ScheduleID);

                if (isRecurInterval(ScheduleID))
                    SMS_ST_RecurInterval oRes = new SMS_ST_RecurInterval();
                    oRes.IsGMT          = isgmt(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.StartTime      = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, 0);
                    oRes.DayDuration    = dayduration(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.DaySpan        = dayspan(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.HourDuration   = hourduration(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.HourSpan       = hourpan(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.MinuteDuration = minuteduration(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.MinuteSpan     = minutespan(ScheduleID);

                if (isRecurWeekly(ScheduleID))
                    SMS_ST_RecurWeekly oRes = new SMS_ST_RecurWeekly();
                    oRes.IsGMT            = isgmt(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.StartTime        = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, 0);
                    oRes.Day              = iDay(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.ForNumberOfWeeks = fornumberofweeks(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.DayDuration      = dayduration(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.HourDuration     = hourduration(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.MinuteDuration   = minuteduration(ScheduleID);

                if (isRecurMonthlyByWeekday(ScheduleID))
                    SMS_ST_RecurMonthlyByWeekday oRes = new SMS_ST_RecurMonthlyByWeekday();
                    oRes.IsGMT             = isgmt(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.StartTime         = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, 0);
                    oRes.WeekOrder         = weekorder(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.Day               = iDay(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.ForNumberOfMonths = fornumberofmonths(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.DayDuration       = dayduration(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.HourDuration      = hourduration(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.MinuteDuration    = minuteduration(ScheduleID);

                if (isRecurMonthlyByDate(ScheduleID))
                    SMS_ST_RecurMonthlyByDate oRes = new SMS_ST_RecurMonthlyByDate();
                    oRes.IsGMT             = isgmt(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.StartTime         = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, 0);
                    oRes.ForNumberOfMonths = fornumberofmonths2(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.MonthDay          = monthday(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.DayDuration       = dayduration(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.HourDuration      = hourduration(ScheduleID);
                    oRes.MinuteDuration    = minuteduration(ScheduleID);
            catch { }
Example #2
        internal static string encodeID(object Schedule)
            long lSchedID = new long();
            int  lo       = 0;
            int  hi       = 0;

            SMS_ST_NonRecurring oSched = Schedule as SMS_ST_NonRecurring;

            #region BaseSchedule
            //IsGMT Flag
            if (oSched.IsGMT)
                lo |= 1;

            //StartTime Year (check if in a valid range)
            if ((oSched.StartTime.Year > 1970) & (oSched.StartTime.Year < 2033))
                hi |= (oSched.StartTime.Year - 1970) << 6;
                hi |= 63 << 6;

            //StartTime Month
            hi |= oSched.StartTime.Month << 12;

            //StartTime Day
            hi |= oSched.StartTime.Day << 16;

            //StartTime Hour
            hi |= oSched.StartTime.Hour << 21;

            //StartTime Minute
            hi |= oSched.StartTime.Minute << 26;

            //Day duration
            lo |= oSched.DayDuration << 22;

            //hourduration duration
            lo |= oSched.HourDuration << 27;

            //Minute duration
            hi |= oSched.MinuteDuration;

            switch (Schedule.GetType().Name)
            case ("SMS_ST_NonRecurring"):
                //Set type to SMS_ST_NonRecurring
                lo |= 1 << 19;

            case ("SMS_ST_RecurInterval"):
                SMS_ST_RecurInterval oSchedRI = oSched as SMS_ST_RecurInterval;

                lo |= oSchedRI.DaySpan << 3;

                lo |= oSchedRI.HourSpan << 8;

                lo |= oSchedRI.MinuteSpan << 13;

                //Set type to SMS_ST_RecurInterval
                lo |= 2 << 19;

            //Convert to HEX
            lSchedID = (((long)hi) << 32) | ((uint)lo);
            string sResult = lSchedID.ToString("X");

            //Result must always have 16 Characters, otherwise ConfigMgr does not understand the Format !
            while (sResult.Length < 16)
                sResult = '0' + sResult;